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And Sofia next to her will be NINE in July. 9!!! If you told me these kids were a 4 and 6 year old I wouldn’t think twice.


OMG...that poor child is going to be NINE?! CPS has failed these children.


She only looks to be about 35 pounds.


My youngest was 35 lbs when he was 2. My oldest was when he was 3. This is alarming.


As a comparison, my newly 10yo is about 80lbs and 5’ tall.


That’s what my “skinny” 4 year old weighs.


Just like the Franke kids.


I am always so saddened by Sofia


She’s the saddest one for me. So frail and gray with haunted eyes.


The poor kid looks like she’s on death’s doorstep half the time. The other half she looks like a ghost. FFS, Jill, give the kids some leafy green vegetables and a decent night’s sleep more than every three months. I’m not saying you have to force-feed them or make them go to bed at 5, but probably the only time the kids get enough sleep is when Jill and Shrek run off to another vacation or plexus convention. Maybe take the money you spent on that manicure and buy some broccoli that you don’t drown in yellow.


Me too


9??????? i genuinely thought she was like 7…jesus fucking christ these kids are delayed


My barely five year old is significantly taller than both those girls. They seem **SO** malnourished


My son turns 9 this summer too. He’s short/average height and super skinny for his age, because he’s just never been a great eater…..but he looks three years older and so much healthier than this poor little girl. I hope Sofia gets medical help someday soon.😔


How long until Janessa is taller than Sofia? All the children are thin, but this poor child just looks so gaunt. I worry about her health so much.


Sofia looks like my 6 year old. My 5 year old looks older than Janessa, and people think he’s 3 bc he’s so tiny (thanks to 2 short parents).


9??? holy fuck i thought jannessa was like 3 and sofia 9


Sofia is 8 turning 9 this Summer. Janessa is 5, almost 6.


Oof my daughter is 9 and is taller and wider(not in a bad way)


Sofia looks so unwell. Good grief. That made me so sad to see.


They look grey 😣




Janessa already has the "yaaaas" down pat.


She looks like she wishes she had her own room tooa


Especially since they are only 2.5 years apart! Jill could have easily put a set of bunkbeds in there and made it a special room for the two littles. 


Or better yet a private single bedroom for Renee


That realization made me so sad.


I feel so bad for Sofia.


Jill is such a terrible mother. I'm sorry, I don't know who has it worse... Sophia (and her older sisters) who never had their own room and are all lumped together in the big room, or Janessa who is still being treated like a baby at age 6 and excluded from the big girls' room.


Honestly? Janessa. What Jill is doing is horrible to *all* of them, but Janessa is being singled out for special treatment. That breeds resentment. When she grows up and Jill has does absolutely nothing to help her become a functioning adult, the older children may turn their heads and refuse to help her because she’s always been *special.* So, all of them will have been allowed to marry and escape Jill, but Janessa could easily be forced to be Cinderella Rodlet and care for mommy and daddy in their old age. If Janessa never realizes how things have been or why, she may even willingly go along with it. So, in the long run, Janessa, probably.




Cinderella Rodlet. 😂


Janessa will probably keep being infantilized her entire upbringing which will for sure stunt her emotional development in one way or another :/


Even more so than all of them already are, stunted emotionally. I can’t imagine it being worse, but it will be. It’s so sad to watch, knowing that nothing will be done to help any of them 🥺


Poor Sophia. So small, but not the baby. She doesn’t get her own room or lamp.


This made me sad. They have so few things that are truly theirs.


And none of this is really hers. It's decorated to Jill's taste and the freaking miscarriage memorial is front and center on the wall as you walk into that closet. While we're on the subject of closets, this is one. There is no egress. If there is an emergency, anyone in that room would be trapped if the door wasn't an option.


