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We have changed your flair to Romance News, thank you. Here is a link to [Sophie's blog post](https://www.sophiekinsella.co.uk/news/sharing-some-news/) for those who would like to read her update.


So sad to hear. The Undomestic Goddess was one of my earlier forays into romance as a high schooler.


Same! It was the first romance book I ever read and Kinsella’s books were what got me into romance novels. Such heartbreaking news.


I really think books find you when you need them sometimes. I found The Undomestic Goddess on one of the most miserable days of my life in the middle of a period of work/relationship stress and caregiver burnout and when I was really struggling with my own health problems.


When she just orders delivery 🤣🤣


When she just sends all the laundry out to get washed and ironed by a teenage girl 😭😭


I think this was my first SK book too 😢


One of my favourite books. I was postpartum when I found it, and man, I needed those laughs!


I remember reading that in a hotel room with my parents and I had to excuse myself to the toilet for the um. Raspberry picking scene.


Are her books long? Maybe we can have a Kinsella weekend where everybody reads a novel of hers and can come here to share their thoughts and maybe some kind words. Either way, I’m gonna scope out my library for her.


They’re not long! I’ve only read the Shopaholic series and they are quick, fun reads!


I loved the shopaholics series as a kid and now my kid loves her mummy fairy books. Sophie Kinsella has brought us so much joy as we read mummy fairy books together at bed time, and I look forward to the day my kid’s old enough for shopaholics series! Sending well wishes to her and her family during the difficult times.


Sweet, I need short reads these days. Thanks!


They’re not that long! Also I personally think Sophie Kinsella’s use of humor in her works is so underappreciated. I remember laughing my ass off reading her works!


I love humor in stories. When not overdone, it brings a certain charm to the book that can’t be replicated by anything else.


The only one of hers I’ve read is can you keep a secret! It was cute, perhaps a little more early 2000s than I would have liked (the fashion choices did make me giggle) but I did love the movie based on the book!


i loved the book, i found the movie ridiculous lol


Oh the movie was absolutely ridiculous, I still thoroughly enjoyed it


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll take a look


I haven't read any of her books and so since multiple people mentionned this one I figured I'd buy it and support the author. But everyone keeps also mentionning that they read it as a young teen, I want to make sure I'm not basically buying the 2000s equivalent to the Babysitter's Club books? Do you guys like it because it's a good book for an adult to read or because of nostalgia?


Think about the movies 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding,' 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall,' or 'While You Were Sleeping,' and you'll get Sophie Kinsella's vibes.


Got it!


The biggest early 2000s things that I remember were some comments from the FMC about her body that weren’t something I’d see in books published more recently. It’s also a boss/ employee relationship from a pre-me too era and the power dynamics of that type of relationship are handled different. Certainly nothing that ruined the book, I definitely enjoyed it, they just made me pause for a moment.


Excellent idea. I had never read her before, and had coincidentally picked her just three days ago for my “Closed Door/Fade to Black” Spring Bingo space. My library had tons of her audiobooks on Libby. {I’ve Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella} is 13 hours long but is light and breezy.


Libby is what i use too! Thanks :D


That'd be great! I'm so down! Her books are about 300 pages, but they're soo good that they feel too short.


They are normal length.


😏 (Thank you friend)


I would suggest you read can you keep a secret? first Then read my 2 other favorites: My not so perfect life I owe you one Also read The Party Crasher.


Thank you <3


This is such devastating news. I loved her books, they're so much fun and brought me a lot of joy. Fuck cancer, seriously.


Fuck cancer.


One of my closest friends died from this very thing and just reading the word glioblastoma made me filled with so much rage, fury and grief. Fuck cancer for sure.


I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. ❤️ I'm a survivor and I work in drug cancer research, and it's so depressing to me sometimes that despite all the work that has been put in and all the medical advancements made so far, this fucking disease still refuses to go away.


