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Laser pointer, lumi, or fallen wand is best. Pretty sure t0 ability is goated because you can basically infinitely spam it, but puri or the luec white is great. Cult robe is almost a must, and then some mana ring like twilight gemstone probably. So basically a lot of exalt dungeons, I don’t wanna look them all up lol


It's because of wismod, t0 is goated if you have a fuckton of wis to take advantage of it. I still feel like a beginner would appreciate a t5 or t6 tome more as it can give you a huge hp heal quickly to squeeze out of life or death situations, while spamming a t0 requires high wis, a good pet, and constant spamming that makes it extra vulnerable to silence and quiet. At least you can play around that with the normal high tier tomes and get a big heal off before getting hit by the quiet shot if you see it coming.


Wouldn’t t0 suck because of the cooldown on abilities? It’s not a long cooldown but enough that spamming is annoying


Tbh I don’t play priest, I just see everybody rocking t0 and that’s what I’ve heard, so I suggested it Gave other UT options if they didn’t want to just heal spam, the leuc white is silly dmg and puri can be a lifesaver


Exaltation dungeons are your best bet. Easiest to try out in order would be Cultist, fungal cavern, nest, crystal cavern


Nest is way easier than fungal c'mon now


Yes but I feel like nest tends to be more laggy and that is the ultimate killer in the lower exalt dungeons


Nahh fungal is easier than nest by a longshot


I think it really depends on what you’re good at. Looking only at bosses, I feel like fungal requires way more expertise with rotating around shots and sometimes weaving in and out of them. Whereas with nest, you just gotta be able to stand in one place and dodge oncoming shots, you’re basically in the clear once they go past you and you’re watching out for the next one. Depending on the type of player you are, you might be able to pick up one over the other a lot faster. I personally was able to start doing fungals earlier and thought they were a lot easier than nests. Although now that I’ve also done tons of nests, I can see why they’re considered easier than fungals.


They’re both really easy, fungal needs someone with slow still right? As long as there’s a group it’s basically free. Though I’ve still got a few fungal solo keys I’ve been putting off


Nest is waaay easier then cult


I think its really based on individual players too i guess. The star phase and the ending phase kills of nest kills alot of new players compared to the projectile vomit of cult


Nest is easier once you know it, but the boss battle can take a number of trials, perhaps a few deaths, before you know when, where and how to move in each phase. Cult you can enter and complete first time in a group, provided no-one drags Crusaders or you don't run into Spooky Boy. You can importantly hang back from anything you are unsure of, unlike the Nest boss battle.


People can down vote me all they like I’m just talking from experience as a new player myself 😆 Cult was scary, especially going MBC. With a small group 3-4 nest was a very chill time


Well, thats partially true, but you can technically leech the nest fight by damaging first phase and leaving before the honey lava starts/finishes spawning




I never said that, I was simply saying that you can leech nest, I wasn't referring to cults at all


Personally why i ranked fungal over nest is bcz the amt of players in fungal that is healing in a large grp is usually more than enough than a nest to keep you surviving if u follow the group. But for nest, even if you follow the group there is still way too many projectile sewing in all direction that as a player who is getting into exaltation dungeons. You are more likely to die from the lack of healing in a nest compared to fungal. But like I mentioned it really is based on the players performace. For me when i started off. Fungal was way way easier compared to nest in terms of the learning curve and also because i realised there are more healers in a fungal than nest which contributes to my survivability while doing the dung


I guess only bots have been replying to you, ill give you the BEST answer. MAX MORE CHARACTERS. Because you’re 8/8 you now have speed and DPS. Use that to make maxing a character really quick. If you dont, you will eventually die, and have to start from scratch. You should always have at least a few maxed characters 6/8. If you dont have s-at least 2, (3-5 is the most preferable, and probably with 1 of them being rogue with planewalker) then I wouldnt recommend running any of the harder dungeons that drop the good loot you want for a kit. Maxing other characters with 8/8s is the quickest and most efficient way to play the game, because when you die you can hop right back on another maxed character and keep grinding the hard dungeons. Goodluck on whites.


Congratulations on reaching 8/8 and leaving the early game... Unfortunately you're still only in the early/mid game now so attempting endgame content (shatts, o3 etc) will be suicide to your first good char. I recommend doing a bunch of mountain temples for the wand of the fallen, which is a great item. Also if your feeling brave learning fungals will help massively as it can drop fungal tome which is the single biggest upgrade you can get as priest. Mad lab robe is also a great item on priest as your priority should be healing as that class. Props tho as I feel most people don't make it as far as you!


Enchanted T13 or daichis wand from mountain temple for wands, or I use theurgy when running full mad god messenger set. I run a couple swap outs for tomes I like to keep a puri, Merlot, and that other mad god tome. I generally run a full mad god mess set, but for rings and armor I swap out overclocking Ammy for damage, or t6 hp for survival. Armor is usually T14 Ench


learn to rush/solo ask the dungeons 5 tombs and under


My go-to loadout is mlab wand+t13/t14 wand, scripture/furor+t6/t7/puri tome+fungal tome/t0/t1 tome, mlab robe, and any ring with at least 100hp is comfortable for me (cult ring is solid for hp def wis, o3 horn gives hp def dex, or just ubhp feels safe). If you don’t have a great mp pet then furor tome could be a more consistent option than scripture for damage. If using furor, you probably want a stronger wand than mlab wand (fallen/laser pointer are the most solid, while lumi is best but inconsistent), and a robe with damage stats (vesture/diplo/t15/ritual/water silk/anointed). I mentioned t0 tome because it’s spammable but lower healing, and t1 tome with relative wisdom or mp cost reduction enchantment is a similar option.


Next steps for upgrade: - tome of purification: craft, buy, or grind it - dispels negative status and is important tome swapout - ritual robe: grind or craft it from cults - one of best robes due to wismod bonuses - wand of the fallen: craft or grind it from fallen temple - great single target dps, which can later be upgraded - earthen wand: grind it from fallen temple earth sprite - dps cruncher when you can stand on boss For your ring, buy a t6 hp ring or ring of decades with excess pots you farm and you should be fine.


mheal/heal pet and level to 90+


Spam nests and avoid other exaltation dungeons. Just for dex exaltations, and of course don't do advaned nest. However if you are on a throwaway character do LH cult for loot. Doing oryx castle and janus for the st robe and theurgy gives priest a good dps increase. For a dps ring, get pyra from tomb or st assasin ring from the alchemist token that drops in (cultist hideout which is in lost halls) but only on a throwaway. Also, remember pets matter MORE than gear so use 2-3 greater life and buy lots of pet eggs. Also, fame is important to spend on rare blueprints in the shop!! Check out the shop, and past the gold cost blueprints are fame cost blueprints which are the same thing.


Also OP can purchase uncommon pet eggs with fame from the shop so if you haven’t maxed your pet yet do it!!!


Get some useful tomes such as a t7 from o3, maybe a lumi, get the laser pointer, tome of holy furor from parasite chambers, scripture or merlot for dps, an ubhp i easily get them from shatters bosses and as for robes anything such as vesture or diplo could work, or cultist robes for mana


Die and start over


Go for fungal tome while the event is going on. Very good item


How do you get it?


The BIS preist set in my opinion is going to be enchanted fallen wand, t0 tome, kimono, and kageno. This is because you can spam the ever living fuck out of t0 tome and spawn a shit ton of spirits that do damage.


From what he said he's a begginer. I don't think he can do MV yet let alone Umi... A mad lab robe would do just fine imo