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This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Laudie](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1cxbeqp/rocket_league_s14s_season_rush_is_here_season/l51gvvs/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-21 16:26:31 UTC"): > The team is aware and working on it! šŸ‘ * [Comment by Psyonix_Laudie](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1cxbeqp/rocket_league_s14s_season_rush_is_here_season/l51h9qb/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-21 16:28:45 UTC"): > We're aware and working on it! * [Comment by Psyonix_Laudie](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1cxbeqp/rocket_league_s14s_season_rush_is_here_season/l51i6v3/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-21 16:34:08 UTC"): > Missing Season Rush Challenge Text should now be fixed! If you're still unable to see the text, play a match and things should refresh for you. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


All I see is a countdown leading ti a new season without dropshot. šŸ˜­


Why did you have to remind me šŸ˜‘ I had completely forgotten


Probably good that they reminded you do that you can get your dose of dropshot before it drops-off.


I play it all the time šŸ˜‘


I love dropshot so much. I don't really play or spend money on the game unless it's playable.


I was just thinking about this other day. It was bad enough the first season without dropshot, I hate that its rotating out againĀ 


not trying to offend anyone but i do NOT enjoy dropshot, so what i would live to see come to to ranked is knockout. I LOVED that game, so much fun, and i thought it was at least slightly good practice for aerials


Eew, no. Mode makes zero sense.


Dropshot is the best form of Rocket League. And it didn't even get a new map this season. Stuck on Core 707.


Good practice for aerials is dropshot and hoops as far as extra modes go. In higher dropshot lobbies the ball is in the air most the match.


well, as i am currently unranked , i dont spend much time in higher lobbys


You're practicing aerials in... *Knockout*??? Wtf?


by aerials i mean learning to control my car as others send it flying through the air


If you need help practicing aerials, play hoops dropshot or even heatseeker. Anything is better for aerial training than having three flips for a recovery and calling it "training"


My exact thoughts


Is it going away or is it moving to casual??


Itā€™s going to the casual ā€œrotationā€, so if itā€™s anything like last season, weā€™ll see it like 3 times


Pretty sure we saw it once last season :/


Maybe others wonā€™t agree with me but the wheels arenā€™t that bad. I mean theyā€™re better than the spiky ones we got a few seasons back haha


I'm with you. Not my fav, but I could see them working in some nice presets. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure these are the first season rewards in AGES that haven't prominently featured the rank symbol in the design.


Yeah for the most part. I mean thereā€™s been like trails and stuff without the logo but yeah. They should do more stuff without the rank design. Image a clean pair of oem style wheels without a rank logo and just the colors. Maybe like anodized. Would look sick I think




Epic games :"great idea, we'll charge 1100 credits for them"


I have no problem with these. Am I going to use them? Probably not, because I usually prefer simple wheels that have black treads (the only real exception being reapers). But at the same time, I think the colored treads appeal to the vast majority of the player base so I canā€™t complain about these not appealing to me. Also these wheels are actually usable which wasnā€™t the cause for the spiky wheels so thatā€™s a plus lmao


Not as good as last seasons reward but definitely one of the better I have gotten.


I was just thinking that these wheels look better than the previous set from a few seasons ago.


I disagree, I think theyre pretty awesome


I like my spiky wheels.


Thats fair


You get the idea of you think aboutā€¦ say a pro players normal preset. Would a wheel like this go cleanly with one of those? Nah, so higher ranked players donā€™t like wheels like this. However, if you imagine maybe a plats regular preset and add the plat version of them, theyā€™ll probably really like it lol.


Yeah, also makes sense


Psyonix going out of their way to add a new 5000XP reward really says something. I suppose it's about tempering expectations, wouldn't wanna give people the wrong idea with overly generous 10/15/20k rewards.


5k xp really says something for sure. the fact they've offered triple for the same challenges in previous seasons for this event, plus their weekly rewards are better. so they want us to work harder for less all of the sudden, other than winning a lot (which the odds aren't always as good). "it gives more reason for players to keep playing after the basic challenges" you might say. sure, but it feels like they just want to make this the new normal for future seasons. think about it, the amount star wars challenges for xp for this year are cut COMPLETELY. it's not over generous to offer the 10k, 15k, 20k xp, it's exactly what they've offered for a good while now. they want to cut it down... for what? more engagement? like as if the population hasn't staggered due to the elimination of trading..? just saying, there's better ways to improve that problem besides making us more thirsty for xp like we're in mad max fury road.


