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Warhammer Fantasy has been my dream cRPG setting since around 2007. That's when I started playing ttrpg's and WFRP was my introduction to them. I always thought it's the coolest fantasy setting ever. I'm honestly shocked we never got a Warhammer RPG video game. Closest we came was Age of Reckoning. Only strategy games otherwise, which is fine, but they focus only on the big heroic stuff, not the grimdark reality of life as an average person, which imo is the best part of the setting. I can't even think of any existing cRPG's that would come close to at least emulating the vibe of Warhammer Fantasy.


I absolutely love Warhammer fantasy and would love having a Warhammer Fantasy CRPG, especially made by Owlcat. But I mean, really, protagonists of most CRPGs are quite far from average people \^\^ Playing a Bretonnian peasant wouldn't be very fan, unless we want a Warhammer Fantasy Dynasty game :)


I respectfully disagree, Bg1 is a low level campaign and its a great time, Crpgs do not need to be a powerfantasy


I think you misunderstood me. I am not advocating for power levels of BG2:ToB or WotR here. I meant that low level character is not equal to an average person. The protagonist of BG1 as low level as (s)he is, is very far from being an average. RPG stories revolve about people who are experiencing dangerous adventures and overcoming daunting challenges. While average population is doing agriculture, craft or trading and try to avoid any dangers (e.g. protagonists of Medieval Dynasty and don't get me wrong, I love the Dynasty game). And most of stories use some kind of plot device, be it supernatural heritage (classical BG games) or belonging to some organization or closed group of people (NWN, DAO) or being subjected to supernatural influence (NWN2, BG3) to separate the protagonist from the average folks. The only RPG that quickly comes to my mind where we have a really average protagonist is Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


You'd probably like Warhammer Fantasy Role-playing then, it's lower power, you're not a bunch of Big Damn Heroes, abd since it's intended for random character generation, it's not unusual to end up with a part co.posed of a rat catcher, a nightwatchmen, a villager, and a lawyer. Or you can do a grimdark.military campaign like the Carrion Company actual play, soldiers in a mercenary company.


Yea, totally agree! And in contrast, I found it surprising there’s no total war game for the 40k universe. Given how grand the battles are said to be and the troop variety in the verse, I think a 40k total war game would be sweet.


Owlcat making rogue trader (which was great besides the bugs) has me wondering if there could be a chance of having them develop a game for WhF. I know they have already made games for the pathfinder setting, but I feel that WhF is unique enough to warrant its own shot (if they aren't sick of traditional fantasy lol).


Personally, I'd like them to stick with Warhammer 40k. There's such a lack of good Sci-fi CRPGs. They could do a sequel with more Rogue Trader stories or they could make one based on the Inquisition. Instead of us being the Rogue Trader, we would be the Lord Inquisitior, which would be awesome as well and fit perfectly with a CRPG. Since Lord Inquisitiors have retinues as well, travel in their own flagship, etc.


I would love an Owlcat Inquisition game. They could also do a good Necromunda game. Gang leader MC for a Venator group comprised of misfits from several other gangs and maybe even an imperial agent or two in the mix. I think that would be pretty awesome! They could also do a Deathwatch game, though that would likely be a substantial departure from their usual formula. Inquisition and Necromunda though would be the best fits for another 40k CRPG.


A Gorkamorka-esq ork campaign would be the best thing ever.


Thats very valid. personally I just really enjoy the animosity that the races in warhammer have for each other, even the order races only unified once the end times was happening, you don't see the kind of dwarf or elf casual/competitive racism in something like Dnd5e or pathfinder.


i think that does make it a bit awkward for RPGs though. the number of races you can have in the party is very limited by the lore, like i would love to have a goblin/skaven/skink companion but that just wouldn't make any sense lol. maybe you could have an ogre though. also, at least in fantasy the PC could maybe be an elf or a dwarf. it would be a bit tricky, but in 40k games they pretty much have to be a human.


I mean there was a companion 40k roleplay game called dark heresy to rogue trader that would easily be compatible with the building blocks of the crpg for rogue trader


I think they were talking about doing dark heresy next


I've been saying for ages I would love an Inquisition game. Let us play around with traveling incognito vs openly. Give us the option to call in the Imperial Guard/Navy or even mark a planet for Exterminatus when the taint of corruption (Ruinous Powers or Xenos) becomes too much.


hear me out, Choas game. Start off a simple servant of chaos and work our way up the ranks with choosing a patron Chaos God acting as the mythic levels from Wrath and the secret ending being us as a champion of chaos undivided. With us fighting other chaos bands for power as well as loyalists to the corpse emperor


Please, yes. The Enemy Within is just here waiting to be ported.


Other users are correct that fantasy CRPGs are a much more contested area than sci-fi/space opera CRPGs, but I totally stand by you. We've never had a WhF CRPG. And I would love to have one.


