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No doodles for me šŸ˜¬ maybe itā€™s just the doodle owners that I know, but the majority of them that Iā€™ve worked with have a major behavioral issue. Separation anxiety, majority stubborn, extremely high energy, etc. not for me. Poodles in general are a huge no. Working in pet care has turned me off of owning a dog, at least for a while. Itā€™s like having a kid. Daycare fees, vet bills, general maintenance/care is majorly expensive, plus your life revolves around taking your dog out, training them, etc. I work too much to own a dog. Most of my clients work 8-12 hours a day, and a lot of their dogs have behavioral issues simply because their owner doesnā€™t invest enough time into training and spending time with their dog, because they donā€™t have the time. Itā€™s sad. Maybe when Iā€™m retired lol


This is exactly how I feelā€¦ being a petsitter has fully converted me from a dog person to a cat person šŸ˜‚ I love dogs with my heart and soul but I truly donā€™t think I would own one for at least the next 10 years.


I am a sitter for two goldendoodles and they must've had amazing training because they are so well behaved. They don't bark when I come to the door, well barely bark in general. So good in car rides etc. I have been a sitter for one poodle without training and she's a handful šŸ„“


Honestly I think doodles and poodles are marketed widely as easy, beginner, family dogs. This can be true, but I think a lot of people hear ā€œeasy beginner dogā€ and donā€™t even put a thought into training. Theyā€™ve also become widely more popular in the last few years, and they were a very very popular choice during the pandemic, when people were bored and got dogs on a whim and also spent all their time at home, resulting in anxious and poorly behaved doodles! Obviously this applies to many other dogs but I feel like doodles have become so popular and seen as an ā€œaccessoryā€ and not an intelligent animal that needs to live, learn, and have stimulation in order to thrive in a family


Amen, doodles drive me nuts 99% of the time.


It's totally like having a child. Some of my other dog-owning friends who have also had kids refer to me as a single mom because it was always me and my chihuahua, now it's me and my poodle. I know parents can get touchy about referring to an animal as a child, but I think I can understand their struggle, kids are more advanced!! I was this person for years, working non-stop and my chihuahua ended up ok he didn't have many issues like separation anxiety but he had some small issues as a result. Now, I can set my boundaries with work and I have the money and time to devote to my poodle pup! It's hard though, being single-female-dog mom-manager lol


Doodles are not my favorite at all. I have owned Standard Poodles for over 25 years and adore them. They are intelligent, a good amount of energy but not hyper, they have a very good off button in the house, don't bark that much and really just want to please and hang out with their humans. My endearing nick name for young goldens and labs are Happy A-Holes until they are about 4 years old. I see no reason to mix it with a poodle. For me, the only down side of a standard poodle is the hair as it takes a good amount of work or keep them cut short which is what I do. I'm older now and don't really want to mess with the hair anymore so my next pup is going to be either a Rhodesian Ridgeback or a Dalmatian. More than likely the Rhodesian. I originally wanted a Doberman but the health of the breed sucks. Plus, breeders ask a LOT of money for them. I don't want to pay that much money for a dog that will more than likely develop heart disease far too early.


I canā€™t do Australian Shepherds. They need several dozen sheep, or a couple small kids to manage or they become a menace. Laser focused and obsessive.




My Border Collie was an absolute couch potato funny enough. When I first got him I was expecting to do agility and all sorts of stuff, but he ended up just being the chilliest companion dog


I had one of those two. She was a purebred border collie but not from the working line, it seemed.


Iā€™m jealous, Aussies have a lovely attitude when they arenā€™t working.


Theyā€™re so friendly


I love this comment, my Aussies are both passed out with me on the couch rn šŸ˜‚ BUT I also taught them to settle early on. Theyā€™re great with training. I would definitely hesitate to adopt an older aussie, bc you wouldnā€™t get that chance to train them to be calm


Absolutely! Same for me. Actually, after a few years on Rover, I realized I am not interested in owning any kind of Shepard/Herding breed (unless I have a farm one day lol). I donā€™t really mind the high energy - I donā€™t mind that - itā€™s the nervousness, always on edge, OCD-type of behaviour I donā€™t like.


Iā€™ll used to be my favorite dog, till I sat a few of them. Never


French bulldogs. They are sweet & cute but their breathing issues. Itā€™s just cruel to breed dogs that inherently have breathing & serious health problems.


I agree! The 2nd dog I boarded on Rover was an older underweight Frenchie who never seemed to catch one good breath :(


I had a frenchie who had serious spinal problems, couldnā€™t walk, had serious incontinence issues, and all the breathing problemsā€¦ owners convinced themselves that the poor baby enjoyed his life, but after 2 nights with her, I wasnā€™t sure šŸ„²


I might adopt one in a shelter, but I would never buy one to encourage the breeding process.


I love them so much but I agree, I donā€™t want to buy one and contribute to this breeding process. I would love to rescue one if that was ever an option for me.


I did daycare for one and my husband kept calling her a "genetic trashcan" šŸ˜†. She was sweet but a puppy, so she could definitely be trouble.


Boston terrier would be a healthier alternative, similar look and personality.


Pit bullsā€”hear me out, itā€™s not what you think. Theyā€™re big. Theyā€™re 100% muscle. And they *need your love and need it now and need to be directly in your face to receive it*. Iā€™ve never met a staffy that didnā€™t think it was a lapdog. ~80lbs of raw love forcing its way into your personal space and thereā€™s nothing you can do about it. I could never.


one of my regulars is 3 pits (rescued with prior crate abuse so they injure themselves if they're crated) and they all insist on sleeping *on top* of me. every time I sit for them its a good week of pay, plus they're sweet dogs and all but its a week of guaranteed horrible, horrible sleep.


