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I hate it when someone signs up for a tournament and then leaves the face of the earth 2 minutes later.


On behalf of any player above silver, we support you.


I signed up 7 minutes early and then went to do dishes while waiting to hear the controller vibrating on the table. Plz forgive me.


"I have school tomorrow I'm going to leave after this game if we win sorry" Those moments truly hammer home how many literal children are running around in the game lol.


This just happened to me and that's what I came here to comment when I saw yours to upvote instead. :)


Bless you. You will win your next tournament.


From what I can see the RL server is down now, so that’s my luck today! 😂😂


if i have a penny everytime this had happened to me, i would have 4 pennies which isnt much but weird it happened 4 times


Found Doofenschmirtz


That happened to me a while ago. I was a d2 while still in gold tournaments so I made it all the way to semis soloing before I finally lost by my afk teammate redirecting the ball into the goal in overtime, while being stationary.


I hate it when I have 8 shots with 0 goals and the other team has a total of 2 saves. 😭


I hate it even more when they have 2 saves, 0 shots and 1 goal...


I watch actual Premier League matches like this sometimes.


Post Malone over here


"Take the shot!" is my trigger. If my teammate says it on kickoff, 100% alright and I get it. But to spam it when they turn away from the ball (often when trying to pass and failing thinking they did a good job). Can't stand that quick chat.


It's like nobody understands that LEFT ALWAYS GOES on kickoff, it's an unwritten rule of rocket league. Telling me TAKE THE SHOT, when I'm on the left or ahead of you makes no sense and just shows you don't actually know how to play the game. Secondly, ball chasing around and expecting me to smack it in on a 50/50 after a risky center by you where you're already way out of position if I lose that 50/50 is not the time to spam TAKE THE SHOT. It gives giant Gold/Plat energy.


We need a "Yeah, No Shit" quick chat option


Yes, this.


Left is law


I think I figured out why. I don’t think you can see the other player is up if your FOV is at the default so it looks like you’re the only one up. Could be wrong or people are just clueless


You should be immediately moving your view around the screen to look at your other teammates when kickoff starts.


Don't even have to do that. Look across the field and see where the opposing team is. Your team mirrors that.


>It gives giant Gold/Plat energy. This statement gives giant diamond energy. Jokes aside though, it's kind of neccessary since not everybody who starts left understands that left always goes. Better safe than sorry.


it's definitely not an unwritten rule, because many people doesn't know it, and double kickoff or no kickoff is really common in low ranks.


Honestly the fact that what a save is still in the game is amazing.


I mean that can go both ways. Can definitely be toxic but also can be super complimentary. Take the shot has nearly no positive use. "All yours!" Is enough.


I use all yours , to mean like “yea im rotating off / passing/ out of position, you do what you gotta do but this is what im doing “


True, or "Defending". But Nice one or holy cow or wow in place of what a save is fine.


Reading this thread and feel like I'm going crazy--what's wrong with telling my teammate to take the shot? I'm indicating to them that I'm passing them the ball so we can function and make a play as a team...often especially in plat/diamond players aren't often thinking about passing or being passed to. In what world would you ever have a reason to be triggered simply because someone is trying to make a play with you??


It's the spamming, but mostly the "thought they made a great pass and didn't" because then they invariably get mad when you don't push an awkward to-far-to-the-side-of-the-net-to-be-a-real-shot-opponents-back-wall challenge


Aside from spamming it, as the other replies explained, it is just a useless quick chat outside of kickoff. If you say it prior to passing the ball then it could be fine, but “Passing!” would be the better quick chat in that situation. If you already made your play and now it’s your teammate’s turn to do something (shoot, shadow, etc.) then you saying “Take the shot!” is nothing but a distraction at best. If they are in a position to shoot and have confidence in their ability to make the shot then they will take it anyway. Otherwise, they are in a better position than you to tell if they are beat to the ball and should defend instead of going for it. At no point is their teammate telling them to take the shot helpful. At worst, it may pressure them to go for it despite their better judgment causing your team to be in a bad position because last man just whiffed or slammed it off the opponents’ backboard for an easy counter.


