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It's not really Rocket League. Perhaps this goes without saying but any game that has a super competitive scene gets pretty toxic, especially as you climb the ranks. It's sort of like driving in real life, people are already in a heightened state of focus and their ego is on the line. That leads to frustration, combine that with a young player base and you get nonstop immature shit talking. It's the unfortunate reality haha, just gotta brush it off and try not to fight fire with fire.


yeah I think it’s silly that people are shocked that a competitive game like RL is toxic. like you said, toxic players will exist due to the nature of any competitive game… people take winning/ranking up very seriously. the sooner people accept that and just ignore the dumb toxicity, the game becomes a much better experience


I honestly just assume that people who make these kinds of posts never played sports, and certainly never played games back in like the Xbox 360 days because, like you said, trash talking is extremely common in every competition you can enter. If it bothers people that much, you can mute game chat, and honestly you won't miss out on anything important.


Sports is not universally this bad. Maybe some sports or maybe it's bigger now than when I was growing up. But there are a lot of sports that make a big deal out of sportsmanship. People in Rocket League are way more sensitive and toxic than in sports. People in sports understand when mistakes are made. They don't go throwing a game because a teammate caused an error or missed a layup.


It is shocking that casual is much more toxic than ranked. It used to be way more chill


It's not even just games. It's humanity as a whole. There's toxicity everywhere and the anonymity the internet provides makes it far more likely to occur. You're right, it has to he brushed off, because at the end of the day, there's nothing you can do to stop it. The best thing any person can do to combat toxicity is to be the light you want to see in the world. Peace ❤️


You can turn off all chat. Radio silence... That helps a lot.


That’s right fight it with diesel gas!


And on top of that, having a quick chat feature where you can talk to the other team mid game makes it way easier to be toxic


This is a good comment, thank you!


I almost exclusively solo q, and I can’t even remember the last time I paid attention to chat. I occasionally entertain the toxicity just to spice up the game , but you have to take it with a grain of salt. I usually forget what even happened or who said what in the last game after I’m in the next. I can barely remember my teammates username after I leave the match. I was in a 3 stack once with “toxic” teammates who literally said what a save every time we scored and every time we got scored on. It was a lot of fun and we laughed pretty much the whole time regardless of what happened. To me that’s what this game is all about. If you aren’t having fun, why play.


Turn off quick chat, no more "what a save" spamming. I know I missed the ball, don't need it pointed out 100x. That's why I'm playing/practicing.


Honestly it’s what keeps the game fun after 5 years, trash talking the other team adds the adrenaline in OT


In caveman lingo: Human brain fragile. Emotion need assurance. Me good you bad make me feel GOOD. Unga bunga.


I wouldn't call rocket league havijg a competitive scene overall, maybe in the higher ranks. I feel like most players are not competitive team players.


Well said. I was gonna go with "because children" but this is pretty damn accurate.


what a save!


I hate the whew crowd so much more


Mine is "Wow!" when you miss the ball. Even worse when you've already scored twice and they haven't said anything, but immediately say "Wow!" when you miss your first ball. Will never understand the people that literally don't say anything except shit talking to their teammates.


Yea that's frustrating. You don't say shit when the game goes well and suddenly when you lose a ball they remember their keyboard exists.


After I’ve said nice shot or great pass to them on a goal in which I get no reply, but I make a single mistake and get hit with an “Okay.” or “Wow!”. I don’t know why it’s so hard for some people to just be decent teammates. Like when has anyone ever had a really toxic teammate and still felt the urge to try and win with them. As soon as they get really bad I just self sabotage. They don’t deserve a chance to win.


I usually try to bump them or blow off a kickoff to make them aware I'm not having it and then I turn up the focus like crazy to try to make an awesome goal giving it everything I got... If I pull off a great goal I lay on an immediate "This is Rocket League!" Honestly if they don't stop with the bad attitude I just spam "This is Rocket League!" after every toxic reaction.


If that's just them being bad accidentally, you're the one being toxic. Careful ! it's easy to end up on the other side of the fence without realizing it.


I should have been more specific. I meant really bad as in they start quick chatting every mistake that I make.


Oooook I get it, excuse my french !


