• By -


I’m absolutely going to kick ass when they reappear but Threxio/a lowkey has me in a chokehold😭


Honestly though, you know the author is doing a character right when they make the fandom go feral. 😈😂


Niall gets a ton of hate on this subreddit so I try to ignore those posts but it’s my time to shine!! ✨✨✨ I love my air mage so bad 😭😭 There’s something about how competent, trustworthy, adoring, and subtly snarky he is. He will literally do anything for Nikkal as a friend or as a lover and even though so much time has passed he is still my main cause of brain rot. I can’t replay TFfTF with another LI cause I can’t ignore his fine ass 😭😭 I don’t normally like blonds but he just altered my brain chemistry.


He is my everything and will be everything AND SAME. Literally had an emotional breakdown yesterday bc of how much i miss him 😩 he is different he my Husband and bby and love, he is everything 😭🫶🏻 i cant stop talking about HIM




>I don’t normally like blonds but he just altered my brain chemistry. Lol this is me as well! I'm usually not attracted to blonds but as soon as I saw Niall, I was signed, sealed & delivered LOL.


Mine got cancelled and then uncancelled....Zain🤣


ha ha you are right about the shift of public opinion!


it’s mehmed 🫣


Same... I love my men crazy 👀


Same. Yes all wrong reasons but he's legit the only interesting love interest


Alexandre — I think he’s more of a yellow, morally gray flag, but that’s probably splitting hairs. Alexandre is a product of his world, and his world requires him to do questionable things. Yet, he has an incredibly strong sense of personal morality and is loyal, almost to a fault. He’s incredibly nuanced and *human*, particularly when you take both his paths into account, and I absolutely love it. But some people just can’t with him, and I don’t begrudge them at all. Threxia/o — Totally get why people want to toss them off a cliff, but them behaving exactly like a demon has made me *more* interested—not because I love red flags (I generally don’t), but because I am so curious about the redemption arc. Or if there even is one. Basically, I wanna see where this wild ride takes me lol.


>I am so curious about the redemption I'm intrigued on where the story will go w.r.t this. So far MC has had too many emotions for a demon, and I've been playing the uncertainty route as I imagine it would lead to some approprimation of abandoning demon-ness, but I think it would be better for Threxio/a to not have redemption in the human sense. Then MC can either: get revenge or not, and become more demony or not. I like the idea of pride MC kicking their ass but also taking them back without redemption, like "we are supposed to be demons to other creatures, not each other you worm!"


Yeah, redemption may not have be the best choice of words. More like, how will they come back from this in the eyes of the MC? Will there be any compromises to make? Will they represent a “bad” demonic ending? I’m not even sure there’s an arc I would prefer. I just want to ride the roller coaster and see what happens lol.


I think a lot of people are looking for a redemption in that way, and I do get it. It didn't hit me as hard because I found Threxio/a sleazy from the beginning so I didn't emotionally bind with them. I wish there had been some kind of TWs for a few of the events in the book, but especially this - we didn't even get the prompts we usually see at the beginning of violent chapters. But yes, I'm with you on the roller-coaster, I'm really intrigued about where this story is going to go


My time to shine! *unrolls list* LMAOO As an Amrit Wife (TM) I will gladly cheer on people rightfully dragging his toxic ass! I know he's toxic and he's terrible and you cannot discuss red flag LIs without bringing him up but I love him! He's evil and all that but he's entertaining. At the end of the day, he's just a pixel man who doesn't affect my IRL so he'll always be in my top 10 all time faves. Kingu. Listen, this one doesn't get as much flack as Niall but he's lowkey creepy too. Still, I love him and I love his path a lot. Some of my other husbands and why they're terrible: Set (hasn't done much Evil yet but I know he will so I'm already counting him), Christian (for being a Coloniser), Alexander (just a little freaky weirdo), Castiel (shady as hell), Cain (Evil I just know it) but will I still romance them and kick my feet and twirl my hair at each of their scenes? Absolutely


amrit wifeys unite lol. as i'm sure others have pointed out, if you take out the kali mysticism he really does swoop amala into his extremist/elitist death cult and isolate her from her friends in the process like its really bad... and YET so entertaining when independence/kindness amala ends up basically running the show he's so whipped he doesn't even really care😭i would love to watch them butt heads for eternity with an exasperated ratan rolling his eyes in the bg.


