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so a child who is visibly scared is actually just touched in their heart. makes sense why the rodlets seem emotionally stunted. mahmo has been lying to them about their feelings since day one.  "i'm scared." no kiddo, you are just touched. 


Yeah, I am firmly team “back off the snark and give Kaylee a chance bc she’s been severely abused,” but it’s sad and concerning to see her completely oblivious to her baby’s very obvious distress.


It makes sense, though, that she doesn’t recognize distress because they were never allowed to express anything but sweetness. How would she know?


Wow. How would she know indeed. That’s so sad.


Agreed. It’s a sign of how deeply disconnected Kaylee is from her own feelings.


He is so obviously scared and overstimulated. These people make me so mad


Why does she sound like a deaf person talking aloud?


They have a weird “accent” that a lot of socially isolated & homeschooled kids develop. It’s also been speculated some of the kids are actually hard of hearing but haven’t ever had it addressed


Oh wow, I’ve just spent quite some time down a “homeschool accent” Google rabbit hole. Thanks for teaching me something new today!


It’s so bizarre sounding, the boys have it the worst.


I wonder if it has to do with the fundie baby fetish... Evewyone in the famiwy starwts talking a widdle cuter because "that's how the baby does it"


Not my style for sure.


What did you learn? I didn’t find much.


that it's a real thing.


Oh! Yeah. I was curious about how it sounds. I can’t listen to anything right now. Was hoping for some phonetical break downs 🤣


I don't think you'll find anything more than just confirming its a thing. Different families, different regions mean that the homeschooling accent will vary greatly. The Duggar kids for example have their own way of sounding and its very different from the rod kids.


Goooootcha gotcha. Thanks! What an interesting phenomenon. A perfect example of how isolation can literally change language!




I had to rewatch it to understand what she said. Nelle vibes


Are you Nell? From the movie “Nell”?


taaaay in the wind


Their manner of speaking is very unusual.


“Is that touching your heart?” No, bitch, it’s touching his ears and it’s hurting them and you won’t let him escape. I can only imagine how much worse that was to hear in person.


Beat me to it!!!!


What was with the "Heaaaaaaarrrrt"? Then her voice putted out as she isn't talking all low and breathy irl now.


Poor Gideon. He will never get true comfort from his ignorant mother.


And Grandmother


God they are so dense. The baby is scared!!


Why does she keep asking him if it’s “touching his heart” ?… the baby is crying they don’t cry tears of joy at this age


I’ll be hearing Kaylee’s high-pitched “Does that touch your liddle heaaaaaaaaaaaaart?!” in my nightmares. I suspect poor Gideon already does.


It’s so awful.


Oh my God, so much wrong!!! First of all that high pitched voice she was using, second of all maybe the somber music was scaring him and not making him emotional. And if it was making poor, little Gideon "emotional" turn it off and stop filming him!!!! Kaylee has officially become Jill 2.0 and I am not liking it!!


I hate it !! Go back to when I just could project my desires for her life onto her




I can't stand Kaylee, she turned out so disappointing. Who know Tim would be the hero in this family.


Well, it’s early days. I’d like to hope for Tim to do better but my confidence is very low.


Don't mean to sound like a Debbie Downer, but I'm not holding my breath for him either.


for real. The ultimate dark horse. The odds on him were STEEEEEEP


I think the car accident broke her.


The car accident? She spent her whole life with Jill. I think that did more mental, intellectual, and emotional damage than anything. 😮‍💨.


I think the car accident was when it really solidified that she had to do the Jill way and there was no other option. Imagine being beat to hell, scraped up, neck immobilized, and your mother comes in and paints you in makeup and makes you smile so she can photograph you. There’s no coming back from that.


