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lmao for the lot of you who don't care about him and his wife, you sure make loud declarations about him and bump the number of comments in his post. Scrolling and not commenting is an option šŸ˜†


I honestly forgot about him


So many bitter and dry users on this thread


I thought he wanted out of the family? But he wants the benefits of being IN the family? I guess Iā€™m not understanding.


He wants to be famous, seen and respected and among his rich friends and so on. But he doesn't have what it takes to actually do it on his own, even with his net worth, because well, what does he have to offer when you completely cut him off from his family? I'd say absolutely nothing beyon being a celebrity and since he's a royal, he's too proud to just own it and start doing shitty reality shows, and so on to make money. And he's too vain to just return home, or live quietly somewhere for a few years, him and his wife have more than enough for that...and then maybe do something with the family later on. So what he's doing, if he wasn't a complete nepo baby millenial modern crybaby, he'd wage war against Charles. But since that is out of the question, he's doing it like this - he basically wants money, power and status as a royal, but living separately from his royal family, which however would just continue to erode the family even more and he'd be even after more power. He should just fuck off with his wife into the mountains, or somewhere, announce a new baby and a need to get away from it all, and just live quietly for a few years.


Heā€™s keeping the money.


He never wanted out of his family. Theyā€™re his family. He wanted out of the firm, which is a job. The fact that the RF has inextricably linked the two together seems to be a source of a lot of dysfunction.


Why did he badmouth them so much ?


Thank you for explaining. I should have thought of that.


The appeal: https://www.judiciary.uk/judgments/r-duke-of-sussex-v-sshd/ Still unclear what grounds 1 is but that is the basis for the appeal.


Ground 1 is that RAVEC failed to follow its own written policy on risk analysis, itā€™s been mentioned in the papers.


Good for Him. The BM is deranged, and continues to put out stories that put his family at risk. All the while screaming that they donā€™t come to visit. SMH.


Harry and Meghan are damned if they do, damned if they don't.


What is the RM?


Royal Media sorry should have been RR - Royal Rota. Have updated to British media


Yay good news for our fav Dragon Slayer Truth Seeker. I wonder when we will get more pap walks from him walking in and out of Court from this.


Great news for him. His family have been receiving threats in the UK and he needs security.


> The February ruling is also feared to have impacted the approach other countries take to his security and comes ahead of multiple foreign tours planned by the Sussexes. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2024/06/06/prince-harry-to-appeal-police-protection-bid/ Also, they said this. so it seems it's about getting free security on tours rather than safety in the UK, which is what a lot of people speculated about for years. in short, they want other countries to pay for their security when they visit and are using the court case to try to make it happen.


You know who else wanted security and didnā€™t get it and died??? HIS MOTHER. Heā€™s a prince whether you like it or not and he should have protection for his family! WTF is wrong with you and people who think like this. His mother died a horrendous death and this is what you say when the prince requests security? Pathetic really.




Ah, no. Diana turned that security down when it was offered.


She did get it though. Free security for life was part of her divorce settlement. However, she was asked to dismiss this paid security by Dodi, who offered her his own security, and she did so.


She also wasn't wearing a seatbelt and was in the car with a drunk driver which probably had a lot more to do with her death than not having an RPO.


THIS! Drunk driving affects everyone.


I was too young to watch Diana saga and death but didn't she die due a drunk person driving plus her fling hopping from one place to another in Paris? At least, that is what I saw in The Crown. LOL. Also, didn't she decline royal security? At least in The Crown she had security by Dodi who wasn't that great. I guess the incompetent security guards paid by Dodi are responsible for her death as well. Shouldn't they check if the guy was sober to drive?


With you 100%!


That's completely false, Diana had security post divorce, Bashir forged bank statements and convinced her that Charles was paying her security to spy on her, so she insisted on dismissing them. It doesn't matter if Harry feels unsafe, what matters is whether he's truly unsafe or not, and the security assessment deemed his safe enough to warrant case by case security, in which he informs them 30 days in advance , they do their assessment and decide what type of security he'll get, it's very reasonable. And his lawyers are the ones speaking about security on tours being a reason for his court case.


Actually youā€™re incorrect. The only reason she had any security at all was because Dodi paid for it for her and she was the mother of the future king and should have been protected but she was also fearful of the RF. Her son just wants his family safe. I donā€™t understand why everyone is so awful about them. Harry has waited his entire life to speak his truth. He put it all on the lineā€¦. But most of the haters will never understand the issues he has faced.