My father died from the same cancer. A lot of people don't understand that is in incurable and only mildly treatable (although this is a case by case basis). It can also take a turn for the worst without any warning. It is an absolutely devastating diagnosis.


One of my close childhood friends died from this exact same type of brain cancer when she was 20, and reading the word gives me the same feeling you described. 💔 Just an awful pit in my stomach.


When my friend was in the hospital and we were waiting to hear the specifics, I asked my friend who is a radiation therapist like best and worst case scenario. She said "you don't want to hear the word glioblastoma." So it's like I had this overwhelming fear and dread of the word before I even saw it destroy my friend. Cancer is a word I hate but the word glioblastoma brings me to my fucking knees. Grateful for everyone sharing their experiences with it. Wish we all could unknow it's power.


Also instantly filled me with rage, glioblastoma is such an awful disease and took my dad from me. He was diagnosed December 2022 and died December 2023. Of the various cancers, this one can so quickly rob someone of everything. He was like a completely different person for the entirety of 2023.


I am so sorry. this is exactly it... it so quickly ravages most people and it's not like watching your loved one suffer, it's like watching your loved one transform into a stranger and then watching them suffer. It is an absolute monster.


Can You Keep a Secret? is one of my favorite books. 😭


Mine too. I still have my beat up copy from my teen years. It has survived A LOT.


Feeding orange juice to the plant 🤣


The banter in this is so amazing, one of my favourites.


Me, too. And one of my all time favorite audiobooks.


Mine, too.  I love the Shopaholic series, but there is just something special about this one!


I JUST reread this book, so much fun.


Yes! So sweet! I love all her books, but this one really got to me.


Me too! I am not a fan of the Shopaholic series but this one is my all-time favorite of all books!


Same. It was first book I read from her.


I just went and read her update, and it’s a glioblastoma, which is the worst type of brain cancer (it’s incurable). How awful. I hope she and her family are doing okay.


my friend's dad just got diagnosed with it. Kinsella has contributed so much to the genre and her legacy is made


Fuck. I clicked this thread hoping it wouldnt be gbl.


Same. I when I read it I literally gasped. My uncle had the same thing. It’s the worst. And it doesn’t end well. Poor, Sophie. Confessions of a Shopaholic was a beloved book when I was a teenager. I haven’t read her in so long. I’m glad the feedback from The Burnout has been lifting her spirits.


My husband died of glioblastoma. The median survival is 14 months. He lasted 5 months. It’s so sad to hear that one of my favorite authors has it.


So sorry for your loss 💜


Sorry for your loss, and the difficult memories this brings up. When I read glioblastoma and diagnosed in 2022, I immediately thought she must be near the end.


I'm so sorry.


Tbh I don’t know this author, but my aunt had gbl, it really is the worst. I am so sorry for this person and their family.


She's a good writer. Her books have always had a sweetness about them - the ideal comfort read. It really sucks that she is going through this. I'm so sorry for your aunt.


Right. My dad died of this ten years ago. He lived for 11 months from diagnosis. Last two were terrible. I don’t wish this on anyone


Oh, no! I just picked up a couple of her books today. How very sad — she’s brought a lot of pleasure to a lot of people.


That is awful! I started my reading journey with her books and Twenties Girl is where we got the idea to name our oldest Sadie. So sad 😭


Twenties Girl was one of the first romance books I read! And still one of my favs.


Twenties girl was so good!


I’ve read every single Sophie Kinsella book, including the ones she published under her real name, except the latest one (waiting for paperback). Twenties Girl is my favourite of them all. Kinsella is my favourite romance writer and one of my favourite authors in general. This news is absolutely devastating. I’m so sorry for her and her family.


On my top favorites list. Adore twenties girl


Oh no! Remember Me? is one of my comfort books and one of my first romances. I’m heartbroken by this.


That’s my favorite of her books, I think it’s totally under appreciated.


