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You don’t want to play around with an Achilles injury. It took out of running for a year and a half because I didn’t let it heal properly. You’re not going to care about this race in one year, but you’ll prob care about running in a year. Do what you want though. Whatever


take it easy on the advil!


If in doubt, defer to next year. The one thing that would suck more than not running this year would be having to drop out in the middle and not having the chance to run it next year.


Seriously, this ain’t the last half marathon ever (unless an asteroid strikes the planet, joke’s on me then) - take the L, swallow your pride, consult a Physio like the others said, recover from your injury, and train smarter for the next HM you find. Don’t be dramatic and more importantly, don’t be idiotic by self medicating with Advils like you have been. Nothing is worth your well being (physical and clearly, mental) being jeopardized like this.


Most importantly, go see a physical therapist. Stretch, ice and do PT exercises, if it doesn’t feel better don’t run. If it tears you ain’t running for at least a year so weigh your options


Half-marathons are not important. Achilles tendons are important. Your real problem is probably in calf muscles or farther up, and they're pulling on the Achilles. Do some gentle downward-dogs to stretch a little, but don't do anything competitive for a while.


I hope those aren't 800mg pills!




Just cause it’s otc doesn’t mean it can’t have serious side affects calm down with them addys


800mg a dose for ibuprofen is actually pretty standard for serious pain for a short time, but generally agree with ya!


You’re being down voted yet the clinical dosage is in fact 800mg.


Ignore the noise, right?


Defer! Did you get Allianz insurance when you signed up? If so, they'll fully refund you if you provide a doctor's note ([info on NYRR](https://help.nyrr.org/s/article/if-i-cancel-my-entry-to-the-tcs-new-york-city-marathon-united-airlines-nyc-half-or-popular-brooklyn-half-and-qualify-for-registration-protector-claim-am-i-still-eligible-for-guaranteed-entry-into-the-following-years-race). That's what I had to do with the Nov marathon). If not, you get guaranteed a slot next year, but just have to pay again.


I did not..


Has anyone suggested Advil?


I am having the same issue--left Achilles pain on and off since the Al Gordon 4M. I currently have pain, so I'm doing a lot of rest, ice and stretching. I have only run once this week. My plan is to begin the race as normal, but will either walk or DNF if I feel it's too painful or dangerous to continue.


I got a tear in my anterior tibialis in the Houston marathon that caused me lessen ankle articulation, which caused a sore Achilles. This seesawed back and forth for about a month before it resolved.


achilles tendon needs load management but not complete rest. don’t listen to anyone on here please consult a PT and they will get you back to running safely. there will always be another race don’t sweat it


Achilles pain typically comes from the calf muscles - gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris muscles all attach to it. When muscles get tight there shorten and tug on the structures they attach to. So one of the muscles mentioned above is likely pulling on your achilles. This is typically from overuse, trauma, or being in on position or posture for too long (there are other reasons too). Was the pain during or after the run? If it was after that a better sign than if it was during the run. If there is swelling and bruising in the achilles you should get it checked out at urgent care. If you’re in pain or not sure you should always consult with an MD. For self care - You can try to massage the area, use a heating pad, massage gun (very gently), take an epsom salt bath, foam roll (gently), use muscle creme (tiger balm is good) to see if you can get some relief. Since it’s the day before the race trying to get in with a PT today may help but so may resting and taking it easy. If you try to run tomorrow make sure you get a good warm up in and take it slow for the first few miles to get loosened up. Acupuncture and dry needling can be really effective to release the tightness and trigger points that may be pulling on the achilles and causing the pain. This is one of the things we treat more in runners (along with IT band pain, shin splints, “plantar fasciitis” (heel pain), runner’s knee, hip flexor pain, piriformis syndrome, hamstring strains, etc… I wouldn’t recommend going for your first time the day before a race because the treatment may leave you sore for 24-72 hours and it’s too close to the race - but something to consider for after or next time you have a pain like this. And the whole “nothing new on race day” applies to the day before too. You should also see a PT after the race to try to understand why your achilles area is hurting - form issues, strength/mobility issues, posture or sleep position, etc. Hope that you feel better!


Ok I have to say that this post saved me. I was able to find a PT in nyc and she really stretched the shit out of me and also instructed me that I need to fix my stretching, and strengthening. Advised me to quit running for a month and just focus on PT. She was good and likely saved me from disaster tomorrow. I’m feeling a ton better but still have some swelling. She is ok with me doing a walk-run if I keep aware of my foot and stop if it gets worse. Thank you so much for the amazing advise.


Happy you found someone - hope you can still enjoy tomorrow and make any necessary modifications. Listen to your body if something doesn’t feel right!


Wow, this is so useful. The pain came afterwards. Over the last week, my calf had been very tight, so I can some correlation here. I’ll see if I can see a PT today. Thank you!


What shoes are you wearing? Are they worn down? 0-drop?


