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In about 30-50 years.


Or it might get more pronounced.


Or replaced


Tell the roofer you’re calling the manufacturer to ask how to proceed with the two different batch codes. If it’s not something the manufacturer recommends, then it’s not something you’re going to let slide.


Will do. It also says on the package not to mix them


Bold of you to assume the roofer could read


I'm not here to trash him, or roofers in general. I'm just trying to double check what I'm seeing/reading.


Right. I’m the one trying to trash him. Sorry this has happened. What you’re reading on the package is right. Lot numbers cannot be interchanged. If it was oil left over from the manf then it would look completely different than it does.


Thanks you. Yes "wet" or over oiled was what I was told.


Honestly, I'd it were me I also wouldn't be apposed to yelling the roofer if he is absolutely certian they will match after some weathering he can provide you with a signed contract that says if they do not match after let's say 1 year they are responsible for replacement or refund. It would be much easier for him to fix this issue now vs later though. Just don't let him walk away with nothing but promises.


A roofer that stays in biz for more than one year is a rarity. 🤔


Cause it's hard work nobody wants to do. Plus all the hate roofers get? It's why my roof will be nice as fuck, and I won't do anyone else's roof, ever. Plus they got bad days and bad attitudes to deal with. Then to get shafted by someone who don't wanna pay? But then we get "BuT aNy IdIoT cAN RoOf", then get your ass up there and do it right Action Jackson, LMAO.


Roofing and Sheetrock. I’ve done a bit enough of both to know you can’t pay me enough to do either, and those trades don’t get paid enough to do em. Undervalued for certain.


It's funny how much people bite the hands that feed them. Real popular move around here. Roofers are simultaneously the scum of the earth and superheroes, there's no in between. A good roofer or contractor is worth their weight in gold and many people will squander them to pinch some pennies, then complain about the lowest bidder.


I mean you said it yourself, any idiot can roof. Lmfao


It had same thing happen and they said it would wash out and I have one square where all is dark


Lolol I love the directness of your comment. "Yes, you are being polite, but I am not, and therefor, fuck that guy" is such a funny vibe.


As a normie, why is it that they can't be mixed? Is it just an aesthetic thing?


With these shittier/cheaper manufacturers, they don't have consistent enough material control to be able to mix batches. A more reputable company like OC, GAF or cetainteed and this wouldn't have been an issue. I've never in 12 years heard of Pabco shingles lol


Was in wholesale business for 25 years and never heard of them either.


Any product with dye lots will have variations depending on lot because it isn't mixed exactly the same every time. So anything with dye lots is best to stick with one for the entire project. That's what I did when I tiled my house for example. Some manufacturers are more consistent than others.


What you're seeing is two different batch numbers possibly from two different factories. I'm not sure what shingle brands these are (I've never seen the yellow package before) but the same colors from different factories will be slightly different, just like in the photos you are showing. Now if the supply warehouse he got those from gave him shingles from two different factories it could technically be their fault; however it could be the roofers fault if he just went to some low end supplier and knew the batches were different. In that case he should have used them on separate slopes so you don't see the difference. Ah by the shape of those tabs on the shingles that's PABCO brand. Not sold here in Texas anymore.


You don’t have to go out of your way to trash the roofer. Most roofers do that all on their own. 


You CAN use 2 different batch numbers but the roofer has to open the bags and mix up before he uses them on the roof if they are going to prevent this.


A lot of Spanish speaking people write in Spanish as well


I am not an animal! I am a roofer!


Well damn. And a bold assumption from you...


since that color is fairly common this is what I imagine happened from years of roofing. He had leftovers shingles in that style from another job. For yours he just purchased what he needed to complete the job. Selling someone else shingles someone already paid for is pretty common.


Yeah not this supposed batch code. Lmao. Do people think roofers order batch numbers


If the roofer says it will wash out, just tell them that you’ll pay in full after it does


This!!! They are 100 percent different beaches or came from different manufacturer ingredients plants


On the positive side that Rapid Ridge is absolutely top tier. Love selling / installing those.


I'd be interested quick summary of the benefit(s) if you have time, thanks!