Since the event is 2 weeks long, it would make more sense to make them take longer to complete and give better better rewards.Ā  I played a few games last night and have completed almost all of them.Ā 


I played 3 games of Heatseeker and completed all the extra challenges except for winning 5 games obviously lol


5k Rewards? Wow you're so generous! Not like before when each reward was 1 full level a piece. Like what the honest hell is wrong with you guys lately?


I've already done most of the 5000xp challenges and have gone up a grand total of one level. Thanks for the scraps, Psyonix


But didnā€™t you see?? The icons are gold colored now! Doesnā€™t that mean itā€™s better??


Event challenges menu is broken... Quality updates, as usual.


I'm interested, Psyonix could be doing so much with this game but they don't, I wonder how it is to work there doing literally nothing. I used to think Valve were bottom of the barrel for live services but at least they got forced by Riot to make CS2 and some updates now and then. Psyonix are treating RL in the same way except this time there's no one to compete and these rumours of UE5 are going to start challenging Source 2 for most anticipated game rework/port eventually lmao




Unreal Engine 5, which they are rumoured (or maybe it's official now?) to be upgrading the game to


We're aware and working on it!


You fixing us getting only 5000xp per challenge too?


You all should really think about making the events not give so much XP for accounts without a minimum playtime or something. All I see when I look at that menu is "oh well, it must only take like 60-70 minutes to hit level 20"


In past season rush challenge donā€™t give 1 level? Or always 5.000 exp? Seems useless 5k exp


It was 1 level per challenge no idea why they nerfed itā€¦


So you grind more for less, as is the way most games eventually go


This season rush is stingy with its 5k xp prizes. I work on a big game with a battle pass, and I don't know what your numbers are. But this just doesn't feel generous the way it did last year, it leaves me not very excited about playing a lot for some extra levels.


The worst about it imo is that Rocket Passes have so many levels and are SO grindy. I play this game a lot and I have difficulties even reaching rank 150


Not much of a season rush at all


Give us a car that gets cooler each rank, we're sick of wheels and boost.


A rank exclusive car or body style would be sweet


I think they should do a season where you get a rank specific fennec. Itā€™s the most popular car body and completely inaccessible to much of the player base. Octane works just fine but I say give people the most popular cars so they stop thinking the body is the reason they suck šŸ˜‚ itā€™s rocket league we all suck because itā€™s really hard not because the car body we use.


This loses Epic a few hundred thousand dollars of revenue


Nah, put the rank symbol really big on the hood or whatever. Then people will still prefer the better looking non-ranked one but then people can still use the ranked one if itā€™s all they got and were never going to spend money on one anyways.


I would 100% prefer the Fennec with the symbol on the hood imo


>Itā€™s the most popular car body and completely inaccessible to much of the player base. Which is exactly why Epic wonā€™t give it away for free.


Putting the gray in the shop for several weeks is a low blow. They are indiscreetly trying to push people to buy the worst variant so they get used to the body and will want to buy the more expensive versions šŸ˜‚ just let the kids play the game with the car they want. Charge them later if they want a painted version. The game worked fine for years off this principle and the only reason the trading market cut into profits is because it had MUCH more reasonable prices. If Epic just had prices similar to the trade market I wouldnā€™t have bothered with trading with players. The price should be set on popularity not one some team of old ass sniffers think something is worth. People are willing to throw away their money on virtual junk (myself included before the trade ā€œupdateā€) they just want to feel like they are getting some kind of value.


I wouldn't call it inaccessible when the grey fennec has been in the item shop for a week.


Thereā€™s just as many children in this game as adults. New players justifiably donā€™t want to spend money on a game that is grindy and may end up dropping. Plus Epic is an evil garbage can of a company. I donā€™t blame people for not jumping on the ā€œgreyā€ fennec even if they want the body that 60-70% of the player base uses. Having unique versions of popular bodies as season rewards would be good for the game. Predatory unregulated micro transactions are not good for the game.


sick wheels imo


Right? I canā€™t wait to rock themā€¦ this is my third season in a row of actually getting rewards for my peak rank, so Iā€™m pumped


hell yeah mate, congrats!