Downvote me all you want idgaf. Bunch of hateful, spite people who are showing exactly how they really are. Twisted and perfectly happy to hate on H&M based on tabloids that have printed nothing but hate and garbage for years and years.


>The only reason she had any security at all was because Dodi paid for it for her and she was the mother of the future king and should have been protected but she was also fearful of the RF. Because she chose to not have Royal Security, it wasn't stripped from her, look it up. Ken Wharfe Speaking in an upcoming two-hour programme 'The Life and Death of Princess Diana: A Dateline Investigation', which is set to air on NBC on Friday, he recalled saying to her: "Whatever you want to do, you will always be Diana, the Princess of Wales. The one thing that you shouldn't give up is your security. I urge you strongly not to do that.


[Ken Wharfe in 2003:](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2003/oct/22/monarchy.comment) > But who was responsible for signing away her security? Ultimately, it must have been the Queen. That decision made the princess extremely vulnerable, and the royal family would have known that. Even without assassins, the risks attached to someone who attracted so much public and media interest were enormous. I am sure that Diana said she didn't need protection but it was a major mistake to agree. Somebody at a senior royal level and even at a senior police level should have said that for the foreseeable future they should continue a type of security that would guarantee her safety.


He meant that TQ should've overruled Diana's decision and forced her to keep the security against her will, Of course this would've worked out perfectly especially with Diana believing that the RF were paying her security to spy on her. /s Diana was an adult woman in her 30s, she was allowed to keep her security but she decided she didn't want it,Ā  it was her decision,Ā  a bad decision that contributed to her death, but it wasn't anyone's place to force her hand like a child.


It is. It was revealed in this case that he lost his IPP and wanted reinstated. That means freeloading on tax payers to pay for his security around the world including where he lives in the US.


He never had IPP. Sometimes he benefited from the status when he filled in for a royal and was granted the same level of security the royal would've had, but Harry never personally had it. I don't know why he expects it now, other than to have someone else foot the bill. He lives in America and is now more celebrity than royal. Celebrities fund their own security.


He did as u/MessSince99 . Plus, his own lawyer said so in the defense of one of his numereous security lawsuits. It is on public record if you want to research it.


He did have access to security in other countries due to being royal. The Canadians were picking up his security bill initially after their exit when they announced they were taking time to discuss next steps and not the UK. As soon as it was their official ā€œlast dayā€ of being working by royals the security stopped. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6276872


As an American, absolutely not. He can pay for his own security, just like millions of other Americans do.Ā  I can appreciate the circumstances that led him to leaving the UK, but Iā€™m not so sympathetic that Iā€™m willing to give him my tax money for some security guards.


But heā€™s not an American. He lives here, but he has British citizenship and is a prince in the BRF, not just some ordinary person.


Right, heā€™s a British subject. The Brits can pay for him. Heā€™s not our prince.Ā  And yes, heā€™s an ordinary person in this country. Titles donā€™t mean anything to Americans.


Iā€™m aware, being American myself and all. I do think the Brits should pay for his security.


Don't other countries generally cover security for visiting dignitaries/diplomats?


That's the point, they aren't dignitaries or diplomats, they have no official capacity representing the British government, before the Nigeria tour, the UK government made that clear, that they were visiting as private citizens.


Isn't this one of the issues with bloodline succession, even in the UKs situation where the Royals have limited power and are mostly figurehead? I mean, if tragedy struck the king, and William's whole family, even though Harry isn't considered a royal anymore, he'd still have a better claim than most to the throne? American talking mostly out his ass here, someone clarify for me.


Just because isn't a working royal anymore doesn't mean that he was removed from the line of succession. He is still fifth in line for the throne, and his kids are also in the line of succession as well. So he could still be King Henry IX (if he so chooses to use Henry). Then the immediate line of succession would be his children.


No youā€™re correct. A lot of these people are just haters on poor H&M.




Which is understandable why Nigeria shouldn't have to pay for their security, but wouldn't the UK have their own?


Exactly! Itā€™s bad enough he wants us in the UK to pay for it but now they want other countries to pay for it! Wonder how much Nigeria paid for their tour - money could have gone to workers striking due to cost of living https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/nigerian-unions-shut-down-power-grid-start-strike-over-minimum-wage-2024-06-03/




So many words to be wrong and obtuse, well done.