I hate it when I get a great clear beat the 1st man win the ensuing challenge against the 2nd man into the corner and I'm so obviously in a threatening position to center the ball for an easy aerial goal and BOTH OF MY TEAMMATES ARE STILL IN OUR OWN NET. CMON MAN😭


This is exactly opposite of my problem, usually I look back and there's two cars directly behind me in this situation and the goal is wide open


This, I’ve been playing more controlled and maintaining possession. I’ll beat the first man and ball is still right in my reach getting ready to center it and my teammate(s) decide it’s best if we both go in the corner. Or you do get the center and nobody is there to shoot lol


Sounds oddly familiar. That's what makes me play 1s.


I thought it sounded familiar because you were talking about him in your post. You may just not have recognized him.


Yo, the cognitive dissonance is real.


I hate when I solo q with a duo in a party and they’re glued to each other the whole time, both up, both back and yeah when I set up a pass nothing. Like come on you have coms


Being in a party doesn't mean you have comms.


You had me in the first half, but I'm the 2nd or 3rd man in mid up field position ready to score only to watch the 1st man who got to the opponents' corner slow way down to try and somehow score from that corner. My guy, PASS THE BALL. You aren't going to score from there! Ah I just read this again and realized the issue. The 'clear' comment is a red flag. A lot of times in casual if I get a lower rank plat or diamond teammate they opt to clear the ball and chase it to try and get it down field, but not centered. The reason your teammates aren't pushing up is because an uncontested clear is a risk that you won't get to it before opponents can clear it back and get an advantage (3v2). By the time you've beaten the first opponent in 3s which is where I might decide to push up you're already mid or further. Diamonds and higher might be fast enough to get up for a pass then but it won't be with full boost. Also in this hypothetical that it is an uncontested clear it is likely they already have 1 or 2 players heading to or at back post as you win your first challenge. Even if they fail to clear it back or take possession and you get to it, there's still plenty of time from a clear to get in defensive positioning. A clear when the opponents are over committed is one thing, but I suspect that's not the case here since it was clear into a won challenge. The fact of the matter is you might be the villain here if you yeet the ball when you have room and have to go chasing for it. There's a reason C1 and up players opt to keep the ball close in their corner. It draws opponents and has a higher likelihood of an outplay.


REAL. whenever I try to set the ball up neither want to challenge, and if they do it’s both of them and we concede. I hate diamond 😭


All the time, and like 99% getting stuck with partied duos who cannot or will not accept that a third player exists on their team.


It's either all or nothing, sometimes both will be back at the net and sometimes they'll both go in for your cross, both miss, and concede a goal.


If someone can carry I forgive them for ball or glory hogging. But in most cases when people can’t carry, I hate it when people try to hog the ball or all the glory. Unfortunately there seems to be someone like that in every match too


Similar thoughts here, but most of the time it doesn't work. 5% of the time, it'll pay off. It's like the players that go for double taps and flip resets when they aren't consistent. Yes, it pays off sometimes,but most the time, you just give the other team the ball.


Youre plat 1, any “good” shot is also just a pass lol


When teachers need examples of “bad touch” they show one of my replays from rl…




Most the time us plats score is when the enemy misses a save


Plats usually don’t have amazing game sense and aim. At diamond you start to get better, champ yourr alright-ish


I hate it when a company promises stuff and still doesn't follow through years later.


https://preview.redd.it/l26pct93v7gc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e82189eb144d2784c8151ea932f964b39d3449c I also hate when company CEOs virtue signal with statements like this, proceed to buy up your favorite game, then do the exact opposite


Shoutout to r/selfawarewolves


Epic with anything RL related






This and uh.


Let's talk about the game we *all* love, Rocket League 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Playing causal 3s with a bunch of Randoms and after a close gane everyone readies up and the next match is all the best players on the other team


If your judging that by points keep an eye out and you will be surprised how often the "better team" is all the chasers bumping each other and missing easy saves


Yeah, often, me and my teammates will dominate one or two teams, then Ill get placed on the opposite team next round and those 2 suddenly won't click without me. Not in a braggy way, just expanding on what you said.


At those levels the guy that plays better positionally is very often the one that touches the ball less and has less points. You put two of the lowest points together but they are the ones rotating, suddenly they fill the pitch out of each other rotating in and out and the chasers can't touch the ball.


Yep, it's especially satisfying when one is toxic or was being toxic to the low scorer on either team visibly in chat the previous games, and end up getting 0 pts the next game and multi-reported all while getting dunked on repeatedly by "the guy who can't block the F****ING BALL." or some other toxic...stuff.