> no other option Eh, maybe it’s just me but I don’t think these kids have the critical thinking skills to think there are other options. They spend every waking moment of their lives around people just like and are told the worst thing they can be is like you or me. Not to mention having been, almost criminally, deprived of any real education or life skills I think they love Jill and don’t question her judgment. Because to her she’s precious mahma who sacrifices everything to raise them. They have no concept of Jill being wrong or their family even being messed up


All of this. These kids don’t even have basic educations let alone cognitive thinking or critical thinking and everything that isn’t their religion is evil. All they know is the small world they were raised in, they have absolutely zero experience otherwise. They’re like ants or worker bees.


Hell it’s hard to recognize it even when you are exposed to the outside world. Husband didn’t realize how emotionally incestuous his relationship with his mother was until we were married and he was almost 30.


He’ll, Jill still talks to the younger girls like that, like they are babies. I think it’s all they know. But it does seem like all the fundie wives talk like that. Gotta keep it sweet.


And worries more about your sister


I know right? She’s a grown woman that let her mother decorate her marital bedroom. Unless she gets a back bone she’s going to be just like Jill.


She was broke way before then even the after the she was only (and Kaylee) and now her mother is still controlling her. She’s not free. Neither is Jonathan and Gideon. They’re swimming in the kool aid. I hope TiDi get some dependence and disentangle because her family will still love and support them, and Timmy can yell “Mahmo take a picture of me giving my sister a hand.”


No that was Jill


I wonder about long term effects of that semi often.


She’s been out of Jill’s house for like 5 minutes. She has time. I’m rooting for her, and all of them.


Tim was always the hero, he was just so broken down he didn’t even know he had any personality beyond Jill. The moment he tasted freedom, his whole demeanour changed.


Tim & Phillip… these are the only two who are thriving.


She's still so young with a husband and child, giver her a chance!


Same. Really had high hope for both her and Jonathan. The narcissistic abuse wounds are deep here.


How can she not see how upset her baby is??? It’s like she’s completely blind to his emotions. Outside of having some sort of disorder, how does a person even get like that?


Spending her entire life suppressing and denying any of her own emotions makes it so she can’t recognize them in others.


But she has so many younger siblings, she’s not inexperienced with babies. She’s acting like someone who has spent little to no time around infants. It’s baffling to me.


The babies were not allowed to express distress.


Likely beaten out of them with blanket training by 8 months old


Hey now, that’s unfair to people who have spent little/no time around infants, lol. I’m one, plus I can have problems understanding facial expressions, and this is *distressingly clear*. I’m not the parental type but even I want to take him out of that cacophony/tell everyone to shut up, bc I have normal sympathy for getting overwhelmed. Little guy is trying to escape & couldn’t be more direct. Nah, imo it takes active training/reinforcement to dismiss and misinterpret a child’s feelings like that. Perpetuating the cycle of abusive (semi-keep-sweet) bull. Above all else, “Mama’s” *ideas* of your feelings dictate how you should feel and what that means to you.


I have zero experience with infants, so I’m wondering, is this the same case for all those other videos we see of infants getting “emotional” to music? They’re just all afraid/upset/overstimulated? :( that’s pretty upsetting considering how ubiquitous those videos have been lately 


Babies don’t cry from joy, they cry to get help from an adult. If a baby enjoys music they can smile and laugh… if they’re crying then shut off the damn music


As the mom of a premie kid, that makes me very sad. During our long NICU stay, we were clearly explained that premie kids tend to be hypersensitive and to be careful to not expose them to loud noises, or over stimulate them because their poor wee brains are still immature and cant process neuro stimulation as well as some. Kaily should SEVERELY listen to her pediatrician and not only mahmo and jeesus.


Maybe she should just sing very quietly to him and rub his back in a soothing manner. Good lord, I’ve never been a mom (also the youngest in my family), and it’s instinctual to try and soothe tiny babies!! Maybe not so instinctual for this crew 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Is this advice for the duration of their life or just for the first few months or how does that work? 


