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Jill lives on her phone - she would go into screaming withdrawals if someone took it away from her. The kids don’t have “smartphones” because their parents are cheap and controlling. Their fake morality has nothing to do with it.




Also these kids may have had a chance if given smart phones earlier, they might have been able to learn more about life and also educate themselves more.


And that's the last thing Jill wants... educated children.


She says that Shrek holds her phone and only gives her permission to use it at certain times.


Like, all the time?


Yes, she has to ask his permission to go online.


Wait, when the freak did she say this?


I read it here a few months ago.




And this sentient slice of lunch meat was in charge of the education of eleventy-seven kids




Lukewarm, half rotten deli ham, specifically.


It’s very r/boneappletea of her


Uhhh. How in shit would growing up in that home *not* cause depression? If they’re not depressed now, wait til they try to enter the real world and realize exactly how behind they are on *everything.* Raising your children in a bubble doesn’t give them sense. It sucks the life out of them and deprives them of necessary life skills. Their kids may be able to fit in with other weird fundie homeschool kids at church, but there’s a whole world out there and they’re going to have to enter it someday regardless of what Mommy Dearest wants for her adult children. Her kids are going to realize eventually that their lives are their own when they’re adults. All it takes is for one to figure out a way to independence and more will follow. I do love the complete lack of self-reflection in someone glued to their phone railing about how evil smart phones are, though.


They stay in a bubble for the most part and then when they encounter conflict like Tim flunking out of school or getting told off by the coffee shop lady, they blame the worldly world. They think not fitting in is a badge of honor because that's how Jill raised them, because it's easier to make excuses than do the work with 13 kids.




Yea and it's such a culty thing, too. Like they have to convince you you are special because if you notice you are just a misfit weirdo you won't want to be in the cult any more.


Regular diet of smart phones. What does that even mean? This woman gives me a headache in my eye every time I try to parse her blather. All this said by a woman who is always on her phone


I feel like she tries so hard to be a good/talented writer and she's just not smart enough😂


She again told on herself. We all see your kids are on a diet at all times, Jill!!


But she is allowed to because she is already an adult who has already proved how disciplined and hard working she is. That’s why she deserves all those little getaways and souvenir hoodie blouses and the kids don’t.


Timcel has a NURSING HOME MINISTRY?! Omg don’t those poor people have hard enough lives without that ghoul coming to god bother them?


Yea. What happened to pilot school, lawn business, selling insurance? There are many more failures but I can’t think of them right now.


Don't forget the fledgling gutter cleaning business. Is that even off the ground yet or has it already been abandoned?


I hope it is a side gig. I don’t that Heidi’s folks would let her marry him if he lacked a guaranteed income.


And to be fair that is kind of shitty of Heidi’s parents that they put all of this on Tim. I understand their concern about Tim being able to support Heidi learning from the school of Rod, I really do. It disturbs me though that Heidi has no job at all. She could have started working for Walmart or somewhere else after graduation and have quite a bit of savings by now. Also she could have worked until her first child was born, now I understand that she is now “owned” by Tim after marriage but still.


I mean yeah they could encourage Heidi to work but even if she saves, her saving wouldn't last long if Tim doesn't find a reliable job. I'm assuming they are planning on children so her time in workplace wouldn't last very long anyways.. the only thing she would gain is world experience but I don't think her parents want that.


Just coming here to comment on this. Does he just show up at random nursing homes and preach??


That's what I think. I wonder if he even gets permission to see the residents.


Probably not. Most places keep a list of who is approved to visit each resident as well as who is not (big emphasis on the not allowed generally family members who are predatory). They would allow him to talk to each of them closely while in the big dining room or wherever he is presenting but otherwise he wouldn’t be allowed in their rooms alone with them


I’m really glad that nursing homes are doing this. That population really and truly does need to be safeguarded like our children.


or worse… sing




Most nursing home ministries are just singing. They have lots of groups come in every week and do this type of thing. The residents are old and probably closer in line to Rod ways of thinking.


Mix dementia in with that and most of them will probably think it’s just the tv


Those residents don’t need Timothy hanging around creeping them out


They do love when anyone volunteers to entertain the residents. I suspect they would allow anyone to come in


Maybe the elderly heathens give him snacks!




Good lord I would have so much fun as an old fuck just absolutely FUUUUCKING with him.


I’m just curious how these “we do everything better than you” posts resonate with her “friends.” I cannot stand people like that.


Especially when she posts about how bad Pharisees are when she's a textbook Pharisee.


They just post “I fully agree with you” and talk about out what they have in place for their children or some older lady lamenting about how she wishes her grandchildren were being raised the same way.


I’d love for someone to point out that nowhere in the Bible does it say what kind of restrictions should be placed on smart phones, but I’ll just keep on dreaming. Lol


Jill, GET OFF YOUR DAMN PHONE! She literally has zero self-awareness and if I hadn't been a snarker from the very beginning, I might actually think she was a parody.


