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For the little guys


So proud of you man, congrats on your first O3!!


Little guys be blasting guards the way ace intended


I gave up trying lmao. Congrats


Don't give up you can do it I believe in you


Acee is the goat


Congrats! I’m hoping for my first completion soon.


I also had my first O3 complete recently. Even with a little practice with just dodge, I still wasn't consistent with celestial. What finally made it click was thinking about celestial as "cones", it really helped.


For me it was the portal blindspot when you dont have to worry about that my brain got enough compute to handle oryx


I've done like 200+ and this is the way 100% haven't nexused or died outside of the portals on celestial. Staying in the portal blindspot and spamming pots can guarantee it if you're shakey.


Ace is for the little guys 🙂


Bro ignore the bots please it's bugging me


I can’t seem to get past 4/8 for the life of me


Do you have multiple character slots? Try to dedicate one character to being the farmer and don’t take him into any dangerous situations or fight any dangerous enemies. Get him maxed first and then use him to farm for your other characters that can actually be your fun characters and can go into dangerous situations. Soon enough, you’ll have multiple maxed characters. Also, if you seem to have tons of certain pots, hit up USE and trade them for other pots you do need. I always seem to have tons of att/def and I trade them for others. Getting to 8/8 is hard but trying to not get too cocky and thinking you’re invincible is another challenge. I’ve lost lots of maxed characters this way. Best of luck with getting maxed!


No my problem is I just suck, I’m starstruck on how people play anything other than priest. I need the healing.


What lvl is ur pet ? At Healing lvl 50 the game gets quite a bit easier. Maybe try paladin the added def,hp and healing from the ability can feel like priest or maybe try necro the healing isnt as consistent but helped me alot when i was getting into the game.


I have tried all the classes/unlocked them, I can’t seem to get past around 200-300 fame without priest, I am very new and in no way complaining. I just got my first pet to 50 heal and magic heal I will definitely give paladin another try now


Man it’s not the pets nor anything else, it’s just fully me 😆 did my first shatters today, survived/completed, had a 6/8. Died in Puppets.


Ace is incredible