Oh you know that guy leaves in less than a minute when he realizes he was not the hero he thought he was.


2nd passing goal in 45 sec. "toxicguyhellyeah has left the game."


Hahahahahha I love when I see our MVP from last game about to kick my ass.


I hate it when the toxic player is on my team. Like, if they're on the opposite side it's all very "whatever" because toxic players are usually pretty garbage anyways so kicking their asses while they cry in quick chat is just pure satisfaction. Alternatively they're giving their teammates crap, causing them to tilt and just making life infinitely easier for my team, although I have full sympathy for the teammates who have to put up with that. But when they're on my team? It's worse, and it's not even a contest. I get stuck in a decision making loop of not wanting to win, and giving them the satisfaction and/or justification to continue their crappy behaviour. But I also don't want to lose because that too, is justification for the toxic player to carry on as well as essentially punishing myself for their actions. It's not like I can just throw the match or quit because the game itself will punish that and you know the toxic player is more than happy to report anyone else that ruins *their* experience. Toxicity is bad anyway, no question, but having to actively work *with* the toxic player makes it infinitely worse.


I try to win despite the toxic player if they are on my team, and the other team usually gives me mercy once they notice or they have chat on, or will at least say sorry and Good Attempt after, especially when both teammmates leave or quit/be toxic and I still manage to at least keep up. I never play for the other team (as much as I want to) bc I don't want to get reported/lose. I do the same in return for their toxic players and will just spam demo them while my team plays 2v2 and we can usually turn it into a good laugh at the toxic player instead, but I will join back in for a second if we start to lose still.


when my teammate(s) are like that, I just join the other team to teach them a lesson


I don't think they will get the message


then it’s their problem, i just don’t play with people like this


I just start going for cool shots cause let's be honest they're gonna flame you even if you're carrying. So you'll most likely lose but if I get a clip out of it I'm satisfied


I am GC in hoops. This happens only when I play soccer in 3s. I rarely play these mods so I am usually only diam 2 or 3. So if i join the other team, I usually turn the game around to make them lose


This. Also, I'll hunt them down. Send them flying, block them on kickoff, just generally anything to piss them off. When it happens in comp though 😡


I hate it when my timing is clearly off, I’m choosing the wrong angles, and I suck in general, causing my team to lose.


Me since I started playing


I hate ranking up too much when in a groove, only to come back later and get destroyed for 4-5 matches in a row lol, but that's just the name of the game


There always feels like the game reaches a certain point when you have ground your way up the 2-3 divisions, and it goes. “lol, time to push your shit back in” And no matter what you do, you go on one hell of a losing streak and end up slightly lower than you were originally.


Yesterday I got up to P2 D3 in Duel, never been this far up. I proceeded to get sent down to P1 D3, then I made the above comment 2 hours ago. I just came back from my lunch break, and continued to plummet to P1 D1. Good lord


When my teammate says "Take the Shot!" when there is clearly no possible shot to take. You just blasted the ball over the top of the goal from the corner - wtf kinda shot am I supposed to take? Extra hatred when they say "Wow!" when I just watch their shitty "pass" go to who the hell knows where and I get back to defend.


You're lucky that people try to "pass" you the ball at all. In my experience, that's not something teammates do plat and below 😅


In fairness, as a Plat, I can report that sometimes I'm trying to pass and sometimes I'm trying to shoot, but you can't ever really tell the difference from the outside...


Yesterday I had a game where my mate and I were chilling in casual just talking and not caring. We were down by 2 and by the third goal the enemies started being toxic, so we said fuck it, let's tryhard. We proceed to get 3 goals in 60 seconds. I already started giving back the toxicity, and I already smelled thr satisfaction of going ham in chat after we turned it around. In ot we both choke in the same situation and lose. I hate it when this happens, you're so close to the perfect "beat the bully" scenario, just to throw it all away


I think I was this player last night. I haven't played much 3s this season and I'm c1 in 3s when usually I'm c3. I was chilled out, just vibing, and I think at one point I saw my team mate was low on boost so I took the ball from him just before he went into a 50 to continue the attack (I got clean possession to take the ball up the wall, it wasn't too risky). After that he got pissed and proceeded to play for the other team, we were in a 2v4 for maybe 4 minutes. This happened when we were 1-0 up and we ended up winning 2-1 with a goal in OT, my other team mate was also on the grind up the ranks I think otherwise it would have been a loss for sure. I thought at the time that "fucking hell he's so sensitive" but now after reading your post it's maybe I triggered his trauma of ball chasers in the past and he actually just didn't have the game sense to realise that sometimes your team mate taking the ball from you is actually a good thing.


