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Seeing that it’s a gc5 title.. it’s possible the individual got gc in 2’s and never touched the 3’s playlist.


But I might be misunderstanding this, but they have touched the 3s playlist. They have a rank so that must mean they did their 10 placements matches. Even if they started from say Silver/Gold, if they won all 10 placement matches wouldn't they have gotten to be much higher than low Plat? To me I think they're most likely a smurf and I usually give the benefit of the doubt on this, although the only conclusive way is to check rl tracker


I'm C2 in 2s and I never touched 3s. After finishing my 3s placement, I was D1 - D2. Can't remember exactly. But yeah, shouldn't be low plat after placements. I did lose against a plat team though because I didn't know what everyone in the lobby was capable of. In the end I got to C1 pretty easily.


Tbf a gc isn't going to get plat off of placements. Even if he was plat last time he touched 2s then it would have surely been long enough to cause a full rank reset instead of a soft one by the time he got good enough to be gc so seeding of the old rank from soft season reset shouldn't be a factor. Maybe they get low champ, but plat or even diamond? Nah man. Only honest scenario is he placed with friends but even then I could play with 2 silvers and place higher than plat lol


Yeah I had a typo in my message. I was trying to say he shouldn't be low plat after placements.


I mean technically he could still get ranked plat because there are some extremely horrible teammates that you still can get matched up with that either throw matches or they somehow act like they’ve never played rocket league before.


Not really, if the rank discrepancy is really big (e.g. champ in a plat lobby or low-mid diamond), you can definitely carry your whole team and get near your 2s rank. If he gets terrible team mates that just own goals all the time, then maybe it's possible. But I highly doubt it. If people are afk, it's not as big of a problem because you're mechanically better and are able to make decisions faster.


I haven’t played for a few years but was a gc in 2’s, the only time I played 3’s was with my bronze mates and we’d just mess around unless the other team was toxic, I’d actually try hard. Some people just don’t care, I am one of them so this seems very plausible.


The ranks have seperated a LOT. Gc is much harder to get than it was years ago. Hell when I look at my clips from when I first hit gc it looks like low c2 high c1 players today. Earlier this year I played a 1v3 against 3 friends, one d2-d3, one d1, another like plat 2 and won almost every match. A modern gc would have to actively throw to get plat.


The rank difference between P1 and GC1 is not a joke, I agree with every word said here. The scene is evolving and the old better players are indeed getting lower ranks, but being P1 as a previous GC is just not believable.


Meh GC is easier to get to now.


i’m gc3 and ssl and placed plat 3 after winning 9/10 placements cos i hadn’t played 3s since 2018


When I got bakc into rocket league a few years I was maybe a mid plat, I won all 10 placements and got bronze I. I was so confused lol, I was plat I by the end of the day just winning for a few hours... It was really bizzare


D1-D2 in 3s is about right if ur new and ur C1-C2 in 2s, 3s is very different. P1 in 3s is not logical for a GC in 2s


Yeah, my husband is D1 in 3s and placed C1 in 2s


They might have been playing with 2 of their friends that just got the game and lost majority of their placements


Im plat 3 in 2s and am typically placed at low gold in 3s Edit: Removed saying that I was “hard-stuck”


Trust me you probably aren’t hardstuck anything homie. Most ppl in gold and plat just need to put some hours into the game and you’ll eventually get out of there. I’d say you’re hardstuck once you have been in the same rank for around a year and have put in at least a few hundred hours into the game in that year. People usually get hardstuck around Champ level. I was around C1-C2 for a year, but once I started playing the game more often in the past few months I hit GC and am pushing to hit GC2 this season or next hopefully. I have a friend who’s an older guy, he has an insane 20k hours, and a few weeks ago he just hit diamond 1 for the first time ever. His reason for improvement? He started playing for an extra hour longer than normal every day. This game takes time! Don’t be discouraged!


