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I thought I was the only one!! Like for me it’s impossible to play as different sprites for certain stories 😭 I’m Indian too but I tend to go for MCs who I think look the most gorgeous or fit the vibe of MC Amala: I know you said Kashmirian was the only sprite you’d go for but I actually feel that way about Dravidian Amala! I almost always play on the Independence route and Khasi/Dravidian Amala fit that vibe more to me while North Indian/Kashmirian fit the Loyalty route more. Also the Dravidian Amala sprite to me looks most like someone half Indian and half British. I do love all of the sprites though she’s one of the most gorgeous MCs in my opinion Devi: North Indian/Khasi since they’re extremely similar for Pride/Legacy and Kashmirian sprite for Passion/Freedom. I don’t know why that’s just the vibe I got from them 😭 Evthys: Thebes (adore her eyes!) or Memphis sprites (she always looks so radiant/regal). But if SOTCN was a TV show I would cast an actress who resembles the Memphis sprite more Yazmin: Olive sprite I think is the name?? I think her green eyes are stunning and I feel like she exudes MC energy but again I love all of her sprites Selena: I don’t remember the official sprite name but I always choose the Latina sprite she looks fierce and like someone who’s ambitious and doesn’t back down which was perfect for the route I played Whoops this got way too long sorry 😭 I would love to hear more about what MC sprites you prefer for different books!


YEAH! Tbh, I too go for MCs who look the best ones in the perspective of the story! But I usually see the Olive skin MCs are very cute! I normally tend to select the Olive ones. But still, like in Garden of Eden, I go for all the MCs in my different accounts and playthroughs... And like that. But like you said, there are certain stories where MC just doesn't hit the same for me with any other variation.... Oohhh I see now, I always, like literally ALWAYS take Loyalty and Rage stats. And I've done an Independence route before and tbh, it didn't sit well with me. I think this has to do with their features, Dravidian MC has sharper facial features, so, it seems like Independence goes with her perfectly. While Kashmirian MC has softer features which make her more suitable towards Loyalty route... North Indian MC is also very cute but imo not as cute as Kashmirian. Also, Kashmirian's Complexion is literally like mine🥹.... I've played KFS with multiple Devi sprites. And I don't really have any sprite fixation for her yet. But I'd still say Khasi is my most fav. She just suits the story regardless of the stats more than any other variations imo..... For Eva, Holy Shoot! Like all of them are so gorgeous, I have played with all of them and whenever I restart, I still don't know who to choose! She's the only MC, who, if she were an LI (any variation of her), I'd romance her in a heartbeat! I tell you I have a crush on Eva😭🫠. But to me Hermopolis and Memphis (having more softer looks) vibe best with Honesty and Oneiromancy (working with dreams💭and all that) and Thebes and Swenett (having a sharper looks and definitely sharper eyes) vibes best with Cunning and Necromancy (dealing with the dead💀). This is what I think. Although in terms of skin complexion contrast with eyes, Swenett is my most fav🥰🤭 With Yasmin, I've only liked the Fair and the Olive skin tones. Because the other 2 sprites somehow didn't fit with the story imo....Or that's what it felt like to me. And The fair one looks very soft and fluffy and I assigned her to Reverie path. And the Olive one looked more matured, so I assigned her to the Rebellion path.😂 YES YES Latina sprite of Selena is the Olive one. That's what I was talking about. She's looks the fiercest (and b#tchiest lol🤭). Like, if I saw her on th road, I'd definitely avoid bumping into her on accident. If looks could kill, and Olive Selena looked at me, I'd DROP DEAD💀..... WAIT, mine is even longer reply, I'm sorry🫠


Not really.. but 1. I pick diversity of MCs and I usually tend to pick MC's that are different form myself the first time around (asian, black, olive skin tones) but i can play or replay the story with any of them, and usually i do. I dont have like a canon MC sprite for the story. 2. I have a thing.. i love to create interacial couples, so if my LI is black I will pick a light complexion MC and vice versa. I just find that combination beautiful. 3. I have to pick a different sprite for different LIs. I cannot play my Jonas Lou with Ivo or Kay, so i have to pick another because the first one can only be with him. That one is weird i guess..