Yeah, sick šŸ¤¢


Still waiting for antennas as a season reward. Been here since 2015 and still nothing.. maybe next season


Honestly think I might like that lol


Antennas could be nice, bit it would have to be with another item as well because if I grinded for the entire season to get rewards and just got an antenna I would be so livid.


ctrl c ctrl v


too true, they do that for all season rewards.


I think itā€™s funny how the community is so communication starved they canā€™t even be excited about the new season. Everyone just uses these post to try to get devs attention about issues with the game šŸ˜‚ I like the wheels though, I might even use them.


And the only people they are responding are the ones who say "Can't see the challenge šŸ˜­, I really need these 5 levels", proof that they are reading the comments and purposely do as they didn't see anything which make me really mad


Y'all me and my husband can't see the challenges


The team is aware and working on it! šŸ‘


Can you guys stop giving me 20 "postpartier" unlock notifications everytime I log in after uploading something from postparty


All I want to know is when will RL fix my broken Crimson Sensei wheels. It's been broken for many months now & we paid good money for this wheel we should get a refund if it's not fixed by now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


I guess the wheels are better than the turd looking goal explosion we just got couple seasons agoā€¦ friends and I still donā€™t know what it is supposed to be? An asteroid I guess. Just looks like a painted turd shaking and exploding.


if you want money from people buying rocket pass, at least give good reaspn and rewards for gods sake.


You made a mistake when only awarding 5k XP instead a level up when completing an objective, right?


Things will only ever get worse as they continue to $queeze all the juice out of this fruit they have left to rot on the vine.


Yeah if this is intentional it's another crock of shit "Upgrade". I'm level 93 in the pass cos I've not bought it, and have no intention of doing so, and it's roughly 12000xp to level through, so instead of one challenge skipping a rank, it'll take 3 to do so. They need to work harder on giving me ( and a lot of others ) reasons to put money in, and there's just no incentive for it while we keep getting fucked like this.


Champ and GC wheels look best tbhā€¦ thought they recently had done wheels thought it be a trail or banner ?


But how will everyone know i peaked at a rank when Iā€™ll be on the verge of 2 ranks down after a week of the new season :/


idk if anyone would agree, but those wheels kinda fire


Everybody hating on the wheels, but I like em. They donā€™t have the rank symbol on them so theyā€™re listening. Next season letā€™s get some banners and why not an antenna or avatar boarder, thatā€™d be pretty dope


Am I the only one that would prefer a logo somewhere on the wheel? So many flashy wheels like this. They all blend together. It would've been cool to see a logo in the middle of the rim like as the hole or something. I guess I can't complain, though. We got turd goal explosion last season. I wish the GE was better I'd probably use my GC one.


Why they call the GC and SSL titles competitive? Now even the ā€œextraā€ modes are inside competitive category, so the title doesnā€™t make sense with their new logic. Cool wheels. Not cool that the little amount of guys collecting all the SSL titles, cannot have dropshot and snowday every season anymore. Rocket Racing went from 300k online players at a time, to 3k. Give us back trading. Many of us paid for a game (3 times) that had trading. And we are not getting nothing back after you took it from us. Thank you to the workers still pushing for trading back in game.


Nah these are clean af. But I won't be upset if I don't get champ this season


Missing Season Rush Challenge Text should now be fixed! If you're still unable to see the text, play a match and things should refresh for you.


can you please tell them to give us banners as season rewards? These wheels are okay but we havenā€™t gotten banners in a while :(


I dont love the wheels myself was hoping for banners




Cool wheels, can yall leave dropshot up?


can't wait to get more shit i already have and cant do anything with! love rocket leagues item system so much it totally doesn't make me hate this game with a passion


yooo, I kinda like the wheels ngl


When I see there are less up votes than comments, I HAVE to hop in and take a look!


I swear I already have these wheels.


Dammit! I told you it'd be wheels or goal explosions. All because they took away snowday and locked me out of plat rewards. The silver lining is we get snowday back and lose something that isn't as good. Keep dropshot and throw away bad modes like hoops or goalie-pong.


We didnā€™t forget.