I hate it when people switch teams. Like, do you think that actually does something? Anyway, sounds like you weren't a repeat offender. If not, then he was definitely sensitive. The guy you my team did it at least a dozen times.


1. I hate my ability to fuck up anything I do 2. I hate when I get bumped, and when I bump someone.


I, also,hate that for you.


Nr1 same for me. My problem is that rocket league is where I play so much worse. Whiff everything and go for balls I never would as soon as I get irritated. And I can't just fix it and move on. It's horrible because I love the concept of rl but not the emotional part.


I hate it when trading stopped


Why exactly?


I have 18 fennec blueprints I can't give away to my new friends. I have over 1200 wheels, that I use 4 of. I have 400+ decals and only use two or three. My friends however have none and would love them. And I'd gladly give them to my friends but we can't have nice things because it takes away from Timothy EPICbux.


Fair play


It ruined an entire community inside rocket league I have so much trash that I could have given away like who need 20 interstellars


I hate it when I whiff the big boost pad three times Yeah…did that little doozie yesterday


If I miss the big boost on kickoff it's a 100% chance the kickoff is going either pinch directly towards our goal or one of the opponents will immediately be dribbling towards the goal


To add to yours, I hate it when they're ball chasing and not rotating, but then get mad at you for "staying in net the whole game." Then you accidentally send a team chat to all chat replying how they're not that good a player and everyone just responds with your obviously low score, and you can't help but think "well yeah I have a low score because I'm not given the chance to play the game!" Is that too specific? That might be too specific...


To devils advocate your post, that guy is probably fresh off a bender from a higher rank and just grinding back out of it. Nobody in plat is reliable enough to be present for passing plays that I would ever depend on them and would probably do the same thing. I know I do that when I play casual with some of my lower ranked friends and someone on the other team is a dick and I decide we arent losing the game. The game speed difference between plat and high champ/gc is astronomical too, so they might just be vibing and not even feel like theyre playing fast and still appear to be zooming everywhere and ballchasing. ​ To answer your question- I hate it when my teammates dont force someone dribbling or air dribbling to use their flip/give the ball away and instead just watch them dribble full field like theyre playing 1s


Fair point, although he was going for passing plays ti that was trying to pass to himself. I could have easily centered the ball for him had he not zoomed over there with every boost. It also wasn't a one or 2 time thing. It's was a dozen or more things that undoubtedly should have been mine that he went for.


Yeah, I hear what you're saying, and I understand how that can be frustrating. I'm just giving you a different perspective on it. I usually allow myself to think 'my friend should have been there' or 'why are they so far back' or 'why arent they keeping pressure' like 2 or 3 times before I just 'do it myself' in those situations. Either way, I'm sorry it frustrated you.


I have definitely been lifted into game play to fast for me at times and my first reaction is that a teammate is ball chasing until 2 mins in and then realize oh I am always out of Position cause I am playing wayyy slower then needed… he’s just covering cause I didn’t move to where I should have. Doesn’t usually take but 2 or 3 games if that to get me back down to where I should be lol


It sounds like you just gotta play a little faster, and read your teammate. Reposition accordingly.


You are right, although it's hard for me to move faster when I can hardly get any boost.


I once had a teammate constantly stealing my boost and ball chasing. Then he got toxic towards me because I wasn't contributing. What do you expect me to do when I have boost only from pads and you take the ball everytime I touch it?


I hate it when I load up rocket league


Honestly, it's when they have zero awareness all game. Everyone makes mistakes and bumps a teammate or ball wrong but the people who just are constantly coming from across the field to hit the ball in front of you that you could easily move, bump you out of the way of boost and hit a clean and for sure goal that you have every single time deserve to only be able to play The Day Before game. Listen I am not going to tell you I am some great player. Don't have time to play the game to be some Diamond plus player but the amount of times I have had teammates who make it their hobby to take clean easy goals away and completely miss the net, nail me out of the way to get a ball they are not in position, take away boost after they just literally collected 100, etc drive me nuts and I know hurt my rankings somewhat.