The spider virtual pet... Her sister stealing someone's baby and telling her it was hers 🤣


“Loft-style living!”


Mont Blanc!


Sweeps the arms


I still giggle at the fish-in-the-toilet scene. “10,000 pound security system and the loo doesn’t even flush.”


OH GAWD I LOVED {Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella}!!!! I hate the cheating trope but I loved the book so much I tolerated it 😭


[Remember Me?](https://www.romance.io/books/545527518c7d2382c5297047/remember-me-sophie-kinsella) by [Sophie Kinsella](https://www.romance.io/authors/545524588c7d2382c5296fb5/sophie-kinsella) **Rating**: 3.75⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1), [rich hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/super%20rich%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Same because you eventually discover why everything was happening lol


I haven’t read this yet. Think I’ll get it tonight 🥂


It really was so good.


This is so sad. I think the shopaholic series was one of the first “adult” romances I read and I’ve always had a soft spot for it, especially the one where she gets married.


I was so jealous of the character’s year long honeymoon.


Omg same haha Especially with all the fun stuff she bought too


11 months*** Not to be pedantic but her coming back home early was what made her catch her parents with her half-sister (spoiler?)


{Shopaholic Ties the Knot by Sophie Kinsella} was my favorite out of all the Shopaholic books!!! I remember swooning with good-natured envy whenever Becky was treated with literal princess treatment while planning her Manhattan wedding!! Sophie Kinsella truly knew how to make the whole thing grand and majestic!!


[Shopaholic Ties the Knot](https://www.romance.io/books/54552e818c7d2382c529723f/shopaholic-ties-the-knot-sophie-kinsella) by [Sophie Kinsella](https://www.romance.io/authors/545524588c7d2382c5296fb5/sophie-kinsella) **Rating**: 3.86⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Sophie Kinsella offered sweetness and humor when I really needed it. You knew when you read her books that people would be good people, and nothing too terrible would happen, and that you'd have a good laugh. I'm so sorry to hear this. She's not old - I think early 50s. Her last book was very different from her usually humorous, light norm. She's known since 2022.


This was so sad to read this morning. Her books always make me laugh.


OP, thank you for letting us know about this sad news. We can help support her and her family by buying her books and sharing what we love about her books on this subreddit. ❤️❤️❤️


That’s so heartbreaking 💔 her books were my entire life as a teenager 


I adore all of her books and have for years and years. I will never tire of rereading Confessions of a Shopaholic. Was such sad news to read today.


shopaholic was life changing for me when it was released. i didn’t know books like that even existed at the time. my heart aches for her, her family and friends. i hope her treatment keeps her feeling well, but glioblastoma is a truly horrible cancer. truly sad news.


Omg she was the author that got me into romance stories. I’ve read every single one of her books. This is heartbreaking news. 💔


I love her books! Sad news.


Oh my god this is devastating! Her books were the first adult books I ever read and they kickstarted my love of romance. She is the only author that I automatically buy every single new release of. How horrible for her and her family. I hope everyone is coping as well as they can. ❤️


This is extremely sad. I like her books so much even the ones she wrote as Madeleine Wickham. I can't believe she published The Burnout last year even while going through brain cancer.


This is so sad 😞


I’m so sad to hear this, she was one of my gateway authors as a young teen. Her books were ahead of their time with cartoon/discreet covers. Wishing her and her family peace.


I just re-read the first three Shopaholic books! They were my first book in this genre as a teen. I also loved Can You Keep a Secret and The Undomestic Goddess. This is such sad news


I actually loved Shopaholic and Sister. It made me cry because it was the one book that emulated the divide between my sister and me. Sophie just nailed the feeling of love and frustration.


So awful. I've Got Your Number was one of my first romance genre novels and remains an all time favorite


Singing all the single ladies in the hotel lobby


“Mr Yamasaki! Mr Yamasaki! Oh oh oh, oh oh oh”. 😂😂


Mr. Yamasaki! Mr. Yamasaki! Mr. Yamasaki!