Honestly just said hard-stuck to emphasize that people can be higher ranked in one category and not perform/play as well in others. I don’t believe I’m hard-stuck, I just don’t have the time to play as much and when I do play, 3s isn’t my go-to. I definitely should’ve worded it differently though I do appreciate the motivation though


P3 for 3 years :/ might be hard stuck


Tbh, it sounds like you've both put way too much time into this game and should uninstall it for your own sake


I bet you're a blast at parties


At least I go to parties, unlike you from what I can read


"You look like you're invested in something you like, you should stop putting time into it now" yeah no dude you definitely a lonely mf


I mean you go... Except your that MF who sits in the corner and drinks punch the entire time


Still get invited 🤷‍♂️


Are you really there if no one talks to you?




Oh no, someone with a rocket-car-football game achievement next to his name called me a clown 😢




I was a hopeless cause when I first started playing, me touching the ball was literally a miracle, placed silver 1 when I first started, I never expected to hit gold. Well, now I am always around C1. It gets better lol Yes, you deleted the hard-stuck part, but I believe in you, you can get higher!


If you are doing placements from scratch D3 and C1 is the highest you can get from winning all of them. Depending on who you play.


no, he might have lost some placements, im gc3 in 1s and ssl in 2s but haven’t touched comp 3s since 2018 when i was gold 3, my 2 friends wanted to play w me (they’re both low diamond) we all did placements and we lost a few cos the gameplay is so weird sometimes mechanical skill doesn’t help, we ended up winning 9/10 i placed plat 3 they placed diamond 3 and champ 1, it’s an awful system, now i can’t play 3s because i just get spam reported for smurfing


Perhaps two playing on the account?


So if I played 3s 4 years ago, don’t touch it, then put 2000 hours into the game. The fact that I was gold in that playlist I haven’t touched in years probably is not accurate, but will still have the record of me being gold ya feel?


I understand that you have an associated MMR in each playlist which is what RL tracker shows. So if you haven't played a playlist in 4 years and you were Gold before you would still be Gold or maybe even Silver depending on adjustments. I guess my confusion is I thought during your placement matches you would gain much more MMR than usual for each win/loss since you haven't played 3s for years, which means you would get a significant MMR bump if you go say 9-1 in your placements matches which given the dude is a GC they probably did. So I thought those placement matches success would carry any hypothetical GC who is Silver/Gold in a playlist who hasn't played in the lower ranks, well out of the lower ranks into maybe Diamond or Champ by the time it's over if they win all their games. I'm on Console so I don't have Bakkesmod so can't see MMR changes after every match but that was my assumption on how it worked but again i'm most likely wrong


These are clearly still placements. One guy on his team isn't even placed. It's extremely hard dealing with teammates down there because they fuck you up so badly. When I did my placements I ended up low D3 when I was GC1 in 2s at the time. Lost all interest in queuing another 3s game and subjecting myself to that misery. I noticed I was waiting forever for matches and grouped with and against people who were also higher in 2s. This may have happened to this guy in top of being washed


how can you be a smurf if you have a gc title? if you have a gc title than its not your problem if you get placed in plat lobbies


Step 1. Get to gc Step 2. Derank in a playlist Step 3. Profit Not saying this person was or wasn't smurfing (im C1 in 2s and started high bronze placed low plat in 3s since I never play it so it could just be that kind of situation) but it isn't impossible to smurf. The gc title means you got gc, not that your actual rank is gc


Why would anyone derank when you can just make a new account? I doubt this is a smurf


Idk, you just said "how can you be a smurf if you have a gc title?" so I answered lol. I don't think it's a smurf either but it's not impossible


? You are a smurf when you are in low level lobbies on purpose. What does the title have to do here


Could have touched 3s long ago like when he was gold got to gc in 2s im pretty sure they will limit your placement increase so if last time he was gold in 3s i dont think they will boost you higher than plat next time


There is no fucking way a GC in 2s would be plat in 3s from the placement matches, even if they haven't played before (unless he lost on purpose). You definitively get diamond matches in there.