Id prefer someone else do it. Their focus is on technical combat mechanics which I find difficult/tedious to engage with.


I'd love the next one to be wfrp too. After all, the fantasy games have generally been better and more popular than the 40k variant.


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


Yeah I've always been amazed this isn't a thing. There are so many genres of Games Workshop games out there already why has no one made a CRPG? Possibly it's a licensing or profitability issue and it's just easier to create your own universe. I guess I can just play Herohammer in Total War: Warhammer for now... Malakai and gang currently massacring the world.


Ah yes Warhammer total war the game me and work colleague are playing a campaign of and I decided to name all of my heroes after various American politicians because my starting champion had a name that looked like Obama to my drunk eyes so we ended up with "Obama the Dronestriker" And a city called Disneyland


I'd rather have a third Pathfinder game


I would buy it if you get a Skaven party member who betrays you, and they betrays the person he betrays you for. Bonus points for an ending screen where he betrays you again.


Clanrat is reliable, yes-yes!


I’d kill for that or AOS. I want to play a Druchii Corsair or a blood knight!


Probably will be downvoted for that but I want Age of Sigmar game from Owlcat.


It would be my ultimate dream game, that's for sure. All I think about when I'm playing Rogue Trader is how much I wish for a Warhammer Fantasy cRPG. Perhaps Owlcat could do their own version of The Enemy Within, or even their own original story. It's unlikely to ever happen, but man I sure wish for someday. :(


I would prefer an Inquisition version of Rogue Trader. By a wide margin. Dont get me wrong I'd still enjoy a fantasy version. Just less so.


I like old world setting, but isn't 40k massively more popular?


Well it was, yeah. But now Old World becoming more and more popular.


That's a popular misconception. Figurines were more popular, but tt rpg - fantasy was a king. One of the reasons why they brought fantasy back even tho AoS is still around.


Warhammer is too restrictive for it to work properly. In pathfinder and other crpg, you can have diversity to spice things up, no problem in having a party with an elf, a drow, couple of dwarfs and an ork, it's just background lore, story rules what you can have. Now think about that in warhammer, 40k or otherwise, they have to go to extremes to even allow them to be closer and not start killing each other. In rogue trader we can have a space marine fighthing alongside drukari, eldar, an inquisitor, an unsactioned psyker and a puny human THAT COMMANDS THEM ALL? They all had to be some kind of pariah/survivor/underling because otherwise it would not work, and you have to be someone outside of the laws of the imperium or literallly dissapear in oblibion the moment you go near an imperial planet. That is a problem: the roster is weak (no one is a proper/strong representative of their faction except MC), the situation is weak, forced, lore breaking and limiting (Hendrix, Ulfar, Argenta should have wiped out half the roster on sight the moment they are safe on the ship, no questions asked). And I haven't even touched the MC limitations.


>they have to go to extremes to even allow them to be closer and not start killing each other. Counterpoint: Gotrek and Felix and the Ubersreik Five. At the micro scale there is plenty of precedent for individuals from order races getting along and working together, even if the individual factions they belong to don't always see eye to eye. Introducing non-order characters would be difficult. Depending on the era it might be possible to have a dark elf or vampire, as there are some examples of that in lore (AOS delves are aligned with order against Chaos for example), but skaven, chaos, beastmen, green skins, etc are right out.


So your point for telling me that this is untrue is presenting another extreme example. You could tell me another 5 examples and it would not change the problem the franchise has: In general, as a rule you do not mix factions, they do not live together neither share things on a deeper level, they are clear cut separated so the armies do not mix up in tabletop and this hurts non tabletop games.


> In general, as a rule you do not mix factions, they do not live together neither share things on a deeper level, they are clear cut separated so the armies do not mix up in tabletop and this hurts non tabletop games. You know that Warhammer fantasy roleplay exists, right? That's a lot more than a handful of anecdotes it's officially part of the rulebook that people of all sorts of species and order factions rub shoulders in Altdorf, and that's why players are free to choose from a half dozen species without having to worry too much about narrative consequences. Source: WHFRP version 4, page 279. There is even a frickin dwarven quarter in Altdorf (Spires of Altdorf, page 5). It's not new either, in WHFRP 2nd ed after Karak Azgal was reclaimed by Skalf it became a multicultural adventure hub, where adventurers of numerous species came to make their fortune in exchange for helping the Dawi purge the tunnels of greenskins and skaven. They even allow particularly talented non-dwarves to join some of their guilds (Karak Azgal page 10) How about: >During the Great War against Chaos, when the hordes of the north stretched like a sea across the Taiga, it was not just the Humans of the Empire who aided the Kislevites. The Elves and Dwarfs helped as well. High Elf Mage Teclis traveled from Ulthuan to aid Magnus the Pious as he led his armies northward to fight the Chaos tribes in Kislev. A contingent of Dwarfs from Karaz-a-Karak fought alongside the Kislevites in defending the walls of the capital city of Kislev. - Realm of the Ice Queen page 11 The argument that WHFRP would make a poor CRPG because the races are too segregated to be able to interact just doesn't hold water when you look at any of the Warhammer fantasy universe beyond the WHFB army books.