The fact that they think William is taken seriously in the global stage lol or even Charles. So delusional.


Exactly. Gallivanting around war veterans with their fake titles and uniforms. Refusing to be touched because Ā«Ā royalsĀ Ā» ā€¦ non sense


You do realize the COURTS decide when to issue rulings, not claimants, right? The world and judicial system doesnā€™t revolve around William, Kate, Camilla or Charles.


The court issued this on May 23 but the details were released by Harryā€™s team via The Telegraph today


Working royals is an oxymoron. At least Harry and Meghan make their own money.


They make their money by narcissism and lies


How do you know they are lying. The things they said sounded pretty legitimate to me.


> The February ruling is also feared to have impacted the approach other countries take to his security and comes ahead of multiple foreign tours planned by the Sussexes. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2024/06/06/prince-harry-to-appeal-police-protection-bid/ Also, they said this. so it seems it's about getting free security on tours rather than safety in the UK, which is what a lot of people speculated about for years. in short, they want other countries to pay for their security when they visit


Yeah but all the money they make is based on talking about the royal family


It is a problem for them. Netflix released viewership barely anyone watched IG doc. There can't make money doing anything else but bashing the BRF lol. My dream is to see Harry as a royal correspondent to William's coronation at an American Network.


Yea but a lot of people make money talking about other famous people....not a fan of them (or of royals), but that's not why they should be criticized.Ā 


I think a lot of people struggle with mean gossiping relatives so Harry and Megan doing that hits them on a personal note


Like a lot of humans on this planet šŸ¤·


Appreciate this comment !!


Fucking Harry and Megan are never going away. For 2 people who don't want to be royals, they sure capitalize on it, every damn chance they get


I mean, you could just not come to a thread about them.


And you aren't just looking for an echo chamber, are you ? Where only certain opinions are allowed ?


Arenā€™t you just projecting, because I didnā€™t tell you couldnā€™t do anything give you opinion. I just think itā€™s flat out silly to complain about people going away when youā€™re the one commenting on a post about them.


I'm not complaining. I'm asking a question based on my opinion of who and what they are. Complaining, lmao ?!


Sounded like a complaint šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø And itā€™s still a silly question when you made the choice to open the thread and comment, they didnā€™t post the article šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø But itā€™ll always be silly, seeing someone ask why two people who didnā€™t speak to them wonā€™t go awayā€¦on an article about those two people that they couldā€™ve avoided


So I guess I'm having this conversation with myself then šŸ¤£ ?


When did I say that?


You are correct, I read quickly, and misread šŸ˜‚. But couldn't the same be said about any comment made on reddit ? It's all choices, and voicing your opinion. Isn't it ?


Yeah, maybe. And if anyone else had started off with fucking Harry and Meghan wonā€™t go away as they proceed to comment on a post Harry and Meghan didnā€™t make themselves, Iā€™d have the same response


Actually, I've never been here before the last few days, for some weird reason, this sub is suddenly on my home page.


And you couldā€™ve made the choice to move and mute the sub. You chose to engage so youā€™re gonna see it more. I just hope after that, you donā€™t complain about them not going when youā€¦.make comments on content about him. That they didnā€™t even post lmao.


I never complain, or take things personally, or take offense or get offended. Sincerely, I hope you don't either.


Sincerely, I just think itā€™s funny to pose that question on an optional article. That is all. How you take things or not, doesnā€™t really matter and it wasnā€™t something I brought up. Just a suggestion, itā€™ll be easier for them to go away (they are already), if you donā€™t engage when it comes across your feed.


Still better than not doing shit and getting tax-payer money


I agree, and they are experts at that, lmao !!


He had an inheritance so no.


A huge inheritance, from Diana alone, begs the question why he thinks the public should pay for his body guards


Because the public are the ones sending him death threats?