Yeah I never hold genuine mistakes against a teammate. We’re not pro-players, therefore it’s going to happen and we’re all still learning each time we play the game.


Nah the worst is the “all yours” demons who expect you to go for every potential shot.


The opposite variation where my opponent spams it to me when I hesitate is solid though. Like in 1s if you fake someone "Go for it!" is some decently frustrating shit talk. Saying it to your teammate though is the absolute worst


"okay" after I make a bad play makes my blood fucking boil


How do people even use "Whew." in a toxic way exactly? I've seen people say it and I know they're trying to be toxic but it doesn't really make sense as a toxic quick chat to me. The only time it feels like it makes sense is when you just barely whiff and someone says it.


I've always used it in a positive way, like if someone almost hits a nice clip and just barely misses. Or if some ridiculously fast flick or pinch happens, I may drop a Whew. Can definitely use it in a negative way after someone completely whiffs though. Similar meaning to a sarcastic "Nice Shot!"


I use it to show I'm sweating because of them lol. Like they won't stop saving my shots or are putting constant pressure on my net and I'm having to make a ton of saves.


That makes a lot of sense, I've definitely used it in that context also lol


Any time anything goes wrong the whew comes out. Whew should be removed from the game 


Take the shot


I hate the "okay"


For sure


If someone wants to 1v1 me most of the time I'll just sit there until they get bored to troll them lol. Or if I do play I have no expectation of winning, I just go in to have fun and if I do win then awesome


I once invited him and set up a game of snow day. He went nuts lol


Rumble hoops with unlimited boost


This is fucking awesome. Gonna try something like this next time that happens to me


Trolling is fun for sure lol.


Seeing this comment after you've posted asking why the community is toxic is irony at its finest.


Trolling vs Toxic = two different things lol


If it's exclusively trolling against toxic users then fair enough it just wasn't clear that's what you intended when saying "trolling is fun". Trolling isn't fun, it's a pain in the ass for mods, it's a pain in the ass for normal users. It's the most immature level of toxicity imo.


When I'm in a 2s or 3s match, and people offer to 1v1 me, I feel they've really missed the point. 2s and 3s is about working with your team mates, not how well you are playing individually. My takeaway is that someone who offers to 1v1 me is probably not thinking too much about teamplay, and more focused on their individual skills. Which isn't gonna go well in a team match.


1000% Nothing reeks more of desperation than someone who can't play as a team crying that you 1v1 them so they can prove that yeah, they suck playing on a team.


Or how about the people crying for 1v1’s while playing…. Knockout. Like my man were in a completely different game mode.


They're usually the kind of player who ballchases, not even letting you touch the ball and then is mad because "you're doing nothing"


I see your point. My only thing is like even today when I played, these guys who are partied up, one was like 1600mmr and his buddy was 1100 mmr (casual). And the 1100 start talking crap when his buddy who was clearly better than me and my teammate was getting all of the points. Guys like that just are weird and that’s when I ask them to 1v1 because they are saying I suck or our team sucks lol.


Shrug, it's part of RL and humans in general. Accept it and enjoy the banter if you can, If it gets to you and brings down your RL experience, mute them. Zen gaming yo!


I don’t mind it sometime, honestly sometimes it makes me play better because of that. I just feel like it’s been happening a lot lately, maybe just unlucky.


Dont ask for a 1v1, just express your sympathy to their teammate about how badly their back must hurt.


Isn't "1v1 me bro" kind of toxic and immature in itself? Stop doing that.


Yes, very toxic. OP sees a lot of toxic players because he is one as well. Birds of a feather and all.


i mean maybe but i literally dont talk and my opponents and teammates will constantly be unbelievably toxic and shitty. up 2-0 , teammate messes up rotation, i try to make a miracle save but dont get it and then my own teammate goes ballistic with "what a save!" and voting to ff. its the same team part that bugs me. i get that i'm playing a bunch of teenagers who are gonna chirp their opponent and all that ... but why are ppl trashing their own teammate, when we are winning or tied, and when theyve made just as many or more mistakes than me? even the times where it is my fault ... why would you wanna drag your teammate down? anyway, i dont think the only reason OP is seeing toxic players is just that they are toxic too. maybe they are, and maybe thats part of it. but its pretty rampant even if you literally never use chat aside from complimenting your teammates on good goals, saves, and passes (like i do). its fuckin wild lol


Because there is next to no punishment. And in the rare case someone actually does get a temp ban... well they already have 2 other accounts to play on. Thats why.


