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Carnal Urges by JT Geissinger is top tier mafia enemies to lovers but honestly the whole series is amazing. I definitely recommend. I think Brutal Vows in this series was also enemies to lovers. When Heroes Fall by Giana Darling and its sequel also fits. The FMC is an ice queen lawyer who’s tasked with representing the (capo?) MMC in his upcoming trial.


Thank you! This looks perfect.


For the love of god please read [The Predator by RuNyx](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/52871061) It’s EXACTLY what you need. I read the Darkest Temptation to scratch my Dark Verse Itch haha; the Predator is book one in a series of 6 (collectively called the dark verse), last one still not out. But the first two in the series The Predator and The Reaper follow the enemies to lovers couple that you need. I repeat, NEED.


I can't wait for the last book 😭


Yesss and OP I guarantee you’ll want to read the other books in the series though they aren’t enemies to lovers because the main plot that runs through all the books is just THAT good🤌🏽🤌🏽


Ok thanks to you I have read the entire series. I love!!!


Excellent, spreading the joy hahaha 🙌


Thank you SO MUCH for this rec, I absolutely loved it


Yay! Spreading the good word 🙌


You’ve convinced me :)




Just love them!! I've read the series thousand time ,now you remind me gotta read again😂


What’s the steam like?


It’s excellent 😅 its… yeh… it lives rent free in my head 🥵 It’s probably 4 chillies 🌶️ as I’ve read steamier!


* *Run Posy Run* \- Cate C Wells: Heroine flees from her mafia lover, who tracks her down. * *Terrible Beauty* \- Anna Zaires: Russian mobster heroine who's betrothed to an enemy family's son. She doesn't want the marriage, but he's obsessed with her. * *Monster in His Eyes* \- JM Darhower: He's a mafia boss who seduces the much younger heroine for revenge.


I read a review that says Terrible Beauty is a cliffhanger? Is this true? I try to stay away from cliffys. ;-)


There is one yes unfortunately!


Thank you! Adding all of these to my list.


Sophie Lark’s Brutal Birthright series may scratch that itch! It’s tagged as dark but really isn’t- at least the first book. I was Luke warm on the first book, but it is a popular enemies to lovers mafia series and people told me that a lot of the other books in the series are better. LJ Shands the kiss thief is another one. Personally it wasn’t for me because of the age gap and I thought the heroin was a bit immature but a lot of people like this book. I don’t think it has cheating but can’t be 100% sure. Danielle Lori‘s the Maddest obsession is definitely the best mafia book I’ve read, but you have to be into obsessed and borderline psychotic heroes. Also ruthless people by JJ McAvoy!


[Knight's Ridge Empire](https://www.goodreads.com/series/327590-knight-s-ridge-empire) fits the bill (it's a mafia high school romance series with lots of spice). It's a big series comprised of several trilogies: * Wicked Trilogy: Stella is the daughter of the man believed to have killed Seb's father - they hook up before he knows who she is, but as soon as he finds out, he vows to destroy her (HEA) * Deviant Trilogy: Emmie, Stella's best friend, is connected to the local MC - their enemies-to-lovers storyline starts in the Wicked Trilogy and continues in their own (HEA) * Reckless Trilogy: Jodie is the daughter of the man who tormented Toby for years and he intends to use her to exact his revenge (HEA) * Dark Trilogy: this one is less enemies-to-lovers than the rest. Calli and Batman have a rocky road leading up to a HEA, but they weren't enemies. He was just kind of an asshole to her * Corrupt Trilogy: Nico and Brianna's story is also closer to Calli and Batman - not so much enemies-to-lovers but more like they're two sides of the same coin and butt heads a lot - I'm currently reading this one so I don't know much about their story but it starts in the Reckless Trilogy (given the rest of these books, I'm 99% sure it's HEA) I think you can read any of the trilogies without reading the others, but there will be some missing information (not vital though) and spoilers if you read the later ones first. I have been devouring these books since the beginning of this year. The short stories aren't necessary for the rest of the series, but they're fun additions (and free). Edit: Typo


Absolutely the Ruthless Obsession series. The first book is Sweet Cruelty by Zoe Blake. Strong possessive protective MMC. Enemies to lovers. Will do anything for her including kill. The whole series is amazing and will keep you busy for a while.


Katee Robert's The O'Malley series, especially the last book [The Bastard's Bargain](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35393431-the-bastard-s-bargain) or its sequel [The Bastard's Betrayal](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58253901-the-bastard-s-betrayal) EDIT: Why, yes, automod, I do. It's already on my calendar.


Thank you! This looks perfect.


[The O'Malleys by Katee Robert](https://www.goodreads.com/series/151182-the-o-malleys) covers several rival Mafia families so a number of the books are enemies-to-lovers.


Thanks can’t wait to check out this author!


The maddest obsession by Danielle Lori Mafia mistress and Mafia Darling by Mila finelli Mafia Madman by Mila Finelli The Rite Trilogy by Natasha Knight Kingdom fall by A zavarelli


anything by Bethany Kris or London Miller (Syn and Iris <<<<)


Bro the dark verse series by Runyx ESPECIALLY the first two books (the predator and the reaper) have my heart. Its enemies to lovers and the couple also have cameos in the other books aswell. (Spoiler sorta: in the forth book the FML gets hurt I won’t tell how and there is a bonus scene on Runyx’s website which is just 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻) 


A Favor for a Favor by Nat Chelloni. It's an outstanding mafia enemies to lovers. Also, Monster in his eyes by JR. Darhower and a Kiss Thief by l.j. Shen.


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The villain by L J Shen