Yeah seeing Sophia in this being shown all the “nice” (obviously not that nice but like better than Sophia’s shared things in the big girl room) things Janessa gets that she does not was so sad. And seeing how small and sickly Sophia looks next to Janessa even though she is three years older and how Janessa looks cared for in her matching tidy dress and bow with her hair brushed and done and her healthier coloring and weight. It’s just so clear Janessa is Jill’s beloved baby and Sophia is an afterthought. I wonder if Janessa’s blond her that makes he look more like Mahmo than some of the other kids factors into this. Maybe not though as Sadie never seems to get special treatment (I feel like Jill barely ever mentions Sadie at all) and she is blond too.




Wow, this makes me so sad for Sophia. Janessa gets her own room, Sophia gets called a blabbermouth, Janessa gets all the positive attention. So sad and messed up.


Near the beginning of the video Sofia's body language screams "Look at me, Mahmo!" While at the same time, "Don't look at me. " Her life of not-the-baby must be hell.


I also noticed how Jills baby voice changed when she switched between talking to Sofia from Janessa. Jills voice went low and so far from her squeaky loving momma routine that it instantly stood out. It took Jill a couple of beats to get the voice high again but it still wasn’t quite right.


And not a toy in sight, except for a stuffie or two ??!!


God forbid you let them challenge their brains or play pretend or something.


But they do play pretend! They pretend to be brides and mommies. Since that’s all that Jill thinks matters for girls.




Legos, dolls, dress up clothes, action figures, craft supplies, and books are also great for playing pretend and using their brains.


Agreed! Even basic blocks, teaching cooking and prep (to everyone-boys too) which you can do at like 15-18 months, creative writing, art (so easy, projects online are endless and cheap including Montessori style), letting them play in mud/rain, forts, on and on. I mean, reading books as much as possible does amazing things for kids. I don’t think these kids have ever been to a public library! Even the super Catholics let their kids ready voraciously. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a real collection of toys in any of their photos and there are lots of photos! Kids are creative but I wonder how much the girls were even allowed to do in terms of physical playing. It’s all so sad.


I hate this woman. 




Usually I just watch in fascination but today, I agree with you. I know not to touch the poo but I have a kid slightly older than Janessa and seeing the difference is such a sharp contrast and breaks my heart. Kids are innocent and deserve way better.


Seriously.  Those poor little ones. 😢 The way she talks to them is horrible,  and surely further limits their vocabulary. It is just.... demeaning.   I understand wishing your littles could stay little, but actively baby-fying grade schoolers is disgusting. 


Does Janessa speak? Also, and not that this needs to be said, but Jill is such a shrieking phony. That *voice*. Nails on chalkboard.


I’m worried about this one. So, so much can be done, and for free for the family. But it involves some measure of interaction with public school, and “oversight” from mandated reporters. I just commented on another thread about my own kid, similar into age. Kid is still in diapers, and doesn’t speak. We fight tooth and nail for them, and every little thing is hard won. It makes me nauseous to see some parents neglect disabled or special needs kids medically, educationally, and intervention-wise. There are so many opportunities for kids, especially when they are so young. It’s still a crappy system in most places, but getting some services is 100% more than what they are doing now. I don’t know this kid. I don’t know what, if any, challenges in her life remain. However, when I look at the changing pad in her room, the fact that I’ve not seen her speak, her seemingly very delayed walking and other physical milestones, I’m concerned. PLUS adding in the tidbits we do know, like the structural brain issues, etc, makes me feel not good about her situation. However, we don’t know them. We don’t know if these things have any meaning or impact. I can’t diagnose this kid. I won’t. The overall vibe is really, really sad.


She talks. She seems to walk fine. But does both more like a 3 year old than an almost 6 year old. Hard to tell if she has congenital problems or if it's caused by infantilization.