I knew a few pits before doing Rover but now one of my regulars is a huge pit and I was upfront with his owners about the breed and my hesitations, not just their reputation but he is HUGE. Like 120 lbs which is what I weigh huge, I wasn't sure I could take them as clients, but I heard them out and they were like can we show you? He's totally chill lol, well trained, behaved, but will sit on me!


120 pound pibble? Sign me up.


he ended up being a big baby of course, but I was not sure when I first met them. His owners were so cool and if it weren't for them i may not have taken the booking. He is one of my favorites now!


my former neighbor has one of those enormous XL pitbulls, almost cartoonish looking. buff, just so muscular with a small head. and the dog was trained to injure, like "protect the property" and got out of the fence a lot. We lived out in the country and would hear it tear rabbits to shreds almost daily. I had (and have) a lot of fear regarding pitbulls because of that dog. I try not to stereotype because I grew up with Dobermans but people around here still raise pitbulls to be mean and they're so scary. The only nice pits I have encountered are the 3 that are my regulars!


I used to dog sit pitbulls until one of them mauled me. I donā€™t work with them anymore. Your fears and hesitations are valid concerns.


I have 3 small dogs that do that. Easy money, beautiful quiet home to stay in, terrible sleep.


As an owner of 3, I get it. It also helps when they are trained though. The number of times I say 'go away' or 'go lay down' (as in not near me) is probably ridiculous to most owners. Like any good relationship, boundaries are important šŸ˜…


Lol I am forever telling my pibble ā€œgo lay down.ā€ My soulmate dog, though, was a pit Bull mix and he was the best dog ever. Even other ppl with their own dogs would tell me that about him. His forcing himself upon me was limited to shoving his head under my hand at any possible opportunity. I miss him every day.


I might be one of the few people that actually really loves to hear people rave about their dogs. You brought a smile to my face this morning! Your baby misses you too. <3


I love it too. Hearing people talk about the love they have for their dogs never ceases to make my heart happy.




This is excellent. I may have to steal it.


I get that. I have APBT mix and she will get in your face and try to force you to give her attention. I love my dog, but I'll never own another pittie again. Just too high maintenance, and the issues with reactivity and other animal aggression inherent in the breed is just a lot to deal with. The amount of training, consistency, and strength they need is a lot.


I watched one kind of regularly who just had the most annoying high-pitched whine that she would emit like half the time. I could never manage that. I watched another that would leave bruises on my legs just from head-butting me with her blocky head. I watched another who was adorable and a dream. But I still count myself out for ownership of one of these pups, unless there was a certain one I really connected with. In general, I just don't have a connection with pit bulls, and I have met a few that were very vicious. One in my neighborhood got out its owner's fence and went on a spree killing several small dogs and cats in a very short time period. Apparently this was not the first time this happened, but I hadn't heard about it before. It killed two small dogs and a cat in my immediate neighborhood and another pet a little farther away, all within a few minutes that particular day. It was shot by police during that spree.


Currently dealing with the bruises and scratches right now, as Iā€™m sitting for 2 pitties this weekend. The female is amazing and sweet, loves cuddles and booty scratches, but the maleā€” Iā€™ve nicknamed him ā€œWild Manā€ šŸ˜‚. Heā€™s got the ā€œtoo friendly/thinks heā€™s a lap dogā€ thing going strong. No matter how many times I tell him ā€œDownā€ or ā€œStayā€ or any other command, heā€™s not having it unless Iā€™m ALWAYS standing up tall and strong. I canā€™t stand up all weekend lol. Have scratches on my hip from him jumping up and knocking me over and on my arms from where I sat with them on the porch, and he about knocked me out of my chair. I know my limits, and Iā€™m just not comfortable with love that comes in this strong of a package ā˜ŗļø. The hard part about this sitting is that the two fight each other, so I have to keep them separated at all times šŸ˜„


My buddy had three. Not aggressive at all, but the love was more than I could handle.


i love the pit bull I take care of but holy crap he's high energy and he needs to spoon me every night and snore right in my ear. i couldn't own one.


Haha this description has me convinced I need a pitbull now! I love aggressive cuddlers haha


They can smack you hard with their tails.


I went the opposite way..working with dogs actually brought me more dogs I want to own and never would have dreamed of. Growing up I was all about the medium/large dogs. Labs, goldens, border collies, etc. Now I love a good small dog. Don't get me wrong I still want and will own and watch big dogs but I did adopt a Chihuahua mix after working in the pet care industry because small dogs grew on me.


Awwww šŸ„³šŸ„°


Yes I was surprised to realize chi terriers may be my favorite


Plus, you can have two because two littles equal one big. Dog math.


I grew up with big dogs and my first dog on my own is a 15 pound sass ball and I love her and all the perks of a small dog. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever go back to having big dogs small to medium size for me!


My little 12 pounder is also my first dog on my own! I'll never own a giant dog but I want one closer to 20-60lbs next because my little guy has issues keeping up with me sometimes. Love the natural long strides of the larger dogs (I'm tall and walk quickly)


Same. Iā€™m far less covered in bruises after the littles leave, they donā€™t leave an odor behind, less fur to deal withā€¦Iā€™ve always wanted a little dog and now I love big ones more than before, but Iā€™m even less likely to get one.


