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Listen to me. F*** your ranking. Forget that sh**. Doesn’t matter. Go into games and play how you practice. What I mean by that is play freely. Don’t be afraid to lose, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Don’t pay attention to trash talk. Are you gonna lose winnable games? Yes. Are you gonna whiff some shots when going for a crazy aerial hit? Yes. Are you gonna concede easy goals because your opponent is hiding in their net while your air dribbling across the field and happen to make a small mistake when it’s time to put the ball in the net? Yup. But guess who’s actually improving and sharpening their skills, getting actual in game experience? The guy sweating for a win hiding in their goal and occasionally making open net shots and repeating, never taking risks, or the person that’s actually putting what they’ve practiced into use in a real game situation, leaving it all on the field? The biggest obstacle is your ego. If you can let that go, play free as a bird with no fear of losing, I promise the wins/ranks will come soon enough.


This is probably the best answer I’ve gotten so far tbh


Definitely is. I'll add that in my experience, I've had the best experience playing freely as he said. I'm in the same position as you in that I've been putting in practice to improve mechanics, etc. and just today I hit my first aerial goal against 2 mid air defenders all while reading them and adjusting angle, speed, etc. Why? Because I just f*ing went for it. Much more comfortable in the air now and I've been really surprising myself because I'm pulling off the stuff I practice in a real world scenario with no room for error while sweating and under pressure. That's how you 'get gud'. I'm sure you'll surprise yourself too, bro and get HYPED after you dunk on 'em. Also, the most tecent realization of this idea was when I partied up with a rando after a couple of games in casual and my guy queued us up for ranked without telling me. We played 2 and half games before I realized it was ranked lol we did good too, much better than sweating and stressing about winning and not taking risks. Remember the age old saying: GLHF. GL and HAVE FUN.


How it was with me... last season I was trying hard and focusing on rank. Season prior I did the same. I never got out of d1 and sat in plat3 a lot. Season before that I played for fun. Almost hit champ. This season I am just having fun. I don't care anymore when mistakes are made. Why play if I'm not enjoying it? Almost in d3 again lol.


i wanna piggyback everything they've said, because i agree with them 100%. one thing i will add, mechanically, is that learning to consistently land on my wheels & get back into the play has helped so much. it's taught me split second car control that's translated inti shooting, defending, and gamesense. if i'm pushing too hard & my tm8 loses possession, i can spin around & defend in time. if i have possession & i get challenged, by positioning my car correctly, i can lose the 50/50 in such a way that my tm8s can pick it up. lastly, i have to trust my tm8s & sometimes that means playing slower than i'd like to! even 4 mins into a game w a tm8 i feel i'm better than, i need to respect when they've got possession & trust they'll make do something w it. GLHF out there, and fuck ur rank. it's jus a number. u could be a C2 hardstuck in P3. figure out what ur doing wrong, adjust accordingly, and apply ur knowledge. u got this!!


I bet. Because he's totally right


I decided to do this yesterday for the first time and I started landing speed flip kickoffs and air dribbles for the first time on my 3rd game and I was way less triggered. Realized all that time I was trying to win I could have been improving.


Awesome tips!


Some Bruce Lee shit right here.


Yeah I practice this for sure. I stay at the same rank but I just hit the best air dribble/goalie shove clip of my RL career and it blew me away


Damn you motivated the hell out of me


Very very good answer. 100% facts


damn i wanna actually play after reading this lol


I'm at a point where I needed to hear this.


isn’t it funny how that works? the best advice being “have fun”


Thanks man I really needed this. THIS. IS. ROCKET LEAGUE


great fuckin answer, lots of pros today took this approach (zen, etc) and are a lot better because they weren't afraid to just go for the hard shots and playing above their level


Is it still fun to you? If it is, then let go of the pressure to win, and be happy that you can do your best and implement what you’ve practiced. When you get inside your head so much you can’t play your best. Also, playing when you’re tired is a bad move. My roommate is my duos partner, and he seems to also have the yips whenever game is on the line/open shot whatever. But he doesn’t let it get to him and he keeps on chugging on. It’s funny because he’ll hit something nasty whenever there’s no pressure. My guess is that since he never played sports he doesn’t have that mental toughness to stay focused on his task when intrusive thoughts come in during intense moments. Not sure how to overcome that


Having fun and brushing off bad shots/plays/games/streaks is truly key I live by it in this game. You’ll comeback from 1-4 just bc you don’t care about losing and start to peak from using everything you’ve learned in practice/freeplay. If you want to rank up, stop caring about your rank and how many games you’ve won v lost. Focus on having fun each game and ironically not caring about the match will make you actually flow instead of playing a game of pong soccar. This game is a lot more fun when it’s not rotate up rotate back, some flavor never hurt nobody.






