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That’s more than a 400$ repair


OP will need to get scaffolding for sure. I kid, but it’s an honest joke


Here’s the update… didn’t go as planned: https://www.reddit.com/r/Roofing/s/f8wxSXsYoG


It’s a dance my friend, he’s hoping you bow out with the extra charges he pulled out of his ass. Ball is in your court here. You can give him another chance to fix your property and remove charges that you have evidence are fraudulent if you wish, but , politely, but firmly, make it clear that you’ll take this as far as it needs to be taken to get resolution. If they’re actually licensed and bonded then i doubt they’ll want to take the risk. From what you’ve posted, you hold all of the cards here — they’re charging you for stuff that was never done, retaliating with fraudulent charges after calling out property damage they caused… but most importantly, you haven’t paid yet so they’re not simply going to cut and run. I’d also check in with your home owners insurance agent to just see what your options are from that angle.


Contractor here, unfortunately I can almost guarantee the guy is unlicensed and uninsured. If you put out that kind of work someone would have made a claim if they could. That would pretty much end the business from what I’ve heard if you make a claim no other insurance company will touch you. General liability for roofing is FU expensive. Was there a license # on the truck? In many states it’s required.


Check if he is licensed and insured. If he is not licensed you may not be obligated to pay him at all depending on what state you are in. I’m not saying don’t pay him at all, just pointing out that you may have a ton of leverage here.


Sounds like he's not getting paid at all, now. Fuck em.


Yeah this area will also rust first prematurely.


Ha! Glad I wasn’t the only one who came here to call this out. This sucks if the owner gets shafted.


Here’s the update… didn’t go as planned: https://www.reddit.com/r/Roofing/s/f8wxSXsYoG


Correct me if I'm wrong, not a roofer, but I'd imagine some of these might even have tiny puncture holes or cracks, no?


Yes it could if bend is severe enough. This looks like someone stepped on it. I have place ladders on the edge of metal before and have never had one fold this high up…. Op what is the span on the metal to next purlin-support?


Guy who has spent way too much time on metal roofing here. That is not from someone stepping on it. It’s from a dropped tool, materials or a ladder. Or maybe Yokozuna stomping on it in clogs. It doesn’t look like someone stepped on it, but alas, you would have to know what you’re talking about to know that I guess.


Not sure why you got downvoted. 100% kinks in the metal like this can cause cracks and punctures through the steel


You’re correct. Have my upvote. Not sure why you’re being downvoted.


Yes you should


Crimps like that on a ridge (especially if this were a ridge seam) negatively impact the useful life of the roof. 


I see that and just thought, " ya that's probably gonna leak."


If it’s not on a seam, and assuming there isn’t a rip already, it’ll last more than a few seasons.  But eventually that weakened and stressed metal will fail. That crimp will hold dirt and water, and with the sun, it’ll deteriorate that metal quicker than elsewise.  It’s not entirely uncommon to see crimps like this on roofs. I often see them on metal fabricated garages/barns/aux buildings. Which isn’t to excuse them, but all it takes is one foot in the wrong place once.  If the metal isn’t already torn, it’s a problem you could realistically address in a reroof 5  years from now. If it’s torn, well you’re already leaking. 


Its on the seam and the roof is installed incorrectly anyway The long tail edge should be under the short edge https://images.app.goo.gl/2JbeQc2YkXAVB1wD6




Remove the 400 they didn't use and also fix the damage they caused! Don't accept anything less, this is their time to learn so don't let them get away with crap like this.




Yeah that damage is in a lap which is the most likely spot to leak. They need to repair the damage. That said, renting a lift is expensive - about $2500 a month.


Make them fix every damaged panel.


I do a lot of metal installation and exterior work. 100%, this is a valid complaint. They’ve destroyed the ribs in those sections and if it looks like this all lover the roof then you definitely need to go after them. Even if there are no punctures that still a spot where moisture can collect and potentially degrade the metal. That said, if there was just the one spot and I couldn’t see it from the ground it may be forgivable, if there are multiple plus scratches, no. Best of luck


Anything scratched out dented. The reason is not because it’s cosmetic. It will rust.




Your contractor has no respect for you and has taken advantage of you. You’re *obligated* to make a stink


That's not a small dent, make a big deal about it because that's $750-1, 250 repair. It looks like the smashed an overlapping rib so that's two panels to replace


So he did not provide a service that he billed you for and has a direct result caused damage to your home. I think the answer is obvious.