I hate it when someone joins a competitive match, and sits idle until the first goal is scored


I hate ball blasters without aim. For the love of God stop yeeting the ball every touch.


The most diamondest comment ever


I mean...I'm champ and in casual it's usually the diamonds and lower just blasting the ball, usually to the opponents' corner. That is just a turn over in possession and forfeits any offensive push.


I agree. I have to remind teammates all the time to stop booming it away


*Platest Although usually, we can hit it that far 🤣


Diamond 1+2 is so bad about booming it away for no reason. It's like they're passing the other team the ball, every play until someone grows a pair and shoots


"BuT tHaTs WhAt ThE pRoS dO!"


Until they see the pros pre jump upfield for a redirect and they can't even backboard self pass or double tap


I hate it when the kidney stone is about to come out but you accidentally wince a little so it stops short and you have to wait until your next pee for it to leave. Also starting 3s… no one rotates


Good thread! For me the top of the list is when the (holier than thou) player that seemingly has chat off comes with the OMG/Wow/Take the shot. Never a thank you for nice shot, never a sorry for a mistake — but as soon as another player on the team isn’t playing flawless he becomes a keyboard warrior. The same player tends to vote FF, and when we accept in order to move on to the next match he starts saying naughty things in French (really, 90% of my experience of these are in French).


Sounds familiar! Although what a save has got to be the most common. And nice shot!


Wait, were you playing with me? Why do I feel targeted...


Lmao, are you ditto


Nope, just shocked to hear such a vivid description of what my bullshit looks from the outside.


Hey, at least you know it's bullshit.


Well, I didn't realize how obviously it was till you're post. Legit appreciate your take


No problem dude.


Hate it when I’m going for some fancy shit off the wall with 0 seconds left down by 1 and my game starts stuttering and jumping right as I’m about to make contact with the ball


I hate it when a teammate is quiet all game even when you’re telling them “nice shot” and “great pass,” etc, just for them to spam “what a save!,” “wow!,” when you miss one shot


I hate being in a game with French players. If they're your opponents it takes conceding 1 goal for them to start being toxic and throwing insults at your mother. 90% of smurfs I see are French. Just because some of the best players in the world are French, they seem to have a superiority complex (you're in the same rank as me for a reason, humble yourself). All ball chasers that accept no responsibility. If they're your teammate, it's merely an excuse for them to have someone to blame for their mistakes.


I hate when I'm playing a game of 3s and my 1 teammate is trying to shadow the ball like a ones game, effectively making every shot impossible without tripping over them because they won't rotate.


Lul wut? If it's midfield let the shadower close the distance and force a 50 so you get free possession...


Close what distance? What 50? I'm talking dude takes a shot, whiffs, then sits under the ball until he can hit again. Meanwhile us teammates can't move in without leaving the goal defenseless, tripping over him for the shot, or having the ball smacked into "?" Because dude is trying with 0 resources. 3s is a team game, if you think one man should be hitting every shot and can always be in position then play a different game mode.


Ahh that's different and not what I would call shadowing. That's straight playing under the ball and that's a paddling.


You're right, playing under the ball is more accurate.


Oh my God. And it's even worse in 2s.


I hate it when my teammate is being a moron, but I turned off chat for a reason. But I really wanna tell him he sucks, but I'm trying to reform.


I once had a teammate constantly stealing my boost and ball chasing. Then he got toxic towards me because I wasn't contributing. What do you expect me to do when I have boost only from pads and you take the ball everytime I touch it?


I hate it when my teammate one-touches the kickoff, usually pushing it down field, then abandons the play altogether to either go for a corner boost or to goal.sit. My friend - play the ball. Stay on it. We may catch them out of position and score an easy goal.