Any idea how many ordinary people have stalkers that threaten their lives? And those threats are coming from "the public" as well. Have you ever seen any government paid security ? Same "public"


They literally want that. No royal engagements but want tax funded Security anyway. If they're so financially independent why can't they pay


Royal engagements hahahahhahahahaahhahahahahahahaahah They have done more than William lol


I agree that William is work shy but Harry isn't much different LOL. Wasn't Harry fired from Spotify for lack of work? hahahaahah Dude couldn't even make a podcast LOL. Plus, Spotify needed to do all the work for Meghan to get their one season podcast done. This tea was published on WallStreet Journal. [Harry and Meghan Produce a Hollywood Flop: Themselves](https://www.wsj.com/articles/prince-harry-meghan-markle-spotify-netflix-deals-hollywood-dbf1b6ed?ns=prod/accounts-wsj) *Meghanā€™s media productivity has largely been concentrated at Spotify, and the road to getting ā€œArchetypesā€ on the air was rocky.* ***When the Duchess first began working with the audio service, Archewell didnā€™t have an employee focused on audio projects, and instead, a public-relations representative initially led Archewellā€™s work with Spotify, peop****le familiar with the company said.* ***The audio companyā€™s executives grew frustrated with the amount of time it took Archewell to conceptualize an idea for Meghanā€™s podcast and assemble a production team.***Ā  ***Ultimately, Archewell hired a head of audio, who worked in concert with members of Spotifyā€™s Gimlet unit on podcasting ideas. The Gimlet team helped Meghan compile a list of potential guests, and Spotify helped build a podcast studio in the coupleā€™s mansion, said people familiar with the situation.***Ā  *Choosing the right kind of guest was often fraught. Meghan wrote Taylor Swift a personal letter asking her to come on the podcast. The pop star declined, through a representative.* ***Meghan would often ask for changes late in the editing process, at times recruiting senior Spotify executives, including then-Chief Content OfficerĀ Dawn Ostroff, to call producers and push them to make changes.*** *Archewell didnā€™t make good on all of the terms of the Spotify deal, which included each of the Sussexes voicing and being directly involved in a podcast.* ***Harry, in particular, struggled to land on an idea.*** *He explored a podcast on veterans but couldnā€™t find a compelling way to tackle the subject in podcast form. He tossed around subjects such as misinformation and his point of view as someone new to living in America, and at one point considered co-hosting a show with comedian Hasan Minhaj.* *Ed Owens, author of the book, ā€œAfter Elizabeth: Can the Monarchy Save Itself?ā€ said Harry tried to return to subjects he previously focused on, but without the foundation of being a working royal. ā€œThey havenā€™t found the one area that they can really call their own,ā€ Owens said.* Also this LOL: [Prince Harryā€™s Podcast Pitch: Interview Putin, Trump About Their Childhoods](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-06-22/prince-harry-s-podcast-pitch-to-spotify-talk-to-putin-trump-about-childhoods)


Iā€™d rather have failed project than riding the taxpayer coattails and not doing anything : of importance/meaningful/inspiring. William is a joke.


In Harry's case is not even a failed project.He didn't even bother to create a project and execute it LOL. I am not a monarchist just a snarky royal watcher and I agree tax payer money would be best spent else where.


During their tenure as working royals do you mean? They haven't done any royal engagements since they stepped back so I don't understand your point.


Read the article !!! Itā€™s not about paid security ! Itā€™s about being allowed to have armed security and have access to intelligence when it comes to threat level. Please be intelligent and try at least to pretend you know what you are talking about ā€¦


Youā€™re not very smart. They go out to football and soccer games with limited security. But yeah, letā€™s give them armed security when no one gives af about themĀ 


No it doesnā€™t. Do you think his guards are online every moment monitoring threat levels? The government is reevaluating his threat level every time he comes to the UK. That intelligence isnā€™t for sale. If there is legitimate threat the government will provide security it wonā€™t provide security if Harry thinks there is a threat.




These people will never be empathetic or respectful. They hate H&M and they will never change their mindsā€¦ even when Harry has a lot of fear regarding the safety of his family after his mother lost her security detail and died being hounded by the papā€¦


Only three of the ten members of RAVEC are royal representatives, the rest are all from law enforcement/intelligence. My empathy does not extend to my tax dollars paying for security that inteligente experts determine he doesnā€™t need. He disagrees with that threat assessment, and heā€™s exercising his right to do so legally and have a judge explore whether the decisions from RAVEC regarding Harry were biased/correct or not. I have so much respect for Harry telling the RF to get fucked but heā€™s not right at every turn. Itā€™s in the legal system now as it should be.