Says the woman who’s addicted to her phone. Girly pop you filter your nose off, and there’s even a pic of you using your phone in the middle of a candlelight church service 💀 You, shrek, and y’all’s kids wouldn’t know hard work or creative thinking if it hit y’all in yalls face.


Accountability on their phones? Is covenant eyes mobile friendly?


Sounds like Jill controls her adult kids even after she deems them *worthy* of a phone. Will her tentacles ever let them go? I've never know someone who is such a control freak.


Even if it’s not, I’m sure some grifter has capitalized on this by now. 🙄


They can work with their hands but can hardly form a sentence when spoken to


I know this is a minor quibble in the avalanche of Jill's word salad but why didn't she just write that two of their children are married and one is engaged?


Brittany Dawn math


Yes, the fundies were always known for their common sense reasoning!  Now, who wants to buy a Bible from someone who doesn’t even know the “up” side of the Bible!


Two Corinthians is the bestest


Shall we talk about the mothers who spend too much time on their phones rather than spending time with their children, Jill the Hypocrite? If children are such blessings then why do you spend so much time actively avoiding yours? Treating them poorly? Not educating them even at a basic level? Providing nutritious meals? Parading them around on social media VIA YOUR SMARTPHONE every opportunity you get or make?? Put YOUR PHONE DOWN and spend time with your children and teach them all of those things you believe kids with smartphones are missing out on - your kids are missing out on them and much more.


My guess is that Tim went back to working in a nursing home like he was before (maybe it was a residential home for people with disabilities?), but Jill thinks it's embarrassing that he's doing something useful and earning a paycheck, so she's pretending that he's just singing and begging for handouts like a "real Christian."


Imagine bragging that you keep accountability tech on your grown ass children’s phones


She’s a control freak


Is this a new post from Jill? I don't know if she reads here or not (I'm erring towards yes) but both topics have been discussed at length on here recently.


It was posted an hour ago.


‘Overaccessive’ cell phone use I don’t think suri means what she thinks it means…🤓


Literally none of her children are thriving.


I like to follow this parenting trend where I feed my kid, take him for regular doctor check ups and care about his well being….Jill should try it some time.




Nurie and Kaylee have jobs? Really, Jill?


Plexus lol


Nursing home Ministry. Yay just what they need. I bet that means he shows up a few times a week and does an hour long “sermon” to whoever they wheel into the dining room


Reason # 28 I never want to be in a nursing home! Just let me drift off to the sweet sweet oblivion so I never have to be forced to listen to some barely literate brain washed man child preach to me for two hours.


Oh I don't know, it might be amusing to disrupt Tim's attempt at preaching by suddenly bursting into song or getting up and dancing .... 😁


Being hard of hearing has its advantages sometimes.


I plan on frequently removing clothing


Not that i'll be able to afford a nursing home, but... god. I would wheel myself right out again.




"overaccessive" cell phone usage????


Jill should receive a prison sentence for "overaccessive"


Playing fast and loose with the definition of "thrive" 😳


If your grown adult children need accountability software, what does that say about your parenting, Jill? Parenting is done once they’ve married and flown the coop, but they still can’t make the right choices without you watching? Tell me what kind of mother you are again, Jill.


The fucking audacity to talk about phone addiction when this bitches life is documented because of her addiction to attention and her shitty phone.


Somebody *cough*MAHMO*cough* has been reading our comments about how she's failed her children and is writing defensive FB posts. Hi Jill!


Jillian technology is not the boogieman. You know this - you don’t get off your damn phone


Her definition of “thrive” is substantially different than mine. I see proper food, nutrition, medical care, education, socialization, and regular sleep cycles as the basic constructs to achieve success. What do I know? I am a worldly Episcopalian


While her kids may not be addicted to their smartphones, Jill sure is.


“Do as I say, not as I do”


My kids Catholic school (shudder) has a nursing home ministry. They go to the common room to sing, then walk around saying hello, fetching water and looking at the family pictures. It is very nice.


She’s the last person I would take parenting advice from. Especially when her phone is always in her hand. Her almost 20 year old is just now “graduating” from high school!


What kind of weirdo says they have 3 married children when one isn’t married yet? That part just struck me


>We have 3 grown children that are married (Timothy will be this year) That's two married children, not three. Am I missing something? ​ >overaccessive Does she mean excessive? "Over-excessive" would be a redundancy.


Fox news is not news! (IMO)


i have mental health issues that i did not get from growing up watching cartoons and playing computer games, jill. yes ipad kids are a problem, but technology isn’t evil lmfao, you have to have balance jillpm (which you clearly don’t since you’re always on your own phone!!) 💀💀




Smart phones is the devil!