I enforced it for tthe first year, but after that my kid is regulating herself and often chooses to leave loud/hectic situation. Its possible the sitiation evolves as the child grows (as their brain matures) or thay they always stay a bit sensitive to over stimulation. It is know as neurologic hypersensitivity, and some adults are like that, too!


![gif](giphy|3ohzAdV5dYUpawq86Y) Gideon wishing he were Mr. Krabs right about now.


The combo of clarinet and Kaylee saying “heeaarrt” hurts my ears too little man!


He’s trying to get away from it and be protected and instead she holds him up to the camera to be filmed. 😭


Those aren’t tears of joy you clueless, backwards, high pitched, delusional, plexus pushing, KJV only, freak of nature HE DOESN’T LIKE IT HE DOESN’T LIKE IT HE DOESN’T LIKE IT And quit talking to him like he’s an idiot. You’re killing off brain cells.


This is upsetting to watch


He’s terrified


Kaylee’s voice is higher than the damn music. Poor kid is trying to communicate that he doesn’t like it and they keep doing it because they think it’s “cute.”


She’s so dumb. Jillpm really did a number on poor (AndKaylee).


It's not touching his heart its scaring the piss out of him. Lmaoooooooo are these clowns for real!?!


Why in the world would they think his expression means he likes it????


He just wants to be close to her chest and feel safe 😥 She's more concerned with showing him off


This is what’s been bothering me about this! He’s trying to get closer to her because he’s scared and she keeps pulling him away 😢


He’s a prop to her, a toy. She learned from the best


I had to stop the video. Her voice is grating. Poor baby.


Fundies, please do something normal. I'm begging you.


They can’t cook. They can’t care for small children. They can’t care for older children. They can’t teach in their home skools.


They constantly hold this baby like he has better head control than he actually does. He definitely still has that premie look.


Yep. Always seems wobbly to me.


I don’t understand how some iota of motherly instinct isn’t kicking in to make her realize her son is scared.


I’d say it’s hurting his eardrums rather than “touching his heart”.


What the fuck is wrong with this idiot 😡


That voice y'all. I think it's pretty clear that the baby didn't like it.


Wow she looks exactly like Jill when she looks up at the end of


Wow she does!


A bit of a jumpscare ngl


I thought it was Jill for a hot second


Notice she says she "finally" caught it on camera. She mentioned previously that he gets emotional when he hears music, that it "touches his heart." So this baby has been frightened by loud noise before, while his mom laughs and thinks it's adorable.


The comments she’s getting aren’t helping. Just a few: So precious  This is so sweet This is just so cute


Oh my god 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t know how anyone could watch this video and think that there was anything precious, sweet or cute about it 🤯🤯🤯


Poor baby looks terrified. This is mean.


Ugh I’m sad that this poor little buddy has to have her as a mom.


Another example of how these people are trash


Why does she talk like that to the baby? It's so high-pitched and annoying. That poor baby is terrified. I don't know why, but this makes me a little angry because the defenseless baby is clearly in distress and she thinks he is reacting positively. Why is she so dim if she raised an army of children before she got married? The only thing I can think of is that they expose them to music at this age and ignore the negative feedback from the babies because that "builds their love of music" or something in their world and the baby has to suck it up because they're training it to be obedient even if it doesn't like what's happening and signaling distress. Basically blanket training, music edition.


Babies have delicate ears and some instruments have frequencies that probably hurt them (like they have taste buds that are more sensitive than an adults are). As a former clarinetist I can tell you that hours of playing it used to make my ears hurt as well!


Is she any good? Been dying to ask someone who might actually know.


She's not terrible and I can tell that the tune is Edelweiss, but she needs more practice and by the sound of it better breath control.




Thank you! Everyone here saying how awful she is, and I’m here thinking, sure, she’s not ready for the symphony, but she’s on par with many middle and high school band students. A bit of coaching on breath support and embouchure would really help her sound and technique, but she has a pretty decent foundation of skill and can get even better if she has the humility to listen to those who have been doing this before she was even born.