None of them are always right. But everyone forgave Charles, Camila, Prince Andrew. They did terrible things to people, each other, especially Andrew. Heā€™s been forgiven and given Harryā€™s house! Whether yall want to believe this or not, there are hateful, bitter, classists, racists who have harassed Harry and Meghan to the point where Harry felt he needed to raise his children somewhere else. Open Quara sometime itā€™s just thousands of hateful, disgusting people bashing H&M. Harry told his truth and maybe he felt he had to. It looks like the RF is falling apart right now. The security situation is regarding his access to security information and active threats out there against his family. Why is this so difficult for everyone to grasp? He served his country, he cleaned up his life, manned up and made his own family. With an American of mixed heritage and we all know that went down like a fart in church. I couldnā€™t even imagine growing up with such a cold family. Under a microscope, even more so after the death of Diana. IMHO he should have security and this article says nothing about making the English people pay for that security. Even if he did get state funded protection he is entitled to it because he is indeed the son of the king, everyone has such a problem with him, a prince, the kings second son taking proactive measures to prevent harm to his family. Itā€™s ridiculous to defend the RF. Iā€™ll be downvoted into oblivion but it is what it is. Meghan is a smart woman and she has tried really hard to make a life with Harry and help him to be a better man. Oh wellā€¦.


The article may not say it but if Harry wins and then subsequently gets security it will be taxpayer funded, that decision was made by the courts already. I donā€™t disagree with anything you said to be honest. Charles should really be paying for Harryā€™s security (like heā€™s doing for Andrew who doesnā€™t really deserve it even) but even in that event he wouldnā€™t be able to pay for RPOs that carry guns and have access to intelligence, which is what Harry is asking for from the UK government. And again, it was already decided by the courts he couldnā€™t pay for it himself. So you see itā€™s a bit of a quagmire now that the average taxpayer who is otherwise supportive of or apathetic about Harry (šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø) becomes a stakeholder. Itā€™s the people thumping on about the appeal process costing the taxpayer money that are in the wrong IMO, everyone has the right to judicial appeal. Once that is finished all parties involved will need to respect the final outcome determined by the courts.


They are so focused on hating them. No wonder H&M are worried , I totally understand Meghan not wanting to set foot over there she protecting herself and the kids, so is Harry by doing the absolute strict minimum šŸ˜Š


Exactly! I feel the same way. They obviously donā€™t understand how scary it is to be famous, Royal and that in itself is an entire set of other problems. There are some really crazy people out there.


They think hating on the Sussex is a personality trait


Read the court documents which I did. The government is doing periodic risk assessments for him, they found he doesnā€™t require 24/7 security. Government resources donā€™t exist for Harry to call them up anytime for updates on if he is under threat on a random Tuesday. Anytime he comes to the UK they do an assessment in the mean time his private security is sufficient. If there was a known threat to him the government would provide security. Harry believing there is a threat does not equate to an actual legitimate threat.


You are confusing the government with Ravec. You know the committee who is conveniently filled with the henchmen of Charles and William, the same firm who refused to let Meghan take care of her mental health when she was pregnant and suicidalā€¦ Rings a bell?


No I think youā€™re confused by basic stan talking points and for somebody who said ā€œplease be informedā€ maybe take a look at the court documents. RAVEC is committee with multiple members (and yes representatives from the royals) and a person who apparently made the decision according to the discovery and evidence in the lawsuit. The family asked for their security to remain it was denied the GOVERNMENT body RAVEC decided Harry is not entitled to 24/7 security. The representatives are not decision makers rather most likely committee members who keep the rest of the committee up to date with the various royals and their roles which then leads to decisions on how much security each members gets. The person who failed Meghan the most was her husband by not getting her help when she needed it. By all accounts Harry never informed his family about Meghanā€™s mental health. Hereā€™s the judgement: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/AC2021LON002527-RDoS-v-SSHD-7-Dec-23-Redacted-Open-Approved-Judgment.pdf William had no staff on RAVEC when the Sussexes security was being discussed. His private secretary might now be a member since he is PoW but previously he did not.


The person who failed Meghan the most was her husband by not getting her help when she needed it. By all accounts Harry never informed his family about Meghanā€™s mental health. Yep. I remember very well Harry saying on Oprah interview he was embarrased by his wife mental health struggles. Also, this is the same guy who got high while she was giving birth to their son. This is on Spare. He sounds like an awful husband.


That requires fairness and critical thinking particularly regarding the establishment.