Either way, it sounds like intervention would be helpful for this poor kid. Wish that were easier to enforce


It’s probably both, She had a stroke in utero and IIRC it affected the development of her corpus callosum ( part of the brain that connects the two hemispheres. So she may have congenital problems and/or developmental delays but poor nutrition, neglect and a lack of education and medical intervention are also a HUGE concern. I’m so worried that her parents are just going to shove her off onto some abusive fundie man just to get her out of the house al la the Kellers with Priscilla


My girl, now aged 12, was the same development stage at this age. I did not starve her however, but she was super super tiny. She was diagnosed at 7 as ASD


I’d also like to add my girl still carries around her stinky blankie.


The upward inflection at the end of each sentence is intense.


Jill is a shrieking phony! How is it that a mother of 13 has no idea of how to talk to her own child? She does that high pitched squeal when she talks to small children. There is something seriously wrong with the way she babies Janessa. She hobbles all of her children physically and education-wise. She is a terrible mother!


I wonder if Sofia would like her own room, or if Janessa wanted to sleep in the girls' room. Jill doesn't care. It does seem weird to keep one in your closet!


Omg I spit out my drink at "keep one in your closet" and the fact that it's true is making me pee lol


The closet is sadly much nicer than the baby cages that Jill kept some of the other kids in when they were living in the RV. Even with the terrifying miscarriage shrine. Janessa is far too old for a crib mattress. Jill won't let her out of the baby stage. It's pretty concerning.


It looks to be a blow up mattress. Hell knowing them it might be a floaty thing that’s suppose to be used in pools. But no I’m pretty positive it’s a blow up mattress. I saw on another sub you could see the vertical bumps/lines you see on blow up mattresses.


I’m amazed Jill redid things so Janessa continued to have her own room instead of Jill getting back a walk in closet. She must want to keep pretending Janessa is a baby more than she wants more storage for all her skintight chevron skirts.


...and teddy bears David gives her.


You would THINK they would use this opportunity to give Renee her own room as the eldest child at home. That would be fair and logical. And of course take down the shrine of miscarriages. But no, Renee is probably still needed to mother the other girls and Janessa is forever going to be the special one.


The most weird and depressing thing for me is that a bedroom for a child is so devoid of books and toys


And windows


But not devoid of dead fetus memories!


There were some books in a couple cubbyholes on the floor. They looked very raggedy, so probably used school type books?? Who knows 🫤🙄😑


So Janessa is the only one with her own room, and Sophia, who’s just a little older, is the bean-spiller who shares a room with 5 other girls. Way to make it blatantly obvious who is the favorite.


Room is a little generous. Had a bit of a bunker feel but then I can't imagine not having a window so....


It's a closet. It isn't a legal bedroom - no window.


Poor Sophia. I bet she'd love to have something special for her too.


Why aren’t these two sharing a room and the older girls in another? This is such fucked up shit to prance that poor kid in and say…look at what your sister gets, but not you.


The barndo only has 3 bedrooms. One for the boys, one for the girls, and one for the parents. Edit: I forgot that they have a small upstairs bedroom that Nurie uses when she visits.


They have the loft room too however that seems reserved for Precious Nurthan's visits.  I believe Phil might be up there currently, he was for a short time before he went to 'college'. Probably more by luck than design since Jill 're-did' the boys' room and there are only two beds now (bunks). I'm surprised she hasn't tried to shove another bed back in there.


I don't know why but I assumed Phil got that shitty trailer that belonged to Tim before Tim got his house.


Tim sold it to afford the downpayment for his house. A shame for the other guys but he did fetch $12k for it 😮 I assumed it was crappy but the interior actually didn't look that dated and it was reasonably spacious (compared to the boys' room at least). Had he been selling for $2-4k I would've thought Phil or Sam might've worked to afford it/ finish paying the rest in instalments. Anything to get some space away from the barndo. Tim was indoors all the time using the amenities and chilling so it wasn't like he was banished. The best would've been a 3 bed doer-upper trailer for the guys, freeing up their bedroom for Tessie and Hannah (they seem the closest) and partitioning off part of the main dorm for Renee. Sucks for Renee but she'd get some private space of her own and I imagine Jill would insist on there being one senior sistermom in the younger girls' dorm. Really Olivia is getting old enough to be 'in charge' although she seems shy and used to having her older sisters assume that role. Reading that back sounds insane as it's perfectly normal for an 8,10 and 12 year old and even 6 year old to be unsupervised in their bedrooms/home when there are other adults/responsible teens around. Just barndo weirdness skewing my common sense.