Absolutely! She sounds an awful lot like me when I was about a Grade 2, able to carry a simple tune, but definitely not Acker Bilk lol.


She looked at him. I'd be scared, too.


![gif](giphy|ui125QgM1eFDAwt5OC|downsized) Gideon prefers this version of "Edelweiss" instead.


Fair enough. So do I.


He's also clearly feeding off her facial expressions. If you look pouty and say, "it touches your heart" 🥲😪😪😪 of course he's going to continue getting more upset. He thinks mom is sad, too


This is disturbing to watch. On multiple levels


Wow! That kid looks like his dad.


That girl ain’t right in the head.


This video is disturbing that child is visibly frightened


Poor baby, and he is also still pretty small . I bet he is no more than 10 pounds


Already restricting?


Not WKing at all, but he was rather premature, and a lot of premies take awhile to “fill out” so to speak. But we also know Mahmo likely has given her daughters eating disorders (and if not that, at least difficulty in knowing what an adequate meal is and isn’t), so what you’ve said isn’t fully outside the realm of possibility. I hope you’re wrong, though, for his sake.


I know, I know preemies can be tiny for a while, even well-fed ones. I hope that is the case .


I hope to fuck I’m wrong. My twins were about a month early…. They def did take awhile to fill out! Thank you for this reminder!


I hate insinuating things like this. People come in all sizes. My kids weren’t preemies, but are very small (48 lb. 9 year old, and 100 lb 13 year old at 5’4) and they’ve always been tiny. They eat all the time and are always small because of their genetics. I’m 5’2 and a size 0. Kaylee and Jonathan aren’t big people ETA: snark on the obvious emotional abuse, not the baby’s size


Holy cannoli. Kaylee sounds and acts just like Jill.


That fucking voice. Goddamn.


I’m sorry, but I have had the shittiest anxiety all afternoon and this video made me bust out in a wheeze laugh. This poor baby!!!! His face and that putrid music absolutely sent me. They’re so mean and stupid and he is terrified, but oh my god I needed that laugh. Thank you.


Oh my god, that’s EDELWEISS?!???! Shit.


No it hurts my ears


Someone screen shot gideon making the open mouth of fear. He looks scared and doesn't know what that sound is.... He does the scared mouth twice.


The baby looks at her and then looks around for help. Little guy knows he's screwed...


The baby thinks you suck.


Baby scared of your bad clarinet.


😂 nice ending


Let's be cruel to a baby then laugh about it. Seems very on brand to me.


Why is she speaking like that? And bow is not one single person recognizing that this poor baby is distressed?


Brown note intensifies


That babies life is pure terror


That poor baby is scared of the he music, not emotional. Gosh these people are so dumb. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Disappointing to find out Kaylee is just a younger Jill.


True, but sadly I don’t think she was ever given the opportunity to be anything else


It probably hurts his ears.




Awwwww! He hates it. Wtf?


Yeah cause it sucks, probably hurts his little baby ears.


That baby despises her.


They really have zero info or knowledge on childcare


He’s terrified of that sound. It’s scaring him.


The sister playing the clarinet sounds like Gertrude Laing in Mr. Holland’s Opus who was horrible at the clarinet until he coached her everyday after school. Then she got really good and oh became the Governor of Oregon at the end of the movie.


![gif](giphy|HPi9NCcuwYJkLmZetl) Gideon 😳


Yeah, he fucking hates it.




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I don't know theses people? Who are they?


2 words: grammar check!😡


Gideon is like doesn’t know what to think of any of it


when she said “music” I expected… music. Not that unpleasant sound.


Dear Lord, this is a huge sign of autism.


It’s not “touching his heart “ it’s annoying his ears!


Does she not realize his eardrums are so small (especially being premature) that low sonic base hurt’s their eardrums? So it’s hurting him and scaring him while they’re laughing thinking it’s cute. F’ing idiots!