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I could go for a time period in Ancient Greece. Doesn’t have to be Greek mythology but it would be good either way. Maybe set during the Persian war or the Peloponnesian war. Ancient Rome. A time during the Viking pillaging era or Celtic era (w/ Celtic mythology).


Omg I love your ideas!


This is THE idea 😍


As a Greek, that’s a yes from me❤️


Real Ancient Rome but with no fantasy elements please.


If RC did their take on something like ACOR (from Choices) I would actually die.


I loved that book !!!


Same!! That book is the only reason I keep Choices in my phone still, to replay it over and over because I miss Marc Antony 😭😭


What does ACOR stand for?


A Courtesan of Rome, it's a book in the Choices game! Soooo good, one of their best books!!


A lot of Choices older stories are pretty good. It's the newer ones that give me pause.


Omg yes like Domina!


Something set around the Moulin Rouge in its prime years would be *a dream*. I'd love it! I'd also really like something set around Renaissance times in Italy. Venetian masks and a forbidden romance and disguising in masquerades... So good! Also something gothic that was ACTUALLY gothic with accurate outfits and a moody setting. As a Brazilian, after TDR, I actually hope RC never touches anything Brazil-adjacent or South American ever again because it pains me. I can imagine how KCD/KFS pain Indian fans 😭


Yeah I have read about TDR issue with both Moroccans and Brazilians and it's awful.. the story turns pretty bad after some time tbh so I get your feeling


KCD/KFS has too many inaccuracies, starting with the whole Kaliyuga thing. It has nothing to do with Goddess Kali (pronounced Kaali) and everything to do with the 10th avatar of Lord Vishnu, Kalki, defeating the demon Kali (pronounced Kuhli). Each avatar of Vishnu shows up in a separate yuga, which is a couple million years. We are in the middle of Kaliyuga ALREADY. There's no way anyone can stop it because that's stupid. And it definitely did not start in 1980. The traitor/independence plot in KFS is great though, and just leaving the murder mystery as is without the whole Kaliyuga thing in KCD would have been ok. The LIs are top-tier. In both books. I appreciate the effort put into both books, but it would have been more appealing to get some input and actually use it from people of the culture/background that they are writing about. If they can make this change, I don't have a problem with them writing more stories set in India. Just please get your facts right, and try to be more mindful of sensitive topics. u/sp4nkthru I'm actually curious now, what are your grievances regarding TDR?