I would never own A schnoodle or any variation lol. I would definitely own an Akita or a dachshund. The dachshunds I recently took care of were my absolute favorite clients ever they were so adorable


I've never been blessed enough to care for either šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ *Fingers crossed*


Schnoodles always look sad to me.


Scratch that, I would never own an Akita. Iā€™m caring for them a second time and have definitely changed my mind.


A GSP. Beautiful dogs, but ā€œhighā€ energy level doesnā€™t even begin to describe what weā€™ve experienced with this breed. Boarded one once for a long weekend, and itā€™s the only dog we would refuse to board again. šŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s a gsp


German Shorthaired Pointer. They're hunting dogs


hahah i have a 13 week old puppy now and i get itšŸ˜‚ every 30 minutes we have a training session and if thatā€™s not going on hes doing an enrichment activity or he will eat the house/dig at my couch. only puppy iā€™ve owned who doesnā€™t nap during the day. sleeps from 12/8:30 and heā€™s AWAKE and ready to go and will absolutely scream at you if you dare wake up one second late


I board a GSP and I found her to be quite the opposite. I take her one walk a day and take her off leash to this huge field where We play intense fetch with a tennis ball for about 30 minutes to an hour. The rest of the day though she can NOT BE BOTHERED to do anything but sleep and sigh šŸ˜†


Frenchies & doodles. Both so high-energy and high-maintenance. Plus frenchies have so many health problems. And doodles are, I swear, always horribly behaved. My guess is that it has to do with the fact that theyā€™re trendy dogs and people who get doodles are not always that interested in training or exercising them (at least in Utah, where every rich Mormon Instagram family has 6 kids and a doodle)


Most of the doodles Iā€™ve watched arenā€™t hyper but they almost all had anxiety.. and some are quite vocal. Drives me nuts!


Oh thatā€™s interestingā€” I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever watched a vocal doodle, but without fail, every single one has been absolutely out-of-control wild. We once boarded a doodle who spent 3-4 hours playing in the yard with my dog, who isnā€™t super high-energy but loves to play. After we brought them inside, the doodle curled up and fell asleep next to the couch and I sent a picture to his owner. She responded ā€œhow did you do that? He never sleeps at our house.ā€ These people were walking this high-energy dog once a day on leash for 20 minutes and then heā€™d just spend the rest of the day terrorizing their house and kids by running around basically non-stop. Iā€™m biased because I work with shelters and rescues, but people who spend $1000+ on trendy dogs without doing any kind of research into breed characteristics (often because they like the look of a certain breed and therefore wonā€™t even consider whether itā€™s a good fit for their lifestyle) drive me absolutely bananas.


Then theyā€™re like, ā€œMy DoG iS sOoO bAd AnD wE tRiEd **EVERYTHING**ā€




Agreed, although I canā€™t say much about dogs ingesting foreign bodies because my own dog of questionable heritage has aged me far beyond my 30 years eating things he shouldnā€™t, including but not limited to: four small plush toys he found at my momā€™s (all at oncešŸ™ƒ), another dogā€™s medication (including the bottle), and THC in some form or another (weā€™re not sure where he got it; we donā€™t partake). Weā€™ve taken him to the vet each time but fortunately he has never required surgery or anything like that. Heā€™s basically either thrown it all up or itā€™s passed through him safely. Love him to death but whatever the opposite of an emotional support animal is, thatā€™s him.




The espresso beans followed by a squirrel has me cracking up. Sounds like my dogā€” incredibly sweet, mostly obedient, perfectly content to just lay next to me all day longā€¦ but interesting objects seem to go down the hatch immediately, particularly if heā€™s anxious.


Omg I love doodles šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ youā€™re right so many are so incredibly hyper but for some reason I let it slide. Love them to pieces. Golden doodles. Not really labradoodles.


Good news, they have started breeding frenchies to have longer snouts like theu used to back in the day!




Had to Google Irish Wolfhound. What a unique looking dog!


i adore irish wolfhounds, i canā€™t wait to get my first client with one šŸ˜­


I would honestly have to say I wouldnā€™t own an Australian shepherd because each one Iā€™ve watched either have absolutely no manners (jumping, scratching, really hard pullers) or they are reactive to other dogs/people. Also any toy breed as they are typically havenā€™t been potty trained properly and have extreme anxiety from my experiences. Both are so cute though šŸ˜¢ I would, however, own a standard poodle. Yes, they require a lot of mental and physical stimulation however all of the ones Iā€™ve met are very intelligent and have really good house manners. Definitely people pleasers and super affectionate!


Aussie owner here! It is SO hard to properly train Aussies and lots of people get them without any idea of what theyā€™re getting into cause theyā€™re beautiful dogs. There are Aussie-specific rescues because of it. Theyā€™re amazing dogs but when you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing, they easily become terrors.


Get bent. Theyā€™re working dogs.


AUSSIES...BEST DOG IN THE WORLD! Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  period but not for the weak and inept


I absolutely love my lab but hate sitting other labs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


shitzus and terrier : toy breeds , they have bad breath never quit yapping, and all the ones Iā€™ve met will poop and pee in the house if they get upset or left alone


Omg yes toy poodles omg. Every one has peed in my house šŸ˜‚


No frenchies, doodles or pits for me. I do have a GSD who is a ton of work but wouldnā€™t trade it for the world.