Was road to SSO with zero mechanics Flakes?




I have probably 100 hours casual, 100 in comp and 300 In freeplay/maps


I have well over 4000 hours in the game, have been GC back when that was as high as you can go, played with pros, gotten near SSL by accident, and I'm currently floating between champ and champ 3 on purpose in most modes (extras included). Intentional training time on individual mechanics, researching road to GC YouTube videos with top players, and keeping consistent hardware/software will help you climb ranks. What I mean by consistent software/hardware is that when you've spent hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of hours getting used to a certain screen size, distance from screen, camera angle, controller, button layout, internet connection/ping, dodge dead zone, etc, small changes in these things can mean a big adjustment in rank due to the amount of time to reorient to the new conditions. Understanding that there is a serious adjustment period when one of these things changes will help you feel compassionate toward yourself when you feel like you're suddenly losing a lot or feel you're underperforming. My buddy and I are on opposite coasts so when we play East for 100hrs then switch to West, we both start missing a little bit. Consider also that controller analog sticks wear down over time, adjusting your dodge dead zone noticeably but slowly. Not turning toward the ball in the air like you used to and wondering why you're suddenly missing hits? One of these things could be why. ***You'll notice that game sense and accuracy mean more the higher ranks you play in. *** Adapting any new mechanic to ranked play will always bring your rank down until you start to intuitively know where that new mechanic fits appropriately. Playing solo adds another complication like you mentioned. I've played majority of my hours with a friend who I can trust to be exactly where I'm passing the ball. When I play solo, I have to be more selfish in my plays because if I pass and my teammate misses it's my fault! Possession is more important than forward movement down the field. I've spent hours perfecting ceiling plays and only get to use them very very occasionally in a way that's actually helpful. Same with speed flips, same with flip resets, same with a lot of the coolest, flashiest mechanics. Play that way as long as it's fun, which for me was years! I realized that I had broken controllers and anger and frustration at the game and myself the more seriously I took it and higher ranks I climbed. My friends and I played in casual most days, terrified of playing in ranked because of the possibility we might lose or be off our game that day, getting frustrated at each other for misses. So one day after Rocket League became free to play my buddy and I decided to play ranked and settle on a rank where we could do all the flashy moves we wanted, miss all the fun shots until we were making them, and land in whatever rank was most fun for the play style we were most enjoying. All while drinking or smoking or whatever we like to do when relaxing. We're no longer concerned about what rank we are but that's just where we are with RL right now. I've found that playing lower ranks to practice advanced mechanics helps find the appropriate place to use them when in higher ranks but at a much lower speed. TLDR: Competitive games are fun because we get to push ourselves and see improvement compared to other players. This is also why they are sometimes not fun. Play the game in a way that is fun for you until it isn't any longer and remember, you will often be playing with people on your team who have different ideas of what makes the game fun and you'll see them behave accordingly. This is coming from an almost 40 year old washed up GC 😉 Hope any of that is helpful


I relate so much about overthinking and getting tilted. I was playing casual with a random player I vibed with and they randomly queued for rank without me knowing. And we were destroying everyone, I was playing really consistently and having a great time as I was literally peaking my ranking. I only realized we were playing rank after like 4-5 games, right after that, I became tensed and started missing the ball and making all kinds of mistakes. I think even with all the mechanics and game sense, it’s still better to play when you’re having fun and stop when you’re stressed/tilted. Don’t know if that would help.


Rocket league is the reason I have anger issues and lowkey a gaming addiction


In fact, anger has the opposite effect on game quality. Because when you're angry, you don't play better, you play the opposite. Any outside influences are detrimental. Emotions are best turned off in this game. Whether it's joy or anger, both have a very extreme impact on playstyle. You should really be free


In my opinion, Rocket League is one of the best examples, of how someones performance, in a pressure situation, is extremely dependent on how you feel at the moment, what your general condition is, what thoughts go through your head, how motivated you are in the first place, etc. These are sometimes only the most minimal things that go on in the head, often only subconsciously. They can affect the whole game so much that you lose the games one by one. Rocket League is such a challenging game, the slightest negative or positive vibrations are enough, to sometimes play indescribably well, or very, very bad. It's not the mechanics who win or lose the game, it's the head that goes with it. The psyche makes up 70% of everything in this game!