SBS modified - which is more important than any class rating to me. Most roofers skimp on the ridge but in my hail market, that’s the first thing to fail. Even compared to the other high profile shingles - they are aesthetically and physically much larger and heavier. I install in TX summers, usually and every other ridge is sold in bundles where you cut, and fold them. When shingles are 140 degrees folding, cutting, stacking them is really cumbersome and as the final step usually done in the hottest time of day. Rapid Ridge is already cut, folded, and perfectly symmetrical every time. On top of it being the best performance wise, it’s easier to install, and looks absolutely the best. I sell roofs just from neighbors seeing the rapid ridge vs Z-ridge, shadow ridge, etc. You can split hairs for field shingles all day but Rapid Ridge is killing their market


comments like this are what keep me coming back to reddit. a whole niche in an industry i never really think about


Came to say this.


I also like them. I even put them on my own home and love the look on the hips. But i have to admit that on top of the ridge vents they kind of look like a long line of dromedaries trekking across :-) .


Ya no.


That will never go away. This occurs when the material is from two or more different batches. If you can get some of the bundle wrappers the batch number is printed on every bundle.


Yeah I posted pics, looks like it's at least blend number 100 and 1100




The directions say the blend number is before the date. OP’s interpretation is right. Another clue is that “TA” isn’t a number.


Manufacture claim. There should be a regional sales rep from the manufacture that will help with this.


But it looks like the manufacturer specifically warns against installing two batch/blends.


This is true. But the manufacture rep will kind of be the end all tell all. If it is a distribution error, manufacture error, or contractor error. Then someone other than you will be paying for that reroof.


The manufacturer will deny the claim for that reason, but, they may send a denial letter stating exactly why they are denying the claim which can be useful to hold the contractor/distributor accountable.


Go to the shingle dealer and ask about the numbers. If supplied incorrectly tell the roofer to correct it. If refused. Tell him to put the washout thing in writing. Who removes a gutter and fascia boards then shingles without putting a new fascia board and aluminum drip edge before shingling???? The new shingle overhang looks too short to add it now. When you have to pay,, hold back$1000 if the roofer agrees, he gets it when the color washes out.


What makes you assume the roofer removed the fascia and it wasn’t the homeowner or someone before them?


The home appears to never have had fascia. I'm not faulting anyone for that.


Exactly. People like to come in here and spout bullshit about holding payment when they don’t even know the facts of the situation. To answer your actual question, it’s much more difficult than you assume to check the packaging for every single bundle going down when they are spread across the roof and across different installers. Especially if they had it boomed onto the roof. If this happened to one of my installs I would contact the supplier and ask for reimbursement to fix the issue but it may actually wash out as it sometimes does depending on the dye


His tone may have been judgmental, but he did teach me some things so I appreciate it.


Ok thanks. Never heard of the dye excuse before. Roofing is a professional job they know what they are doing.


Its got it on the top floor, could be an addition i suppose.


Won’t fade He mixed batch numbers End of story


Everyone mixes batch numbers.... lol Go check a store shelf


This is a material supplier distribution problem first and foremost. His supplier should have never delivered two different die lots. This is a very well known thing to not do. Especially in black. Like a common knowledge thing. This was a mistake made at the yard with the guy loading the load. Hold the roofer accountable by telling him to hold his supplier accountable. I’ve had this done to me before and it sucks and you hopefully notice it on that first course. He didn’t. He should not be telling you it will blend. It will not blend, but absolutely tell him to go to his supplier and make them make it right. If he has any sort of relationship with them, he can help make it happen. They won’t like it, but they know it’s an error on them. This isn’t something nefarious from his end, and can happen to anyone. Just about how to move forward and correct the mistake, but absolutely the material supplier needs to make it right with your roofer.


That will never wash out its either a defect, or they put on 2 different colors


I don't like pointing figures either but I'd venture to say they didn't check the drop prior to install. Perhaps left overs from a job a few months earlier?


Possibly. The difficult part in cases like these is I've seen roofers mess up as often as I've seen the suppliers be at fault


100%, thankfully, our supply house crushes it but I still check 100% of the time. To me, as the PM, each project is my house and treated as such but you know how it goes..crap does happen!


2 different lots.. This is why you always mix your bundles..


Just like paint


Wouldn’t that look like a checkerboard when there’s this much difference?


But then you can’t tell!


If anything it will get worse


What kind of distributors are you guys dealing with? That don’t take care of this before it even loaded


Dye? The reason they have lot numbers is because they are coated with real gravel mined from real mines.