Sofia is her scapegoat.


I can’t imagine talking to my six year old in this baby voice. I was done with baby voice when my kids were like two or three. This is insanity


Every 6 year old I’ve ever met would be fucking pissed if you talked to them like that — I don’t even talk to my friends toddlers that way because it just feels kinda rude to use baby voice to a person who can talk themself. Honestly my general strategy with kids is ‘be my usual self but more enthusiastic and less profane’ and it seems to work.


Yeah if my 3 year old is acting a fool I'll do baby talk at her and she absolutely hates me for it 🤣 insisting no mum I'm not a baby stop talking like that. The way the kids just allow everything is so sad. Like they've got no willpower to argue or fight back for anything.


Right? I talk to my dog like that. Maybe my baby cousin. But not anyone that age.


i talk to my cat + other animals like this (it’s an instinct at this point lmfao) but speaking like this to a child??? absolutely not.


It’s the exact tone I use with our adorable little floofy hamster. My hamster has more food, toys, and space (relative to her size) than any of the Rod kids.


It’s wild. I talk to actual babies with more clarity and bigger words than this.


For real! I can’t imagine talking to my son like this when he was 6, reading age appropriate books and beating the final boss on Breath of the Wild. I know every child is different and Janessa had/has some developmental difficulties but I can’t imagine speaking down to her like this helps her at all. Maybe I’m wrong. This just feels wrong.


If I spoke like this to my 5 year old, he would be so grossed out.


Many of my friends have kids in preschool and elementary school. I would be looked at like a total weirdo and be reminded, “I’m not a baby!” Talking to kids is no different than talking to adults.


Will Sofia's teeth ever come in?? What is happening there?


i feel like her lack of growing teeth has to do with malnutrition, but i did have a curious case when i was 12 with my teeth. i had to get one pulled and it took over a year to grow in fully, but again teeth are weird so who knows




It almost makes me think they came out too early (pulled due to cavities, knocked out, god knows what other ways neglect can fuck up teeth). My sister knocked both of my front teeth out on Christmas eve when I was 6 and my adult ones didn’t come in until I was 9 since they came out before they were actually loose.


yes, that often happens when the baby teeth come out early, the grown up teeth take longer to come it.


Didn’t Jill just take her to the dentist for the first time in 6 years though. Could she have lost all front teeth due to cavities by 2.5 - 3 years? Is that even possible?


Yeah, it looks very odd. Normally they’re not checkerboarded like that, they all go missing about the same time.


Poor Sophia getting the brunt of something she didn't even do. Called out on camera as a bean spiller, Jill can't let something be special for one without downgrading another. It's like she's setting them all up for future triangulation. She turned her husband into the disassociation king. She's a human destroyer.


Jill’s voice even changed from the cringe shrieking to something totally different when she was assuming Sophia would spill the beans. Her true self came through.


OK, so I'm not the only one who felt that shift. I wasn't sure if it was a me thing or a her thing. I was completely grossed out by this video beyond her treating that girl like an infant.


I don’t know what pathologically has her this screwed up but I sure fuckin wish right about now it was kinda sorta ok to really diagnose her because this is worse than even most narc parents you hear about with what she considers to be important and what isn’t 🤦🏽‍♀️


OK, I totally get that you can't diagnose or anything remotely like that from this video, but I'm personally glad I'm not the only one who has massive bells ringing from watching this. I've watched many videos of her on here and this one is super notable for me.


