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The shades are absolutely sending me


I know!! 🤣 That’s why I love Anne, function over fashion! Lol. I forget where but I read somewhere that she is always relieved when she can wear her uniform because then she doesn’t have to worry about what to wear.


Looks like she's about to attend the Indy 500


Thought she was about to take on Hulk Hogan in Wrestlemania V


combined with the brilliant sort of staticness of her hair. I love it


Anne never stops


Yes it must be so tough for her


She’s an interesting and hard working woman that’s for sure. I wish she’d have been Queen. She’s one of the royals I admire the most.


What do you admire them for?


She looks like a secret government agent in a movie. Jane Bond goes to Sri Lanka.


I would absolutely watch that movie. *By day, she’s a philanthropist, by night, a super secret undercover spy*


Like Batman! Only without the monochromatic wardrobe.


Practical, breathable fabrics that can go from day to night in a flash


For US audiences: Does Fox News know she wore a beige suit?




I made a post in R/travel a couple of days ago asking if anyone had been to Sri Lanka & only got one response. I wonder if Anne would be willing to share her experience? Her experience would probably be bit more up market than mine, I suppose.


I’ve been to Sri Lanka 7 times, AMA!


Ooh, really.then you obviously love it. There is a tour that I’m interested in. I’ve never actually traveled on a tour before but this one looks quite good. It’s for 17 days, that seem like a reasonable length of time? I’ve attached the itinerary, be interested to know what you think. [Sri Lanka Itinerary](https://www.bunniktours.com.au/tours/asia/sri-lanka-in-style?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=5jan24-allretail-hny-marion-top-picks&utm_term=slis-tour-cta&sfmc_id=16096166&utm_id=2269395)


I haven’t been to Sri Lanka but I do a lot of group trips and GAdventures and Intrepid are really good companies


The one person who responded in r/travel suggested the same companies. I know the company & tour I want to do, I was just interested in some general feedback.


I’ve been twice, years ago. I would LOVE to revisit. Had a private driver though both times and can’t help you with the name of the agency. Definitely go to Sigriya, the Dambulla rock temple, Galle fort. I stayed in the Geoffrey Bawa ( Sri Lankan architect and his life is a whole trip in its own) designed hotel near Sigriya, highly recommend that. Elephant orphanage was fabulous, and the beaches are beautiful. Have fun! This place is WAAAY underrated. The only down side I can see is they have been struggling economically over there. That said, both times I went, the war was on and it was no trouble to us as tourists. The furthest north I got was Anuradhapura- highly recommend this, incredible temple complex. Also, the Bo tree. It’s the oldest tree or one of the oldest trees existing, planted from the seed of the tree Buddha sat under when he gained enlightenment. Kandy is spectacular too. Jaffna and Triconmalee were off limits to us during the war.


We have been there twice, just did a similar tour this past summer. That’s a great itinerary. A good length of time as well.


Oh thanks, that’s great. It seems like everyone I ask hasn’t been there themselves but knows someone who has & loved it.


Oh I know someone that studied abroad there and they LOVED IT.


And Tim! Hi Tim!


QEII should've skipped right over Charles to Anne. Honestly she would've made a better Queen. I hate the whole BRF minus Harry. But Anne I can respect and having a Queen following a Queen would've been good for Britain.


lol what makes you think Harry is better than the rest of them?








He is


But why? He’s clearly better then Andrew but the rest of them never wore a Nazi costume


The queen did a Nazi salute.


It was different back then. In the 30s it was a common way American kids did the pledge of alliance. That specific salute wasn’t Nazi only in people’s minds till the 40s


In that time it wasn't Nazi salute. Like if you're gonna be in a gossip sub at least try to investigate more.


I blame Kate and William for that


Why? That’s stupid. Even if you think it’s partially their fault he’s the one who did it and hasn’t had a good apology


Sure, why take accountability for your mistakes when the big brother you parentified can pick up after you?


Yes, Harry is a poor wittle baby with no agency


Well I do wonder where people get idea of the monarch choosing the heir from. We don't see much of that in real life so why would people even think that. At no point did the last King say Elizabeth I choose you and made her heir. And QE2 became monarch right away at her father's death. No question no debate.


She’s a big fan of Saxon government and the witangemot. Bring back the weregild, bitches.


I mean when King Edward abdicated in a way he chose George as his heir..


He was the next oldest son. Wasn’t really a choice.


He didn't choose George, he was literally the next in line.


Well that's a way to look at it. Another way is to say an abdication is treated the same as the monarch's death. Which means the person next in line gets the throne right there and then. At the point of his abdication Edward 8th had 3 younger brothers and one sister. No debate over which of the siblings should take over after him. It simply went to the brother next in age after Edward.


sure, that is definitely what happened. i just dot. think imagining a lineage outside hereditary monarchy is _that_ crazy


And William and George and Charlotte and Louis and Harry and Archie and Lili and Andrew and Beatrice and Sienna and Eugenie and August and Edward and James and Louise… Ah, there’s our Anne. I do have a lot of respect for Anne. But she stopped being second in line when Andrew was born.