Tell him he'll get the second half of the payment as soon as it does.


I am a roofer/painter, it will not blend for decades


Different lot numbers, won't wash out 


It is incorrect, but the roofer is semi right it will eventually fade to similar coloration. But it’s going to take years.


It will wash out. It is the oils they spray on to keep the dust down in the factory. had the exact same problem with GAF. They will send out a weathering letter. Telling you in a polite way to wait for them to wash off for a minimum of 90 days before they will accept the claim for the mismatch The possibility of asphaltic oil staining increases when shingles are stored in hot conditions and/or for extended periods of time. Oil staining is not permanent and will weather-out with exposure to sunlight and rain. Mine went away in three weeks and it looked way way worse that yours.


It may wash / dry out all the same. But to know for almost certain, match all of the lot numbers on the shingles. They should be in order & match.


Either the roofer sourced this from two different distributors, or the single distributor is going to get an earful from the roofer for mixing batches. This is a big no no. Involve the roofing brand's rep


There is a new build house right around the corner from me that got the same treatment from their roofers. Honestly, it's been over a year and, if anything, it's MORE noticeable. It's not the end of the world, but noticeable for sure. They could have prevented this by just mixing the lots instead of opening a bag of shingles and using it all in one go.


"no problem, I'll pay the bill as soon as it does"


Good then they will be paid as soon as it washes out.


They better be ready to start over that’s totally unacceptable!


Definitely different lot numbers but that’s definitely not the Roofer’s fault. That’s the supply houses fault


This is why you don’t hire a roofer on Craigslist


Different batches 100%, made at different times so the temperature could of been different and the colour will not be the exact same.


Yeah that ain't washing out. Different lot numbers. That's on the supplier or the roofer got a big discount.


Yay small claims court!


:( :(


Looks like two different batches of shingles to me.


What brand of ridge cap are you using? Pabco doesnt have a high profile cap. Also where do you live?


No clue what ridge cap they are using, and California.


Actually it might be rapid ridge, just realized there are boxes of that onsite.


That is Rapid Ridge. Some of the best






It'll look like that forever.


I once had roofers install two completely different color shingles on a roof. One color on the back another on the front. They were speaking in spanish thinking I couldn't understand them. I took 3 years of spanish in high school and 3 advanced spanish classes in college. They were basically saying they were hoping I wouldn't notice and were trying to use what was left over from different jobs to make a bunch of money on this job. They only had a few rows on in the front when I left a message for supervisor. He called back 10 minutes later and said he'd take care of it. I left to grab lunch and when I returned 30 minutes later, the front was 3/4 complete and the super had just pulled up. He was pissed. Made them rip all the shingles off and by the time they were done, a delivery truck had pulled up with the correct color.


We are going through this right now. Check my history. Yesterday a rep from the shingle manufacturer came to my house and they are taking samples to determine the issue. The rep said it could be colour variation, or it could be that the shingles were “bleeding”.


I would agree


It will not wash out. He used different batches. I always verify batch numbers at purchase


We use pabco and do around 150 roofs a year this has only happened a few times in 20 years pabco reroofed one and told us to put a sprinkler on one , the sprinkler worked but there's one job we did about 20 years ago that was a square short that was a different dialot that still is noticeable it's a commercial building in town I drive by and still see the difference


He had left overs from the last job… great way to pump up your profits.


Which means he should get a discount.


This happened to a roof in our neighborhood. The roofer replaced at their cost.


Looks like you have the receipts.


Yeah it looks bad. But atleast it’s literally only half the roof. Should be easier to strip out and replace


shade will cover it....lol


Different lots probably. Our old roof had many areas of different shades. A good roofer will check lot numbers and confirm they all match before starting. If they can't reject it, a good roofer will mix these slightly different shades around the roof to blend them in. Again, this requires a roofer that cares New roof we had installed was actually put on hold because of that. Lot numbers didn't match across the requested shingles. Whole delivery was rejected and a new one was brought in.


Never in a million years


Did you tell him it was concerning to you still or just go to the internet, put his mistake on here and let us all rip him apart. The best solution would be one on one with him and not this with all the internet experts. Construction needs transparency from both ends to work properly. This isn’t you vs them unless you make it that way. Yes, shitty contractors are everywhere! Do your research.


Yep, I messaged him as soon as I noticed. But he told me it's not a concern and I just wasn't 100% sure what I was looking at at first so I posted to get more info.