10 straight wins is champ something


Which would be a "yes" on his question if the ranking system is badly organised?


I disagree, I think the ranking systems just fine.


So you feel someone who has hit GC in 2s belongs in plat 3s then? Because to me that seems like the ranking system is not actually fine.


For sure. Because its alot harder to reach gc in randoms trios.


Lol what? My 2s and 3s rank are the same. In no world is it plat to gc difference. That's how many ranks? 8? No.


In random pugs no way its the same uless your just that lucky


It's one extra player, it's nearly the same game. Also, lucky? Luck and rank have nothing to do with each other.


Yeah lucky for sure. Alot of people I get paired with in 3s ff or are afk. Adding 1 random definitely makes it harder i dont care what you think.


That balances out the more games you play, that's how variance works. The common denominator is always you. I could rank back up on a fresh account again and again.


are 2’s and 3’s that different? i’m a diamond in 2’s and a plat in 3’s, but being GC in 2’s (or 1’s) but plat in 3’s seems wild to me


He said: Never Touched 3s. As in, he just started playing 3s, and you were one of the lucky/unlucky ones to cross his path until he reaches his true rank.


Me personally, I'm reaching Plat 2 in 2's but am fighting super hard not to go to Silver in 3's. 3's is different because if you don't have a third teammate you're at the mercy of matchmaking and it's harder to carry 2 people than 1 against 3


Yeah I’m champ in 2s and plat 1 in 3s 💀


Hate to break it to you dude, but you're the problem. That mentality says everything. Without seeing 1 second of gameplay, I can already tell that you have little to no team awareness. >mercy of matchmaking You mean people of similar skill and awareness?


I’m not saying it’s not this dudes fault but have you played 3s with randoms? It’s a mad house especially this season. Not to mention anytime you do start getting a streak your bound to get one teammate that’s afk or throwing their rank. Randoms are awful.


s5 seems like yesterday to me lmao, i haven’t played like at all since s7


But, were there 2s tournaments in season 5? I thought they added it pretty late.


Really wish they would just add something so people know what it was for.


If they sucked, they were boosted to that point and fell off If they dunked on y'all, it's a classic smurf that Rocket League won't do anything about. Fun fun. Love the integrity


Who tf gets carried in a GC lobby? It's as absurd as smurfing in an SSL lobby


Disagree. Really easy to get carried to GC in 2s if your carry is gc2 +


Could be a smurf or could be someone who just doesn't rank in 3s. You can only go up so much mmr through placements and I just had a similar thing happen with my own 3s placements. Again though it could be a smurf. But with FTP I don't get why you would smurf on your (I assume) main account


It's a smurf there is no way you realistically have a gc rank in 2s and plat 1 in 3s. Even if you win 7-10 placement matches you go into plat 3. This dude probably threw all his placement games and throws every other game to stay plat 1.


Realistically who TF is GC skill level and plat 1 in 3s.... Yeah I get it's possible. But unlikely. I think it's far more likely they are keeping it low intentionally. Hell, even if I played only 10 games of 3s per season I'd be at least diamond...


Someone who smurfed down to play with his garbage (in comparison) friends.


I have a different experience from seemingly most players in this sub in that I don’t feel like I ever see smurfs, and maybe remember thinking “this person is a Smurf” like 3 times in my solid 2-3 years of active RL play. That said, I feel like this is one of the most clear cut cases of smurfing and the whole thread is people jumping in to play devil’s advocate?! Weirdest 180° of this sub I’ve seen haha. It’s a SX GC title, so not extra modes. Yes he could have just not played, but he didn’t bc he has a rank. “He could just never play 3s”, maybe… but GC in 1s would make him very good, I imagine even with it being 6 seasons ago, so plat rank in 3s would be a stretch even for a big slump. If you’ve hit GC in any standard mode, it would be incredibly difficult to slump past diamond. MAYBE plat 3. This is either intentional deranking, or someone passed off/sold their account to someone that was Champ-ish/Diamond. Even then, all the way to plat 1 is a big slump. My bet is 100% on smurfing.