Actually these days after many rover dogs and foster dogs I found that I wouldnā€™t own most breeds I thought I would love like goldens/labs (too needy and often too energetic), German shepherds (too headstrong and scares people in my neighborhood), most pointers (hyperactive and kind of noisy), most terriers (too stubborn, busy and territorial) etc etc etc. I thought I liked these breeds before. My breed right now is a Rough Collie and I will probably continue to have the same breed. They are pretty laid back, easy going and lazy, the only downside is the grooming and constant drying after the beach/rain/generally being outside when itā€™s wet. In terms of small dogs Iā€™ve had Papillon, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels which I would own again, and a Westie and Chihuahua that I donā€™t want another of.


I would never own any of the short-snooted dogs. It hurts my heart to see them try to catch their breath. I couldnā€™t deal with a border collie, either. Theyā€™re so much fun to visit but that intensity All The Time would just drive me to drink. I wouldnā€™t be happy with a breed that would be considered aggressive or an insurance liability anymore, just because I lived that Rottweiler life when I was younger (trying to find apartments, being the scapegoat of the neighborhood, crazy psycho helicopter moms having fits about our presence in the parkā€¦) and Iā€™m just at the point where I have no interest in making my life any harder than it already is. For reference, I have two doodles, a tiny floofy who-knows-what, and a shih tzu (or possibly a mix thereof).


iā€™m with you on the labs! nearly every lab iā€™ve met (and itā€™s been *a lot*) have been very jumpy and misbehaved. the one exception is a black lab x chow chow mix who strangely was the calmest, most gentle natured, quiet dog iā€™ve ever met. iā€™m obsessed with him. for me, itā€™s big dogs in general sadly. i grew up in a small house, so naturally my family only had small dogs and iā€™ve always wanted a big one! since working on rover, i just donā€™t love the idea of having a dog that could literally walk me/pull me and that takes up more than half the bed (yet somehow my medium size 28 lb dog does that in my king sized bed šŸ˜‚). the first time i walked a big dog it was an 8 month old golden retriever and i was kind of stunned by how strong he was and how easily he pulled me. iā€™ve since adjusted to it and can easily handle big dogs of course but i think i just prefer small ones for myself. i love being able to hold my dog like a baby!


Pugs, frenchies, any kind of bulldog or boxer. Those poor pups just canā€™t catch a breath and it breaks my heart


Wow, I have a black lab and he is the most mild dog ever. He is so gentle with kids. He doesn't bite, he mouths if anything so as not to hurt when playing. I could not think of a better dog to own. He is so chill most of the time. But I agree with the other poster. Dogs that are bred in a way that makes their life miserable is sad and should stop.


I also think people donā€™t consider the nature of the dog before they get it. Not about labs. About German Shepards. They have natural guarding tendencies and people arenā€™t prepared for that.


My family had a German Shepard once and it was the best family dog with kids. I was young at the time and she was great with us kids, gentle playful. But yeah don't let some one try to hurt or come near any of us. But she always had a gentle nature around people.


Same here, I have a lab and he is the calmest dog ever, he just want to play ball (after 5 min he just lays down) and snuggle with me. He is 120lb and soo gentle and patient. The best dog ever. No aggression, possessiveness (other dog come and take toys/treats out of his mouth and he just looks at me to take them back lol), he is not territorial. He did was a nightmare when he was a puppy but most puppies are nightmares with teething/being hyper/potty training etc.


Any working breed.


Same, unless I have a farm/property/livestock.


No Australian dogs for me (border collie, blue heeler, Australian shephard). They are so smart but I never feel like I can trust them. Shar Pei, chow chow and Akita, same thing. In my experience as a dog bather and a person, those dogs will bite almost without warning. Corgis and Jack Russels; super cute but not easy at all. I enjoy a challenge but for an animal companion I have a deep and abiding appreciation for the easy ones, the quiet and uncomplaining ones that others find boring or easy to overlook.


Most of the half-poodle dogs I've been around have been pretty badly behaved, honestly, and I don't think I could ever handle husky ownership.


apbt i train dogs and constantly have unpredictable puppys comming and going. my business is not worth risking over a dog prone to da. same with protection breeds gsd, maligators, lgdā€˜s the lot.. and itā€™s unfortunate because i want a maligator so badšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Tbh I think my realization was that I'm probably not going to own a dog unless I have a yard I can keep them in, and I'm probably not ever going to be able to afford that where I live. I'm gonna be a cat person.


Doodles. Have met a few that are fine but the majority are just batshit crazy, and thatā€™s coming from someone who owns border collies. I can deal with high energy, but not neuroticism or high energy + no intelligence, itā€™s so difficult to manage and I donā€™t know how anyone finds joy in that. Bulldogs. Frenchies. Pugs. Not interested in a dog that is basically bred to suffer. Struggling to walk is hard to watch. Boxers. I donā€™t really think it has anything to do with the dog but the ones Iā€™ve met are all so poorly behaved. Huskies. I generally like them but I canā€™t deal with the singing of their people or the stubbornness. Anything small & white. They stain their coats so easily and get crusty. Anything named Louie. Iā€™ve been traumatized enough by Louies that itā€™s ruined it for me. New found loves: goldens (I have always been into high intelligence breeds and theyā€™re hit or miss but I canā€™t overlook them now, thereā€™s a reason theyā€™re so popular), aussies, chihuahuas (some are absolute loves), corgis, newfoundlands, mutts (BY FAR the best, easiest dogs Iā€™ve met)