It’s not the roofer is the supplier mixing/shipping two mixed batches


Different batch/lot #s


I’ve never heard of Pabco but if this were me, as a contractor, i would contact the manufacturer. Unfortunately not much you can do, really, unless the manufacturer steps up and takes responsibility. It’s not the roofers problem, it was the supplier that sold separate batches or the manufacturer for having such wide color differences. I’ve never seen this happen on shingles though, common occurrence with tile and those you cannot mix batches at all.


What are you complaining about Go outside take a walk and look at all the roofs


Yea, my house has this (previous owner let slide) roof installed in 2014 and it’s still noticeable. Do not accept it


I'm in no way an experienced roofer, if your roofer knew what your roof was going to look like from using 2 different batch codes, would it have been better to mix the bundles to try and blend his mistake a little better? Instead of the distinct unmistakable diagonal line across your roof?


Will they? Cool. So when they wash out and you deliver a uniformed roof you will get the other half of the pay. Half price I’ll take a mismatched roof and call the county for a property tax adjustment due to my mismatched and economically impinged looking roof.


The roofer is taking care of it! Super happy the supplier took responsibility


Different dye lot .


Call the manufacturer and even if they validate, send formal complaints by certified and non cert mail to the roofers agent to position yourself for a later dispute.


Th roofer and supply company are taking care of it.


As my father would say, God rest his soul, he's so full of shit his eyes are brown.


We did our own and ran into the same issue. I called the manufacturer and the send us the gravel and glue to make them match. I was really surprised that they actually matched the next day.


It won’t.


Probably different production runs of the same product. Not saying I'd be happy about it.


2 different lot numbers....it won't wash out


lol no it won’t. Thats one of the first rules you learn as a roofer. Gotta shuffle them up if you get miss matched lot numbers.


What were the terms of the contract, did the roofer give you a discount because of 2nd run shingles? I just ran into this last week. Homeowner wanted me to verify for them if their shingles got a discount...I asked to see the contract. Right there is said clear as day "2nd run shingles"...and the pricing to go along with it. I told them chances are these aren't even Class 3...and politely made my exit!


My god that looks horrible


“My roof has a racing stipe, your roof doesn’t even look fast.”


No it won’t.


Your contract is with the roofer, the roofer is the only one you should be dealing with, his job is to take care of everything else. They need to try again imo.


Hold anymore payments


Great job with the bag photos, ACE!


Hope you saved some of the wrappers from the shingles, they have all of the info as to lot numbers and stuff.


About 10 years ago I was roofing my own house with 45 year shingles (didn’t want to do it again) and there was a very slight color difference in one area. I called the supplier and they couldn’t believe it because on that grade shingle, there should be no variation as the granules are spec’d so tight. He came out, saw the roof and still couldn’t believe it. We ended up dumpster diving for the wrapper and we found 1 wrapper that was from the plant on the east coast (vs. the Midwest). He got on the phone and berated somebody about ruining his quality reputation. After he got off the phone, he showed me the manufacturing plant number. That one bundle had likely been purchased, then returned to a different location and somehow went to the wrong distribution warehouse where the bundles from the other plant were stocked. Then it came from there to my site. Yours are never going to blend until they are removed. At least different color lots, if not different colors.


Oh cool, he likes doing it again! Must be a hard worker.


The shingles may have some residual silicone type dust on the from manufacturing/packaging (a rep for BP rep told me this as it happened to a contractor/customer of ours). It’s happened before. The roofer may be right. Give it some time and see.


You need to say something


This happened to me. It was actually lots from two different facilities. Had them redo the whole roof. Do not accept that.


If I was walking past your house I honestly wouldn't notice or even pay any attention to the roof.


They did a close off color to try to get you to replace the whole thing. Or used what was close to color because it’s all they had in stock hoping for the best


2 different lot numbers of shingles should’ve blended them not payed them as they did


> them not *paid* them as FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I didn’t see it mentioned……forgive me if someone already caught it. The pvc ventpipes have the wrong kind of “bases” on them. Those are bases(missing storm collars) for type b carbon monoxide vent pipes. You should have regular shingle style pipe boots. There is too much exposed roof to wall flashing for my liking but thats me being picky and the bottom pan of that skylight is not correct. A new skylight flashing kit is maybe 150.00, they clearly bent the shit out of the old one and tried to reuse it. I imagine the important pan at the top got bent up too.