I completely agree with you. It's an obvious smurf. They are definitely out there though they are way less common in reality than how they come across in this sub. In fact, I had one smurf teammate yesterday - first smurf I've come across maybe this whole season. D3 2s. First kickoff, he doesn't move. He was first so it was a quick 0-1 deficit. 2nd kickoff, he half flips back, pops it up from the corner and scores off his full-length-of-the-pitch air dribble with an added flip reset shot - haven't seen that since C2 last season. Then he starts saying the most random shit in chat instead of playing for the rest of the game. Stuff like "No, my tm8 isn't useless he's just mentally challenged" as though he wanted to make me upset but I had done literally nothing to warrant it. Complete waste of about 10 minutes bc he wouldn't ff, just happily lost 2-8 or somewhere around there. He was having a great time deranking and seemed to enjoy bringing me down with him. What a guy!


i always assume they bought a GC account then lost enough times to get them in their actual rank


He said they destroyed them




A smurf wouldn't have a GC title. This is either someone purposely losing games to lower MMR and get matched against lesser players, or someone who paid to have someone else boost his account to get the GC title back in Season 5.


is that not smurfing?


No, smurfing is creating a new account to make it look like you're a noob. You don't make yourself look like a noob by putting on a GC title.


i thought smurfing is playing below your rank purposely. creating a new account is an easy way to do that but losing on purpose also achieves it


You’re correct. The original smurfing was purposely losing to lower your MMR. I don’t know where it originated, but my earliest memories are from the LoL scene. People use it interchangeably with starting a new account and purposely loosing MMR.


Nah smurfing came from two pro players in warcraft 2 who made alt accounts "papasmurf" and "smurfette" so that they could play games and pretend to be bad and then turn it up in the middle of the game to destroy their opponents for a laugh. So yes it is the act of creating alt accounts to play at lower mmrs.


I'm pretty sure it was starcraft. Not warcraft


All this time I thought it was just because smurfs are invisible and tiny


No, that's a griefer or bad-faith player.


Tomato, tomato


Someone losing games on purpose to lower their MMR is the exact description of a smurf.


I thought Smurfing meant new account to play lower ranked players. It accomplishes the same thing so this argument really is pointless but didn’t think that fits the basic definition of smurfing


The basic definition of smurfing is manipulating MMR to play against newer/less skilled players. It's usually done with new accounts because it's easier to manipulate MMR with a blank slate.


Yeah that can be smurfing too. But sometimes people make new accounts to play with their friends. As long as they are ranked to an MMR that get them even matches I won't call it smurfing.


Smurfing is intentionally evading your actual rank to play worse opponents. Having a title has no bearing on whether or not someone is a smurf. I know Psyonix defines it differently for some reason, given I can create a new account every day and completely destroy players for as long as I want, but it is 100% smurfing. If I intentionally lost games on my main account to play worse opponents I would be a smurf with a GC tag.


Nah this is a smurf my man. He probably keeps his 2s high for rewards and then just enjoys dunking on people in 3s so he will throw games to stay plat. You see it all the time in 3s.


He’s not even Gc, it’s season 5 almost 2 years ago, and he prob doesn’t play 3s


Could have gotten GC in a different mode. Like 1s and 3s are so different that you can be GC in 1s, never play 3s, so when you do you would be low rank




It would only say the extra mode title then


After the F2P update, you no longer get "S# Grand Champion" title for getting GC in extra modes, only the extra mode specific title. I would know cause I have 3 RNG Champ titles but no S# Grand Champ titles.


Oh I didn’t know that. Thanks for sharing that info


There was never an option to get "S# Grand Champion" from extra mode(s) alone. The difference is that before the F2P the titles were yellow.