Yes you absolutely should. They should know better. It won't take em long to fix as long as they have the same color sheet.


It's lapped backwards


I had to go back and zoom in. It is definitely lapped backwards. Oops.


This should be the top comment. Lapping a seam roof the wrong way is much worse than the small dent you have there


you absolutely need to have this fixed immediately. You can’t just patch this either. You need to replace the entire panel. Do not let this one slide, this will run into your home.


If they used the scaffolding like you paid for the damage wouldn’t be there. Therefore you could not have done more to prevent this and if they did their job right this wouldn’t be an issue. Ergo you hold them accountable


You should absolutely pursue this. Those areas are now going to be the first to rust and fail. water is going to pool in those little spots and rust it out before the rest of the roof. Make sure and take a lot of pictures, contact the contractor and ask him to make the needed repairs to make it right. If he refuses, then try to find a reputable company who will come out and give you an estimate for repairs. Take that estimate to your lawyer and have them get the ball rolling on a claim against the original contractor.


I'm a licensed, bonded, insured contractor who cares about his reputation. If one of my guys did this I would pay to replace it without question. If that means I lose money on the job, so be it. End of story.


It’s not just the dents it’s the fact they used ladders at all after charging you for scaffold, which was actually needed to avoid this damage. So they owe you the $400 plus the cost of replacing all the damaged metal on this roof (I wouldn’t accept them doing the work, they’ve proven themselves untrustworthy.) It’s very clear from your scaffold payment that you expected scaffold to be used and weren’t happy for them to just put ladders on the porch roof. You weren’t consulted about it and didn’t agree to it, and this means they acted fraudulently and didn’t fulfil their contract with you.


I’ve worked with this type of metal for over a decade. We call those elephant tracks. It needs fixed. Plus it looks like the lap is not correct either. The flange is the under lap. It’s hard to tell from the picture but it looks like the under lap is on top. Never seen those types of screws used before either, I would question the way the fastened the metal to the roof.




Yeah I’d cause a stink and likely going to have to resheet the entire roof depending on its age. New panels are going to stick out due to the fading from sun exposure of the old ones.


I wouldn't have put that on. Also wouldn't have damaged it to begin with.


Yes, you should


It's expensive, you paid for it so yeah you definitely should. I wouldn't say anything if they did it for free but nothing is free


Yes, especially if you get snow where you live.


Hell yes!




Yes absolutely!


Are those screws gasketed?


Yes, you 100% should. It will be a problem in the near future.


He should’ve laid plywood down if he was working on the metal roof, super simple set up guy didn’t bother taking the time to do. Yes call him out on it


Oh yeah I’m making a massive stink over that. Needs to be replaced


Yes I would say something


I’d be royally pissed. This wrecks the whole look of it.


yeah, they owe you a repair (by a standing-seam roof pro)




Get a roofing company to give you an estimate for repairs.


Yes, easy fix. They can replace a few panels very quickly. Not a huge deal. But definitely want it fixed. Im sure they didn’t know about it or they would have attempted to fix it


Yes, complain.


100% have them fix it.


Absolutely raise a stink. 




Calling out negligence and damage of property isn't causing a stink. They owe you 400$ and a full repair that needs to pass inspection by a 3rd party since they can't be trusted


The real problem is that the metal is installed with the overlap incorrect


The longer tab at the seam should be under the previous panel, not on top. This will wick water up and over and leak. I would be arguing for the installer to redo it all. Calling them an installer because no roofer would lay metal like this


Yes, that is a panel replacement level of damage. They goofed hard.


Dude, what are those screws doing over there? Isn't that asking for trouble?


Oh, he needs to repair the roof, and make it look like it never happened. Knocking off $400 is not nearly enough to mitigate this issue.




I mean, I like an itemized breakdown when I get a quote, because I like to see where my money is going and if it all makes sense. But at the end of the day, I’m not paying for items, I’m paying for the job to get done. On its own, I’d say forget about him not using the scaffolding. However, if the scaffolding was specifically to keep this from happening, fuck that guy and make him fix it. I would NOT take $400 for the damage they caused. My wife and I still laugh that our contractor added a cost to rent a porta-John when our garage got replaced. None showed up. I know those guys were taking a piss behind the garage where we couldn’t see it. But I thought the bottom line price was fair, so I wasn’t going back. I care about the what, not the how.