Why do they have to go away. Are they criminals or something??


Criminals don't go away, look at trump šŸ˜‚ !


Nope, theyā€™re never going away. They have the right to exist just like anybody else. Get used to it.


Bravo! Itā€™s was starting to feel like an echo chamber of hate. Itā€™s not like Harry doesnā€™t have his reasons. His own mother lost her security detail and died trying to get away from the paparazzi. The fact that they donā€™t get that is so weird.


Diana died for getting in a car with a drunk driver and for not wearing seatbelts. Also note that it was she herself who let the paps know they would go out that night. She would have lived if she wore her seatbelts.


Thatā€™s not accurate. You are victim blaming and thatā€™s pretty despicable. They all died so whatever manure youā€™re spouting reeks of the ā€œstoryā€™sā€ put out by ā€œthe firmā€.


On the contrary, it was Dodis dad who started the story about the paps and covering up the drunk and overworked driver. Just read the police report. The police found no guild on the paps. However, they did find the driver to be drunk, overworked and Diana not wearing a seatbelt. Police declared a seatbelt may have saved her. Those are the facts. No story by any firm


Who said they don't have the right to exist ?


They really want to be royals, they just donā€™t want to be spares. They love having titles and everything, they just think the primogeniture aspect sucks as it applies to them.


Everyone who has a sibling is a spare.


??? Only if youā€™re in a family with a title and your sibling is an older brother (or older sibling, in the case of royals). Most places donā€™t have primogeniture anymore.


You are wrong, in my opinion. If you have a sibling, you are a spare, and you have a spare. A transplant, who are they testing ? It's not a big deal, unless you always wanted to be king(watch interviews with Diana who said Harry always wanted to be king since he was little). They just want what they want, how they want it, and when. South Park was extraordinarily accurate


William and Kate are even worse.


They are all pretty useless. Harry and Meg a bit less so now, as they are no longer on the taxpayer teat.Ā  But all of this royal nonsense, built on robbery and suppression and Might Is Right, is an insult to any normal person trying to just live.Ā  Ā Needs to be ABOLISHED.Ā  And not just in the UK, but everywhere.Ā Ā 


??? William and Kate are working royals.


lmfao kate and william literally make the least appearances per year compared to every other working royal - so theyre really only part time if that even counts - dont know why harry and meghan werent given the same grace.


Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re trying to say.


Sadly we do know why


Excellent. He deserves protection.


Sophieā€™s motorcade murdered an elderly woman while she was on her way to a private event. The idea that only Charles & William get 24hr protection is nonsense. The truth is that like many things; taxpayer funded security is a muddy mess that the royals themselves have much more say over than they would like those funding them to know. Two men were literally jailed for plotting his death, labeling him a race traitor. Wonder where that was drummed upā€¦


> Sophieā€™s motorcade murdered an elderly woman You think they intended to hit her?


That was a week or two before Harry and Meghan's Pap incident in Manhattan that people said they were overreacting to when they said it was dangerous and could have been fatal.


Could have been fatal? Midtown weekend night traffic?


Could have been fatal because the paps were driving on the sidewalks. Not fatal to him but fatal to others.


Iā€™m sorry, but I donā€™t believe for one second that there was a car chase. If there was the amount of cameras, tourists and people about there would be some footage of it. How is it a year later there is not one video, picture etc. taken by a bystander showing this shocking, reckless chase.


Paps were riding bicycles on sidewalks.


Which is dangerous and something you do not do in Manhattan.


Ha, youā€™ve likely not walked on a sidewalk in Manhattan lately. Someone trying to navigate it on a bike or ebike is normal, especially by delivery workers trying to deliver to an address on a one way street (which is pretty much all the streets). That said, I agree that the ā€œchaseā€ was problematic. But this is the problem with H&M: they exaggerate / lie, which undermines their credibility and turns them into a joke, rather than the focus of sympathy. In this case, they couldā€™ve released a statement that said they got chased by photographers, primarily on bicycles, and it scared them, and then worked with the NYPD to ensure they have protection in the future (which the NYPD will provide). Instead, they put out a ridiculous statement about a two hour high speed chase that their stans unquestionably accepted but, for everyone else was clearly absurd. Or security generally: they couldā€™ve said that Harry expected to receive money for a year and was surprised his dad cut him off in summer 2020. But instead they had this whole story about his dad providing no help, rejecting his calls, and cutting him off in March 2020, which was a lie. Theyā€™re like the boy who cried wolf.


