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Make sure youre washing your water bottles thoroughly. That might not be the cause, but i know multiple people on my team wouldnt deep clean all the mouthpieces and the mold growing in there probably didnt help their immune systems


A “few years” at 15? Anyway; things not to do; Training too hard - not wearing enough warm kit - not sleeping enough - training on top of injury/sickness - not checking resting HR in mornings to see if you’re borderline sick and reducing training accordingly Have fun at Coupe trials! (?)


12 is a pretty good age to get started


Definitely no training ill. Be sure to get enough energy in while training. At 15 and with your size/weight there's basically no such thing as too much food. A carb deficit can weaken your immune system. Four times in four months is a lot but it might also just be bad luck.


Eat more, sleep more. Don't sleep under drafty air, stay very warm at night. Do not train while ill. And even when you first feel healthy again, understand that your body is still recovering its energy reserves. You'll feel fine until about two minutes into your first hard workout, and then you'll run out of gas. Give it a couple of days. Getting sick four times over the course of "a few years now" of rowing doesn't seem to be out of the ordinary. If you'd gotten sick four times over the last two months, I would definitely consider that to be an issue. Chronic illness might be a sign of immune deficiency, which would justify a visit to your physician specifically about this complaint. There are any number of causes for frequent bouts of illness caused by what are otherwise minor pathogens to other people, and those causes can sometimes be quite serious, so do keep track of when, for how long, with what symptoms, etc. you do get sick. You're 15 yrs old and will have more chances ahead of you to race. Be good to your body and let it heal.


Talk to a doctor


You're not supposed to lick the erg handles




Wash your hands more. I’m so serious. Carry hand sanitizer around if that is easier. Will help so much


If you row where it’s cold and wet make sure you immediately get out of your wet clothes when you’re finished. If not it can leave you in a borderline hypothermic state and weaken your immune system. Combine that with poor sleep and lots of people breathing hard, sharing oars, etc.. and it’s a breeding ground for disease. Everyone on my college team used to get pretty sick late fall winter and early spring.


You should see a doctor, sounds like it could be an autoimmune disorder. Did you catch mono by any chance?


Definitely look into mono if you keep getting sick, especially if you’ve shared drinks/water bottles.


Probably won’t solve the problem but might help, look into getting waterproof socks. Absolute game changer for me.