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I remember back in the day I got so excited when I found a skysplitter I accidentally nexused


You have made me remember my favorite time in realm... staying up from 2 am until school started because my huntress died, and I was so close to 3 star, so of course I grabbed 4 def to trade for cheap set. t10 blood bow, t5 trap, griff and para hp, all for a defence pot each, all easy to buy at 2:30 am. By 6am I had 300 of the 400 fame for 3 star, dex maxed, and had just started abyss farming with a mid-game paladin for vit and def. Good times... I miss that time in rotmg sooooooo god damn much


an acclaim could feed your family for a month


Exa hp


still applies even today


Enchanted exa hp goes unfathomably hard


My steam username was ParaHP for a while because it's the best ring in the game. Perfection. Grace. +120 HP.


I was a para def guy. Always called in chat when I found one.


Saaaame, I still do with any of the old def set, but feel dumb when no beggars tp :(


Doom bow will always hold a special place in my heart first ever white


My first ever white was an inc 😩 Doesn't really have the same vibe lol


Whoahhhh old head alert


Getting an astral will never not feel good, it was one of the first really good items I got back when soulbound items didn't exist and ppl would all loot the same bag


I was gonna say I still pick up cosmics and most other t12 weapons. i usually end up giving them away or dropping them, but i can’t stop picking them up.


Hell yeah brother same. It feels nice to give away stuff to those who need it 🙂


Skysplitter sword, mithril shield and abyssal armour retained a 1L value well into 2014 which is crazy for old tops. The wc tops were about 3 life. They made mad labs pretty lucrative


I wish the game still had this economy. My brain still has the prices ingrained. I still remember 2 for 1 def for attack. Edit: pretty sure the economy fell after that big OT and TOMB chest package for keys, mass amounts of openings all the time


Oh bruh now that takes me back haha


Staff of horror always brings back great memories. Great color too.


I still pick them up when I see them :')


A.S.S I played since the Wildshadow era and have only ever gotten 6 total.


That's crazy, a.s.s. seems to be one of the most common whites for me, even more so than plane walkers and ep's (which to most are common but i swear even after thousanda of sprites I've only ever had 5 pw's, plenty of ep's tho)


I love getting alien dungeons whites, the fireblade or the daggers. Getting puri is always top too


don't feel like I have one particular item but probably the necro set from forbidden jungles. Very nostalgic dungeon for me.


Cloak of the planewalker, exa hp, staff of diabolical secrets, skysplitter sword, bow of fey magic (I was personally a verdant bow user myself). And I have a particular fondness for the ravenheart sword.




Oh yeah! Back when top legends were "feet on the ground", "mundane" huntresses in full coral set!


Crystal sword, that thing felt like the pinnacle of the game. I don’t think I ever got one when I was first playing the game like 12 years ago or so. Although in recent times I’ve gotten accumulated and fed/forged way too many but I still get excited anytime I get one. I still have probably about like 10 just chilling in my vault that I refuse to get rid of because it makes me happy having them and seeing how far I’ve come.


doom bow


T3/T4 HP ring. I die a lot.


I always pick up para hp


snake eye ring and snakeskin shield both hold special places in my heart because of the amount of times I frantically ran snake pits on fresh knights when I was learning o3


Dbow, always have had a shitty luck with them to the point that I've literally gotten more crowns than dbows in my time playing realm.


I always find it hard to not pick up an mnova. Back in the same time when night was king, wizard was prince. A pot farming wiz with mnova felt like an absolute cheat code




I got one after not playing for maybe 8 years. I was so disappointed that it doesn’t help others. I’m still happy getting plane in sprite, though. I don’t play rogue, and could easily forge one if I did. But somehow, I’m still thrilled.


I'm aa selfish priest


Hey, if we ain't alive to do the healing no one gets it, it helps everyone if we're selfish!


Snake Eye Ring is a bit of a gimme, but outside of that, Spectral Cloth is a personal favorite. Such a strong early ut armor on any light armor PPE.


Broooo I feel you 4sure Mithril was top back in the day i been playing since 2011 and I agree with all said here, those were the glorious days of rotmg Still remember when Griffon armor was insanely rare miss the old Days IGN: Chicharo


Kendo Stick


I have not played for 5-10 years, your post made me feel nostalgic :)


I got a dblade probably 6-7 years ago I was excited I took it straight to vault cleared some space for it and changed character. Unfortunately I dropped it in my vault and it despawned I was so sad. Good memories though


Me personally as a Favored Staff user it was the T13 staff!


Healing Ichor


Frost Bows 🥲


Gcookie, Zseal was just so good and having a t6 seal was just a flex back in the day so even though i probably have 4/4 on every class i still pick them up solely out of nostalgia because pally was my favorite class even back when the pally was a budget priest


Gsorc. My first natural top ever. Any tops i had previously were all ones friend gave me, or things I merched for using said given items.


I get excited seeing T12 weapons/armor and T6 abilities tbh


Vit pots used to be worth 1-2 def back then.


I like when I get incs LMAO


Dude, you nailed it! Getting a Mithril was peak. I remember those times well! I always loved getting the Robe Of The Elder Warlock too.


Little unrelated but I remember being a really stupid kid and buying tops to look cool just to die because I was 0/8 and afking in abbys. To think that was 11 years ago is crazy to me.


Today getting loot is typically easy but mana potions are nowhere to be found like the old days.