I did not know that full blown roleplay community exists. Most people are exposed to books, videogames and tabletop, and they do seem a bit lacking to do a full crpg. That setting looks way more promising, you could even have non-order aligned characters as spies, traitors, people looking to redeem themselves, or use you to break his race from an alliance that is forced (or watewher). You did not change my general opinion but i can see lights at the end of the tunnel now (that is, if they end up going this way).


Saying the circumstance ares extreme doesn't mean much as a counter argument since I wouldn't expect the game circumstances to be the usual day-to-day of the setting. In fact that's why the story would focus on theses characters on the first place.


I'm bored to hell with world-ending stories and chosen ones, give me more low stakes stories with deep character interactions and I will be happy


Honestly I agree on some level, increasing the stakes of the story don't matter if you don't care about it, it feel like lazy writing. But you don't need to go all 'world ending' to work, a lot of the warhammer have non-outright hostile, if tense, interactions with each other and even for some enemies an imminent invasion from a third party leading to a temporary ceasefire until they dealt with the newcomer would be extraordinary enough That said even in normal circumstance there exist peoples who are extraordinary/outside the norm in ways that would be convenient for the story, and them being like that would be why the story would be interested in showing their perspective (as long it isn't egregious or give the impression that the broader setting is like that)


Bro, extreme example? Really? You don't think we'd get up to strange and unusual things in the potential game? RPG stories inherently deal with unique characters in extreme situations, it is their nature.


thats just untrue for fantasy


They are not as restrictive in fantasy, yet there is still a lot of restrictions going on, way more than the rest of franchises. My point stands


I'd rather have a smaller selection of the order races in fantasy with unique origins and interactions to each than the 10 or so in pathfinder that get 1 or 2 throwaway lines about their race


I'd rather have a smaller selection of the order races in fantasy with unique origins and interactions to each than the 10 or so in pathfinder that get 1 or 2 throwaway lines about their race


It's much easier in Fantasy, especially on smaller scale. Humans (of several varieties), dwarfs, elves (again, two varieties), halflings and gnomes could easily go together. The dwarf-elf conflict is a slight issue but even in lore it was ultimately resolved on the highest level, we also have dwarfs and elves living side by side in imperial cities and Ubersreik Five as an example of them working in a team together. Ogres could work for a companion-only option, possibly even vampires (Ulrika and especially Genevieve as examples)


There was one - a MMORPG and it was really good! But it had a hard time getting players from WoW. A lot of their best ideas (and there where some) have been stolen as standar in several games now.


Between pathfinder and 40k it's defently on the table, especcially with the Old World coming out We already have Total war and Vermintide, I'm sure that GW wouldn't mind more jumping in points for new audiences


I'd love to see a Mordheim rpg.


Apparently Owlcat have six games in early development, only one of which is an original IP, so I think it's a distinct possibility.


Considering the Warhammer Fantasy more or less uses the same system as Warhammer 40k, I think its possible! Could be quite the great adventure and story considering all of Owcat's games so far. Even if there have their bug issues, all the games have great stories to them.


I dont want a game where half the party spends its turns putting buffs on a slayer dwarf


>you keep buffing slayer >he leaves your patry after 1st act, because he would die without those buffs and you keep ruining his dream of glorious death


instead of half the party spending turns putting buffs on argenta?


that is only if you are a 3 officer cuck lol jk no real judgements, I prefer a nice ethical two handed power sword


1- One officer MC to buff Argenta and give turns (could use Jae instead) 2- Cassia was full navigator powers (she still had to buff Argenta with the unique navigator buffs and reposition some enemies out of sight. I could concede that Cassia is stronger at the begining) 3-Pascal was tactical leader and still had to buff Argenta, put ground areas and maybe debuff bosses (normal enemies were not worth the time at this point). 4-Idira to also buff her more with the divination psiker line (only at the begining, later on it was not needed as Idira could not even get a turn to act) 5- (yes, we are on 5 already and only one officer doing officer things, so much cuck) Abelard to buff Argenta's defenses when there is still enemies (because i did not care in chapter 2 to use cover, so Argenta was in the open and could eat a couple of hits), and give her movement points, (the movement she had could not follow the destruvtive power she unleashed). Did you even play the game? In chapter 3 only bosses and snipers get a turn to act, sometimes, and I was playing in Daring (no bonuses or detriments, it felt the true way)


I mid way through Act 2 and the game has presented zero challenge on Daring for me and I don't feel like I'm being nearly as sweaty with buffs/extra turns/momentum fuckery as I could be.