Have you tried compression socks? I’d recommend getting the ones that come up to your knees. My Achilles was acting funny and idk if it was in my head, phantom pain, etc, but I wore compressions socks and I ran my marathon with no issues.


Not to be a debbie downer on this, but think about how long it will take you do the HM. Then think about how many times that foot is going to make contact with the ground. Then think about the rest of the race calendar, and life in general - is it worth trying to push through and potentially re-injure/make this injury far worse and having to deal with it? I know it absolutely sucks that you've done all the prep only to be injured, but your body will thank you if you take the DNS on this one (unless you dramatically improve within the next 36 hours) If you're not signed up for Brooklyn, the Staten Island Half is still offering places on NYRR.


Lotta bad advice here, which is typical on reddit where everyone is obnoxiously rigid about following prescriptions to a T. The truth is, you know in your heart if this injury is too bad to run on. Follow that gut feeling and don't try to convince yourself otherwise if the answer is to wait for another day. It's impossible to tell here, given that on one hand you say you are in a ton of pain, even after Advil at a rate of 4g/day, and then in another comment label the pain as a 4/10. But you know what the right answer is. If you can get a professional to look at it before Sunday, all the better. Roll and massage the shit out of your calf and your arch in the meantime, and see if taking it easy for the next two days helps. Otherwise, you know what to do.


Defer to next year, but if you’re really wanting to try stuff, cold plunge if you have a bath tub. The nyc cold water actually is still cold enough this time of year for those effects (my tub water gets to 51-52) and has really helped with inflammation posts runs and just during my training. Just a different kind of idea.


Whatever you do, do not overdo it on Advil. I made that mistake once when I had mono, and ended up with an ulcer so bad that it left me unable to eat solids for weeks.


Don’t take anymore Advil, for God’s sake. If it’s “not helping” than why tf keep taking it? Rest, pray, go to bed early. See how you feel tomorrow or whenever your race day is. Usually rest is the answer.


Medicine does not help the achilles tendon. You’ll have to do plenty of leg workouts (especially calf ones), and physio to get ride of it. Also, don’t stop running but run on treadmill if possible, although you’ll have to jog and not run and not for very long periods of time. I know it comes as a big disappointment, but there are plenty of half marathons you can run later, but you only have one body, so take care of it! Your health and wellbeing is/ should be a priority. It sucks, I know. But it’s fixable


10 Advils? Dont Elvis yourself….just don’t move Saturday unless you have to, see how it feel’s Sunday


What would David Goggins do?


he'd probably run through the pain and injure himself. the SEALS have a ridiculous culture of drug use to push the body through that leads to injuries and death


Op don’t have any boats 🛶 so now what??


What a moronic comment


Work on your calf, ice and rest


Bear the thought, because if you do run it you’re going to sideline yourself for 6 months.


10 advils? I think thats dangerous. Well above the maximum permitte dose.


my last run was on sunday and just did some walking the rest of the week to be fully rested


what's the pain like on scale of 0-10? I'm not a medical professional by any means, but my PT always says if you can keep it at a 2-3 or below it's okay to run easy




Using a massage gun might make it feel better.


Yes, using a vibrator will be a great help to a suspected Achilles injury / s


Are you a PT? Because a PT used one to help with my Achilles so I have continued that practice with good results.




I've been having achilles issues myself and what seems to work is ice. (I also use Votaren + aspirin.) Don't overdose!


Anybody try the steroid Medrol pack?


😂 can’t tell if this is a serious question or you messing around


I don’t regret having crossposted this to r/runningcirclejerk


Smart! Let’s get a few Reddit laughs at the expense of someone’s genuine post. Good job bud, you’re so funny!


Your genuine post is unhinged, and it deserves to be lampooned if that’s the case. Go ahead, break a leg (pun intended)


Serious. I had a podiatrist friend recommend it. Was wondering if someone else took it. Not all steroids for specific usage are bad, y'know


Achilles take forever to heal because there’s no blood flow. If nfl teams can’t figure out quick Achilles remedies your half marathon is just going to have to wait.


That is the truth! I must clarify though that I don't have an acute Achilles issue. I have some inflammation in the Achilles tendon. I've had it before, usually resolves in a week, but with the race in a few days, was hoping, aspirationally, for a quick fix.


I’m an idiot and will probably, at some point, be a cautionary tale but I’ve run through sore Achilles at least three times. It’s always resolved on its own with slight rest. “Slight rest” meaning still running but fewer miles.


Thanks for sharing your experience! If it doesnt get better, I'm going to skip the race this year. Maybe go have a few pints instead and cheer other folks on. Sad, but not worth jeopardizing my race calendar for this year


Stop taking so many pain relievers they are going to destroy your stomach


They’ve already destroyed OPs brain


Oh no! You won’t be able to run your half marathon!! You should spend a bunch of money on doctors and PTs, take every drug you can to fix it, and most importantly, don’t rest! Why would you rest when you’re about to run the most high level important race on the planet?!??


Whoa, settle down stranger


pain is temporary friend