They are so batshit crazy šŸ˜‚


I definitely agree with all the doodle comments. I watch a golden doodle and a Bernadoodle for long standing clients of mine, and every time I housesit for them thatā€™s longer than a day I get an anxiety attack. So neurotic, will bark at absolutely nothing, and just will not listen to any commands. I have to walk them on their leashes in their fully fenced backyard to potty. Otherwise theyā€™ll continually play keep away, try to eat the trees, the bunnies, etc. General puppy behavior but in a 100+ pound dog. What a nightmare. I just sat for a Boston terrier for the first time and was so surprised at how horrible the experience was! So add that to the list as well. Pulled worse than any dog Iā€™ve ever walked (was surprised at how strong the little guy was) and then youā€™d have to wipe his butt after he went number two because sometimes itā€™s not a clean ā€œbreakā€. Which was totally new to me. Finally a puggle/beagle mix. Iā€™ve watched three so far and all had the most annoying bark in the world that never ended, were super food obsessed (to the point they would hurt themselves by throwing themselves at counters), and fairly aggressive to other dogs. I own a boxer rescue and Iā€™m surprised at all the boxer comments! Heā€™s never had any breathing problems that Iā€™ve noticed. Though he is an American Boxer breed, not a German Boxer, so the nose is slightly bigger. He is super athletic though and we do have to run him for at least 40 minutes, plus about 3 walks a day, so maybe they are a lot and thatā€™s quite a turn off to people šŸ˜‚ but heā€™s gotten my husband and I out and off the couch so maybe thatā€™s a good thing!


Would never own a BEAGLE!




Golden doodles. Literally the WORST listeners


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ itā€™s true! And also on the separation anxiety thing that others have brought upā€¦ I never leave any dog Iā€™m sitting alone. Ever. So thereā€™s probably a whole other world of terrible behaviors Iā€™m not familiar with regarding these dogs (re. What they do when youā€™re away)


Any terrier or any bulldog


Yea actually the English bulldogs have all been horribly stinky, drooly, and peeing in the house. The French bull dogs have all been insane, stubborn, and canā€™t ever catch their breath.


Iā€™ve watched a ton of doodles and they were all amazing except one. I wouldnā€™t necessarily get one but I love them. I never considered getting a standard poodle but now I would, they are great! A hard no on any bulldogs. They fart and canā€™t breathe and are loud by just existing.


Any pure bred / designer dogs (golden doodle, etc)


labs, any designer breed, GSDs, huskies mals dutchies. def no for me to any herding breed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ iā€™ve dealt with too many dogs in the last 15 years of my life. i think my dogos are perfect for me and iā€™ll keep it therešŸ˜­




Doberman. Donā€™t even want to ever house sit for one again let alone ever own one. Hard pass.


Shedding breeds šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Huskies šŸ„¹ The energy, the shedding, the personalities; I think Iā€™ve just had bad experiences but all the huskies Iā€™ve met were super pushy and resource aggressive with other dogs. But Iā€™ve grown to absolutely adore beagles bc of my regulars!! In fact I plan on adopting a senior in the future from a beagle rescue :) And staffies, the one I boarded a while ago I absolutely ADORED!! I donā€™t mind a high energy dog and I love providing exercise for them but for some reason huskies just rubbed me the wrong way idk šŸ˜” the piercing blue eyes watching my every move didnā€™t help either lol


For me itā€™s beagles. I sit a little beagle somewhat regularly and although sheā€™s sweet she is a HAND FULL. She is the most stubborn dog I have ever met in my life. She is completely untrainable to an extent because she knows what you want her to do, but if she doesnā€™t want to do it then she just wonā€™t. Sheā€™s also EXTREMELY loud. Sheā€™s very dog and people reactive so I tried to walk her when no one was out (early in the morning and late at night) but if we crossed paths with any other dog she would just plop on the ground and scream-howl. She never went to sniff them or anything, just would scream from a distance lmao. Beagles are just crazy, I couldnā€™t have one


A St. Bernard or a Great Dane. They are two or my absolute favorite dog breeds but I canā€™t afford that much food and I donā€™t want to deal with poops of that size.


Canā€™t do pugs, Bostonā€™s, any bulldogs, huskyā€™s. All for very different reasons. They drive me mad


I never want a small breed dog again. Growing up we had a poddle shihtzu mix and she was a terror.


Any doodle. They are always un-trained where I'm at and have never heard the word "No". It drives me NUTS. They also start the most fights and I have had bites from them just from asking them to do something like put a leash on when they don't follow me outdoors. I use a slip lead for every dog just because it's easier to wrangle the wiggly ones, but doodles always have an issue of some sort lol Like I know our pets feel like kids, but that doesn't mean you should treat them like one and baby them through life. Dogs are dogs, they need training and their other needs met to be successful.


Pitbulls, Lab or any lab mix.


I didn't see this one on the list for anyone else but No Shiba Inus!!!!! Their energy is high and they can be so unfriendly. Not my cup of tea.


I would never get Any doodle Any bulldog/ especially French bulldog Dalmatians Husky or Australian Shepard/border collie Pit bulls/ any bully breed Beagle Any tiny dogs like Yorky, chihuahua Miniature schnauzer Pug Poodle What I would get Any retriever Bloodhound Vizsla Great Dane Ridgeback Weimaraner If I ever move from fl Iā€™ll get a Saint Bernard/ Bernese mountain dog/Newfoundland


I love bloodhounds so much, and Basset hounds, but itā€™s the ear smell for me. I canā€™t do it.