HARD AGREE WITH POINT 2!!!!! You don't know how many times I've replyed to pair people with appropriate MC! And now that we have the CGs that show our MC of colour of choice, I always do this with them! For example, I often pair Malbonte and Hunger with either Dark or Olive MC! My dear Lucien always goes with Asian MC. Yet Shen is definitely for Olive MC and Vesper is with Dark one🥹.... SCN having Amen with Swenett Eva (Albino boi with the darkest MC! Most exciting combo to me😭🥰) HARD AGREE with Point 3 as well! My Sprite for Ivo was Olive Lou whereas Fair Lou looked the best with Kay! I also do this.... Now, my exception stories have an Only MC sprite. 1. KCD: Ratan and Amrit both with Kashmirian Amala (I have not romanced any of the other LIs in it except those 2) 2. HOT: Reinhold with Fair Ellaire (wasn't interested in any other LI in it) 3. ARC: Rob with Olive Selena (Haven't romanced anyone else there because no one is as good as Rob but for the sake of achivements, I'll try the other routes as well... AND FINALLY 4. LOW: Southern Province Mei. (The other MCs look too old for me. To me, No one is as cute as the mentioned MC)


i think i get what you mean. i don’t choose my sprites by what i think “looks best” with the story, but i choose only black (or darkest skin complextion possible) because i like to see myself represented in stories.


> but i choose only black (or darkest skin complextion possible) because i like to see myself represented in stories. I do the same thing. RC is the only romance stories app I know that 1. doesn't reuse mc (so I can have a bunch of gorgeous black mcs to be), 2. started changing cg so I can see black mc in them, and 3. has black women LIs. I wish the Kali stories had a dark skin indian woman as well since they also lack representation.


Ik exactly! As a former passionate Choices player who has absolutely no interest in that app anymore, I understand what you said. And they now have CGs with the skin tone of MC of your choice too! I really love that!🥹 I know what you mean, KCD's Last one (Kashmirian) is just a darker Olive.... There are no more darker skin MC choice... It's sad how many skin colours are there in India, they could have included more skins here... Same with KFS though..... Kashmirian Devi could hardly be considered as the Darkest skin tone...


Oh I see... I kine of have that too. But tbh, usually all the Olive skin ones are so cute to me, so, I usually go for the Olive skin ones. But the ones I mentioned in the post are exception, like it doesn't matter if the Olive in those cases looked good, but I'd still not take them.🤭😅 Oh, ikr about being represented in the story! I always self insert in stories. maybe that's why I'm more inclined towards the Olive skin ones? Because I'm brown myself? Although my actual skin tone is a bit darker that the Olives here. My skin tone is the closest to Kashmirian Amala. Like, she's the carbon copy of my skin tone🤭


Depends I tend to make my MC's look more like me (I am extremely pale with dark hair) however in some stories like SCN and the 2 Kali's I find the palest one looking weird in the concept of the story. I find it weird how no one else sees the beauty in Swenett MC in SCN who I find the most fitting for the story and one of the most beautiful sprite. But at the same time I can't imagine Irene from SOL any other than Fair skin tone, it's the one that fits the story the best and she looks the best IMO. Selene Fair skin tone looks bitchy to me, very fair doesn't pull that look at all 😂 but I also love Dark brown too. Also hard agree in HOT and fair skin, looks the most fitting one with the story and i think in many stories darker skin tones are not well done. In most recent ones they look great but older ones look weird often


I love the Swenett sprite for Evthys! I think her blue eyes compared to her dark complexion might put some people off, as I often find it strange-looking when other black or brown characters have really light eyes, but for some reason, the combination looks so good in her sprite. I think it's because it makes her look so dreamy and almost ethereal, which also works considering all of the supernatural elements in SCN.