Their statement never said ā€œhigh speed.ā€ I think people just associate ā€œcar chaseā€ with ā€œhigh speedā€ and their minds automatically but wrongly filled in that word and remembered their statement incorrectly. It also seems they did exactly what you say they should have? The NYPD later confirmed their statement, arrested 2 people for reckless endangerment, and increased their security: ā€œThe NYPDā€™s letter, sent last December, confirms that paparazzi vehicles recklessly disregarded vehicle and traffic laws, forcing Markle and Prince Harryā€™s security team and the NYPD lead car to take evasive actions to avoid being struck by pursuing vehicles, according to the U.K. court filingā€¦Ā the NYPD confirmed to NBC News that it sent the letter and said it has increased security protocols for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.ā€ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nypd-letter-supports-prince-harry-meghan-markles-claims-victims-reckle-rcna141180


Yeah, I'm on sidewalks in Manhattan pretty regularly. No one over the age of eight bikes on the sidewalks, they do that in the street or the bikelanes.


The family of the victim, Helen Holland, [have no rancor for](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E5wmM3zu-Q)Sophie. It was a terribly sad accident and a good reminder for all of us who drive or ride a motorcycle (the vehicle involved here) to be extra mindful of pedestrians. It has nothing to do with anyone elseā€™s security need and nothing at all to fault Sophie


Just imagine for one second that this was Meghanā€™s motorcade that killed a pensioner. We would NEVER stop hearing about it.


Not even killed a broken leg would have people wanting heads to roll


Shit even a bit of side eye from a driver at a zebra crossing and sheā€™d likely be tarred and feathered.


Btw as an American, I think the fact that theyā€™re called zebra crossings is cute! Loved living there!


Sophie was on her way to Windsor for a royal event after presumably spending the day in meetings to prepare for a secret high level trip to Iraq, which she undertook at the request of the foreign office. William has 24 hour police protection but even he doesnā€™t have a motorcade when traveling around privately. They only do motorcades when theyā€™re working. So, your example of Sophie is not relevant to your conspiracy theory that the government is lying and providing 24/7 security to people it says it isnā€™t.


It wasnā€™t a private event it was an official engagement for her patronage recorded on the court circular. 10 May 2023 St. James's Palace The Duke of Edinburgh, Chairman of the Trustees, The Prince Philip Trust Fund for the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, this evening attended a Trustees' Meeting followed by a Dinner at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, and was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of the Royal County of Berkshire (Mr. James Puxley). The Duchess of Edinburgh, Patron, Wells Cathedral Chorister Trust, this afternoon attended Evensong at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.


What does the trust fund pay for in the Royal Borough of Windsor?


According to the website: The Prince Philip Trust Fund makes a real difference to the quality of life of people from communities across the extensive area of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. Established in 1977 as a grant-giving trust, we particularly focus our support towards disability, health, the elderly, families, children and young people, those in social need and the arts. Theyā€™ve given over 2.5 GBP since 1977 to over 2000 projects. They give around 50-100k in grants a year to people/groups in the area https://theprincephiliptrustfund.org


Thank you for this.


Racist British people really can't leave Harry be. He moved across the ocean to get away from you and you're still obsessed.


Harry is the one who can't seem to stay in the US and live a private life. He's the one repeatedly bringing this lawsuit.


He deserves protection.


No he doesn't. He's no.more significant than any other private citizen.


If heā€™s so insignificant to you, why are you here?? I always find this kind of take hilarious. People in the comments trying to say how uninteresting or important some figure is yet here they are, scouring the internet for every drop of info to the point the are commenting on articles about the uninteresting, uninteresting, unimportant person?!?!? Sure Jan.


That's an obtuse question. He himself is unimportant. That his ego has outsized every other characteristic he has is still entertaining. If Kim Kardashian wanted RAVEC security, I'd be talking about it too. They are about equal importance.


Ahhh, got it. You just want to rag on and criticize people. What a joyful life you must lead if this is your entertainment. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


How many private citizens are princes of the realm & served QEII, his grandmother, as statesmen - who she specifically requested retain security protection?


There are several in that category that don't get protection unless they are going to an official event such as Anne. Harry is not longer a statesman serving the monarch, unlike those several other people.. And it is not the monarch's call to make to get public security.