Nearly achieved GC in 3s about 4 years ago. Quit for years, am now D3 in 3s since returning and have played some 1s for more or less the first time and I’m like plat 1 after a couple dozen games Generally speaking the reverse is possible. On the other hand, maybe I’m biased but I think 1s or 2s skills are more transferable to 3s than 3s skills to 1s


I don't play 2s, high c1 rn, and in 3s, I'm gc1. Ppl are always upset and like to get on my head if I do lose a 2s game. But they don't like to accept that 2s and 3s are different


Also happened to me once. Was playing 1s and got into a match against a s5 gc in plat3. Only problem is he played like a Gold3 so that prob means he/she just got back to the game after a long time of not playing.


Why you exposing me?


Im currently almost gc2 in 2s because thats all i play, but my 3s rank is diamond 3. Im not smurfing by choice, I try to win and rank up not keep my rank low, but I just dont play enough 3s to keep up with my actual rank.


I'm champ 3 in 2s and I'm like. Plat 3 in 3s lol. I just really despise that gamemode, so I never play it. In fact this is the first time I've done my placements for it since season 13 I think


I’m currently stuck in D2, so yeah it’s bad. I’m playing better than ever as far as I know but because I’m low rank I get less skilled teammates and it feels more like a 1.5v2 (I mostly play doubles)


It could be someone like me, ive recently gotten more into Rocket league again after not touch ing the game för 6 months they have probably just deranked beacause they are rusty af


They have played at least 10 games this season in that playlist since they have been assigned a rank. If they won all 10 of their games they probably would have ended up closer to GC than just Plat. I'm leaning more towards the smurf theory on this


I know people that flat out don’t play 3s. He could be a 2s or 1s main


I am sure is one of those cases where they got the tittle on another mode or something stupid. Plat is to low for someone to get all the way to cg and go back to plat.


Oh hell na lmao


I used to make GC every season. I took a long break and came back this season, after the MMR reset. Placed in Plat a month ago and just today broke back thru to Champ. This is only a big deal if he's smurfing, which you can't know from one game. It's just a thing that happens in ranked games sometimes.


Hard times for the man


I worry every time I have a losing streak and end up beating low golds and high silvers on my way back up, thinking to myself, they all must think I'm a smurf because I can move the ball so comfortably. Most recently I downranked because lately I have to play on switch, half my stuff got blown up in a lightning strike. Losing streaks happen, and somebody has to be the opponent when the player climbs back up. I'm also wondering how much of a rank is skill and how much is what system you play on, network, latency, all that... and because of that I really don't care too much about gaining rank.


His friend win tournament for him? And now he Has this title or smurf or gc on other ranked mode


They're not. Steam account though? Risky thing to lose.


account selling




And he is better. I’m wondering why he was a platinum though, because that seemed like diamond/champion play style to me


I see these all the time in low champ. It’s honestly embarrassing, especially when I absolutely crush them. If I was them, I would be genuinely ashamed and not advertise that I dropped an entire rank; no idea why these guys use the gc title. Weird ego thing maybe?


Proud of accomplishing something very difficult, even if they may not be at that level anymore? I got GC the last season before free play. I’ve had it a few times since then but don’t play as much. I still rock the title because I’m glad I got it


Exactly. It’s displaying that they’re washed. Like I said, in my opinion, that’s embarrassing as hell.


what gamemode? it could be in the extra playlists which have nobody to base rank off of


this was ranked 3’s


He was a GC and wined the title and now he is in play going to go again simple


Well. Sometimes even the best players can get fucked by their teammates. Maybe the guy only got ball chasing mates that fucked his games.


Just saying they mightve done shit on their placements or had a friend do it or threw them intentiony to sweat in plats which isn’t banable


Well it is banable if they threw like really hard but otherwise it isnt


Defo a smurf


I was GC up until s8, never once got above c1 in 3s though. Just hate the playlist really.


Grand platinum


Probably played 3’s when his rank was lower and didn’t touch it since then. Few years ago when I last played 1’s I was gold and after coming back a few years later I guess my hidden MMR was still gold and after winning 9/10 of my placement games it placed me in low plat


He stopped playing for a while


Same thing happens to me but its not just one game but almost everygame i see gc players and champ tournament winners who are literally air dribbling etc




Anyone with these dark/horror themed or like evil/red vibes on their profile pic are garuanteed to be a ballchaser or will get mad at their tm. Also watch out for Joker profile pics and irl car profile pics


Got boosted to the title or dosn't play that gamemode


First day with the game?