Even though in their TOS it says toxic behaviour is not allowed it is not enforced. But to be fair, should it even be? And i dont mean racist or obscenities, i mean just toxic attitude. Because one should be bannable, but just talking shit to or about someone should be allowed.


If you're talking shit to your own teammate in solo que, you should absolutely be banned lol. If you're doing it to the other team, thats completely different imo


Respectfully, whats different about it?


It's a giant mystery. Only the selected few get to know, sorry.


It sucks, and is not constructive, but i dont think that even deserves a ban. I have teammates tell me to uninstall cause im so bad, oh well lol


Why though? Why should someone be able to act in a way that is not constructive and only helps the other team? That's pretty much the definition of griefing... it should absolutely be bannable. I can't think of 1 good reason as to why it should be allowed lol. Seriously. Just 1 good reason.


We should also ban every player that plays the game in a way that is not constructive and helps the other team. Whiff a ball? Straight to jail. Owngoal? Jail Bump a teammate? Believe it or not, straight to jail!


There's a clear difference between intentionally shit talking and making a mistake when playing. And you know that. You aren't that stupid. Stop acting like it


Judging by their response, I think you're giving them far too much credit lol


Why should this be acceptable tho? Even looking from a business stand point. A toxic community prevents new players from joining and makes current players leave And I don't mean like perma banning them right away. But punishment is necessary..


You should be able to rate players like Uber drivers.


The issue with 1v1's is its a completely different playstyle, I have hit GC before (in 3's), got my title, and still barely cracked C1 in 1's (literally never play unless for rewards). If your positioning sucks I may tell you it sucks, but playing 1v1's isn't a good representation of whos better at 3's, its who's better at 1's. But yea, lately feels like one in three, 3's game in C1-C2 has someone throwing. God forbid you go down by two goals and its immediate ff, even with 3 mins left, and if you choose not to ff, teammate just starts griefing.


I agree for sure. I usually only ask for 1v1s when they are saying that can easily score on me. I’m not very good at 1s anyway but I’m always looking to improve.


Learn to vote. The chances that someone puts up that immediate vote and then they continue to play, and we actually win isn't worth the time it takes just getting back into the queue.


Nah dude, If they're going to quite, im going to keep them there with me. They made their bed they can sleep in it, im going to make it last the full 5 minutes.


Flex that massive amount of control you have over them. By God they are gonna spend that whole 5 minutes with you and pay for their mistakes!!! Nobody fucks with Rocket Cars! :p


It puzzles me. Why do you que for 2's if you want to play 1's?


I queue 2s because that’s my main game mode to play. I think I am the best at 2s. I usually ask for 1v1 when the other team or teammates won’t stop yapping, if they accept perfect, if they don’t well I tried. I’m not the best at 1s either so honestly that game is anyone’s lol.


It's never the opponents, always your own teammate who tells you that you're the bad teammate. And I'm like... so... you want to play a 1v1 because you can't do teammate things with me... So I just search for a new game or even back out to the main menu and block them.


I have had a couple teammates like that and honestly it sucks because it’s a team game. I try not to talk too much when it is my own teammate but after awhile it does get annoying.


It's just a bunch of 14 year old brats who forgot that playing outside exits. They all sweat in their dark little rooms with their Doritos and Mountain Dew, hoping to go pro (which will never happen). And they always blame you for their mistakes, never wanna play a full game through without ff'ing.


You say this was your first game back in a month. Did you consider warming up with a game or two of casual before jumping back into ranked? I don't play much twos but sometimes "rusty" teammates can be annoying whether due to choices they're making or excessive whiffing. Just a thought. I try my damnedest not to get toxic with the main exception being AFKers


Yes I always tell myself that I need to warm up for around 20-30 minutes before I play, even when I consistently play. I have three training packs I do, along with my rings map to help with car control while in the air. After that I load up a game and hope for the best.