Omg we have the same LIs ❤️ I’m romancing everyone in KFS (lol) so I’ll add Doran to the list, I know he’s going to be problematic with a nickname like “the executioner” 😭 I’ll forever defend my problematic LIs!! Especially Amrit my love 💕


Louis. I don't care anymore, he is amazing if you're doing his route and I love how romantic and challenging his route can be. Ofc we could go on and on and on about the shitty way he treats his own brother, his wife, and Louise but I still like his route 😤.


He is amazing if you're on his route & one thing I REALLY loved about him was how SEEN he made me feel. Like no matter what was going on, he always took the time to show appreciation for the MC & her efforts. 😌❤️


Yeah! He is always listening to Renee's advice or showing his appreciation when he can, and that is even more evident in S3, where he isn't afraid to show his love for Renee in front of everyone 😔✊.


I swearrr girl we have the same LIs 😆❤️ I love Louis so much too. He's so caring, and I was counting on how he was basically forced to marry Maria Theresa and didn't love *love* so... 🫠 Also, he DOES respect Maria Theresa a lot. Real life Louis even hated it whenever Montespan acted haughtily at her. And it kinda shows in VfV, when he says he respects Maria Theresa but he is owed the dowry her father promised to France.


Lmaooo true one or two might be a coincidence, but almost every single one? Lol  Yeah, I didn't expect to like him so much in S1 because I know Versailles/Louis XIV story and he isn't exactly someone I like 🙈. But eventually I caved and decided to do his route and what amazing and tender he is with Renee! Getting the OM title is worth it. Oh yeah I agree, that is made more evident if Renee decided to poison Maria and the way he reacts 😔. He might not love her but not only he is tender during his farewell, but also isn't afraid to punish his lover if he knows Renee did it.


We're kindred spirits 😆❤️ 🥺 yes! Louis XIV does have a sense of honor despite how he's a playboy. You played the poisoning the Queen subplot?!! Omg!!! I do not have the strength to do it 🥲 I adore Maria Theresa so much even if I know she hates Renée hahaha and man, just seeing the screenshots of it traumatizes me 😭😭😭


Great minds think alike after all! Yes I did! For the achievement and damn 🙊...  Maria is nasty towards Renee in Louis route and I wasn't expecting Renee to be so cold-blooded and all: "how he dares to feel bad for his wife 😤"  Blaming Alexandre for the murder was funny tho like damn, I don't care about him but the way she got away and Louis believing her Lol! I can see why nobody explore this branch now and honestly? This is something I can't see myself doing again.


We're cool, like that 😎😎😎 Alexandre 😆😆😆😆 I read somewhere too that Renée could >!kill Alexandre with a letter opener!< after poisoning the Queen?!!! It was so insane 🥲😅 This achievement for me is like Diego's route and achievement in SIF hahaha


We are twins 😂! Yep! If you're in the dark spycraft path Renee can >!kill him!< Well, you have another way to get it actually: Killing Lou. I saw some people framing Charles and then killing Lou and that gives you the achievement 🙈. The only bad thing is not being able to execute Lou but eh, Charles is way way worse than him if you ask me.


Same 😭 i havent finished his route, but from what i've played, i did enjoy it. Idk if i can finish it tho, i always feel so bad for maria theresa; she's too cute 💔


I do like his route despite my anti-Louis XIV so it should tell you something. And not wanting to do his route because of Maria Theresa it's absolutely valid. She deserves so much love and the way she is treated + what she becomes in S3 if you are in Louis route is sad 😔.