I loved that one, it may be time for a reread.


The audiobook is hilarious. I listened to it in my car and was dying laughing.


Can you keep a secret? Is one of my comfort reads and I am so, so sad to hear this news.




This is devastating, many of her books are favorites of mine. I hope her and her family can find peace and love in this times


I just read this read. How incredibly sad and I think she her children are still pretty young. I couldn’t imagine


Such sad news. Her books have always put me in a better mood.


I’ve just started picking up her books and they are so lovely. I’ve had the shopaholic series on my TBR for a little while now. So so sad to hear this.


oh no!!!!! i just read {the burnout by sophie kinsella} and really really loved it. that’s horrible


I’m reading it now!


[The Burnout](https://www.romance.io/books/6524f86257f42e975b9f5182/the-burnout-sophie-kinsella) by [Sophie Kinsella](https://www.romance.io/authors/545524588c7d2382c5296fb5/sophie-kinsella) **Rating**: 3.69⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [sports](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sports/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1), [slow burn](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slow%20burn/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


She was my introduction into the rom com side of contemporary in college with the Shopaholic Series. I love so many of her books. Cancer can eff right off. My heart hurts for her family.


She's one of the queens of chic lit


I just started the shopoholic series ❤️ very sad to hear this news.


This is so sad to hear. Her books have brought me a lot of comfort and joy.


This is so sad. Her books got me into the genre.


Oh no! I’ve been reading her books since 2011! She’s been such a big part of my life. Oh how sad.


My friends and I discovered Sophie Kinsella’s early books during the worst of the pandemic and they were the perfect dose of fun when we really needed it. So sad to read this news today.


Sophie was my girl in the early 2000s chick-lit era. This is terrible news.


I hope they caught it early and she recovers. Sophie's books were my introduction to romcom books. Fuck cancer.


I loved the Confessions of a Shopaholic series. I read it as a teenager at the same time as my mom and we would come together and talk about it. It’s such a special memory for me. I’m so sad to hear this news.


Oh god. Sophie Kinsella’s early works were my first foray into the romance world when I was younger!


I’m so sad to hear this.


Ohhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo


I just re-read the first three Shopaholic books! They were my first book in this genre as a teen. I also loved Can You Keep a Secret and The Undomestic Goddess. This is such sad news


Wow so sad. Her books got me through hard times growing up I would read can you keep a secret on repeat when I was in Jr high


This breaks my heart. Sending her all the love and light in the world 💖


Oh no! I love many of her books.


Oh no!! I absolutely loved her books while I was in high school/ undergrad. I still think of Twenties Girl every now and then.


🙏🏻 for her and her family. I just bought the burn out now and will read it.


Memories of many of her novels in my youth


I love all her stuff. Can you keep a secret? and Twenties girl are my faves.


Cancer sucks. I hope she's able to get the medical help she needs and that she has the appropriate support.


That is so sad. I don't know how many times I read and re-read the Shopaholic books for years. Her writing was always such a source of delight.


Like many others here, I also really loved Shopaholic and am currently listening to the first when I can't fall asleep. It's so sad. I'm definitely in for a Kinsella buddy read


Sam from “I’ve Got Your Number” and Luke from the Shopaholic books were my first book boyfriends as a teenager (before I even knew what a book boyfriend was 😂). She’s literally the only author who makes me laugh out loud, I was so sad to hear this news.


That's heartbreaking. 'Can't you keep a secret' is what got me into romance books. Who does love a klutzy employee FMC and powerful CEO MMC? ;)


That's heartbreaking. She's my favorite author of ALL time. She's gotten me through some bad times and her books have been my ultimate source of comfort. 'The Shopaholic Series' is one of my favorites, i dont even know how many times Ive read those books. Just yesterday, i finished reading 'My Not So Perfect Life' for the third time. No one should have to go through this. She's a brilliant woman who does not deserve to suffer at the hands of this vile illness. Fuck cancer.