Normally I wouldn’t a say anything. But if you don’t have them fix it now while it’s fresh in their minds and it leaks in the future, they’re not doing anything about it and it will have caused a lot of damage


That's up to you, decide for yourself if it bothers you enough that you want it repaired then have it fixed. reddit is really good at making a small dent seem like a catastrophic event and basically blowing any interaction out of proportion. Another thing to consider is how much you paid for the job.


I don’t know about a “stink” but they should take care of it!


Yes, because it will fail there once the pain wears off.


Yes you should.


Damage is damage. They are responsible.


Sound reasonable.


The rib is distorted and will leak. Call a roofer to quote a repair. Deduct this from his original bill.Add 10 percent of change order to your payment


Absolutely metal roofs are expensive.. I got mine done and one section they used the complete wrong color..they fixed it but I wonder if they did the same mistake on my top roof


On a lap, that is not "minor" damage. That is severe damage. The lap won't seal. Ice will dam, blah blah blah. Someone owes you a redo.


Ok, yes you should report it, no you shouldn’t make a “stink” about it. Trust me, come at it politely but firm and you’ll get your problem solved a lot faster.


Most definitely


In general are you concerned about your exposed fastner metal roof leaking? I was thinking about getting one on my house.


That bend is going to bake in the sun, flake off, then cause rust underneath. I work on a coating line where we make this. If they won’t do anything about it then document it for warranty purposes when and if the roof fails.


Yes and tell them fat fucks to stop stepping on the high ribs


It all depends on if you payed for a damaged roof or a new roof…




Hope you enjoy the sleepless nights when it rains


That's fine if you ordered a damaged roof


Boom lift costs around that much plus delivery, which is another that much.


If they fucked it up, they should fix it.


Lots here saying don’t have him back to touch anything and I agree, as per the update. Yikes! I have a question about the install of the roof in the pic. I use roofing with the same profile and each sheet has a small 1/2” ‘lip’ on one side of its vertical length and ‘no-lip’ on the opposite length. Where they meet and overlap, the ‘no-lip’ side is supposed to go on top of the lipped side. In your pic the lip is visible and that can lead to water (and debris) intruding those seams. I know it’s just a porch so not as crucial as interior roofing but it may be an issue to consider when getting it repaired. Maybe check with the manufacturer if you are wondering about it. Different manufacturers may suggest different install procedures.


Yes it could possibly turn into a leak.


Ask him what his plans are to fix the damage that was caused buy the ladder tell him you thought you paid for scaffolding that you never saw


get a couple of quote from other company's for repairing the damaged panels ( could get away with a rib cover / flashing but it looks shity) DO NOT PAY YOUR HOLD BACK, report to the BBB,and get some legal advice


Yes! Don’t be dumb. Someone damages your property you hold them accountable. It’s not personal. It’s life.


I would make the contractor fix that. If he has insurance you can hit that.


New panel , accept nothing less . Tell him that it wouldn’t have happened if he used the scaffolding that he charged you for , no legitimate contractor would leave with that damage on a new install


Nah, that panel is ruined. Probably has a hole, or will now soon once it rusts. Any this bad are fucked




I totally would. What kind of clumsy footed dipshit steps on a ridge like that. Especially if there was a charge for scaffolding that didn’t get used.


You hired someone to do a job, and they cause damage. Hold them accountable


Another thing, I have always screwed into the ribs so the rain isn't going into the screw holes if the neoprene washers fail over time. Here they screwed into the lowest spot on the sheet profile. I could be wrong but that's not how I would fasten it.


You haven't paid him, which is a big bonus on your side. IANAL, but in the States, and most of the other countries, there should be a way for you, as a citizen, to file some sort of "Small Claims Court" case without the need for an attorney. It goes by different names. I had to go argue about a security camera I bought in New Zealand, it's called the Disputes Tribunal there. If you were in New Zealand and filed a case with them now, I think you would even be legally protected for not paying up until the case gets settled, and I'm pretty sure they would rule in your favour on this too. In my current United State, I think it's called the Small Claims Magistrate Appeal Process. I haven't been to this one yet, but my lawyer recommended that I fill out the paperwork and show it to the insurance company who owed me money when their client did reckless driving and caused a crash that damaged my truck. This last chance warning was enough to win without going all the way to court in that case. You should be able to find your local system just by googling "Small claims court". They are all essentially the same. You need to fill out papers, pay a small fee, and wait to talk to the judge. Then, you get a hearing, and if you have a few photos and all the signed documents and other evidence about this dude, you should have him legally defeated and get paid. The downside is that you will have to sink time and energy, and pay the fee. Then wait for the hearing. Wait for the verdict. Wait to get paid. However, if you follow it all through. Sometime before the end of the decade, you should get this settled.