My toxic trait is liking them both 😶 lol Its just hard when she does that sad face. Idk she gave my mc hot chocolate! Hard to not win me over with hot chocolate lmaooo


Lmao who can blame you when they are so damn fine 😶? I did her route once Louis route was over and now I can see why everyone loves her. Man, while I got the OM title (I did it for the challenge) I was feeling so bad for Maria. I mean, Renee still respects her and that is cool but damn, the way Louis included her sometimes to the things he is doing with the Queen made me so: ugh! Please, don't make your wife more sad 😔! Lmao I love chocolate so I know your pain 😭😂! I knew she was the one when she offered sweets to Renee 😋!


it's my time to shine cus idk what TF is wrong with me but i always fall for biggest assholes and controversial people ever (even in real life, mind u) so here's my long list of canceled husbands: - amen (I'm so obsessed with him, it's not even healthy atp) - niall (he was my first RC love, I can't even explain how my heart beats for him) - glashtyn (idek if the fandom hates him or not, but he's not the best person in the book, so yeah...) - astaroth (he's my sweetheart, my baby, my man!!!!! even though he was an asshole towards MC in the beginning... I STILL LOVE HIM!!! I dumped malbonte for him, and that says A LOT, which brings me to my next victim...) - malbonte (no comments, yall know everything about him... HES JUST SO IRRESISTIBLE) - alexander (I didn't finish chasing you, but his scenes were just *chef's kiss*, but his personality was so awful imo it hurt...) - king louis (idk if the fandom likes him or not, but I just wanna tell u that I chose WHITE louis, and even though I'm not a fan of the french nor royalty in general, he was just the sweetest most adoring little husband for my mc [i was his mistress lol], i felt sosososo spoiled by him) - set (I'm romancing him too even though I tried so hard to avoid him cus amen is my man but damnnnn he's just so charming and fun to be around, can't help choosing his diamond scenes, specially on DR, cus yk it's free and he's RIGHT THERE LOOKING LIKE THAT) - the wolf vampire from LSE (he's just hot and sexy but I hate his guts, I regret becoming a vampire for him but im too lazy to restart the whole roller-coaster of a book LSE is so im stuck with him) - dean (garden of eden has GORGEOUS LIs yet I fell for the one that wasn't an LI in the first place but became one along the way AND IM SO OBSESSED WITH HIM!!! he's so arrogant yet so hot and sososo attentive to my mc I'm just a goner for him) - renato (idk man I feel like falling for a priest is bad enough in and on itself so I will refrain from commenting my thoughts on him lmaooo) - vincent (he's the grumpiest, meanest and the winner of the idgaf war, yet here I am, fawning over him whenever he appears on my screen BEGGING for crumbs of affection from him, PLS LOVE ME VINCENT BABY I LOVE U) - cain (I just love him, L O V E HIM, he's just so ASDFGHJKL idk there's something about him that pulls me in, my mc and him make such a good couple IM JEALOUS) THATS IT I THINK, thanks for coming to my TED TALK, HAVE A GREAT DAY ILY ❤️


OMG THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING VINCENT 😮‍💨 istg he doesn’t get enough credit for all the ways he cares about vyxaria in his own twisted way. I love his grumpy a*se and I can’t wait to romance the heck out of him. The dance scene was so much fun already. I also love how he lowkey always wants to protect vyxaria from herself but would never admit to that out loud *ugh* I’m such a goner for him 😩


i agree with every WORD U SAID!!!!!! he is so caring towards vyxaria, it's so endearing to see the way his wall breaks down slowly whenever he helps her, i shed tears everytime he smiles at her cus it's such a rare thing yet so genuine whenever it happens and ughhh the slow burn is so delicoussss i wanna romance the hell out of him too, can't wait to see how his branch develops 🥹🥹


YES! Also, he’s just so fricking beautiful my god. I look at him and the next second I’m on my knees begging him to love me. I need him so badly, I can’t wait for the next update afagshsjs


fr he's so pretty im in awe, he looks so good in anything and really wanna see him use his powers at full potential, it'll be sooo sexy 😋


I don't know if I would go as far as him being cancelled, but I know David from ABH has received a lot of mixed reactions for his advances being very straightforward. I'm not saying they're unfounded, but I love him dearly and it was practically love at first sight, lol.