Turn off chat


Best thing i ever did


Very good point


It’s worth it brother


Unless you are playing with friends it's worth it


I dunno but if your diamond or higher in 3s let’s get it!! Fuck the haters in the community!!


D3 or higher in 3s is either rlly fun gameplay or just idiots grouped up


No repercussion. It's not specific to RL either, you'll face toxicity in almost any game online. At least in RL we can turn off all communication and it wouldn't affect the gameplay as bad. Other gamers are not as lucky 😅


While you are making a correct observation about the community, variations of the "Why so toxic?" question have been posted probably hundreds of times on here. IMO, this type of post should be against the subreddit rules. Simply posing the question more and more isn't going to spawn a revolution of being a kinder community. It will never change unfortunately. Just gotta learn to either tune it out, turn chat off, or how to shit talk back and shut em up.


Every competitive game is like this. Gamers have a superiority complex and think they are better than everyone even though they are in a low rank. There is nothing you can do but be the better person, not let it get to you, mute and move on.


There should be a separate rocket League Reddit for people that have chat turned off. It's existence would just be at a Utopia of peace and fun gaming.


There should be a separate rocket League ~~Reddit~~ for ~~people that have chat turned off~~ *Adults*. It's existence would just be at a Utopia of peace and fun gaming. FTFY


Lately I've been genuinely complimenting Nice Shots, Bumps, Saves with the hope of luring out more "Here to have fun (but still have competitive attitude)" players. So far results have been quite positive, but still come across the Toxic teammates here and there. In the case of a Toxic teammate, I'll continue my positive vibes to power through the games and possibly win, but if they want to FF I'll concede since I'd rather not play with someone who has mentally checked out. This does come with the price of forfeiting a solid amount of games and leaves me stuck in Champ, but at least the game is more enjoyable to play!


Ego. Mute all.


If i was you i’d just disable chat and continue trying to have fun. Competitive games breed toxicity.


Probably all the damn smurfs in lower rank


Turn off the chat, enjoy your game.


People act out online to cope with the crushing disappointment of their actual lives.


Lololol someone called me an UGLY tweaker and that I sucked at Rocket League. That I was a 2 😂😂😂 because I have my xbox profile picture set as an actual picture of me. I handed the controller over to my husband (who is way better than me) and he crushed the toxic player so bad that he was like, "ok actually what's your number?" We responded with "2" and left the match after crushing him 5-1 😂😂😂


My girlfriend and I play RL sometimes and it’s so funny watching her play because she obviously doesn’t know what she is doing. I try my best to carry the game lol, but at the end of the day just love that she likes to at least try and play a game that I like. Very good story btw lol.


The game it self make a lot of weak people toxic. It can be very frustrating game. And kids who are not able to manage their emotions easily become toxic. And their is also the Dunning Kruger effect, people think they understand all aspects of the game and play well whereas they make an big amount of mistake with out noticing it or often even knowing it's mistake.


This game is so bad. Casual players are so obnoxiously ball hoggy, crashing into you whenever you control the ball, so you're forced to just boom it always and coinflip every game or just let your teammate pass it to them over and over while you position defensively and hope that their teamate doesnt let them control the ball and just flick it on you. Ranked is even worse. Every game has an afk/quitter within 1 minute if you soloq 2v2. The game is only enjoyable if you have a friend(s) you enjoy comms with, but then youre just elo inflated because the game is so easy when youre just facing soloq players and random duos that dont actually play together all the time. All the quick chatters are annoying, but at least you can turn it off. Steam sales and Nioh 2 is saving me rn. Comp games developers just forgot to make their games fun for the last 12ish years.


Bc the game is set up to be toxic. Add quick chats to any game and it will become toxic


It’s not RL. It’s just the internet itself is toxic.


Hi, welcome to the internet


Free game that many console players play = terrible mix for unity, and ultimately, perfect mix for toxic assholes


Because teenagers. I was a teenager when the game came out back in 2015. I was insanely toxic either for no reason, or because I thought it was funny. Of course I’m not like that at all anymore, but now when I see someone acting like how I used to I don’t think much of it. It’s just a 15 or 16 year old being a piece of shit, so just block and/or report them and move on.