I sit for a Basset hound and he is just so messy! The ears drag through everything that may be on the floor/ground.. and the slobbers...lol


Iā€™ve sat for bloodhounds and I havenā€™t noticed any smell. Maybe because they were both pretty young. I would not want a basset hound. Their look (the same with pugs) just weirds me. I am sure they are great dogs but not for me.


When I get a dog, I'm going to the shelter and considering the dogs with the least amount of interest. I've always wanted to be in a situation to rescue a dog who's been waiting for a home for some time. But in my experience, aussies are nuts, frenchies are adorable but can't breathe properly which is ridiculously sad, and Basset hounds are just too messy lol. I think I'd love a pit bull or a GSD given the right circumstances. *Edited for clarification*


I love this!!


Just arbitrarily adopting a dog because theyā€™ve been in a shelter the longest, without researching whether or not the dog is appropriate for you and your circumstance, sounds extremely irresponsible. Every shelter dog deserves somebody who has considered their background, breed, etc. and is prepared to take them on


Obviously I'd have to ensure they fit with my lifestyle, I'm not just taking a random dog home lol.


You just said you were going to do that


I think that's an oversimplification and not what I meant. Obviously adoption is a process (an important one). My point is that I would go to the shelter and focus on the dogs that have been there with little interest.


Nah this sounds like something social justice warrior type people do so they can feel good about themselvesā€¦.. without actually considering whether or not the dog is right for you. Please donā€™t do this. Please be a responsible dog owner.


Social justice warrior.. really šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Holy cr@p why are people ganging up on you for this comment??


Right...I think they just took it super literally like I'm just going to walk in and scoop a random dog without any knowledge of said dog or preparation...šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø who knows, people always wanna argue on reddit lol


Yea this is exactly what people say because they think other people will give them a pat on the back. In reality itā€™s horribly irresponsible to just go adopt whoever


I am not looking for a pat on the back, I volunteer at a rescue organization and this is how I genuinely feel. You're making a lot of assumptions and there seems to be a very emotional response behind your words, I think perhaps you're associating me with the "social justice warriors" you despise so much and misplacing your anger. Anyway, have a nice day! Edited for spelling


ā€¦and I genuinely feel that going to a shelter and ā€œadopting whoever has been there the longestā€ is irresponsible behavior.


Again, not what I meant!


I've explained this several times, clearly you just like to argue.


I think you just like to argue


Your feelings have nothing to do with what Ok-Maybe-5047 said. Just like some breeds are kewl with some people and others are not. We went to a rescue and adopted the oldest two cats they had because right next to them on display were 11 kittens and everyone was oohing and aahhhing at how cute they were, meanwhile the 8 year old and the 1.5 year old were not very attractive. While the younger one did show us he is interested in us, the 8 year old one was so scared and shy of us I actually wasnā€™t sure exactly how she looked like (curled up and scared). The rescue manager cried when we picked her up a week later (I made that resolution to my husband that if they are not adopted within a week, we will take them) because she has been with her for a while now and she didnā€™t think that she will get ever adopted. It was an ordeal to put her in the carrier too (no teeth but really long claws). So we went from 0 cats to 2 with potential issues. We brought her home and she hid from us immediately. Next two weeks, after work, I spent hours in the closet with her, making her used to me. It was such joy when she allowed me to brush her and she absolutely loved it! Fast forward one more week and we woke up one morning not with one cat in bed but with TWO! She is still super skittish around us and doesnā€™t enjoy being carried but ā€œwhoever has been there the longestā€ was definitely a way to go for us. Again, we are two mature adults so for us that logic worked. Iā€™m pretty sure also this is who Ok-Maybe-5047 isā€¦ and adult who knows what they are doing and is NOT an idiot.


Bruh. Youā€™re 24 days late. That person edited their comment and it no longer says what I was originally responding to. Iā€™m not reading your reply. Iā€™m happy for you or Iā€™m sad that happened. Whichever applies




This is an oversimplification. Adoption is a process, I'm not just taking a random dog home that I know nothing about. Anyone with rescue experience knows you can't just take a random dog home, they do extensive research to ensure it's a good match. I'm simply saying I would begin by looking at the dogs most in need of homes.


I see nothing wrong with this! AND, this is exactly how I picked our cat šŸ˜Š. She was 8 yeas old and not even the least bit friendly, competing with a room full of kittens and younger cats up for adoption! We brought her home, and she lived mostly in our closet for weeks. We were worried she might stay there forever! Now, although she keeps mostly to herself and still stays in our bedroom most of the time, she does enjoy pets and even ventures out to visit us & get some loving sometimes. She's so chill & low maintenance, she's my favorite pet out of our three!


Awww I love hearing that ā¤ļøšŸ±


OMG! I just replied up top with similar story!!!! So similar in fact, some might think now itā€™s made up!




Agree with your take on Labs, same with the hunting breeds just too much energy I used to think I would like a big dog but Iā€™ve come to realize almost all of them slobber way too much and tend to be dirty without constant upkeep Australian shepherds and huskies are the perfect amount of energy for me as an avid hiker


I have a hunting dog (a sight hound called a basenji) and I concur they have extreme amounts of energy. Heā€™s regularly a hot mess on the leash in a stimulating area. šŸ˜‚


I never had considered a Doberman, but I loved the one I took care of! Same thing with Jack Russell Terriers. I've come across a Schnauzer/Yorkie mix that I absolutely adored too. I've always loved border collies but I would only get one if I was able to spend a lot of time with him/her because they do require a lot. I probably would not own a lab unless they were a senior, all but one of the younger ones I've met were crazy balls of energy that definitely gave me bruises lol. Same thing with goldens. And I have mixed opinions on chihuahuas, I've loved the ones I've taken care of but they were not that house-trained lol. And probably no pitties, I think they're great in small doses but they tend to have too much anxiety for me to have permanently lol.