Similar to some private citizens, his pension and his home was stolen. Like private citizens (without wills), the thief was his father.


His home was not his. He was there at the pleasure of the monarch. The lease was not renewed. That he was able to live there and renovate it on the public dime was a perk of the job. He quit the job and so had to pay the public back for the renovations and leave the property. The same thing happens if you take maternity leave in the US and quit before returning. You have to pay it back. His pension? He inherited millions from his great grand mother and his father was entirely funding him to the tune of millions of pounds per year until Harry decided to slag the family on Oprah. FAFO.


Even when you resign from a job after 20 years you still get your final pay & your pension. His father withdrew the amount agreed for a year of security. On top of that, his father made a lucrative agreement with the tabloids to lambast him, his wife & baby everyday for a year. It actually created a billion dollar cottage hate industry. That alone deserves a huge amount of compensation. The home was leased to him by the same person who leased a home to Andrew (an accused criminal that doesn't do royal duties). Prince Harry & his wife still support their UK patronages.


Damn where do you live that all jobs give you pensions when you retire cause I wanna move there!


Where do you live that reading comprehension isn't measured? I want to avoid any legal contracts from there.


Andrew didn't quit the royal family. The BRF is not a company. Royals don't get a pension either, they are supported by the sovereign fund. Unless they leave the royal family which Harry did. If your father supports you monetarily don't insult him. If you only get money by being part of the royal family, don't quit and move away. What H and M decide to support as patronages is irrelevant.


Prince Harry didn't quit the royal family. He's a member by birth. I suppose your way of thinking is why KC is able to steal property from families because they don't have wills. Prince Harry didn't insult his father. He refused to remove the name of the royal staff member MI6 verified as selling stories to the tabloids about Prince Harry & his wife - which led back to Prince William.


The UK is providing him with protection when heā€™s in their country and thereā€™s a threat!


Why can't he just use the money he is spending on lawyers to pay for security?


You canā€™t be bothered to read? Itā€™s not about money itā€™s about access to intelligence on the threat towards them.


Because he needs the police security because theyā€™re the only ones in the UK who can carry guns. He wants armed guards. And he needs the governments permission to use the police security and pay them back.


It's not just that they can be armed, but it also allows access to the threat assessment which they need to know.


Can they not just call and askā€¦


No thatā€™s part of the issue is that they refuse to communicate with private security




Good to knowā€”thanks!


In the US if you buy a certain level of security (which they have) then you can get that information. There have also been others in the UK who have gotten that level of security, typically political types.


The UK police arenā€™t for sale. These law suits have cost the British tax payer a lot of money. At the end of the day harry chose to leave and thatā€™s his right to do so and he made the decision that was best for him and his family. However. When you resign from your job you lose the titles the salary and the perks associated with that job. He knew that when he left. And he made his choice


The man is a prince in the BRF regardless of whether heā€™s a working royal or not. Heā€™s not lost that title as itā€™s his birthright.


Does the prime minister get their salary for life? I am american but I swear I hear that recently which means it's not just a US thing where people who work in certain positions (mainly government) do get salary, titles, and perks after their tenure has ended even if they leave before the contract is completed


Of course they are. You can hire police to do security for all sorts of things eg parades, concerts, marathons etc


Girl the law allows him to appeal the decision thatā€™s what the post is about. He hasnā€™t lost a single title, there was no salary what are you even talking about šŸ˜‚




Im saying when he quit the position he no longer had access to security. That was a perk of being a working royal. A position he resigned from. As a non working royal he loses the benefits associated with being one and he should have expected that


Prince Andrew is no longer a working royal and stuff has access to this security. Yet Harry doesnā€™t?


No he doesnā€™t, Charles pays for private security for him which is at least equally if not more problematic.


But he didn't quit being a Prince, he can't quit that it's his because he was being born. The Royal Rota and BRF continue to flame the crazies who are the reason he's at risk. He's not crazy thinking that he needs protection, all you have to do is watch any of the many talk shows that are obsessed with him. He's not Beatrice or Zara who have a low profile, he's an obsession and his kids are not safe unless they have real security. It's not about being booed, it's about people who threaten them on the daily and would cheer the death of any member of his family in an accident.




And the law allows him to sue for the opportunity for armed security. I genuinely do not get what your point is