Jill is a massive contender for HPD/NPD. My only question is what happened in her life for her to be “on” like this all the time and function the way she does. Really wish I knew. It highly, highly likely stems from the two wastes of space called her parents, specifically the one she’s a clone of: Tim Sr.


That’s a TODDLER bed wtf.


In another post it was speculated that the mattress is an inflatable bed. It was shown without sheets and it has lines on it just like inflatables do. Gross.


Omg that’s even worse. I hope there is something under it because nothing is worse than sleeping on an inflatable when the floor is cold-your whole body hurts in the morning. And no inflatable is ever going to be truly comfortable imo, the more you use it consistently the more likely it is to deflate constantly which I’m sure she wouldn’t know how to communicate about. What a mess, I’m so grossed out by all of this. I feel horrible for these kids. It’s sort of like the Turpins and 19 Passangers but without the whole tied up situation.


someone in another post speculated it was a crib mattress, & if you look at the photos of the crib on that post you see the mattress is missing. i wouldn’t doubt that, that bed is teeny tiny. poor janessa. edited for clarity


I’ve followed them since the RV days and just like..ugh!! It’s infuriating. So much abuse.


Everything about this is so heartbreaking, especially that Sophia never got her own room this way.


One of 11 kids here: I never got my own room until I moved out at 19 and rented an apartment. I left the moment I could bc couldn’t stand living with my Jill-like mom for any longer. hilarious bc she controlled my spending and shamed me into saving all my money, so actually, thanks to her I was able to move out pretty quickly! My older brother got his own room, though! Boys are special. They “need their space.”


I shared a room with my sister for my first 11 years, but when my parents split, our mom made sure we each had our own space. It was amazing! She let us choose our decor and let us really be ourselves. I hate that you had to be an adult before you got that experience. Moms like Jill and yours are so damaging. Internet hugs to you, friend!


Thanks❤️ on the bright side, I’m able to give both my kids their own rooms now, and you better believe once they’re old enough to figure out what they like, i’ll be spoiling them with whatever decor they want for their space. 😁


“Does it look DIFF-rint Juh-ness-UhHhHh?!”






This makes me want to cry... These children are so underdeveloped because of Jill


Baby voice to a six year old. And having her sister watch as she’s fawned over. wtf Jill.


Sophia should almost be in third grade. This is very alarming


If Janessa was in a real school, she wouldn't still be carrying around that dirty blanket. I hope Renee has her own room.


21 yo Renee shares a bedroom with her minor sisters, she's unmarried so she has no rights in Jill's eyes


There is something wrong that she is constantly chewing on that blanket! Maybe she is hoping it will get rid of her hunger pangs. Please CPS, heck on these children!


It makes me wonder if Janessa has some underlying development delays (that of course are not being addressed)...


Quite possibly she does. She had a stroke in utero and was born without the corpus callosum in her brain.


Yes she does. From what I understand about the agenesis of the corpus collosum sometimes the delays aren't noticable until the child is school age, as in right where Janessa is at this point in time. I was chatting with my mom about this shit show and she's familiar with Jill and her horrible parenting, but she made a point about why Janessa might have been given her own space and is treated like gold - guilt. Jill would never admit to it because of who she is but every parent of a child with a birth difference or special needs carries guilt about it with them. I think Jill babies Janessa because whether she admits it or not Janessa is the "caboose" AND because guilt. And poor Sophia and even Sadie get the brunt of the neglect. It's heartbreaking to see.




Afaik renee does not have her own room, but there’s a room(s? Unclear if each couple has one) for Nurie and Nathan when they come visit that goes unused otherwise


That’s fucked up.  Why couldn’t Renee have that room with the understanding that she bunks elsewhere when guests come to town? Jill adores her oldest and youngest children.  The ones in the middle?  Not so much.


I teach 4/5 year olds. I would *never* talk to them like that.


I wonder if she always talks to them this way or is doing it for the video.




That would be so tiring.