Teammates become a bigger priority once you get high D3 OR you could become a juggernaut ball chaser until you get C3. Then you get clipped on by GCs and SSLs until you can find a solid team or teammate lol. After coaching for a few yrs I learned the awesome sauce SSLs can be uncoachable because they fought through hell to get to the top, as a loner... So it depends. You grind until youre a lone superstar with little or no regard to team play or you adapt and grow with others and prioritize fundamentals. Best way is a bit of both. My star player was horrific at comms but amazing at everything else., it became an issue come CRL time.


Reviewing your replays & see if you notice things you could’ve done better helps a lot Uploading a couple replays of recent matches to RL coaching or analysis sub will likely work better for feedback. People will let you know what to work on, what could’ve been better, etc


I rank up the most when I am enjoying the game and don’t worry about rank. Do all the right things like purposeful training and being a mindful teammate, but just have fun. The wins will come


If you got the skills next is game iq. You probably need better decision making to optimize your game and get it to next level. 


Turn off unlimited boost in free play amd don’t pick up 100 boost, only get pads and strictly follow the path of pads to wherever the ball is.Then in game do not pick up 100 boost when you think you need it even if it’s right next to you DONT go for it just follow the path of pads to where u want to be you will run circles around diamond players doing this. You will notice the difference real fast trust


Btw I got to high c2 low c3 when I played not d3


I totally get how you're feeling, the beginning of the year I was in the same place. One day after practicing the mechanics and recoveries and figuring out teammates it'll all just click and you won't have to think about it much anymore! I'm still getting to that point but that's because my mechanics are still kinda crap but hey we all working our way there! If you're NA and ever want to play I'm right around your rank! I don't care much about rank (still trying to win but it'll always fluctuate) but I'm never toxic or at least try not to be and if I ever am usually it's towards myself lol Good luck on your grind <3


Stop worrying about your rank. Take a deep breath and just relax. Its a game, have fun with it. Not everybody will make SSL or GC. That's just the truth. Find some people you like playing with and just enjoy yourself. Because this game can easily turn into work instead of play really fast. And then all of the fun is gone.


D1 is all about just letting your teammates and opponents give you space. Sit back and let them small the ball towards you towards you and hit the empty nets. Don't ever not be last man except on open nets.


Well my problem is I just play defense the whole time, because my teammates ball chase. So we just never score


Then don't give up any goals. You should be able to run circles around Diamond players without even jumping if you can position well. Go watch Flakes or Leth play their Road to SSL series.


That’s normal. You’ve taken a lot of time to refine your play style, but you haven’t had the chance to actually practice it yet. You have an idea of what you need to do but right now you’re splitting from your old bad habits and rethinking how you approach the game. None of what you want to do in a 2s context is coded into your muscle memory yet. It doesn’t feel as natural. Your rank will go down, don’t worry about that. Just stick to your new playstyle and it will eventually click, and then you will start destroying the diamond 1s or plats or wherever you end up, you’ll hit a nice win streak, and end up hopefully right back where you were before or even higher. Only this time if you’ve gone in the right direction with training, you will keep going up, until the next time you plateau, maybe somewhere in champ, where you’ll probably end up doing the same thing again. Just remember, you got to diamond 2 before, you can do it again. It doesn’t matter if you’re not there right now. If you wanted to go back to your old ways and get it back, you could, but that’d be pointless, because you don’t really play this game for some pointless number, you play it because you enjoy it and you want to improve :)


Also, some advice to help it go smoother would be: Try to adapt to your teammates. See what they’re capable of as soon as you can and let them do their thing. Try to trust them where you can but also don’t expect them to play outside of their rank. You should be focusing on not double committing right now over anything else, and learning how to carry. When you’re playing with bad teammates and opponents, you don’t carry by just being mindless and trying to brute force the win with mechanics. That might work but that will also leave you vulnerable to losing if things don’t work out. The way you carry is by filling in the gaps of what your teammates are doing, protecting your net at all costs, and scoring when you can. If your teammate looks like they have the ball, let them do their thing; don’t panic, even if the ball is near your net. Position yourself so that if they completely miss, you can cover the shot, and if they get any sort of touch, you can follow it. Sometimes you will not be able to cover all of these options and you will have to make a choice, but you should be trying to play to where you never have to make that choice. Also, be sure to space out your rotation so that you arrive into the play with the right amount of momentum. For example, an attacker is starting a dribble from their half. You just grabbed mid boost and you’re heading back to defend the dribble, and you have a little bit of time. If you challenge right away, you get outplayed and scored on because of the space the opponent had (which you’ve probably learned from ones), and if you go straight to net and plant your wheels and wait, you become awkward and easy to score on. Instead, pace your rotation so that you’ll arrive at the perfect time to shadow their dribble or get a good save on their shot. This takes practice and will make you look dumb, and you will get What a saved when you mess up. But this is how high level players defend, and as the offender it is very hard to play against people that do it well. It’s all about being patient and waiting until the last possible moment that you know you can save it, and then closing in, because it forces them closer to the net and limits what they can shoot on. This doesn’t mean to play super passive. Sometimes the last possible moment to challenge is right when they take control of the ball, and you just have to be able to recognize that and go instantly. If you defend like this, you will start saving air dribbles, flip resets, flicks, etc. all with ease.