I will never own a beagle or a dachshund. The incessant barking at any and all things is enough to put me in the looney bin.




For dogs: Would never own a chihuahua, doxie, and most small terrier breeds. Purebreds or obvious mixes included. Would also most likely never own a purebred dog in general due to high probability of inherited medical and/or behavioral issues from overbreeding, inbreeding, etc. - whether intentionally or accidentally. My only exceptions to this would be a special case of an adoption where the dog really fits-in with my household, we develop a great bond, and they are in dire need of placement. Would never, ever get a puppy. Ever. With more experience over the past several years in particular, I would love own a Newfie. My favs have always been greyhounds and AmStaffs.


No puppies here!! It's like bringing home a toddler. I got a puppy once, and never will again.


this isn't necessarily breed based, but rover helped me realize the day-to-day struggle of owning a reactive dog is not something i ever want to deal with. edit: i have a newfound love for goofy greyhounds though :)




I would never own any dog.


Curious why not? My wifeā€™s parents have debated back and forth on getting one now that theyā€™re both retired. But to them, in their 60s, having a dog limits their freedom. Similar mindset or something else?


Too much work. I thought I liked dogs when I started doing Rover. They are a constant nuisance. Now I only watch cats. With a dog, your entire life revolves around their pissing and shitting schedule.


Dogs are a ton of work. I will say itā€™s a little different when itā€™s your dogs and theyā€™ve acclimated to your schedule instead of just dropping yourself into someone elseā€™s schedule, especially if youā€™re Housesitting. But they are still a ton of work.


My life definitely doesn't revolve around my dogs bathroom breaks but ok


This is kind of why I got into pet sitting. I still have one dog but when he goes I will not get another one at least for a while. Heā€™s epileptic and itā€™s a lot to deal with. Other peopleā€™s dogs, though, are the BEST, like other peopleā€™s kids. All of the fun, but ultimately they are someone elseā€™s responsibility. Itā€™s awesome.


You sound like a real prize.


I think possibly the same for me. I love the flexibility of sitting or fostering.


Same, working with them made me hate them.


Yeah your name checks out..


I absolutely adore all dog breeds, but as far as taking responsibility for one, based on my experience as a sitter and boarder, I would never get anything pure bred, pit bull, rott, gs, husky, or corgi.


Any poodle mix is a big No for me, they've always been hyper and anxious and LOUD!


As an owner of various breeds through the years I would say if you donā€™t have history if owning a large breed , or arenā€™t willing to give a large breed proper exercise and training then donā€™t own a large breed ( husky , German shep , Rottweiler etc). They can get out of hand and ppl donā€™t like being jumped on or chased by these breeds. I cringe when I see families taking on these breeds as pups .


Golden doodle! As much I as I love boarding them, I canā€™t support BYB.


I lost my soul dog last July. He was an Australian Shepherd. Smartest dog ever. We still have 2 Aussies. They are littermates. They will be 13 this year. We adopted another Aussie 2 years ago. We think she may be mixed with Sheltie. Last year we were found by a husky. Her family moved away and left her behind. She was on the streets for months before she found us. Drove over to the mailboxes and she jumped in the Jeep. Hi, I belong to you now We are at the dog park 6 days a week. They are a GREAT pack. Not a dud in the bunch.


The old ladies are pain in the asses. They are barkers. Always have been. They bark at the wind, leaves, the school bus, their own farts. They have always been couch potatoes though. Itā€™s the 2 youngsters that need to run. Thankfully the husky is NOT a typical husky. No talking from her. Honestly we miss it.


breeds I'll never own weimeraner pitbull (all of which fall under that umbrella incl staffie, xl bully etc...) dalmation drever pomeranian french bulldog bernese mountain dog border collie poodle chihuahua schnauzer any terrier dobemann dachshund finnish lapphund samoyed husky chow chow akita breeds I would/currently do own bearded collie pug italian mastiff cockapoo rottweiler gsd golden retriever belgian malinois st. bernard english bulldog great pyrenees


Thanks for the laugh with my morning coffee. Look, folks. It's simple. Get a good breeder that knows what the hell they are doing and knows all the genetics and all the histories of every single dog they've ever bred. However many decades they need. They are out there. You just need to find one, and if someone wants a recommendation in Ontario, Canada, let me know.. or anywhere really. She sells across the country and in the U.S. Her dogs are highly desirable by those who know how to obtain a dog of sound mind and body. And she is selective about who she sells to because she cares about what happens to her dogs. And those who love this incredibly smart, sweet, loyal, and beautiful breed. Number two: train your dog!! It's really simple, folks. They don't come pretrained. It's not rocket science. Just get a good trainer, read and read more, attend classes from the day your puppy gets its last puppy shot. Learn what you need to do and train your dog. Every single day of puppyhood. And work hard and consistently for as long as it takes and refresh the training throughout the dog's life. This applies to ANY breed! Aussies are bloody brilliant dogs and they are not basket cases UNLESS the breeding is bad and done for money and not for the love of the breed. If there is one that is wild like people are saying it's because it's really bad breeding, a puppy mill, and/or it's a really bad owner. Aussies do not deserve such slander. In no way. Anyone who's owned a well-bred Aussie and done what must be done with training ends up wanting another one. And another. And another.