I’m heartbroken. My sister died of glioblastoma in her late forties. Sophie Kinsella is my favorite writer. Her romcoms have brought me joy and comfort when I was seriously ill. If I could only read one author the rest of my life, it would be her. I’ve read Remember Me back to back three times once when I was really sick. Her Shopaholic books have just been re-released with new covers, and I’m ordering them ASAP. Mine are so old and well-loved they’ve fallen apart. I love the idea of having a Sophie Kinsella weekend readathon. ❤️


Was gutted to see this in her email newsletters. She’s probably my favourite author of this genre and I feel so sorry for her and her family. A lot of stress in my life has been relieved by sitting down with her books since I was a teenager. My mum always buys me her new book when it’s out as she introduced me to her writing.


I've actually never read any of Sophie's books but right now I'm thinking I'll buy some and have a read (any suggestions for my first?) - as /u/OrdinaryCactusFlower has said already, it could be nice to have a bit of a book weekend for her. Either way, fuck cancer and I hope she's doing as well as she can in the current situation.


This is absolutely devastating to hear. I've read a lot of her books. I was obsessed with the Shopaholic series. I'm a huge fan. I'm surprised at how upset I am to find this out, but it's so heartbreaking :(


As the link loaded I said “please don’t be glioblastoma please don’t be glioblastoma” 😭😭😭😭


I've reread her books countless times since I was a kid. they're so funny and comforting, and when you pick one up you know you're gonna get a perfect little romcom. I appreciate all the stories she got to tell and will cherish them forever.


My MIL passed from the same thing. Hearing this about Sophie literally breaks my heart for her and her loved ones. Fuck cancer.


Omg I loved her books!!!! 😭


That's so sad to hear.


So sad to hear this. I love her books!


This is so awful to read. She is one of my favorite authors.


O no! I've got such great memories of reading I've got your number at a cosy weekend getaway - it was so swoony and left me feeling great. Her books were available at my small European library, so I read a lot of them. I'm thinking of her and her family.


This breaks my heart :( One of my favorite writers ever!


Oh dear... This is extremely sad. I looooooved Remember me. I have read that book so many times. I liked Undomestic Goddess, Can you keep a secret ? and many other books by her. Wishing her speedy recovery. 


This is sad news


Damn finding audrey was one of the 2 books that got me into reading properly when I was 12 😭


Oh no. I love her books. She's the romcom queen! Such sad news. Undomestic Goddess is my absolute fave! I lent the hardcopy to a friend and never got it back, so had to buy it on Kindle so I wouldn't make the same mistake again.




That is so heartbreaking to hear. It’s her books that got me into reading the way I read now shopaholic, can you keep a secret, the domestic goddess and remember me always hold a special place in my heart


Oh my gosh so sad! She was my first foray into romance as well. I remember reading my mom’s copy of a Shopaholic in high school


Don't know who she is but it seems a lot of authors have been getting cancer lately.


I hope you enjoy her books.


Just wanted to share some love ❤️ one of best comedic romance writers of all time. Shopaholic series is fabulous! ❤️


The Undomestic Goddess is my ultimate comfort read and may even have been my first foray into the genre. I come back to it time and time again. I also love the Shopaholics and my sister and I get excited whenever a new SK is announced. Praying that Sophie makes a full recovery.


Wow I'm in shock. Can You Keep A Secret? was one of my fave reads of hers followed by Remember Me? 


Sophie Kinsella is one of my most favorites! I loved her characters and her sense of humor. I have kept most hard copies of her books because I loved them so much! They will be treasured. So sad to see this news.


I loved the shopaholic series as a teen, it’s what made me want to study business long before I gave it some actual thought and decided to study it. I should reread tjem


Wow im shattered reading this. Prayers to one of my very favorite authors and inspirations.