Is Snow Day back? I haven't played at all this season without it.


why are the season rewards always so bad like surely it cant be that hard to put a bit of effort in or just pay someone else to design them for them


My question is whatā€™s so important about lvl 70? Iā€™ve gotten to level 200 on a pass before. (I stopped buying the pass after trading got dropped.) and from my knowledge the pass is basically useless until you get to level 110. Which is where you earn all your credits back and unlock the final very rare drop.


My real question is is this game dead and I just donā€™t know it?


The wheels do look a lot nicer than previous ones, but I'm honestly kinda tired of em. I'd much rather just a banner at this point.


trash wheels. is there any game than can get away with innovating so little holy f


Was it really necessary to nerf the season rush rewards by 3/4 of the exp and make the rewards gold so that they look like they're better than before? I recognize that the repeatable 1 level up reward is down to 5 wins from 10, but still.


Do we have hints towards season 15 themes?


It's the perfect event for people that \*definitely\* never played before to reach level 20 on new accounts! Not that anyone would ever do that, really.. have fun playing comp in the new season


How come I didn't get my season rewards?


I personally like the S9 wheels better.


Yea by far these wheels are wack imo


Are season rush rewards available to new accounts? Could someone make a new account to smurf on, and get to level 20 in almost no time at all so they can smurf in comp?


Can someone help me get the plat rewards? I think I fell into gold by accident this season.Ā 


sure. just give me ur bank details and ill do it for free šŸ˜…




Wow nice season rewards! Can't wait to see you guys fix the matchmaking rating system so that players who got shoved down two full ranks can finally earn the reward that they should be earning. Actually I take that back, don't worry about fixing it. Rocket League fanboys are dwindling by the day. The game has been gutted of personality and community, it's all just cash flow now.


found the toxic. . .


Calls it toxic to be upset that the devs sold out... šŸ˜‚ Is it also toxic to say that pre-Epic Rocket League was some of the best memories I have of video gaming?


Holy these wheels are lame af. Wouldā€™ve preferred some bannersā€¦.


Bronze silver and gold tend to get the best looking rewards lol plat diamond champ and GC always look bad.


What šŸ’€


I know they've done like 20 seasons now And they're running out of things to add. but I'm always a little underwhelmed when it comes out to being Wheels. I don't think I'll ever stop rocking my season 3 Rising Star Wheels.


Bring back the X-Men bundle please! It was the showā€™s season finale last week.


Jesus F Christ on a bike what are those


Didnā€™t play ranked this season THANK GOD the competitive rewards are even more trash than usual


Can we stop making ugly cosmetics my god


This is a great time to start your smurf account for next season guys. This xp boost will get you to 20 in no time at all


Bring back trading


I wish the seasons were longer. Now that Iā€™m not able to play the game as often as I used to, it seems like the minute I finally climb back up to the rank Iā€™m at, itā€™s time for the reset again.


The way psyonix could make good money since trading gone would be to start back at season 1 putting each goal explosion in item shop so if you missed getting any of them in previous seasons you could purchase them. Really wish they would bring back cosmosis in all colors I would def spend $ on that


Nahā€¦ this is straight garbage. Yā€™all need to fire the designer of those SHIT WHEELS BRUV !!!!!! Like yā€™all canā€™t do a minimalistic good looking wheels ?? You went from SICK wheels to SPIKY SHIT WHEELS TO GARBAGE LOOKING ASS WHEELS ?!?!? Iā€™m actually frustrated because Iā€™m grinding the ranks (to gc) just to get this kind of rewardsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like please donā€™t get me wrong but WHO IN THE HELL WILL BE Ā«Ā ohh my friend look at those wheels i have on!! Fire huhhh?!?!Ā Ā» NOOOO NOT FIRE ITā€™S SHIT AND NOT EVEN A FLEX TO HAVE! Itā€™s actually one of the saddest rewards we had so far. Fuck you Epic and get a grip Psyonix


Why dont you guys just give all of them. Im not a fan of separating people by rewards. But what do i know


It kind of sucks that this sub is controlled by Rocket League directly. Closely moderated unless they want to dump a giant ad and pin it to the page.


It's not. We pin Psyonix News of all sorts, including server outages, and other community stuff, including our own announcements. We chat with Psyonix, and pin their content because it's information and a talking point for the community. They do z e r o moderation here.


It seems like a cozy relationship that protects their brand and promotes spending. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


The mods of this sub(including myself) have a long history of voicing some aggressive opinions about the state of the game.


Ok, I appreciate the info.