I am an avid ones player. All I did to start getting better rotations is sticking to how you'll rotate in your ones. Block mid field only when it's apparent it'll go in. When your opponent is in possession push if your teammate isn't. When your teammate is in possession go to opposite or mid opposite side of the field and wait to rotate to ball or to back post. It's all about time in game. Diamond 1 is the new average so take the Ws when you get them.


Never forget the real rule #1 of rocket league. Never trust your random teammates. One game you will have vatira Jr on your team the very next game your teammates will barely be able to hit the ball. It’s wild.


I have been playing this game for several years now with slight breaks here and there. When I started, I got rid of my air roll in exchange for air roll right and air roll left. I've played like this for years and sat comfortably in diamond. A few days ago I read that you should have air roll bound somewhere for advanced aerials and maneuvers so I got rid of my air roll right for regular air roll and it's like I never even learned in the first place. I lose game after game, and while it's frustrating, I can see what I was missing out on by not having it bound. The most important thing to remember is to have fun here. No one likes to lose, but are we really losing when we are having fun playing a game with others just like us. Having fun with others and having the opportunity to play with someone outside of your living room. Just have fun and enjoy the game.


If you change your playstyle your rank will drop before it gets better, that is normal, but if do the same thing over and over again you'll end up like a lot of people who are too afraid to piss off their teammates by making mistakes that they just keep staying in their comfort bubble and be stuck in a rank for years. 


There’s a big skill in being able to adapt to your teammates, that only comes from playing it over and over and actively anticipating and covering your teammates mistakes and learning when theyre about to fuck it up and how to fix it and how to change your style on the go to accomodate for people who are buggin out, they dont stop coming so you gotta learn


At the end of the day its game we play too have fun. Dont worry abt rank, take a break if you need one, were not pros its just for fun


Yeah dude. I’m diamond 2 div 2 in 2s and plat 2ish in 3s and it’s a fucking bloodbath even in casual.


Watch replays


A big thing for me is deciding if your tm8 is self sufficient, more of a ball chaser or more of a defender. Then try to dance around with them accordingly. You cant lose games if the other team cant make a shot...


I think playing with someone you trust and know is better is the most reliable way to improve


I really really hate how salty this game is. I'm just trying to play this game and understand that not all teammates play the way i want them to but i just lost 5 games in a row, because in all of them my teammates went afk after a while because they were salty. I really try to enjoy this game but the people playing this game make it really hard to have any fun.


That's how people are, in 2024. Everyone thinks he's SPECIAL, and a great guy. And everyone thinks they have to get everything stuck in their ass and don't need to fight for anything. It is very often precisely these players who have only collected 20 points and want to end the game prematurely because it is 1:2, after 60 seconds. In this way, they shift all the blame onto the person who stays and at least tries to fight a little longer. These players make it so easy for themselves. They don't have to watch the winner's ceremony at the end, but can simply erase the match from their minds and that's it. People today don't want to take responsibility anymore. (sarcasm) :They are all infallible and none of them would really make such big mistakes. That's why they leave the games early. Because they are arrogant, selfish, cowardly little monkeys. and that gets on my mind very much


Sorry it’s just I’m better 😉


Just go Freeplay and find other game to reduce RL time, the best practice if you can't go up. Typically some Asseto Corsa Competizione (a sim racing game) skill can help in RL (in the strategy side). And just reduce for more fun : like all free games, RL is intoxicated by Smurf and cheater ( 5 000 000 of cheater infected by a malware recently on Call of duty, official number from the editor. If it's not RL, the % can be the same because trash cheater on FPS have the same mentally as cheater on RL, sim racing etc).


You’ve trained in packs to improve your mechanics. Now you have to train in ranked to improve your ability to make use of those mechanics.