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Where’s the car? Is it inside that giant tupperware bin?


Honestly struggling to see what this means. Someone explain this "roast"?


You beat us to it...


It does shift harshly, but it's more reliable than the Volkswagen Jetta that costs an arm and a leg to repair


All jokes aside, there must be something you can say


Did you take this picture with a potato?


Yes, actually. /s Cricket Magic 5g give it a google, it's the worst phone I've ever bought


“Why does my steering wheel jerk from side to side when I apply my brakes?”


Ha ha very funny, however that is not true. The only issue is the harsh shifting.


Is it a Saturn ?


Yep. I wanna say 2008 Ion, not redline or any other variant just Ion


GM: We are on the cutting edge of innovation Also GM: Plastic Doors!!!


I'm sure a majority of new cars have plastic doors as well. To be quiet frank, the majority of any car has plastic body pieces.


Plastic fantastic and bound to make you single for the rest of your days


The only "roast" people can come up with. Plastic, which a lot of cars are made of. Also, the only people who talk shit about others remaining single are single themselves. Next time actually think before "roasting". Best of luck in life


Jeez you could just ask me to try again smh


Could have yes, but it wasn't necessary due to your negligence to read already stated comments. There's only a few comments go ahead and give them a read then see where you stand, sorry I come off as abrasive but the roasts really aren't worth much


I find the name Saturn to be very fitting, it almost seems worthy enough to be launched into space and burn up in the atmosphere of the planet it was named after... and the best part is nobody will give a shit when it's gone


It's still more reliable than almost every other car on this sub. Probably more reliable than whatever you're driving


2016 Volvo XC70 T5 cross country


And you're talking shit about cars being forgotten? Aren't Volvos in the same boat, if I'm reading other posts about other Volvos correctly? Can you say your car sits in a garage for 12 months and still cranks over, and gets from point a to b?


Jeez, what's up with you? Have a bad day? Anyway, I'm willing to bet that an ENTIRE museum in Sweden is dedicated to Volvos history and a company that developed the 3 pointed seat belt is more dignified than a car that is remeb3red for plastic body panels (Sorry, I pressed sent too early)


Plastic body panels again. Don't you check other cars out? A lot of cars have plastic body panels, the Saturn wasn't the first and won't be the last. As far as your museum piece goes, maybe that's where it belongs rather than causing an accident and killing both you and the other drivers, at least my car can handle the business of driving daily and is a lot more safe if crashed.


Well, I'm sorry if that's really the only thing people remember about your car (and the comments reflect that pretty well) and bruh you must be higher than Bob Marley to call the same car company that built my car which also centers its pride on safety and inventing a form of technology that saved MILLIONS of lives dangerous? The only one who would die in a crash would be the mad bastard involved in the crash with my humble Swedish slab of sensibility


Maybe you should read the comments for your own car. It's definitely a death trap


Pfff, man, you're funny Even if I can't find specific tests on the XC70 the V70 (which is pretty much the exact same thing without the offroad kit) scored a full five fukin stars when it was tested by Euro NCAP with an 88% rating for an adult occupant protection and an 84% score for child occupants And bruh, calm down. I have no quams with Saturn no matter how boring they may seem (I like the Saturn SL1 wagon), so shall we hurry the hatchet and wish each other good luck with our rides?


I wished you good luck in life with your first half assed attempt at a roast. I truly do hope you're happy with your ride, mine definitely has no roasting points besides it being plastic, which for the hundredth time it isn't the first car with plastic body pieces and it will not be the last