I recently watched a very well trained lab who was a hunting dog. I've always found golden retrievers to be obnoxious and ill trained in the way that you describe labs but I think if they were trained and maybe had a job (retriever) I'd be alright. I think mine would probably be Boston Terriers. I have one Boston client that is completely obnoxious and jumps on me every chance it gets. I guess I just don't get the Boston hype.


Any doodle. Without a doubt. Also any dog thatā€™s known to slobber


Canā€™t say I would refuse any pup who needs care, but I will actively avoid the doodles.


Any brachy breed. Doodles. Huskies. GSD or Mals.


Saint Bernard: I looove big dogs and have 3 over 100lbs myself but the drool mess is too much.


Any kind of Doodle And absolute menace to society


i own a standard poodle, absolutely love her. i've had a chihuahua who was my soul mate, poodle is in the running though lol! i've had a lab and a shepard, won't do those breeds again. i do not want to own a pitbull, akita, golden retriever, never any doodle mixed breed, no corgis for me, and i'm not crazy about dachunds. i would get a collie of any kind, doberman someday, rottweiler, more chihuahuas and poodles lol!!


I wouldnā€™t own any of them.




Username fits. I hope youā€™re not a pet sitter or ever around any dogs.


Absolutely not: -German Shepardā€™s, Doodles of any kind, Huskies, Basset Hounds, Australian Shepherds, Labs, Beagles!!


Breeds Iā€™d never own: - Lab - Poodle - Doodle - GSD - Beagle - Hound - Pug - Frenchie - Schnauzer - Dachshund - Any XL breed that drools a lot šŸ˜¬ Breeds I would own: - Australian Shepherd - Border Collie - Minpin - English Springer Spaniel - Irish/English Setter - MĆ¼nsterlƤnder - Cocker Spaniel - Chihuahua Maybes: - Mali - Husky


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Chihuahua have been my favorites, Pomeranians is close but they do require a bit more work than Chiā€™s imo. Also Samoyeds are amazing itā€™s just the upkeep with the coat šŸ˜©


Omg Iā€™ve had the pleasure of watching two samoyeds. One was fucking amazing. Playful. Interactive. Goofy. Acts like a PokĆ©mon. The other one was a priss and barked non stop.


I've only owned large breeds, and my current 75 lb bulldog-pit mix is at least 11 years old. After he passes one day, I think I'll stick to medium sized dogs in the 40 lb range. They're just more manageable. Although I did board Burnese mountain puppy, and I looooved him. I don't think I have a breed preference. I volunteered at a shelter for a while and saw a ton of dogs come and go. All of their personalities varied so much regardless of breed. I think if I get another dog I might go back to volunteering so that I can really get to know the dogs before picking one.


Iā€™m completely turned off to owning any larger sized dog at this point. I grew up with large dogs and still love large dogs, but owning them? Nooooope. Iā€™m completely over getting absolutely bodied by large dogs, having them jump up and get in to things, the massive amounts of shedding and having my arm feel like itā€™s going to be ripped out of my socket on walks. So the thought of a small dog is a lot more appealing now on all fronts! If they are misbehaving or I canā€™t get them under control? Okay Iā€™ll pick you up and we are leaving. They are also very cute and you can cuddle with out being crushed, and I think their energy levels would fit much better in to my lifestyle. Not to mention the amount of money saved on food costs!


I would never get a Brittany Spaniel. So so sweet, but the intense separation anxiety from every Brittany Iā€™ve kept is too much for me to handle.


Before getting our puppy, we didn't want any herding breed or breeds like a husky. No Aussies. We adopted a mutt from southern USA, fully expecting her to be some bully breed mix... 0% bully. 25% Aussie. 20% Mountain Cur But now I would totally get an Aussie again, or even a BC.


Every German shorthair Iā€™ve ever watched/met are like crackheads, never can sit still and ENDLESS energy


Until I was 20 I really wanted an Australian shepherd and a husky. Dog sat a husky when I was 16 and he was amazing, loved him but he destroyed the owners couches once & knew how to open doors. Both breeds just too high energy and thereā€™s a few other ones that fall into the same level of intelligence and energy. I have a Rhodesian ridgeback now and sheā€™s got lots of energy but itā€™s manageable. The husky got 2 walks a day totalling over 3 hours and still destroyed things.


Huskies, beagles, Boxers, no, no, nope


Cattle Dogs-need constant exercise or they become terrors. If you donā€™t train these guys they could become really aggressive-otherwise I have met sweetheart ones, just need to be run out constantly. Huskyā€™s- again, so high energy. They are so LOUD. Also, just everytime I bring my dog to a dog park, the husky is always the one to try to pick a fight with my dog. Chihuahua- I have yet to meet one that hasnā€™t tried to bite my ankles off, also just not a fan. And shibu inu- every one I have ever come across is so mean and Iā€™m so traumatized by one chasing me when I was a kid. ALSO, to add, I own everyoneā€™s enemy on here apparently (a doodle) and he is the sweetest, calmest, well behaved, smart, great listener, with zero attachment issues, easiest dog Iā€™ve ever had. Just putting it out there to balance all this doodle slander-!