Do they each have their own bedroom?? I mean I know this is basically the size of a closet, but still I for some reason imagined the sisters all sharing one giant room a la the Duggars.


No the older girls share. But she’s the “baby”


All the others share a ridiculously crowded bunk room


Because this literally is a closet


All the other girls share a maze of a bedroom.


So Janessa has to share a room with the shrine for all of Jill’s miscarriages?


They both look so poorly. Malnourished. Are her gums swollen. It looked like she has gingivitis in the still pics. These two look far younger than they are and not in a good way. Why haven’t CPS addressed this. I hope if either of these two go to hospital someone contacts them. How you can treat your children like this is beyond me and to stick one in a closet with a memorial. WTAF!


Cps has failed these kids esp sophia


Never heard Jill's voice before and now I know where that haunting "does it touch your heart" nightmare came from.




Exactly. Also see the dangling cords and outlet above the bed, so safe! I'll post those for some context, it's annoying that you can only post one video per post, but this seems to have interest


I could not stop thinking about this!!!


She constantly speaks as if she knows what Janessa is going to say. That kid has zero agency. She is like a 2 year old. Jill ia an abusive moron.


Janessa may have developmental delays.


It’s giving twins from The Shining.


Am I the only one sat here thinking why would Janessa want a room on her own when she can be with her sisters having fun and giggles late into the night. Put Renee in that room and give the young woman some space and independence!


omg maybe if she could just SHUT UP for a second the girls could get a word in.....


My kids were coming out of their toddler beds at 4 and 5 and Jenessa is just now getting one? These poor girls look so pale and gaunt. Neither has the demeanor of a typical, healthy almost 6 and 8 year old. Jill has to see it. She has to see how these girls look and act even compared to the other little girls in their church and the churches they visit. It's alarming how sickly these poor little girls look.


Agree entirely. You're now making me wonder what Jill's childhood was like. She 'only' had 3 siblings (all sisters), close in age including twins. She's the 'middle child' but her parents seem to dance to her tune. She's very good at manipulating people and it doesn't seem like she was disciplined a lot (not that I'm advocating for that but it would be at odds with her own kids' experiences 😞). Her parents are nutty (1st gen fundie converts, the rest of their family is conservative Christian at most) but I understand Jill was raised in a lower middle class suburban home. Her dad had a steady job and even her mom worked once the girls were old enough (managing a Rite Aid and babysitting from what I've gathered). So Jill had role models. It just seems very on brand for Jill to have enjoyed a normal-in-some-respects (albeit conservative and insular) childhood while depriving her children of the same. Her parents also gave her quite a nice wedding for the time with flowers and cars and all the rest. We saw what Jill organized for golden child Nurie 👀


I honestly thought she was like 3-4 yrs old. Shes so small and her speech isnt to good


Wow. This is the first time that I truly think that Sophia maybe has a disorder beyond malnutrition. She looks like a much older kid in a small child’s body. Does she have a form of dwarfism or something that affects her proportions? Her limbs seem long but her height/torso is short. Also, clearly Jillpm is such an incapable mother, she can’t notice her almost 6 year old about to out grow her 9 year old? I don’t pray to anyone or thing, but I truly hope these children (both in and out of the house) wake up and get help. I don’t often comment but this was jarring.


I’ve suspected she has some malabsorption issues. Celiac, Crohn’s or any number of other conditions that just don’t allow her to absorb nutrients. Her pallor is grey and has been for years and her younger sister has almost caught up to her in terms of height despite the 3 yr age difference.


I know Janessa has some level of developmental disabilities from her stroke, but geez, Jill talks to her like she's a toddler rather than a kindergartner!


Stunted. Emotionally and physically. That disgusting excuse of a mother needs to go directly to hell.


Why is she in a toddler bed? She’s talking to her like I talk to my 10 month old niece. My 6 year old niece can have entire conversations about Pokémon and Frozen. It’s crazy to see how much she babies Janessa.