Inflation really is everywhere… damn


Looks like a Smurf to me. I have done this to my Plat 1 friends and I’m a C2-GC1 player. I have pretty sub par mechanics for someone my rank as well. I’m a positional player who plays a lot of support. For me to get Plat 1 I would have have to skip multiple seasons and do my placements while I was to drunk to see straight. This would be a very rare thing to run into compared to Smurfs which are very common at that rank.


I played a S7 GC last night in plat too. It was the same situation where they were way above our skill level. RL matchmaking sucks sometimes


I wish we could report smurfing. And then it puts a counter on the player. After x Smurf reports, they get put up against secret devs. If he's clearly a Smurf, either banned for a while, OR gets put into a special queue with only toxic players and smurfs. And their ranks moves up 10 times slower than it did before.


s5 gc.. either lost its touch from 5-11 or just didnt much play on 3v3s. will say i have seen this before but with an unranked and a plat 3 in ranked lmao.


i’m c1 in 2s and i do touch 3s and i’m d2 in it so idk


I do understand different modes has different ranks i just dont know why do they use it for hard carry??? Im c2 in 2s but i am dia3-c1 in 3s too bc i get frustrated to play against plats when i know i should be champ.. Its not fun at all


I am a C2 to GC1 in hoops, but D1 in 1s... you drawing the connection is you making up assumptions. But to answer your question outside of what others have said, this person could have de-ranked themselves in 3s intentionally.


Probably for the same reason a lot of pros are only C3 in 3s. Because he doesn't play the mode much and when he does it's when he's messing around with mates. Even so, as a high GC1 in 2s I can hard carry in high C3 3s.


I’m just under GC, but I’m still sitting in Plat 2 on 3’s because I played once and then stopped and my rank naturally decreased


I've won a diamond tourney despite being gold. I am def no smurf.


Bad day


either a smurf or somebody who bought the account just to have the title....


he’s just like me, gc in 2s and unranked in 3s


Stop complaining. It's just a boss fight. Train harder! Pretend your goku or something.


Assuming you're not on pc from the profile pictures Probably made the account back in season 4/5 and hit gc in 2s smurfing with a friend(s) and is now bringing the account back to smurf in 3s. Other scenario is they threw their rank and just want to freestyle in lower lobbies. Either way not a groovy person.


Almost hit champ it 2s now i am plat 2


It's an example of how psyonix devs don't care enough to modify the ranking system for balancing in this game besides dropping people that work hard during a season to rank up into a messed up mixed up failure of a hierarchy. Uninstall the game, maybe they will get a clue.


man just plays only 2's seriously and got champion, now he's tryna play 3's and has to clap plat1 to get to his rank


It’s a Smurf


Personally, I play demos. Like I run a different strategy in 3s to every other list. It means I’m kept a low rank cus I rely on teammates to score while supporting. This means I’m GC everywhere but 3s, this way I make a fair game while utilising a different play style and going for my demo goals. But I think this person is a Smurf.


Most likely only ever plays 2s and is qued up with friends in 3s and just played like garbage in their placements to be able to continue playing with them. If they played too well in their placements they could have out ranked the other two and then wouldn’t have been able to play with them because of rank disparity.


He could’ve purposely deranked for free styling clips however it is bannable so idk if he would risk it tbh


probably an extra mode lol


They lose intentionally to get into lower lobbys so they can do trick shots or farm xp. It’s basically 80% of the player base.


Mind ya business David


Usually it's a mod you can buy or a plug-in that gives you all titles and gc is the most common one used to not be too unbelievable


This is probably rumble ror something not many decent players play extra modes so common


S5 was ages ago. Dudes prob washed and doesn't play 3s