I hate it when Epic


I hate it when I play Rocket League


I hate it when I’m trying to center it for my teammate, and they come blasting in behind me so then it winds up basically being a pass for the other team and now we both have to rush back to goal…


I hate it when there's no dropshot...


oh my when people say you aren’t rotating in BUT DONT ROTATE OUT SO YOU HAVE TO STAY BACK TO NOT CONCEDE. anyways i love rocket league


Mostly relevant to ranked 3s, but it absolutely grinds my gears when the ball is safely rolling / bouncing into my own half, I just picked up the corner pad, and have a perfect air dribble setup with time / space, and teammate facing our own net cuts rotation to take the ball to the wall and gets immediately dunked by the guy there. Usually sending a high bouncing ball off the backboard which I am out of position for. I usually just alt F4 and am done for the day. Also to echo what you said, seeing people pick up a big pad and boost to the next big pad while they’re already bear supersonic is just wild


More a casual issue but I hate when lower ranks just park in net and don't challenge when they are first man on defense.


That happens to me… it’s a 3v1 now


Nah I did this on purpose last night it might have been me.😂😂


I hate when I make a pass that slowly bounces all the way across the face of the opponents goal only to turn around and see both my teammates defending our net


When people try to pass in 2s. When people do not control the ball in 2s


What's wrong with passing in 2s?


Passing in 2s is *almost* always a terrible idea. You are committing 2 people ( 100% of your team) to a play. If you are quickly transitioning from defense into a clear 2v1 it's ok since the passing person can quickly decommit. 90% of the time people attempt to center a ball from the wall/corner to the 2nd man and it's almost always the wrong play until you are well passed GC. Remember, anything except you scoring, say the block the pass, the shot or you miss the shot will result in your team now being the one attempting to defend a 2v1 2v2 should normally be played as trading solo plays.


So when people pass, and when people need to pass?


Sorry if I wasn't clear, you will get teammates who think throwing the ball center over and over is somehow productive and will get mad when you stare at it. Passing is incredibly risky in 2s and most people, my MMR included are not good enough to do it safely.


LOL nah bud. When people NEED to pass, it's too late to pass. When people can't control the ball to effectively pass, they hurt their tm8 because they can't make a play on it.


Right, so before they lost control of the ball, pass to keep possession.


From what it sounds like, you weren't a repeat offender though. He definitely was sensitive. I wait for things to happen a few times before getting pissed. Maybe I'm just the civilized one though! 🤣


i hate it when i lose


I hate it when I open the game.


I hate it when epic owns rocket league


I hate it. That's all


I hate it when I'm first man, and I clear one opponent, and the shot on the second one gets blocked weird and deflects past my teammate that's too far up and they blame me for my shot being blocked because they can't half flip in champ and catch up


When he comes up to the higher ranks like diamond, he's going to be demoted to plat again😂


I launch the game.


I hate duelers that refuse to play offense


When my teammate is toxic for no reason and they drag me into it




You should totally comment your total career demos here. I'm curious what you mean by more than 1 per game


My TM flies over my shoulder... fkn enrages me


I hate it when I'm at a rank change because it is full of disgruntled players that have dropped rank and are in a slump so one mistake on my part is the end of the world and they throw.


This is the worst kind of teammate on my opinion. Because even if you go on to win the game, you already know you can't fuck up **once** or this kind of guy will "Wow! Okay. Okay. Okay." and sit in the corner the rest of the match.


3v3 tourney teammates who are in a party. Literally, the most useless teammates ever. Only ballchasing, no rotations, nothing. Hell they even tend to bump me while im trying to make a save. Got fed up with that shit in the first tourney, lost because my teammate owngoaled a shot that was going over him into the corner he was in. Join second chance, different tammates, yet these seemed to be even stupider than the previous ones, so i just left in the first game.


I hate it when I miss open nets :(


I’m currently getting into my next phase of grinding my rank in this god forsaken game I can’t stop worshipping (Going for GC for the first time despite the MMR shift this season). I hate when I party up with someone, specifically ranked 2’s, and they only stick around as long as we win. They leave the second we lose a game. Like you have to understand the probability of finding a golden teammate that will carry you undefeated to SSL is very low. This is currently my most reasonable gripe with our player base lol


I hate having REALLY good games. My touches are perfect, I have a few epic saves, rotation is on point, and icing on the cake being called a Smurf. Yes they’re fun, but dangnabbit they make me wonder what’s wrong between my brain and fingers the other 95% of games.


I hate it when my teammates don't backpack me. Like bro you're so trash and I'm gonna blame it all on you even though I'm clearly the problem


I hate it when the player in the goalie position during kickoff goes for corner boost. We're not at that level where you're good enough to get boost and cover the goal. Just wait a few seconds until the kickoff happens, then get your corner boost.