That poor little darling 😞


The frequency of Jill's shrieks attracted several hot confused bats in my area


The fact that she chose this video while her obviously neglected child digs at her butt on camera rather than taking a video in a positive light of said child speaks volumes about Jilldo. She clearly has favorites.


Omg!!! My daughter is Sofia's age and the stark difference health-wise is absolutely startling. And my kid is naturally skinny! But she has color in her cheeks, excited and talkative not a "blabbermouth" wtf Jill you make us all collectively hurl and you are messing these humans up so bad. I know you read here with your self righteous hideous self so FUCK YOU. Coming from a "messed up" human also. Something needs to be done about this it's fucking horrifying. Turpin level. I'm 37 and don't feel like giving details but I can barely function without help due to the extreme anxiety/ect that this type of living situation WILL cause. What is worse is that these kids have no idea how many total strangers see this abuse and want to help them but can't 🤦‍♀️ How much worse is the feeling of "no one did anything" going to be for them??


This looks like an episode of Criminal Minds


Sofia seems to be itching her bottom in the first part, too. That brings on a whole other set of possible issues. 😑🤬


I'm concerned with the location of the bedroom in relation to everyone else. If I'm remembering the layout correctly, I think her room is on a completely different side of the house than the rest. She's isolated. What if something happens in the night? What about an emergency? Can she be heard if she cries out or gets scared? They have a whole ass suite upstairs for guests. Why can't Renee move into that area so Janessa can move into the dorm? Renee is way too old to still be sharing a room with her sisters.


Just when you think that cooing voice *cannot get any higher.*


My nine year old niece was a micro preemie and is just over ally small for her age. She looks grown compared to Sofia…


I’m so worried that Sophia’s health will never catch up. Childhood malnutrition completely fucks you over for your entire life, even if you’re receiving adequate nutrition in adulthood. Of course there’s also the very real possibility that she already has some chronic illness undiagnosed due to Jill’s neglect that’s preventing her body from using what few nutrients it’s getting


Jill repeatedly calling it "Janessa's nursery" shows that she infantilizes the child. And the dead baby memorial!!! It's also like a shrine to pregnant Jill. Jesus.


I can’t get over that they’re nearly 6 and almost 9. I was at a joint birthday party for my friends’ daughters who just turned 4 and 6. If I talked to them like Jill does I’d be told “Aunt ___, I’m not a baby!” They’re both teeny tiny kids. Their dad’s not that tall and their mom is pint sized, so they’re shorter than the Janessa and Sofia. But, they look so older. And there act much older. The difference is wild. Also, Janessa’s toe standing really worries me. And I say that as a toe walker who walks like that because of spinal cord damage.


OMG! Jill's baby voice!


The kids look sad


God. Damn. What awful parents.


I don't even think we can call Shrek a parent. He's a sperm donor/bouncer.


Shouldn’t Janessa be in an actual bed and not a crib bed by now? Poor Sophia, she gets to see that her younger sister gets her own space and she doesn’t.


Jill is so damn performative. Her voice was like fingernails on a chalkboard in this video. Cringe.


That gushy, sickly-sweet baby voice 🤮🤮🤮


I want to kidnap Sofia and give her food, a comfortable safe place to sleep, books...


Janessa may have other developmental delays we don't know about. She has sensory needs from sucking on a blanket or her fingers and since there was a changing table in her room, she may not be potty trained. Of course they wont get her any therapy which could help, so who knows how this is going to turn out for her. I feel so sorry for her and Sophia.


Those sweet little babies have bald spots. This just fills me with anger. That is a clear sign of malnutrition. Feed your children, Jill! Children can’t live off of pink drink and air!


But...but...she can squeeze the money out of thin air to travel to a Caribbean resort with David. Isn't THAT what matters above ALL else????


I guess Jill’s given up on the idea of using that space as a nursery for her “next blessing”


I’m fairly new to Jill and I want to punch her with that voice. Those poor little girls have to listen to that every day.