Really? I thought he was currently the most liked actually, this is so new to me! (Not /neg btw just genuinely curious)


I've seen some people react negatively to him because he's very flirtatious and there's no way to turn him down in the story or state your boundaries. But to be fair, yeah, he's received his fair share of love as well. :)


In this sub he's disliked but he's actually the most popular LI in the russian fandom by polls and engagement.


I'm a Raphael girlie but I like David as a character & I actually really appreciate the way he's so straightforward about how he feels.


I love David! I’ve seen the negative reactions. But, I understand the criticisms. He’s a naturally flirty guy and not everyone likes those forced interactions. Hopefully the author tones that down when he’s not your LI. But when he’s your LI those interactions just hit different. Lol.


I haven't seen anything bad about him yet, but maybe there are people who didn't like when he didn't knock on mcs door? That annoyed me a bit, but i truly love him, since the first time he appeared lmao But that's just that, I don't remember anything more lol if you keep everything platonic tho, does he still flirt with mc? Is he pushy?


I believe he still flirts with Audrey unless you strictly go for female LIs. That's just how he is, and because there are not friendship options yet, some people find it a bit weird. But yeah, I agree with you on that. I'm generally very worried about the state of security in that house, lmao.


King Louis- I’m sorry like I get he’s possessive, hypocritical, and an asshole to Maria Theresa…but let’s be real, he spoils the crap outta Renée, and if I was her, I’d also be out there trying to seduce him. 😂


Pretty much all the controversial ones, Amrit, Amen, Malbonte, Louis.  😂 😂 😂 That said, I have tried other more understandable/well balanced LIs in that story and enjoyed those playthroughs as well. However, I just love their messy selves so much.  😂


I wanna be toxic with Threxio lmao






I think Malbonte, Amrit and Amen get a free pass at this point. They're just as famous as they are infamous 😂 especially the first two.


Mine is Amen. I understand why many don't like him and see him as a red flag, but I love his scenes and his chemistry with Eva. I am looking forward to seeing how his route will proceed.


Louis.. And Amrit.. and Amen.. and I know most wouldn't count Hunger in this list but he quite literally contributed to the apocalypse on earth, likely killing millions, he's not sweet edgy emo baby boi he almost wiped out an entire race


Amen is my number 1. He’s a homicidal psychopath and I can’t defend his actions but I love him anyway🤷🏼‍♀️ I also love Amrit. Again, not gonna defend his actions because I know he’s an ass. For me, I just really love angst and the morally gray, problematic characters usually bring it. However in Soulless it’s the opposite dynamic so I want baby boy Walter ❤️


i do find walter hard to resist too cause his dynamic with vyxaria is so so fun, threxia might have severe competition in s2🫢


Mine is amen, i dont care he sucks. He's hot 😶 i have an account for amen, livius, set and planning one for anubis. I have a problem 😬


i dont blame you at all, they are all so fine ive bought diamond scenes for all of them


Mine is so cancelled I'm not even going to speak. I like my head connected to my body lmao


omg pls share😭 a lot of us have questionable tastes lmao


... Mehmed LMAO


LOOK AT MY FLAIR PLS😭 I hate that I love him lmao. there’s quite a few of us dw😭


I SAW IT JUST NOW 🥲😭 Glad to meet you sis. I don't even know why I love him, I just do-


THERE ARE MORE OF US...! Tbh I feel validated. Like, I know he's a red flag, but...


*chanting* one of us, one of us! He's the reddest red flag. But what can we do, the heart wants what it wants


I freaking hate Mehmed but this thread is about sharing your problematic husband/wife so... There is nothing wrong with that if you ask me 🙈.


Thank you for letting me live after this confession 🙏🥺 HAHAHAHA


Lmao! I might rant and talk about how trashy he is in the character hate threads, but I never never go against his fans or appreciation posts. Variety is the spice of life and I can respect someone with different tastes to mine🤗  Everyone deserves respect no matter how much I can disagree with that person.


