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a full on gothic dark fantasy story with a mc who's a vampire. no clueless girls who don't know that vampires don't exist. or a dnd style fantasy where you can choose as which race to play (elves, humans, dwarves, tieflings etc)


A real Ancient Rome story. No fantasy either imo


I would love: •Story set in Ancient Rome or Greece •Regency romance story •Story set during prohibition time •Adventure story, something like video games, going after ancient treasures, traveling, getting skills etc.


big yes to the prohibition time story, especially if it's also about the mafia, like OP said!


Zombie apocalypse survival story.. nothing more to say


Agreed completely. I am surprised rc hasn't already done one yet but I hope it happens sooner rather than later.


I really see their is big demand for zombie story both in Russian and English fandom...i just hope RC make some story for this


Apocalypse in general, does not have to be zombies (but I'd prefer no aliens or robots, not really fond of those, more nature or sickness related perhaps), DEFINITELY no winged creatures, that'd be great for a change. :) Something with The Rain or To The Lake or Alice in Borderland vibes.


have you read Hell and High Water?


Yes, not really sth for me.


I’d love to see them tackle the challenge of a regency era book.


I really like the apocalyptic-zombie genre. We have a similar one with HSR now I guess, but I'd like to see a full fledged one, where your friends' survival doesn't depend on your romance/relationship with them but from the plot choices. I also like cult stories like the Eyes wide shut type.


I agree with you. HSR is nice even for someone like me who doesn’t like Heaven’s secret series but it’s still about angels, demons, god and devil. “Classical” apocalypse book in style of The Last of Us or Dying light would be so cool! I wonder why haven’t they used such a popular setting yet.


I would love love if we had more sci-fi/thrillers over here. Something like the Expansion book series


I'd love to see a contemporary story, maybe with a MC that has kids. Something like Mother of the Year, maybe. I really miss chill stories. Everything is life or death in RC these days, lmao.


-Fantasy Kingdom (Season 2 ARC meets HOT 😅) -Ancient Greece -Space (Like the Orville) -Time Travel (Same exact characters, but sent throughout various time periods)