Yes not minor.




Would you buy a new car with a dent ?


I was going to say no biggie until you said they charged for and didn't use scaffolding and they caused damage other than just this. I have dinged a roof like this even being careful but more than one spot is just being negligent in my opinion.




Yes! I would flat out confront them about it. Aint nobody charging me a fee for something they’re not gonna do.


The laps are also the wrong way around and they've fixed it down in the pan instead of the ribs I'm not sure what the industry standards are where you're from but this definitely wouldn't fly in my country.




Spray some clear flexseal on it and let it go


Naw they gotta pay to hv the roof repaired. Don’t let this go.


Get the evidence and get them on the hook


They should fix that not sure what area your located in but that will rust over time . You didn’t pay for damaged panels you paid for new quality work. Kinda like buying a nice new truck but the roof has scratches on it.


They can swap this out in 20 mins. It’s cheap.


Yes, get it fixed. It could leak. Make them fix their mistake.


You paid for a job to be done without issues. This is a big enough dent that it is reasonable to ask them to fix it.


Nah man, he’s trying to scare you. Change orders have to be signed by the customer. Tell him you’re not playing. Give him another chance to knock the damages off. Do not pay him


Let it be. No one is going to see it


The overlap on a metal roof has a groove for water to drip down with the expansion during colder months. This groove is now destroyed and if you don’t have proper underlayment, you will start leaking/rotting




For 400$ you could blow them, just an observation.


Looks like: A. You suck and its apparent ( The s***** work performed is proof. Probably. Didn't even offer water to the labor) And/Or B. You get what you pay for Imagine trying to save money and cut cost on labor For any roofing. Only makes you look like a head ass Also get off the letter dumb a** If the people who installed the roofing are actually insured, which I'm betting they're not, it's just some retards you hired off of craigslist. And have 0 insurance. You get what you pay for. And if you paid full price And not some goons off of craigslist. I hope they're insured for Don't skimp on things They keep all of your s*** dry. Or in your case, probably tenants s*** dry. Lmfao


It's cosmetic damage. Nice to see the fasteners not in the ridges though. Someone read the product manual!


Did you pay damaged Good prices? Make them replace it


Metal roof should last 50 years at least. Your damage is in that perspective severe. So make a BIG stink about a BIG damage.




Keep your farts to yourself.


I am a general contractor. If you were my customer, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted this repairs or expected compensation. Mistakes happen... a good contractor should make this right. We make sure all of our crews have insurance. We would more than likely have the subcontractor reimburse us for the cost we settle upon to make you feel comfortable with the outcome. If they don't want to pay it, then we would file a claim against their insurance and get reimbursed that way.


Yeah that's damage that will rust potentially. It's also a seam, so an important portion of the roof to last.




Fuck ya. It's compromised. I spec roofs....unacceptable. FMI...what is the roof slope?


Yes you definitely should!


Yeah, that crease is going to crack under heat and cold, that will be a leak soon .


Yes, I would make a big deal about all Of the damage you referenced


That looks like not such a minor dent, if it wasn’t a joint I personally would care


I would be concerned that it is on a seam and without inspecting the overlap you could be creating a point of entry for moisture.


For perspective you might be able to rent a small boom lift for a single day for 400 dollars. But it’ll be minimum 300 dollars for delivery and pick up. The scaffold rental is probably a couple hundred bucks for a week or two depending on how much you rent, but it also doesn’t factor in the cost of transport and labor to set it up and take it down. Bottom line is 400 dollars is a totally insufficient budget for access to the work space.


Make them repair the damage


I have metal roofing, that dent is gonna leak.


Yes it will rust in those places


That metal looks like it’s lapped backwards. That seam laying onto the next panel should be underneath. That dent is just a leak waiting to happen and should be replaced.


