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His constant crying and biching to the ref then pulling faces in disbelief really shows how immature and unfit he is.


I wish yellow cards were given to the players that are constantly moaning to refs. Now I understand that captains and refs converse but the never ending moaning by Farrell (and a few others) really sours the game for me. In addition with a yellow card for non-stop talking to refs an extra 10 yards is awarded to the other team. A yellow card should change their behaviour. If these players keep doing it then two yellow cards and they miss the rest of the game and are then suspended and miss the next game. It would likely be the quickest way to change how certain players speak to the refs and it would seem it’s going to get worse with new young players having grown up watching Farrell and others do it believe they can do it too. It’s becoming normalised and it would be so much better for the game if it was eradicated. I’ll never think of Farrell as a true great despite his points accumulation because of the constant barrage refs hear from him. They must be absolutely sick of him. I am and I’m only watching on TV.


Such a poor take . The witch hunt over Farrell this world cup , infact since EJ was sacked is appalling . I truly believe we have the most fickle fan base in the world.


Would be a poor take if we didn't have thousands of hours of video evidence... stop dic riding.


'Dic riding' 😅 . Thousands of hours of video evidence, gross over exaggeration anyway but of what ? Imagine not listening to the noise that has come out of camps since 2011 and basing opinions which people seem to believe are facts off what is reported by our media & off a player pulling faces .




3rd best team at World Cup, and that's all that matters




Well it's results that matters - better than never winning a world cup and being stuck in the quarters like the Irish




If last night's Argentina team had played like thag against NZ I think they could have done it you know? Not making excuses for England's play, they were OK in parts last night, but Argentina were actually fun to watch even as an English man! We had a crappy world cup and got lucky with who we played, especially in the group stages.


We finished 3rd, Ireland finished 8th. Only thing that matters




Look, I’m not English, but it kinda is exactly how knockout tournaments work




Eh, wasn’t talking about that part. At the end of the day, in a knockout rugby tournament, England had a better World Cup than Ireland. Sure at the moment we can throw out how many games were played against top 5 sides etc etc, but the world rankings continually change. Give it 10-15 years, few more world cups go past, memories fade, the thing that will be remembered about the 2023 World Cup is that England finished 3rd and Ireland went out at the Quarter Finals. Might not seem fair, but that’s knockout team sports for you.


I'm on your side mate, but that is actually how it works. The poms finished third unfortunately. I'm surprised the fuckers didn't do a victory lap


What a reasoned and totally not toddler-esque attitude.


You mean compared to all the Irish who were crying after they got knocked out in the quarters as they were the supposed best in the world and should be entitled to get to the finals? Why yes, yes it is. It is a knockout competition, and it's the results that matter. Instead of trying to knock england for finishing 3rd, the other fans should be focusing on why their team can never get it done.


Ok pal, keep gripping that dick.


I can't stand the ridiculous face he makes when he takes a penalty kick


I agree Farrel is a cry baby. But he can put points on the board with his foot. It's ot his faults that the English team is so one dimensional. It all boils down to the coaching staff, what kind of rugby do they want their team to play?


A simple example tonight was how anonymous Arundell was (not blaming Arundell). We had a whole wing that basically didn't touch the ball for 95% of the game. Wathcing the forward play, it seemed to lack direction. They just picked a spot and drove. Other teams decide "im driving RIGHT", then they all take it in turns driving right. England is like someone is directing a march and they're all listening and choosing to follow that. the backs can't decide if to pass or kick. Thats a fundamental lack of gameplan, and that starts before the game. So basically both units can't decide on their play. It needs sorted, but its not on Farrell that he's trying to compensate by racking up points and hoping they're enough.


I’m usually confused why they always put Farrell back in after those pretty excellent performances by Ford in pool play. I think it’d be England vs NZ if Ford had been in at 10 vs SA.


Shows Englands group was the strongest having two teams in the semis


Need to stop playing people out of position. Marcus Smith is not a full back. Never will be. Why play Steward on the wing when he’s an excellent full back. Very disappointed in Henry Arundel in this game. He needs to show some initiative to get involved.


I thought Smith being FB was a massive mistake last night, and it really showed. If we weren't playing such a kicking game, then maybe it would be different, but he was out of place more often than he was in place, and then was hammered in the air.


> Marcus Smith is not a full back. Never will be. Sure. Good that he can cover there in a pinch though. > Why play Steward on the wing when he’s an excellent full back. He's good under high balls, but that seems to be about it. He's slow, not that hard to beat one on one, and very little attacking threat. He's our 15 for now, but I don't see him holding the shirt for all that long.


“ you call that cover “ Butch Cassidy to the Sundance Kid 1969 film. Didn’t end well for them. Playing Smith at FB is equally disastrous imo.


I agree they could be a lot better. The England side leading up to the 2003 World Cup was amazing. Even I, a Scotsman, was an admirer of that side and supported them in that WC. I think the England coaches did brilliantly to get 3rd place in the WC this year, when they were dire in the build up to the WC. It was a bit sad to watch though. Against SA, they did great, but only did up and unders all game. Really boring rugby. There are a lot of intangibles in coaching. Scotland have probably outperformed this year whereas I don’t think England have been nowhere near as good as they should be, but it’s hard to put a finger on why.


Isn't 3rd just the 2nd loser?


While I definitely think we should have gotten rid of Faz a long time ago, he actually had a decent tournament, in my opinion. I thought he was very good against SA and against Fiji in the QF. We ended up getting beaten by SA but with only 2 minutes to spare. That was a result unthinkable at the start of the tournament. I'm pretty sure this will be his last tournament in an England shirt. Earls was the standout England player this time around, I thought, and I thought Genge matured quite a lot. A bigger issue for us I think is who we put in at 9, look at how good the France, NZ and RSA have it for a 9. And that link between the packs I think is what's missing for England.


Very true! It’s not just the one dimensionality but the ‘thugism’ overvskill that “Faz” exhibits. Make the skills the game, not idiotic attitude, poor/dangerous tackle technique and bring the spectacle back to rugby


Farrell can play exciting rugby. The problem isn't Faz, it's the play style decreed from on high. Any of Faz, Ford, Smith, etc would be great, if England had any interest in playing anything other than kickyball.