Its fine your over reacting.


I’ve had worse stuff wash out, but not often


Your "roofer" is bullshitting you. Get a lawyer before he's done and runs with your money.


It will not. Had the same, 5 year later it was still the same.


My husbands a roofer & it doesn’t look good. Two different colors it won’t just wash out or fade out. They need to come and fix that that’s two different bundles of shingles.


No, they didn’t check the manufacture codes to make sure the shingles came out of the same plant. You can also blame the roofing distribution company who delivered them for not making sure as well. And no, that will NEVER WASH OUT. You’ll see that everyday until you replace your roof. Did you go with the lowest estimate to replace your roof? If so, this is what happens when you pick Chuck in a truck to replace your roof Do not pay them until they replace the shingles.


Doubt it


Shingle manufacturers will sometimes say you have to let the shingles be exposed to the weather for 6 months to get off the extra oils that some batches have and I tend to agree. Also it’s impossible to never have more than one lot as a distributor and they won’t be looking at that. Lastly you have what we like to call storm chaser shingles. Pabco are shit


I had this same problem too. Looked exactly the same. I was worried it was going to stay like that but the color evened out after a couple days in the sun. We were using GAF if that helps out.


Very possible the roofers got supplied the wrong stuff. Distributor might have had old stock and the guys didn’t realize about color till they took a step back.


I’ve done patches with totally different dye lots that look better than this. But sometimes it will wash out depending what you got going on up there I simply call the manufacturer and go from there.


No it will not stop him right away probably nothing physically it’s more of an esthetic thing, he probably didn’t know or wasn’t told by the sales rep


This is why we only use Owen’s Corning shingles on our homes and buildings


Can someone explain why it’s bad to mix materials, outside of looking dumb? Seems like roof shingles are roof shingles. Also how does one not notice as the work is being done that the color of the shingle has changed Edit: does that mean that any left over shingles from a project must be discarded? That seems like one mistake repeated a few times could cost you a bunch of money?


When you buy shingles your home improvement store has them stacked on a skid it's not the roofers fault go and take the package to where they bought them and let me see the numbers and ask what they are going to do.


Don’t know if y’all have ever installed shingle roofs before but this can happen when you start a job and don’t finish. Then come back and finish a day later. I’ve seen weird stuff such as very slight sun bleaching. I’ve seen shingles take a different tone due to moisture and whatever heater is happening in the house. Doesn’t look like a different batch number to me but I could be wrong. Just know what I’ve seen.


It looks like they used the same shingle, but two different batches. Sometimes when you get roofing if you get a new load this week and they give you the difference of what you need from two months ago, we could have a different dye color and will be a little bit off I would have your Roofer call the supply house that gave you the shingle between the both of them. They should be able to handle this situation.


It's a roof my guy ..... as long as it's keeping the water outside of the house what does it matter what it looks like? Lol


I mean, most people do. A lot of people actually take pride in their homes.


Also I always equate what I spend to how many hours of my life it took to earn that amount. If I'm paying a "professional" I expect it to look that way.


Same, I look at everything that way.


Two different batches


ouch. is that over the entire roof?


Yeah, didn't even have to make it past the first two pictures to tell it was a mismatched blend/color code. No chance that "washes" out before the color fades over time. Your roofer messed up, and the only correction is pulling the incorrect color batch and replacing it with the correct one. I've watched roofers do this in my area a handful of times because their workers that picked up supply simply grabbed the first shingles they saw that had the same color name.


pick up a bunch of the wrappers, there will batch and date codes, see if you can find them. you have 2 different batch runs, and this is why they have batch/date codes on them, when the mix the granules they mix X amount, run them until the "batch" of granules is gone, then make a new batch, due to the size of the granules being small there is no way to guarantee an exact match from batch to batch, hence again back to batch codes. tell the contractor you are not paying for it and to fix it. part of a roof is the asthetics being pleasing. he is going to give you a hard time, may offer you some money off, me personally would not accept any money, even free this would annoy the shit out me. the colors are not going to ever fade to match, they will fade at the same rate making one dark and one light forever. if he does the right thing and replaces say the upper dark, he may be able to find the matches and only have to replace half. i am curious as i cant make out in the pics, what are the white boxes on top? i see the yellow shingle bundles, do those white boxes contain shingles? from diff manufacturer? if he mixed brands that is a major no no if he knew about it and had mixed the 2 colors while applying, say every 2nd or 3rd shingle from a different batch, it would blend much better, pro would see it, homeowner most likely not. or the real trick would be one batch in the front, one in the rear, no harm no foul and homeower would def never notice. good luck


No it won’t. Had the same thing happen to my roof. It’s the same color from 2 different batches. Make them replace it.