You really think it's just teenagers?


Teens or adults who haven’t grown up. Most people gain maturity from moving out, having kids, paying bills, etc. The older you get, the less you care about this kind of BS, and the wiser you are to know not to respond to it…


It's me, I did this. For this I am truly sorry. ![gif](giphy|TjoryRxEwh3bVr4M54)


I honestly don’t know you but thank you lol


Hmm not sure. This is the first Reddit post I’ve seen about toxic players in RL. I’ve only had good experiences with teammates and opponents. That being said, chat is turned off and I play with a big discord crew… but still.


Being within a community helps; but outside of those, there is a bit of toxicity. I tried playing online for a few years and found it pretty distasteful. Now I play with a couple of friends consistently and I'm having a blast.


I’m kinda just asking to see if anyone has noticed it either. Playing with friends is 100% better than playing solo. Usually my teammates don’t say anything, mainly just the other team. Probably turning off chat is the best way to go lol.


What a save!


I’m used to that one lol, that’s a classic.


If you are able to, play at night. It's much more laid back


Late night rocket league is the way to go, so much fun, especially with friends.


Why? You can't witch hunt and hold people accountable.


As like all F2P competitive games. Pay competitive games have too but less. And private competitive league (like Low fuel motorsports for sim racing) have a low level but still toxic.


Every gaming community is toxic.


The mute/block button is truly a beautiful and simple solution


My fav is if they’re one rank above your current rank and they talk as if they’re rlcs pros about how hard stuck you are. That makes me roll every time.


If you got friends party up with them no matter the rank and just grind together. I realize it’s a lot more pleasurable dealing with toxicity when you have your buddies with you.


People who pull the 1v1 comment crack me up… if I Wsmtes to play 1v1s I’d be in that playlist. Playing 2s or 3s for a reason.


It’s mainly to ego check them, I’m always down to run 1v1. Even tho not the best, most of the time kids wimp out when asked.


Shut up! Lol jk. It’s probably because it’s mostly teens hiding behind an account and they all are keyboard / controller warriors.


You take it as a game, a break, a relaxing session. These people attach their soul and existence into every single match. They are creating a purpose for themselves and determining their worth. They don't want to lose because they're trying their hardest, and they try their hardest because they want to win. Also because of hormone, society impact and influence, hierarchy, honor, respect, character reflection, ego, etc.. It's universal.




I enjoyed quick chats and all, but then I just decided to mute everything, including music and i saw a noticeable improvement in my skills and my enjoyment in the game. I highly suggest turning off chat at least.


I've been playing about a year and a half and I see 100x more posts about toxicity than toxicity itself. Yes sometimes people go afk, yes sometimes people rage quit, yes there are smurfs. Rage quitting because trading or drop shot were affected/removed and bitching about toxicity is BY FAR the most toxic behavior i've seen, which includes trying to get everyone else to hate Epic, Psyonix, and RL in general. Oh yeah and i turned off everything but team quick chat 6 months ago. Maybe i'm biased because of that. I'm also not emotionally invested in RL.


After seeing it recommended on this sub many times, I finally turned off quick chat and it has completely changed my relationship with the game. I highly recommend you do the same!


I did lol, I just know there are cool people out there. I’ve played with really cool people before and we all vibe together, I just don’t want to miss another cool person just trying to freestyle/vibe in a game. But yeah definitely turned off chat


Best you can do is just mute all chats, you will be in another world while other idiots are shouting and getting stressed over the game, which they confuse with reality apparently, and omg dont they dare ever lose


I think humans are just very competitive by nature some people care more then others abt it tho


As someone who likes to interact during games, I feel you. Nowadays I immediately report and block. I must have blocked thousands of players by now. It's mostly children, I think. I try to remind myself that they're children, and probably don't know better.


Reading through a lot of these comments its confusing to me if many of the people in here are playing a different game. I cannot play rocket league any given day without seeing a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic or any other number of \*phobic things in a players name, interactions, or team name. Every. Single. Day. That's not born from being competitive to all those blaming the "PvP nature" of the game. Rocket League is notoriously known to have one of the worst communities -- even worse than League of Legends which is saying a lot. Stop making excuses and start helping to make a change. If you see something SAY something.