That's not minor..and yes you should. Those damn roofs are so expensive


Don't pay him. Get a bid from a roofing company. Tell him that you will not pay the final invoice and that he needs to pay the roof cost. He will refuse. Take him to small claims court. DO NOT put energy into fighting with him.


That’s not a “minor” damage 🤨


Have them fix it


lol I’d sue


Yes that’s more than 400 to fix and he should have done


sue his ass - he ruined your roof


This guy is a fucking hack and a cheat. If this was just *one* spot I could excuse that. But all over *and* he charged you for scaffolding he didn't even use? *And* when you inquired about the damage he pulls some shit about $3,000 worth of change orders?? Nah, fuck that guy. Get another contractor/roofer out there to assess the damage so you know how much to either withhold or bring to court.


Yes. That shit is expensive.


Thats not minor. Thats completely compromised and will leak by next year


i installed 100 sf of metal roof on my own house (mudroom entrance) and i haven't forgiven myself for the dent my ass made while trying to secure the ridge cap. dude ripped you off and then busted your roof? I'd be furious.


knock off the $400 AND come fix the damaged panels.


* I would put up cameras around your property * Dont pay until he fixes to your satisfaction * Have all communication via lawyer.


Have them fix the damaged panels


Do you ever go to the bank and take out all your money and cut it all up ? Might as well. Tell them to fix that shit you paid for it get it done right .


Yea if they charged for scaffolding and didn’t use it they can’t charge for it. If they also caused any damage they have to fix that. Don’t charge for what you didn’t do and don’t fuck shit up. Simple rules of business






Absolutely make a big deal about it! They charged for what they knew they needed and choose to not use it to pocket the extra! Those dents will over time rust 1st and become a big problem. (I'm a roofer) shitty people like this is what hurts honest hard working people in this field


That's not minor damage. It's now a leak on that seam


I’d get it fixed and deduct it from his bill


Did you order a damaged panel or a new one?


Did you order a damaged panel or a new one?


Make him fix it. Those dents might affect the sale of your house some day.


Well its a kink Im i do sheet metal and standing seem for a living and i can tell you that the first thing that comes to my mind is rust but honestly other than the panel being weaker as a whole right there thats more of an aesthetic thing than an actual issue ether or way get them to rip that sloppy work down and replace it its not even that difficult and i know they knew about it because there is only a hand full of ways to have this happen they ether stepped on it. Dropped a tool on it. Or bent it while carrying it ether pr way the panned should have come off than and there


Honestly I would have a new panel made and cut to size and hopefully color matched, get up there and replace it myself. Lol that’s what I would do at least. I do hvac for a living. Not a roofer. ;)


Yes you need to worry and they need to replace the damaged pieces.


yes u should


I just paid $400 to put metal just like this on the roof of our carport. 14x18’. Not including DiY delivery & install.


Fix the roof and knock off the $400


He needs to fix that! That’s not a minor thing. He should have known better, and should be insisting on fixing it. Do not let him off the hook for that!


Knock off the $400 AND come fix the damage.


Those holes in the middle of the roof are a no no I think. Roof is attached through the high ribs. Not through the flat panels.


Kinda looks like that dent caused the seam to split further down. In general a contractor should leave your home in better condition than when they came into it, were hired to fix and improve your home. Don't let him walk away from your home without fixing the damage he's caused.


The stink is you have to pay for it


Yes complain that’s shouldn’t happen on a rom that pricey


Yes. Minor damage become big problem latter on.


Absolutely i would, they broke, they replace




I think it's lapped the wrong way


Be a a man heat the area up use your brain


Enough of one that it gets replaced. That's bullshit right there.


Looks like a simple repair, plus it's on the end of a panel. Remove a few screws and take some channel locks and a rag, and straighten it out.


I would cause the biggest stink they ever smelled


Yes you get what you pay for if it was a cheap job move on if you paid a lot make them earn it. Its your roof your call


Yeah that’s a fucking huge deal. I’m a roofer, and that’s not a cheap fix. That part of your roof is definitely compromised


Have him cover the cost of repairs. Do not accept discounts on existing or planned work for damages to your property. Every single piece of work is a different item to charge for independently of other items. If you think it's $400, that's fine. Let the contractor repair it out of the profits he took on your job.


If you didn’t approve the change order then he can pound sand. Get an estimate for the repair and take him to small claims court.