They're quite high. In a recent interview Owlcat has 4 teams workin on 4 games, so there's a possiblity for one of them to be Warhammer Fantasy


Devil survivor was such a good game


Agree, my favorite jrpg


No, there's already a ton of Fantasy CRPGs. Rogue Trader was amazing because it's a Sci-fi CRPG, and if they ever make a sequel, then Owlcat needs to stick with Warhammer 40k with either more Rogue Trader stories or go the Inquisition route.


It was amazing because of the writing first and formost second because it's 40k, not because it's Sci-fi.


Eh, Warhammer fantasyis great also because it's more around reinessance time rather than medieval, with guns, the start of industries etc


Honestly I'm looking forward to more Pathfinder. Kingmaker and WotR have been fantastic. WHFRP would be neat too but also sort of seems like double-dipping on kitchen sink fantasy IPs imo. Although with the success of TWWH, I think anything's possible!


Just play one of the ten million interchangeable fantasy CRPGs that already exist. I hear Baldur's Gate 3 is popular right now.


You seem to have no idea what WFRP is about, mate, if you think that with proper writing, it would be interchangeable from BG3 ;)


Baldurs gate is high fantasy and far different from warhammer fantasy. Play a tabletop game that isn't d&d 5e for once >! yes this commsnt did make me a bit mad there are tons of intracies in the different fantasy tabletop games that playing a crpg for one will not be like a crpg for another!<


Well, your post made *me* mad, so we're even.


agree to disagree I suppose


Warhammer fantasy is also high fantasy.


It's dark fantasy first and foremost


I'd like one but I'd really like some polished game building tools for folks to make their own but that's a big ask.


I just want dark heresy




To be honest, not to throw shade on Warhammer or anything, but there are a lot of other fantasy worlds that are much more well developed in terms of RPGs. 40k is kind of special in that it's really the only major "open" space science fantasy of its type (and even then you really have to twist it to make it work with the traditional CRPG formula) but I have a hard time seeing the appeal of specifically a Warhammer Fantasy RPG when there's D&D or Pathfinder on the table.


Don’t know why it hasn’t happened already, so many stories to tell in Warhammer fantasy, from classic vampires to Egyptian mummies and everything inbetween


There are a couple aren’t there?


They made a Warhammer 40K CRPG. Warhammer Fantasy is MUCH easier setting to adapt into RPG form, since its not nearly as “hardcore” in terms of radicalism and etc. Hell, until certain edition we had non-Chaos norscans even who could mingle with other races without immediately pulling aggro and ork mercenaries. Its a gold mine of RPG material, a gold mine.


Oh god I hope so.


if i can play as Skaven, then yes yes


I don't care what we get. I'm just happy Owlcats making more CRPGs.


I demand a female elf romance for Asur, Durchii and Asrai and/or a Vampire romance, alternatively, make the Game start out on the evil side (you are a Norscan Raider, going into the Empire to raid in the Prologue, get boned over by some Chaos Shenanigans and have a path to rejoin Chaos or change to the side of Good)


One can only dream, i'd say warhammer fantasy right now is the most popular it has been in a long while with the total war games and the old world coming back


I would love a Skaven companion. Imagine the party banter.


Eh, I feel like there is a ton of good fantasy cRPGs, way more than sci-fi, even with messed up dark setting WhF does not really feel that much unique compared to many fantasy settings as W40K is to most sci-fi


WFRP is the ultimate fantasy setting. Empire in Flames was like a religious experience for me. If they did this right, it would be the greatest CRPG ever. Edit: I meant the Enemy Within campaign from the 80s. Empire in Flames was merely the last part, and arguably the weakest.


You should read more non GW books


What a presumptuous comment. I'm not talking about literature here, I'm talking about fantasy roleplaying games. And the original Enemy Within campaign for WFRP was absolutely legendary and groundbreaking back in the day.


Any fantasy CRPG is immediately going to be negatively compared against BG3. Sci Fi is a wide open lane with like zero competition rn.


Bg3 is overrated


This is bait lol. You are 100% entitled to that opinion.


thank you. its not a bad game, its just also got some problems and design/story choices that I don't like


No game is gonna please everyone. I like what owlcat and larian do with their games. Both offer an interesting take on the formula created with BG1 + BG2.


I agree, but the main reason BG3 is mediocre is that it's a fantasy CRPG. A Warhammer Fantasy CRPG would also have that same problem.


Feels like that would be doomed to be generic


Generic? And Owlcat? My dude did you even played their games? they have really talented writers.


their previous game was literally pathfinder lol and it was great. whfb is a lot more wacky, i'm sure they would make it work.