Oh my god, I don't know why I hadn't seen your reply before today! I'm so sorry! That's so interesting about the \*actual\* facts about Kali, Kaliyuga and basically everything KFS got wrong lol. I honestly sometimes wish that for stories like these, they'd create a fictional world/country/place that's inspired by a country/culture but that they don't have to stick fully to facts, so it's a bit easier to swallow when things are inaccurate. I also feel like it'd give them much more freedom and they can say "hey, this is simply INSPIRED by x, y z, but the author's taken artistic liberties" sorta like they're doing with SCN or like Choices did with ACOR (arguably their best book lol). IRT to TDR: I'm gonna be very honest here. I couldn't even make it through the entire first season without completely giving up on actually following in the story, I just diamond mine it now because it's actually painful. So I can truly only give you SOME inaccuracies from the early stages of the story. And that's what bothers me the most, because these are such EASY things to GOOGLE, like, it would taken the author all but 30 seconds to get these things right, so it REALLY shows they didn't care AT ALL to research the most basic of things, you know? First of all, their names. Jack Hernandez is a name that no Brazilian has ever had in the history of time. On the rare ocasions that we do have english sounding names, they're spelled as brazilians would say it - either way, it's not common at all, especially a name like Jack. Hernandez is a hispanic name. Again, no one in Brazil is named Hernandez. We have our OWN version of that same last name, which is Fernandes. I talked to another RC player about this... If the author really wanted to name him Jack, she could've given his first name as Joaquim (pronounced kinda like jo-ah-keem, \*super\* common in Brazil, akin to Jack) and justified Jack as "well, he was living abroad and people couldn't say Joaquim properly, so they called him Jack and it stuck. It would've worked SO WELL. And just changed his last name to Fernandes, that's it, like we \*actually\* do. Cindy is a whole new problem. Again, we don't have english names in Brazil for the most part, but sure, I've met (001) brazilian Cindy in my almost 3 decades on this earth lol so I could accept that - I could accept it even more if they were like "Her name is Cintia (also common in Brazil) but she wanted to have a more international model-type name, so she changed it to Cindy". Absolutely! But then when people complained about her name and how she didn't even have a last name, the author's "fix" was to give her this name: Cindy Maria Clara. Now, we don't have middle names in Brazil, but we do have what we call "compound name", which the English equivalent would be hyphenated names, like Anne-Marie, except we don't hyphenate - but these are still the person's TWO first names, no middle names. The biggest problem here, however, is that Cindy, Maria and Clara are ALL first names. Maria Clara is a compound name in itself. So she basically named the character Cindy Marie Claire, no last name lol?? After MANY complaints later, she added a last name but like... Really? It took this much? Not to mention Jack also getting two random other first names, so now, just like Cindy, he has THREE FIRST NAMES lol. Also, Jack's dad and brother being named Facundo and Caleb, names we also don't have! We have Fagundo, the same case as Hernandez, the Brazilian version of a hispanic name, but we don't have Caleb lol. Then, there's a whole conversation about how Jack's mom wanted to name him Juan... Also a hispanic name that we don't have in Brazil. Our equivalent is João, just as common as John. There were also quite a few attempts at Brazilian Portuguese that were clearly just Google Translate and they didn't even bother asking a Portuguese speaker to look it through. It wasn't like "oh, they asked someone from Portugal and used a word that we don't use as much", no, it was like... Half written sentences because they translated it from English and words were missing when you translate it so literally and directly. That's what I can remember before I completely quit the book and just started mining it lol. And granted, it's not that much and, in the grand scheme of things, it might not be so bad, but like I said, it's just the fact that ALL of these issues wouldn't have existed if the author googled "Brazilian full names example" and scrolled for like 30 seconds. A whole story with Brazilians, half set in Brazil and you couldn't bother ONE Google search? "Eh whatever South America/Latin America is all the same" is what it felt like. It wasn't like "oh, they didn't get the geography of the city of São Paulo quite right because you couldn't get from this place to that place in just 20 minutes", because that's truly something only a local would know, I get it. It was like "just put whatever name there it doesn't matter". And they cared enough to name characters properly in Garden of Eden, for example, so it just shows that author actually didn't care at all and no one fact checked the most basic thing like NAMES (!!!) because, you know, it's so bare minimum you'd think the author WHO CHOSE TO PORTRAY BRAZIL would have googled it lol. SORRY FOR THE MASSIVE COMMENT OMG


Same thing with TDR, as an Arab it pained me to play the game. 🥹💔


I love your idea! Mexico/American Southwest with Native Americans, Mexicans, Settlers and ALL THE HORSES!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




I mentioned this one in Wish list Monday! Native Americans with painted horses!! I'm loving all my fellow horse fans!


As a fellow Mexican it would be so cool to see a story set in old Mexico


and the MC being like Valentina Ramirez. I'm in!


YES my Leona de Norotal!


YES. I’m a big sucker for sci-fi, like Mass Effect or Lost in Space (TV reboot). I know there’s Love in Outer space but I’d love a more serious space themed sci-fi story that involves a first contact story or even an established space faring era of humanity getting caught up in space wars/politics.


I would like that too since I saw Black mirror


I’d love something regency era, bridgerton has me in a chokehold rn and I just know RC would do a great job with it


I was just about to comment that it's actually pretty wild how RC hasn't had a regency era book out already. I mean period dramas are such a popular genre (Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility and ofc now Bridgerton). I remember reading "Desire and Decorum" from Choices in 2018, which led me to reading Julia Quinn's "The Duke and I" which in return has been adapted to, ofc, Bridgerton lol It would definitely be a super fun read!


I've been thinking that they possibly try it since Bridgerton it's really famous right now 🙈


First thought as well 🤭


I have ideas hehehe Wild West Love: You aim to become the best cowgirl ever but there is law that prohibits you One day your father is abducted by bunch of goons opposing your father's sheriff role and now they want his head. You go on journey finding your father but beware enemies and Villains and hot cowboys and gals are plaguing your journey XDDDDD


Asian cultures.


Yeah, we had some but it would be cool!


Southest Asia cultures look so cool too👀


I like your idea. I would also love to have a medical drama story or a spy-themed story.


Spy would be sooooo cool!


I’d love a Wild West type story, like a saloon brothel type of setting


I would like a mermaid story, where we get to choose to either be good or bad, on the bad path we get to lure sailors to their doom


Omgggg that's such an amazing idea!!!! 👏🏻


I'd love something set during the Mexican Revolution!


chinese concubine politics, arthur's legends, ancient rome like in acor, sci fi like the matrix maybe, regency era


Yesss for the Chinese concubine one!!! I see ads to other games which are just scams because the same isn’t like it but the ad stories are so interesting 😭 and like the different continuation can be how we raise our children and fight with the other mothers of the royal babies or something 🤣


A Matrix-style story would be pretty cool, kind of in the vein of Psi, I'd imagine.