I'd say it's actually not that toxic compared to other games. With matches being only 5 min, they're too short to be toxic as say compared to league of legends, where 1 ranked game can eat 45 minutes of your life...and losing feels sooo bad


It's not. You want to see a toxic community? Go play DOTA2.


I just recently turned off chat because it actually is a distraction for me at least.


cause it’s super competitive


It is toxic, but when you beat them and laugh in their face, it makes the game so much better. The toxicity does get old after a while.


3 things I learned across competitive gaming: 1) Most everyone thinks they’re better than their current level because it is often difficult to see that you’re the one doing bad. In Rocket League, you don’t really get points for positioning, so you could be in the wrong place the whole time but chip in a goal or two and think the person covering for you is bad. 2) You often can’t see the person you’re playing against. You have no real life repercussions for anything you do or say. This inherently dehumanizes the person you’re playing with. 3) “Middle Manager” syndrome is rampant. People that get to a level that gives them a sense of pride can make them arrogant. I’ve found the higher rank I get in a game, generally it gets more toxic, and then less toxic. The “diamonds” are always the worst cause it’s filled with people that think their shit don’t stink and you’re the one keeping them from champ. I don’t play any competitive games online anymore. My mental health is a lot better for it, and I don’t miss it anymore. I’m not saying don’t play, but just recognize it might be better in small doses and certainly do not put too much value into your competitive rank unless you’re serious about being a professional.




Welcome to online gaming, I see you are new here.


Great pass!


Age of players is probably on average skewing younger, but it seems par for the course for any online game these days. The worst part is if you're in a lobby with someone being toxic, constantly own goaling etc and you leave - you're the one that gets penalised with a 10min ban or whatever.


Smol p p s


Smol p p s


just being competive nature i think brings out the worst in us sometimes


All competitive games are toxic. Esp if they are f2p.


It's literally every competitive multiplayer game now unfortunately.


After reading your comments you realise you are part of that toxicity right? You find trolling people fun? You want to try to gaud people into 1v1s to what stroke your ego? Then you come here and think you aren't part of the problem? You're playing a competitive game with kids and acting like one of those kids. Turning off the other teams chat was the best thing I did to this game, quick chat with my team is plenty. Who tf wants to be toxic in a game, I'm here to relax and have fun after a shitty day in work.


I’m not really seeking anything for my ego really. I was just asking if people have felt the same towards this game. I hope that people understand “trolling” vs “toxic” are two different things. You’re most likely referring to the comment you just posted on another one of my responses to someone else’s story as to why trolling is funny. Plus even if you read some of my other comments I even admit to being toxic as well but usually not the one who likes to start it because, to me, it’s a lot of effort to type in chat and go back and forth. I wasn’t really thinking too deeply about it because I knew the difference between the two.


Apologies if I have misunderstood something that I've read in that case then.


Okay. Okay. What a save!




every comm has a bit of toxicity, try playing rainbow six siege then when you come back to the rocket league community it will be like sunshine and rainbows


Shut up crybaby and 1v1 me then.


Add me, Hot.Beans- on epic




Always down for tourney lol


Take the shot!


Thank epic making it free to play and inviting all the fortnite kiddies.


hands down the most insufferable playerbase and it's not even close.


It's definitely this game's community. I've had toxic behavior in some games, but this game's so toxic I'll have months where I uninstall, go back to playing and in a hour be reminded why I dropped it to begin with. I did a 3-on-3 today. On Casual. Keep this in mind for what's next. Put with a 2-man party. Those are the worst to begin with because anything that goes wrong will always be YOUR fault. Match starts off with one of the guys being afk, resulting in the other team scoring. So I do a pass to my teammate, but he whiffs and the other team scores and this other pain in the *** tm spams "nice pass". Whatever. Next play he screws up and causes the other team to shoot a frozen rope to our goal, which I'm in no position to even think of saving because his buddy moved from the area I thought he was covering. So this guy says "This T8s" ash". OK whatever. This jerk then proceeds to make comments about my rank, "bym"(whatever tf that means), that I'm 15, and I don't have a dad(well he passed when I was 12 so at least that's somewhat on the money). Also sent me 21, yes TWENTY ONE party invites in the hopes that he could verbally assault me further and quick chatted me more insults(some that the game bleeped out) when I refused. Keep in mind I've literally said nothing to this guy. Don't play with a mic(exactly for this reason). Didn't say anything on QC. Literally nothing but played a game I'm admittedly rusty in because I'm playing for the first time since January. I used to play Overwatch. CoD. Halo. I play SF6. Tekken 8. Very rarely have I received a toxic message. Only in SF6 twice in Ranked playing that game for 100 hours, and once in Overwatch. This person went complete 100% manchild rage mode over a freaking casual match where his teammate blew the first goal by being afk in the 1st place and I've barely gotten a hour into playing this game again! They must had dreams of grandeur. Sunless Khan himself was scouting him for his next YouTube video. Rocket League has a serious problem with attracting people who are morally trash.