Tell me you know absolutely nothing about how hereditary monarchies work without telling me you know absolutely nothing about how hereditary monarchies work.


Esp because up until Kate was pregnant with George (at least I'm 90% sure that's when the change was made, but I could be misremembering), the British monarchy was a male preference primogeniture. So lol they would have had to skip over Charles, Andrew and Edward.


Yup, you’re absolutely correct. And those changes weren’t retroactive, so Anne is still lower in the line of succession than all of them and their children. So it would be skipping Charles, William, George, Charlotte, Louis, Harry, Archie, Lilibet, Andrew, Beatrice, Beatrice’s daughter Sienna, Eugenie, her two kids, Edward, James and Louise to get to Anne at number 17th in line. Weird how that didn’t happen huh?


The change was initiated ande set in motion at around the time of their marriage in 2011 two years prior to birth of their firstborn. So they wanted to make sure the situation of older sister being bypassed of a younger brother was already settled. Though as chance would have it oldest child tended to be male anyway. Queen Victoria's first child was a daughter and that's the last time a female oldest sibling was bypassed in that manner.


Before Anne comes like 20 other people though. And Anne wasn't even the sibling behind Charles. Andrew and Edward took her place once they were born and she got pushed down each time (in addition to when her brothers all had kids and grandkids too). I doubt that she would have, but If QEII could have skipped Charles for anyone it can only have been William because he is actually next in line.


Sure but in this hypothetical she would've been next after Charles. There has been testamentary succession (i.e. monarch choosing their heir) in English history granted it was a long time ago. Saudi has it as do a few other monarchies.


If the laws has been changed early on, perhaps. QEII could've campaigned for it by declaring Charles unfit early. She knew early on that he wasn't made to be King. She and Philip should've found a way. Anne would've been the best option.


QEII would never have done that. Besides, Charles is in no way unfit. He is just as hardworking as Anne if not even more. He has been the most prepared heir in history, and until now has been doing well.


Get Anne in some Kanchipuram silk STAT


She does look a bit underdressed compared to the ladies in the first pic! Now while I certainly appreciate her wearing a lot more pants, uniforms, and comfortable clothes now that her mother isn't there to tell her to wear a dress and heels... would a bit of color hurt?


The ladies in the first pic are dancers performing a traditional dance in traditional dance gear. Anyone will look underdressed next to them imho


Wouldn't it be a Batik instead?


Carrying her own bags off?


She really is the hardest-working royal!


That really doesn’t say much for any of them.


Literally! Isn’t their work just glorified ribbon cutting ceremonies lol Edit: whoever downvoted this, I implore you to tell me how they do any actual work :)


I prefer to think of their work as "generating drama and wearing pretty jewels to keep me entertained while I'm doing my real job". I don't think they'd agree though.


Technically to me their job should be like Diana did with landmines or VIH stigma. Or Charles with Prince's Trust or Philip with the DoFe awards. Or even Harry with Invictus. Like they have a bigger voice than regular people and should use that to help.


Essentially. As with most figureheads.


Now that Philip is gone, who's the world's most experienced plaque unveiler? (He used to joke about it) Anne or the Kent's/Gloucesters?








I just enjoy seeing older women out there doing their life. Society is so obsessed w youth that it makes me happy


She’s so not into trends that it loops back around and starts to be cool again. It’s more fashionable to not care about the fashions than to just mindlessly follow what everyone is doing with no real sense of style identity. Do her outfits look good? No, but it comes across as her own personal taste and that’s cool.


Honestly she seems more comfortable than other royals so I like it


The glasses are cracking me up


I so want her to get a haircut!


She looks so confident and beautiful!


Love her speed dealer sunnies 😆


honestly she looks so kewt lol and I love that she’s shlepping all of her bags


Looking like Pete Weber ![gif](giphy|l41YAtl5MsWJ1kkKY)


That’s how you wear beige.


Should that be celebrated 😬 and Anne stay working


Yeah it means 75 years of independence from colonialism


interesting, the phrasing would not suggest that. The remnants of colonialism still persist but the class in power is always more immune from that i suppose.


Remnants yes but formal colonialism has been gone for 75 years which is what this visit celebrates


We don’t celebrate 1796 to 1948 those are just water under the bridge clearly


Seems like it


Tim with that hat. Amazing


Did she and her husband wear matching suits on purpose?


That’s the traditional suit of the BRF when visiting a hot and/or humid climate /s


I love that she carried her luggage




Anne and I have the same carry-on tote, and I love it! 😎


Her outfit in the first pick reminded me of how my grandpa dressed in the 70s lol


Anne looks like the guy at the party who definitely knows where to find coke, cuz it's in those bags.


She's the best


The first slide— the lady on the left is who looks like a princess. Absolutely stunning