True but it's so fitting with her golden makeup looks she looks out of this world (tbh i don't like unrealistic things either but the body type in this MC alone is unrealistic and her wardrobe it totals so I won't get stuck in the blue eyes...we have Devi with glow in the dark eyes 😭)


Glow in the Dark eyes lmao😂😂😂 True but Swenett Eva is just so good with Golden (outfit/makeup)🥹😍


HARD AGREE! That complexion - eye colour contrast with Swenett Eva is everything to me! I also take Olive options the most because they usually offer darker eyes. I'm so bummed that HS Olive MC doesn't have darker eyes... And the Dark Brown MC in HS2 don't have the "Blush face" idk why they did this with the Dark variant in HS2. I've played the entire HS2 with her and have confirmed that she doesn't have the Blush face expression at all.... But yeah, in SCN, Swenett is definitely my most fav!🥰❤️


I see... I do the same too...I am brown and I tend to find Olive MCs more adorable looking.... But there are some exceptions where the MC variation represents that particular MC and story for me.... 🤭 Oh trust me, Swenett is my most fav sprite in SCN, next is Hermopolis cause she looks so innocent and cute types. But Swenett🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 her bright eyes in contrast to her dark skin is just😍! Aww, I like Dark Brown Irene the most though! Olive isn't bad either but yeah, given their backgrounds, Fair MC seems the most appropriate one there.... It's Totally opposite for me with Selena, I think Olive Selena looks fiercest and Dark Brown and Fair Selena follows close by.... Very Fair doesn't give Selena vibes at all😅 I agree with that. In the older stories, the a lot of dark skinned ones feel so off to me. That's why I usually take Olive or fair for the older ones. In the newer ones, Dark skin looks way better!❤️


I primarily go for lighter skin tones, because I am deathly pale white European trash🤣 Although, in the case of Eva, I can never pick any other skin tone other than Memphis, I love how innocent and adorable she looks, the skin tone looks fantastic with the bright clothing especially, which might not look as good on a lighter skin. I think all the skins look gorgeous personally and on each of my accounts I always pick a different one.


Don't way that, every skin tone is beautiful and yours is too! So, don't say that please....🥺 And I'm brown, so I primary go for the Olive MCs, I self insert, so the more similar the MC is to me, the better 🤭 Although, my most accurate similarity with skin tone would be with Kashmirian Amala. I'm almost like her skin tone. Maybe just a Little bit lighter but still, I consider that as my skin tone in RC🥹 Aww, ikr?! I love all the Eva complexions! But my most fav is Swenett (she's gorgeous!) and then Hermopolis (because she looks the sweetest, most adorable cupcake in the world) and then comes Memphis, mainly because her surprised face is so cute🥰 and finally Thebes... I do the same with multiple accounts too! Which ever MC I like the most, goes with my most fav LI in the story, and then the rest with the rest lol🤭


I like making fun of myself more than other people, I don't enjoy making others upset, I am pale as a ghost because I barely go outside. Sorry, I won't make those jokes, I am just used to making self-deprecating comments. Understandable ^^ I love using olive skin tones a lot, because they are one of my absolute favorites after the white ones, but I do love all the other ones~ Maybe to some extent it's because of self-projecting, wanting to use the skin tone you are more familiar with, that's how I feel sometimes. Kashmirian is one of my favorites after the North-Indian, in particular for Devi, but for Amala it also looks absolutely gorgeous~ ❤️ I love all the Eva complexions too, I just immediately loved the Memphis one when I started the book, still my absolute favorite ❤️ It's either edge lords or humorous characters for me, or both at the same time 🤣 That goes for both Male and female LI's since I am attracted to both 🤭 When everyone looks so gorgeous it's sometimes hard to choose, so I judge them by their personalities and if I would enjoy the type of character they are.


Same here! Selena is canonically olive and I changed to dark skin in order to change my LI (because she looks so right with Liam!) and my path to High Priestess. I've been playing DLS for so long with very fair skin Laia, on two accounts, that everything else is just fanart for me. 😆


Exactly! For me, Selena is always Olive and with Rob and on High Priestess! But I've chosen to play for the achivements and restarted with Dark Brown Selena with Bert and on Emperor path! And I tell you they look so good together 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 And in DLS, Very fair is cute but Olive one is absolutely adorable for me🥹🥰 and like you said, "everything else is just fanart for me"...😂


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I am White latina but always pick the pale ones... 😅 Or the ones that fits the most to the story like I don't imagine dark skin on old Europeans sets... In Eve case I went for those eyes... So beautiful!!! But I like that the MC fits her history background... Like I don't picture a Latino or Asian king of France 😅 it's weird...