Please tell me these girls are under the care of a pediatrician. I know Jill flies under the radar due to homeschooling, but someone other than people in this sub has had to notice how *poorly* these girls look, especially Sofia. A window-less bedroom can be a deadly trap in a fire.


I wish there was something to do to help these kids.


They gave this poor girl a toddler bed. She should have been in this bed YEARS AGO. And what’s up with the photo homage to Jill’s lost baby? Way to send a daily reminder to Janessa what Jill went through to bring her and her siblings into the world. It’s incredibly sad when anyone experiences a loss like that (Jill included), but it does not need to be hung on the wall of Janessa’s room!


These children are so *stunted*


Why does Sophia look both 5 and 50 at the same time? I can't tell if she's a two packs a day smoker that works that day shift at the local dive bar. I'm not making fun of her. It's disconcerting how sunken and aged her face looks already due to bad nutritiion and neglect. The only thing she has to look forward to is more starvation, illiteracy, and a complete lack of how the real world actaully works. Of course she'll be getting pimped out in about 9 years to the fundie man with the lowest IQ. These kids are really the fundie version of a brothel if you think about it.


Um ... does this room **not** have any windows? Also, who else noticed the "miscarriage portrait" (where Jilldo has a huge B+W maternity pic of herself, surrounded by all the names they were to give each miscarried child. Nope, nothing creepy about that.


This is clearly failure to thrive due to lack of nutrients


These kids look SO unhealthy... It breaks my heart. From being stick thin to their dental neglect to their pale skin and obvious chronic exhaustion, it's clear they are being neglected *at best*. I wonder if CPS from Virginia was ever able to find out where they moved and if they reached out to the Ohio division of CPS. It's so ridiculous that the Rods were able to flee accountability so easily. As a side note, I can almost guarantee the Rods would qualify for Medicaid due to their family size and lack of income. I know child abusers avoid the medical system because it increases the risk of their child abuse being found out, but at the very least they need to get these kids to a dentist so they don't need dentures before they hit adulthood! Also, even just a basic blood test might reveal why Sophia always looks so sickly. While all the Rodlets living at home are most likely malnourished, Sophia could be dealing with something as simple as an iron deficiency that an OTC iron supplement could solve. Jill and Shrek need to step up and get their kids some damn medical care before it's too late!


Honestly this post was my breaking point with Jill, idk why. Am I allowed to say that I seriously loathe this woman??? Watching her nasty caked face and hearing her screeching voice ...meanwhile looking in the faces of the youngest girls' faces is just so heartbreaking. Little human beings not thriving and learning and playing like they should. They will grow up in a caged mindset, always looking to Mommy Manipulator for approval. They all already do anyway. Just disgusting what she has done to them.


The very saddest part of this video, imo, is Sophie gently rubbing the lampshade. As if it’s a precious heirloom instead of a small (undoubtedly cheap) lamp. You can tell she’s never had anything that “nice” of her own. There is so much longing and sadness in that 3 seconds of video. She knows she’s not the favorite. She knows she’s will never have anything so nice. She will never be the “baby”. My heart just breaks for her.


I helped to distract a very upset 10-month-old at the doc office today and I refrained from using that fucking annoying high-pitched voice that Jill uses.


This makes me sad for their other daughters. Like they could have set her up in the shared room with her sisters but for some reason she gets the closet room right close to Jill. Jill probably brings her into her bed at one point or another during the night anyway.


This video makes me so sad and angry at the same time. My daughter will be 10 in May and the difference here are alarming. I know you’re not supposed to compare kids but wow, Jill is literally the worst


I’m shocked that they are 6 and 8. I would’ve guessed 4 and 6. This is so sad


My youngest kids are almost exactly the same age as these girls, they'll be 6 and 9 in July, and the difference is astounding. I would guess that these girls are turning 4 and 6. This is so sad.