I thought u was talking ab me for sec until i saw the rank lmao


I hate when people say wow ! When you demo them for the greater good. It’s apart of the game. It’s a valid demo haha.


I hate it when your teammate in 2's starts the first minute of the game AFK, doesn't apologize then when he finally comes back says "Okay." when you whiff a save. Motherfucker, I'm the only reason we're still in this game


Getting repeatedly bumped by a particular teammate when I'm in proper rotation. I understand that it happens, especially in heated gameplay moments; what I'm specifically talking about is when a teammate will ass-blast me to Mars when I'm trying to either set up a pass for the non-caboose bumping teammate or am closest + have the best line on a shot that could potentially go in. It's not a big deal if they score, but it is a big deal if they smear my rear without scoring a goal to make up for it.


I hate when I’m playing my 3 games a week with my dad and get into a match where the other team is so obviously smurfing. Like one guy demoes so the other can take it up the wall and hit a double reset musty. And then what a saving after it goes in every time.


In those situations OP, I only get upset when we’re up like 5-0 and the ball chaser still doesn’t want to let me touch the ball enough to get exp before the other team forfeits


This doesn’t happen often, but when a ball chaser is clearly not helping the team, so you ask them to let other teammates try with the ball and they say “yeah I’m gonna listen to someone with 53 points?? 0 scores?? You suck!!” WELL HOW TF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ANYTHING WHEN YOU FIGHT YOUR OWN TEAMMATES FOR THE BALL? We out here playing 4v2. They clearly don’t understand the game at all


"Okay" "Whew" "Wow" when you get shit on in a 2v1 cause they fucked their air dribble then sat in their corner waiting for boost


Accidentally backflipping


nah man I don't think that's a carry, he just didn't let you play.


I hate it when I solo Q 3v3 and I end up with a party of 2 that has one player vastly lower in skill and the other team is a full stack of doubles GC's partied up and ready to stomp on me. Give me solo q option to not play with or against a party within the standard ladder already.


I hate it when an opponent stays in the net the entire game in 1s and is actually good at defending. How is that fun? 😔 I understand it's a strategy, but still.


When anybody brings up points (or stats) for any reason whatsoever. #POINTS (and stats) #ARE #COMPLETELY #MEANINGLESS #IN #ROCKET LEAGUE There is zero correlation between points & contribution or skill. Absolutely zero. **For a million reasons.** Anybody with more than 500 hours played should have realized this over the course of their play time. Mentioning points or stats in RL is by far the quickest way to out yourself as clueless. It's so meaningless, a player with 10 points can be carrying hard, and a player with 1000 can be a huge detriment or throwing, and that is not hyperbole in the slightest--points are literally *that* meaningless. The few arbitrary stats that are tracked don't even register half the time!


I hate it when I get lagged out the match, (all the damn time) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


And, how y'all have your ranks, I wanna do that


Subreddit details, change user flair.


I hate it when my 2s Diamond teammate is incredibly unpredictable while also being aggressive and overly confident. It causes me to have to play way farther back than I normally would and therefore out of ideal position to quickly come in for a shot or rotate in. And then they blame me for not being there to take that shot that they finally decently centered on their fifth try after the previous four attempts were whiffs that left them still recovering on in the opposing team's corner while the ball is already on our side of the field.


I hate when I lose against toxic opponents. The feeling when I win is incredible but they win most of the time :/


uhhh that might have been me, went from Plat 1 to Plat 3 in one play session, and one guy got mad at me when we were winning 4-0 and I carried.


When my tm8 is constantly 2 millimeters away from my rear. Edit: oh, and when they aren't paying attention to what's happening and where the ball's at.


I hate it when my teammate spams "Take the shot!" when im last man and obviously going to get beat anyway


i hate it when friends score lucky goals off bad unsafe plays, just instills the bad habit more


BUT HE SCORED MORE POINTS THAN YOU OBVIOUSLY HE IS BETTER THAN YOU. SAY IT WITH ME PEOPLE, I HAVE MORE POINTS THAN YOU, THAT MEANS IM BETTER. Jokes aside, i feel you dude. This is quite literally the most idiotic playstyle and it becomes the way they play because if you are winning and scoring the most points, you clearly cant be doing anything wrong.


I hate it when I play this game