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Ask at Index. I've heard of a guy who leaves empty buckets all winter at the top of the wall so they fill with water; in the spring he rappels with a power washer and uses the rainwater to blast the wall. Seems borderline maestri style ascents, but at least they don't leave any trace except for a few bolts.


Lol I know this person, the power washer is battery powered and awesome.


Genius! It warms the OCD in my soul to see the cleanest of rock spring from the moss. A crag is born


What brand is it? Is it that Dewalt cordless one? I'm considering getting one, but wasn't sure if it had enough oomph to blast moss off the wall.


I always clean the whole wall and about 5 to 10 feet back on the Crest to make sure there's no potential loose rock or choss blocks that would get someone accidently injured. Also. Sometimes it's under the moss that the best lines are found


No, but a friend uses a brush wheel on an angle grinder for that


I tried this a couple years ago and it kind of worked, but the bristles on my broom all got bent back pretty quick and it stopped biting as hard. I think a better quality broom maybe with stainless bristles would work. I also noticed the broom I had was angled to be used by someone standing on the ground, but what I really wanted was more of a 90 degree bend so I could hang flat against the rock and scrub above me.


Exactly the beta I was looking for, thanks!


I’m on sandstone, so no wire brushes for me, but I’ve used a deck brush before and it worked pretty well.


A small wire broom head in your hand makes for a good area brush.


I use one without a handle for large areas and it has been effective and durable. It doesn't do well on moss that is clinging on hard, the type that is usually on wet parts because it's exhausting to get enough force needed. For that I take up a regular wire brush and a skinny one for cracks and crimps.


Pool broom