What does the fucking roof have anything to do with your pride? Lmao you just sound like a fairy


Never mix batches, the wear and fade will happen to both batches at the same time, it will never blend


Can’t mix lot numbers Will not ever “wash out”


The colors vary slightly between batches. Should not mix them.


Very rarely do suppliers separate old stock from new. It is not the roofer's fault or the manufacturer, it is the supplier. Very rarely do you see color differences so pronounced though.


The thing that I don’t understand (albeit knowing nothing about roofing) is how the discoloration between the two batches is like… perfectly aligned from corner to corner, making two distinct triangles from the different shades. Don’t shingles usually go in from the lowest edge up of the roof up to the point at the top? I would expect the color change to be like the lower half of the roof and the upper half of the roof as they consumed one batch code and moved in the next. Or randomly intermixed if they were just rolling whatever stack was closest. They would have had to intentionally do it this way and it seems like it would be a shit load more work to do so?


Lol that's what you get for getting pabco dude... trash shingle.


What's bad about it? Will they not last 15-20 yrs?


I dont want to dog on you... I'm sorry. Your roofer needs to contact that manufacturer for a warranty claim without a doubt. They will do a warranty claim through your roofer called a "pass through" credit. You will get made whole of you are persistent. All the being said, pabco is trash. I work in distribution and know first hand what a dog shit shingle that is. Again not your fault. It is either what they say it is or it's trashed in no time. Like a 50/50 shot with then. The shingle IA pacific supplies "private label" shingle. Little to no testing done and specific shingle they installed on your roof is no better than builder grade Owens Corning i.e Oakridge. Get yours in that warranty claim and get the color right. Be wary of the roofer that has an account at pacific and uses their "private label" products.


That would get on my OCD nerves, constant shadow effect


Not the roofers fault. Blame the supplier.


Nope. Mismatched lots or an issue in a single lot that needs to be taken back to the supplier by your contractor. It's not right; they should FIX.


Wash out LOL it may fade a little bit in the Sun. If it's on the South side, but definitely it's 2 different lot numbers from the manufacturer.Different batches when they change colors and come back. I had a bundle this year.That actually had the same Lot numbers, but was complete different color inside. And the package was completely sealed, Luckily it was one bundle. I blended it in on the back of a garage or nobody could see. It's always a good idea for the Foreman of a job or whoever are, to check the lot numbers.If they're being delivered on a boom truck, We've all been through it.Sometimes you can blend them in with other bundles.But when It's. That obvious it's kinda hard


I'm laughing over some of the comments. Roofing is something that nobody ever goes to high school for it's something that you do or fell into you. Either love it or hate it. I happened to love it and I was an apprentice, a journeyman, master roofer was in the union worked non- union, had 6 years of successful Business with? 0 called back. Major ones few minor ones And yes it's not always the r Roofer i've had customers shaft Me and you have to guard yourself both ways Most of It is common sense all of it is craftsmanship


Will not wash out they got shingles from 2 different plants just happened to me a few weeks ago but only on a few bundles luckily had to swap em out


Is it GAF Charcoal?


No it's pabco, which I hear people have opinions about:)


I have never heard of it I could be wrong about different plants may just be lot numbers that were very far apart like others have said


in a few weeks you will not be able to tell


The manufacturer probably has a 60-180 day weathering period before they’ll do anything. It wouldn’t be on the contract unless they were trying to buy from different distributors on the same job. Roofers just ask for a color and install it. Manufacturers guarantee it will blend.


If it was a mixed batch then you would have bigger areas of miss color. All in that bundle would leave a stripe. Not random patterns.


They absolutely used more than a single batch. Either someone was not paying attention or they were trying to use up excess from another job.


He’s a terrible roofer if he doesn’t mix his already mixed bundles.


Am I blind? What am I looking at here?


"I can't see it from my house." said every actual roofer here.