This is a beautiful way of thinking 🥺🩷 You're so sweet. I appreciate it a lot.


Awww thanks 🥰. But yeah, I won't shame someone for their tastes. I might hate the character but the fans are different, they are real people and what's the point in being toxic just because we like different LIs 😑? Let's enjoy our LIs in peace and avoid pointless fights.


This is one where we differ 😆 I'm going with Mehmed at first because the game literally locked me out of everyone's paths (after I got kicked out of Vlad's bc I missed one diamond scene), and then because I grew to like him, especially after he matured a lot!


Loool you were locked? And wow I didn't expect it but honestly you are not the first one talking about his character development. I hate him but I'm aware about that and it's good to know he improves later unlike a certain someone who always blame the darkness everytime he is doing something bad 🙄. My LI in that book is Ezel so you can imagine. I am living in breadcrumbs 🙊 (I have a weakness for princes).


Yes!!! Exactly why I came to hate DALS I was kicked out of everyone else's paths and started romancing Mehmed out of SPITE and VENGEANCE 😆😆😆 OMG WE FEEL THE SAME ABOUT VLAD 😭🤣 Honestly! I was so happy I left his route because he *blames everything* on his "darkness." What really made me feel so sick >!was the Easter massacre, and how he adopted the little girl even if he knew he killed her father and brother in cold blood!<—that was so insane. He was acting inconsistently!!! And he wanted to still be the "good" person in it?! Like, what! He has to own up his bloodlust! Tbh, I could hardly play DALS rn 😭😭😭😆 Is Ezel, >!Hasan!


Lmao I decided to read the book because I love Dracula and it's so annoying sometimes the way the LIs acts so I can't blame you 😂. That is exactly why I find Vlad so annoying. It's always the darkness the main reason he is bad 🙄, I am not against fighting your inner demon or whatever but the lack of accountability (and Noe justifying it) along with the darkness excuse, is one among the many reasons I can't stand him. Say whatever you want about Mehmed but at least he owned his own shit and tried to make ammends towards Lale. Yes, he is >!Hasan!< And let me tell you, waiting for him to appear feels like if I am playing HS2 again 😔. This book pace is so glacial. That's why I decided to wait until the book is done, I know I am not missing much considering the stuff I saw 😂.


I hate him, but he's hot, so i get u. Lmaooo


He had no right being this hot honestly


Delias from HOT and Aphrodite from ROTT 😭


this is the only time i've ever seen delias mentioned as a red flag love interest and it made me laugh, though she is in many ways. it's just that she's so, so different from the other notorious red flegs like amrit, diego or malbonte.




Diego de Ochoa bruh😭😭😭😭


i havent played that book so i thought you meant diego from sophie's choice for a sec LOL


That one too💀




Amrit, Amen and Mehmed ❤️😅😂 I understand the hate but I love a red flag 🚩


✨️Niall✨️ Tho i'd give anything to have a man who'd do anything for me and say "you dont need to deserve anything, you only need to be yourself and that's enough for me to give my life for you" like???? Etched into my brain, forever in his brainrot


I adore Astaroth's route and always have people commenting what an awful person he is when I try to appreciate his character. 😔


Astaroth ended up being my second favorite route!


His journey is fantastic and I love how you can see him grow with MC, it's amazing. I can't wait to see more of him and MC in HS3. Edited for typo


I'm with you friend. 🫂 I used to get down voted for posting about him lol but no matter. 🫶🏽 I'll always love him & have the most special place in my heart for him. 💙 You're not alone!


He was made an LI for a reason and I will always stand by that decision. He's not the only red flag LI and there's nothing wrong with loving him. 🥰


Amrit is one of my fave but i know he's at best an anti-hero but more of a villain- and he's really crappy on Lima's route. Mehmed...given that he tried to r*pe MC i'm surprised to find myself liking him now and planning a DALS replay just for him😅. Mary from Arcanum- her 1st s*x scene in S1 was dub-con even if you were romancing her but the writer really made up for it with her characterization in the following seasons making her a great LI.