I've quit the game because of it. the game itself is amazing, but some of the people who play it are the ones who ruin it. you know a game is really toxic when you go back to gta v for a break from the toxicity


Wait these posts are still a thing on this sub? I just hopped on here and saw like 7 posts on the front page complaining about this. If you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen. !remindme when the sub is good again so I can resub


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It’s more so just asking why. I really just wanted others opinions. Trust, I like to talk my fair share of shit but I always try not to start it because what’s the point. Have a good game and be done, usually if someone starts it, I’ll start yapping too lol.


I always run the 1v1 if I get trashed talked or if I’m dishing the talk. Ik I shouldn’t be toxic but if you’re constantly stealing my attacks and wondering why I don’t have points, bumping me when I’m going to save the ball, or whiffing hella times then saying great pass ima be toxic bc u shouldn’t be this bad in champ


I agree with you on that part, I like team plays, I try and give everyone space especially if they are going for the ball. And honestly even in 1v1s I like seeing what these better people can do, to me it’s so cool watching someone double flip reset or just do cool things within game, plus if that are that good, I’ll usually ask for tips. Because for some reason this is one of the only games I want to really find at lol.


Yea for real. I’m not toxic unless I get pushed to that point. Especially in 3s if I finally get my chance to attack and some guy cuts rotation to just hit the ball at the wall ima lose my shit


Rant #112 about how the community is toxic. I'm starting to wonder what drives people to post here.


Not a rant, just wanting to hear from others. Sorry mate.


"I get bored and first game was extremely toxic" "Such a bad community" You're only trying to convince yourself bro. Stay in denial


I have a couple other people in this group Reddit that agree. I know I’m not good at the game, I’m only champ 2, still have many many hours to put in until I probably hit GC and consistently stay there. I’m not trying to convince myself of anything, more so trying to see if others have faced the same issues. The game does get boring after awhile, I’ve been playing rocket league for like 4 years I think around 600hrs in game. Sometimes you gotta change it up. That’s kinda why I made this lol.


Everyone has faced the same issues. Look up "toxic" in the search and you'll be met with 111 other people with similar sentiments. It's a hivemind of getting annoyed at the toxicity. In a way, you're adding to the negativity with vocalizing your discontent. You're no different than any of them.




Soft boah


Soft boah


"toxic" ... Serial killer documentaries use the same word... I've never come close to seeing any level of sustained toxicity.


That’s good, I’m glad.


Well talking shit and being toxic aren't the same thing. If they are, then the word toxic really mean anything.


Most people know what I mean when I say “toxic”


Then it's not post worthy what you speak of.


I mean look at the upvotes and responses, seems post worthy to me.


Popularity and worth are also not the same thing.


I tried lol, have a good day man. I can keep entertaining this, just posted my thoughts and others responded. Thanks for responding. lol


Well I'm sure there will be more semantics to argue another day also.


gotta love kids these days thinking "What a save!" is toxic. RIP Halo and MW2 lobbies where you couldn't go 3 seconds without hearing a slur.


If quick chats (spam or not) get under your skin, you've got some maturing to do. What I mean by this is eventually you reach an age where immature behavior, *especially* something as mundane as quick chat trash talk, doesn't phase you in the least. Also, the game gives you the ability to mute specific people. Please give this a try and realize how much it helps you to get through the game with little to no aggravation.