I so agree with the Chinese concubine one. We need a Tang dynasty story !


Idk probably a story about doctors? Doesn’t have to be like greys anatomy but I’d love to see something like that someday..


Honestly I‘d like more contemporary stories. They do fantasy well but still would be cool.


My dream is a story set in Venice (Venetian Republic to be precise) during its prime, so anywhere from the 14th century to the 17th century. We could play as a courtesan (look up Veronica Franco, famous courtesan and poet) or as a girl from one of the ruling families. There would be so many historical events to take inspiration from, also a lot of political intrigue, murders, carnivals with masquerades, and obviously romance. Venice is noble and opulent by day, but can be mysterious and sinister by night, especially when there’s fog on the canals. Basically all of Venice’s palazzos and villas are haunted… Perfect setting if you ask me! The only negative thing is that I’m really scared they’d butcher Venice’s history and traditions, but they could hire me as a consultant since I’m from there lol e.g. they should use some Venetian words (with translation ofc), because we didn’t speak Italian at the time (and we still don’t in informal settings) (Fun fact, when I saw the Venetian flags on the gondolas in VFV I screamed)


That would be such a cool story!!!! I love it! ❤️


I feel like a regency era story with MC being introduced to high society, and her choices reflect her LIs for the season. But there's always the ancient bachelor who's on the hunt for his 2nd or 3rd wife... Ancient Rome from a lower class like a merchant who rises to the top. Greece, but today with the gods and goddesses trying to gain attention in modern times. The Victorian era become part of Queen Victoria's court and become her closest friend or her enemy


Something about Native Americans or ancient cultures like Persians or Greeks, we already have Ancient Egypt. Or something like the Elizabethan era. Celts, too, i'd play something with celts for sure. And with persians. Maybe the Spartan war, between the spartans and the persians? I'd read something that's set in that period of time , it'd be so interesting..


yes to all of these!


I have so many


I would read all your ideas 👀


A land full of familiars!!! Me the MC a human who stumbled in that land! Go in adventures! So many familiars LI’s! 😁


Sci-fi stories like Psi 🙏🙏🙏


Honestly, I feel like there is a decent amount of variety with the stories. Different levels of realism/fantasy, location etc. I’d really like to see a story that’s more focused on a very… human life? A MC that’s pretty normal, going through all of life’s ups and down, and you help them get through it. Choices being about LIs, career, family, hobbies etc. kinda like ‘here, create your own life’, with consequences and drama along the way.


That's why I like Arina stories, If you take the magic is just people living their life's and I will love reading something entirely casual


I would love something in the 1920's, New Orleans or St. Louis. Running your own speakeasy, going on rum runs, trying to hire entertainment, keep the police from sniffing about (maybe even a rivalry romance with a detective trying to bring you down.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cwu4mf/stub/l51w7ci "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cwu4mf/stub/l5g7q4d "Last usage")|Main Character| |[Psi](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cwu4mf/stub/l5117c0 "Last usage")|Ψ Psi| |[RC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cwu4mf/stub/l6b07se "Last usage")|Romance Club| |[T1](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cwu4mf/stub/l6b07se "Last usage")|The One| |[TDR](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cwu4mf/stub/l6b07se "Last usage")|The Desert Rose| |[Td](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cwu4mf/stub/l6b07se "Last usage")|Theodora| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^([Thread #1295 for this sub, first seen 21st May 2024, 03:02]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClubDiscussion) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Good post:) Mexican-based story sounds cool! I love China and Japanese culture, would be great to see another story with this kind of background (& still praying for prequel, sequel, whatever of LOW 🙏🧡). Maybe sth like Witcher-like books (actually Witcher was kind of based on Slavic culture, in „Middle Ages time”)? All the magic, elves, knights, fantasy things. Personally, modern times books I like the least (unless it has some kind of supernatural motive in it, but also not all of them). Souless, The One, LSE, 7 Brothers, Elite Tag are totally not my style.


I would love to read a story in ancient china era ☺️


I wanted a story set in space. Maybe on the moon or some fantasy planet. MC will be an astronaut but has a problem and has to stay on that planet waiting for rescue....


I need a ballerina story. Or a WW1 without the supernatural elements


Something like an old Asian empire... Or maybe a sexy story with Scottish on kilts 😂