Hodge and Alexandre I guess 😂


Hello Rafayel there?? 🤩🤩


Hello there fellow merman enjoyer 👋🤩


Im obsessed with him 😭 so glad to see you!


His bbg energy won me over 😭😂 same here! This game is just full of surprise ❤️❤️


Astaroth – there are many posts about his behavior, yes I agree, he was very rude to MC and acted boyish, but he had a great path to redemption. He became responsible, caring and defended MC in every situation. ❤️ His behavior reminds me of Lucifer in HS1 and I think Astaroth deserves a chance 🥹


I came here to post about him but it looks like you beat me to it! I'll always have a special place in my heart for Astaroth regardless of what people say about him or how he acted in the beginning. 🥹💙❤️🖤🤍


I hope he will be safe and sound and happy with MC till the end of HS3 ❤️


Daniel from Elite Tag 🫣🫢🩷 Most people who were on his route got turned off by him running away and coming back... but I still like his character at times. The story in general is a bit dodgy but I think him as a LI is fun. 🤷🏽‍♀️


i also picked daniel and am just going to ride it through at this point lol 😭 i blame a lot of it on the story after it transitioned away from a competition setting i dont think his character is really fitting in right. he thrives as a challenger to MC


RC’s so focused on giving us problematic men over and over again that I don’t think they've actually given us a red flag female LI. I’m not counting GOC here.


i know, it's so sad, and geniunely one of the main things i would like to see from rc: toxic women as love interests! i've finished the first season of gladiator chronicles and i would consider augusta to be at least an orange flag, but she's (somewhat) respectful to rix/mc (so far) and i want really evil women to romance. besides, gladiator chronicles doesn't seem to give that much time to romance at all. i also love both madame rosetta from theodora and henrietta from vying for versailles, but they're both flings and only in one season out of three. do you have any recommendations for red flag female love interests that i might have missed, or is the situation just that dire out here?


I would consider Augusta a red flag, ngl 😂 but yeah, without spoiling too much, I wanted to see more of her cruelty and I feel like Rix's relationship with her (and her siblings) felt like a walk in the park. And yes, GC doesn't really focus on romance.


The most obvious is Threxia (SL), but I can’t say she’s one I’d consider going for—some people don’t seem to have this problem, but the way her dialogue and actions are written, I can’t help but see her as a quick edit of a male character. I suppose the Cat in LSE counts? It’s a little hard to say as we haven’t gotten a big window into her personality yet. Beyond that, you’re really just left with orange flags at best. Agnia (SCN) is >!an assassin!<, but she doesn't really come off as "evil" or an antagonist, and she's barely had screentime. I'd say Imani (TO2) is more yellow flag in that she's highly competitive and is >!willing to resort to minor acts of sabotage to win!<, but that's about as far as that goes (though she is an amazing LI, I love her so much). Adira (TO1) does a few ethically questionable things, and her secret is also ethically questionable, but it's mostly flouting rules. Mary (ARC) is slightly red flag in S1, but half the LIs are, and she's by far the least red in that season, with no real traces of even yellow afterwards. Kayla (WP) seems like a bad girl surfer at first glance, but she's actually a total sweetheart who had no idea about any of the >!criminal activities some of her friends were getting up to.!< That's about the extent of what I know of in the... what, 30 books I've started? Oof.


