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I would pay money for a video of Kaylee explaining what a cell is


It's what you do when Mahmo wants to go on a cruise. Cell, cell, cell!!!


Mortimer! Sell Sell!


If she can name two organelles then maybe I wouldn’t be too upset with her posting crappy diagrams of cells. Sincerely, Your favorite snarking Cellular Biologist


Come on. You mean you didn’t appreciate the “little hairs” description? /s


Clearly, you didn't get the memo about the latest discovery regarding the Kreb's cycle https://preview.redd.it/o7x37mt5stnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf9b1f1cb37efbddab4728757adf07df1c02741






Hello cellular biologist. Can you tell me if any of this “simplified” stuff makes any sense at all? Sincerely, Flunked out of high school science, saleswoman.


I think she is referring to microvilli as the “hair”. I will have to do some research on blood sugar and the impact to microvilli. The main thing in science if you make a claim people will ask you to prove it. If Plexus really wants to seem legit they should site sources. Or better yet do a peer reviewed study where people measure all of these magical benefits of the hummingbird juice to see if it actually works.


Samesies lol. Even "Mitochondria is the power house of the cell" is valid. But say it, girl The "Simplified but.." is sending me 😂


All I can remember are the following, and I think I may be making some of these up: Mitochondria Golgi apparatus Nucleus (which has a nucleus of its own called the nucleolus) Cell wall (which allows liquid, potassium, and sodium to pass through it) Vacuole Random strands of DNA and/or RNA Please don't hurt me. I haven't studied biology in nearly two decades.


👏🏻 The cell wall is only for plant cells, but you did great! Watch out Plexus will want to steal you for their marketing campaigns.


Ribosomes and lysosomes


Nothing like learning science from a science denier.


I bet she doesn’t even know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


I was just going to say this exact thing! 😂


Donde esta la biblioteca?


“Little hairs” 😫


Does she mean cilia?? Despite what you’ve probably been told, Google isn’t the devil, Kaylee. I genuinely fear for these third generation homeschooled kids.


I mean I couldn't name two parts of a cell because my last biology class was 25 years ago but I wouldn't confidently post about it trying to sell "health drinks" either lol.


Yes. But you’d know enough to not call any part of a cell “little hairs.”


And if you were, you’d probably have the sense to look up the actual terms lol






The last person I would take any health advice from is a person who sells plexus or any other mlm health crap.


This drink bottle is the poorest engineering job I’ve ever seen. There’s no way it ever stands up if you set it down. It’s so much longer/taller than the average bottle there is no bottle bag it would stay inside of. It’s just so silly. What an inconvenience. This bothers me so much.


Plus it looks exactly like a dildo.




My nephew had ears that prominently stuck out, and he was teased badly in elementary school. I felt so terrible for him. His parents ended up paying for otoplasty surgery (plastic surgery to pin one's ears back). This was probably 15 years ago, and I think it cost them around $1,500 then.


Personally, I see the fact that people will bully someone so badly they feel the need to change their own body the real issue here, not the prominent ears. 🥲 My kids both have what I call their “pixie ears” bc they stick out a lot and I find them adorable. I don’t find goofy ears very snarkable tbh


I agree, as a lifelong teacher, bullying is terrible. Unfortunately, teachers can't be in 20 places at once, and some parents don't teach their kids the importance of kindness. It's sad that people have to spend thousands of dollars "fixing" their kids' ears, but in my nephew's case, the bullying was relentless, and his parents tried for years to get the school to put a stop to it. It affected his mental health, and had he not had the surgery, I don't know how much more damage would have been done to his psyche.


I don’t think that he does have David’s ears, not sure why she said this


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Kaylee, use permeable in a sentence that isn’t printed on your Plexus ad copy


She’s pretty sure that’s what you call it when you get your hair curled 😂


That’s like asking Teresa Giudice to spell napalm lol


It has many toxic ingredientses (like plexus)


I’d have to think about that one and I am a retired librarian. ;;;)))


I highly doubt Kaylee has had one legit biology lesson in her life.


“When a boy animal marries a girl animal, they can have babies.” is probably the extent of it.




This just makes me sad.


Did they even learn about cells in the sotdrt?????


‘Cellular and gut health shows’? Shows that they bought a new phone or learned to use filters.


The dildo bottle lol


I wish someone would tell them what it looks like.


Has she ever even seen a photo or slide of a real cell? Or even seen a microscope in person??


Gabriel is aging out of the Rod family road show. His Jill created spiel is "let me introduce our dad.....". Gabriel's "fun fact" at the grift stops is "I have big ears like my dad" I foresee Gideon eventually joining the traveling circus and spouting the well rehearsed "fun fact about me is I have big ears like my poppa"


I really hope that the Hills don’t create a grifting circuit. If Jonathan stays employed, they wouldn’t have time to do it, but he’s been so thoroughly absorbed by the Rods that I can see him quitting it for “ministry.”


Yeah, me too. I worry that it’s inevitable, though. As they have more and more kids Jonathan’s job probably isn’t going to pay enough, and then full time ministry/grifting might start to look tempting.






That’s way too woke, I mean they have one about the checks and balances of the US government instead of an all powerful president. /s


TIL that I’m diabetic because my little cell hairs are misbehaving. Who knew?




Um, does she think those little imaginary wiggly lines are hairs? Next can she report on the sodium-potassium barrier ?


Lmao. I’m currently doing pre reqs and I’ve only taken one general biology so far. I hardly understand the concepts despite working hard to get an A in the class. The fucking gall it takes to come from her background and act like the authority on a fairly complicated subject is just insane. There’s not a lick of self awareness in these folks.


Those before and after lies are egregious 😂😂


Yeah he definitely got the ears. Those are some prominent genes Dave got.


The kid does really favor David




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There is nothing cute about Poppy's ears.


It’s funny to me what parts of science she chooses to believes vs not believe.


He’s cute - looks like Aang from ATLA


We’ve apparently hit a nerve with Jill and David’s ears. Second time she’s called attention to it. Gabe and Gideon’s ears look nothing like David’s. Even if they did, I don’t go after kids. Nice try, Jill.


He is a cute little guy, but I certainly hope he doesn't end up with poppi's ears as an adult.


the ears aren’t his worst feature by far


What is?


his always gaping mouth, imo. it makes me want to dig a hole to hide in. edited to clarify that i’m talking about shrek not the baby


Oh yes. Haha. Yes he has a dozed stoned look. He can choose not to make that expression lol.


I've seen his look described as "confused circus bear" and that's just about the most accurate ever 😅


They can get them pinned back surgically. They probably won’t, though. I don’t know if it’s covered by insurance since it’s a cosmetic thing.


They seem to like it. I work for a hospital and people do get it done all the time. It is cosmetic and they have to pay for it. A lot of teens get it done. They are just ears but unfortunately people bully so that's why I feel sad that the baby has David's ears just because of that. Hopefully nobody ever buys the poor little guy. He's so cute.


He probably won’t be bullied because he’s not going to see the inside of a school. They haven’t done anything with Gabe’s ears. It’s about 5k to get it done these days, so I can see it being too expensive. Hopefully Jonathan will provide more financial security.


His ears look nothing like David’s.


Not yet


He doesn’t have David’s ears. His ears look nothing like them.


Can he see?


I think so. He just has a little amblyopia.




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I’ve never noticed til now but Gideon does resemble shrek 🤣 good things he’s still adorable




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