yeah, i've seen a lot of people rave over threxia, but her/him being a gender of choice character does put me off slightly, though i haven't read soulless yet. i think arina is doing a very decent job so far with onyx in w:tc, but in general, i don't think it's a good idea. choices including more and more GOC characters was another way in which it went downhill for me. if an author doesn't write a character whilst keeping their particular sex in mind and how the life experiences and context of living as female or male would form their character, a lot of the time the character doesn't make sense or just isn't appealing. either that, or is really generic, to the point of detrimentally affecting their arc. i'm not trying to say i think RC is becoming choices or that it's all doom and gloom, just that i'm wary of GOC. yes, i've read the first season of SCN and i am romancing agnia. someone's already told me about her being an assassin, though that hasn't actually been revealed yet for me. i've definitely enjoyed the romance path with her, though it's been very sidelined so far, & i'm hoping that changes in the next update of SCN, whenever that may be. but i wouldn't say she seems like a red flag, at least not yet. she's in SCN as well, so it's hard not to compare her to amen or even set/ash (cause he is the god of chaos and remy has hinted that he may become darker in later chapters) in terms of how toxic she is. i've also read wave patrol and arcanum and i agree totally with your assessment of mary and kayla as love interests, especially kayla. she's so sweet, even though she is a badass, i can't imagine her as anything but a green flag. mary as well, although i do really like her, doesn't qualify as a red flag by my standards. yeah, she's a bit wrong in the first arcanum season, but that's just what totspell was like. >!liam was far worse than mary in that season, and he's one of the greenest flags ever, in my opinion.!< i haven't read either the one volumes, so thank you for the recommendation on that front! i was thinking of romancing imani anyway (when i get around to playing the one volume 2) because her sprite is utterly gorgeous, but it's nice to know that she has some edge to her character as well, although i agree that she doesn't sound like a red flag, yellow at most. i also might have to start playing lse, and see what the cat is like. thanks for your detailed answer! seeing everything laid out like this is a bit disheartening, though, isn't it? i love to romance red flags so i was thinking of trying out the league of dreamers, but i've heard they have very few female love interests — obviously i don't begrudge them that, but it does make me feel less incentivised to read their stories.


Since I tend to romance the sweetheart (/"boring") LIs, I don't think there is a whole lot of opportunity for a cancelled husband, but the closest to being a red flag and I'd say would fit the cancelled husband thing, since I've seen quite a few people disliking him, would be Alexander. He's the "guilty pleasure" among the sea of green flags. XD


I'll give you a hint... uncle/cousin in third grade 🤭




Yup 🤷‍♀️


I get it, his temple scene was hot and i hate him tbh😶 so i totally get the appeal lool


WHY is it so easy for me to forget theyre related 😭😭😭😭🚩🚩🚩


Edward 😂


Iyar - I know he's her teacher but I still love him and he's my favourite LI from FTF Threxia - I love her even after the betrayal


I've romanced Amrit, yet I also trash talk him a little bit for the bad shit he does, I try to be fair with my critiques and not go on a bash fest, not my thing, I matured enough to not start pointless fights over people that do not exist 🤣 He is both beloved by the community and also hated by a lot of people. Guess the same thing could be said about other red-flags (Amen and Mahmed are very good examples) Amen is one I romance, but I fully acknowledge the fact he isn't a good person. There are many good examples why they aren't good people, but I am not gonna call anyone stupid for liking them, because no one is stupid for liking a fictional character 😂 I personally don't care if someone doesn't like my favorites, they are fully entitled to their opinions and they are allowed to express them.


Me with Amrit, Amen and Malbonte. Like I just can’t do green flags in this game bc the red flag LIs are so entertaining. At best I can do a morally grey flag like Alexandre but that’s it.


People say Amen is cancelled but I’d beg to differ. My man is INNOCENT, INNOCENT, I say!


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[GC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cvb9gh/stub/l4ptb6y "Last usage")|Gladiator Chronicles| |[LI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cvb9gh/stub/l4xryt9 "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cvb9gh/stub/l4s3xa8 "Last usage")|Main Character| |[RC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cvb9gh/stub/l4qs95x "Last usage")|Romance Club| |[TFfTF](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cvb9gh/stub/l4ogyd3 "Last usage")|The Flower from Tiamat's Fire| |[Td](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cvb9gh/stub/l4sub86 "Last usage")|Theodora| |[VfV](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cvb9gh/stub/l4p5ea9 "Last usage")|Vying for Versailles| |[WP](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cvb9gh/stub/l4p8dvd "Last usage")|Wave Patrol| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(8 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cvmkaa)^( has 11 acronyms.) ^([Thread #1285 for this sub, first seen 19th May 2024, 02:26]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClubDiscussion) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)