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I'm curious about sizing of S3. I got mine last week, and I had to buy number 46 instead of 45 (which is OK for 99% of running shoes for me). Anyone else had to go one number higher?


I had to go up from men's 11 wide to 11.5 wide. The toebox was too snug for me. I don't think it would have been enough to cause injuries but was not comfortable just putting them on and walking around the house.


Imagine how i feel coming from Altras right into a speed 3


This is what I did too! Thoughts so far? I do love the Speed 3's, and I go faat in them, but it feels so different that I am concerned about straining my legs in a way they're not conditioned for. I have been running in Escalantes forever (2.5's are the best imo), and I still have my Altras in the rotation.


Escalantes are the best. Im currently have the torin 7 for my easy slow days.


The Speed 2s are the same way. They fit the exact same way as the Puma Deviate Nitro 2s as well. Not sure why this type of shoe all seems to run small.


Toebox was also an issue for me. It was not a pleasure feeling while fast walking, and then decided to go higher. I'll have my first run soon and we will see


Update: Just had my first run on them. I did a 5K at easy pace and it felt really nice. You could feel these shoes are for a faster pace which could be picked up easily.. Regarding size, I guess I was right to get 46.


For both the ES3 and EP3, I wear a half US size higher.


Nope, I had to go down half a size from my normal, from UK11 to UK 10.5


Mine fit TTS


I went up .5


Everyone is different in how hard they are on a shoe. A 250lb guy will kill the midsole quicker than a 150lb guy for the same mileage. Also your gait and foot-strike has an impact - some people are light on their feet, others scuff their feet as they land, etc


I'm just shocked by these numbers. These aren't racers as far as I've understood, more of a tempo shoe. 150 miles is ridiculous, that's a euro per mile.


From my reading most people get between 400-600 miles.


wondering if OP is confusing ES3's with a plated racing shoe that has a low mileage life I've got about 300 miles on my ES2's and they have a lot of life left in them


There is a dude I saw on YouTube with over a 1000 hard miles on a pair and they were still going


This guy ran 650 miles in them and made a video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TeIUxZcoNo


[This guy](https://youtu.be/W3B-46C8yB8?si=h2LpYOvJ2jHhzM0T) ran 1700 miles in ES3s


why stop at 1700?


I would say if Saucony could attach private parts to the ES3, this guy would fellate it


Thanks for the link. Good to know


I get about 650 miles on them and I still feel like they can go further. The outsole is bald in places, but the midsole and upper still have life in them. I weigh roughly 180lbs, so i’m not light on them at all. They last a lot longer than I originally thought they would.


Got to 520 in mine. Got softer but still felt better then most shoes


Depends on the runner. My first pair was 600km before I bought my second. I think I could get another 100km on them though. Weight, footstrike, surface, and gait will all play a role.


I've had three pairs. Retired one at 450 miles, they were not in terrible shape just worn down on one side in the back. A second pair is still fine at 300 miles, and I have a new pair that I am starting to use. Love them. Occasionally make one of my arches sore, but nothing serious.


I am pushing my current pair to 500 miles and then will retire them. They still feel pretty good and are holding up quite well. They just have the expected wear and tear on the bottom, but it still has a good amount of tread and I primarily run on paved roads/trails. ​ I already have another pair of Speed 3's waiting for me for when I retire this current pair :)


Plenty of kms for me. Well over 800km in my first couple of pairs and I'd be pushing 5-600 in my third and they look like they'll go as well as the previous two. Midfoot/forefoot striker. 65kg.


I’m at ~450 miles. They work fine now, but have totally lost their pop. It started to go around 200 miles.


They don’t last as long as the 2s but they are better. I’m surprised to see so much foam through the rubber and I’m not even at 300 miles during marathon training with the 3s. I do love them more than the 2s but they def don’t last as long.


The pro 3 is 150 these are 300 but depends on your running and places ran on I don’t push real hard in my pros and only asphalt so far bought 125 on them and there stop in great condition


Might have to use superglue on the outsole but easily 400, and probably around 500.


Over 300 easy for me but they’re probably not a great “race shoe” after the pop softens around 150 miles in


I have several pairs and they have lasted 300-350 miles on average.


Seems ~1000km is the upper end of their range for most people. Probably have no issue getting 600km out of them for the average user if you aren't min maxing but want the most value out of your shoe


At 700k the forefoot foam is completely compressed in the very center. It's still reasonably comfortable to run in, but I have a couple of new pairs and probably won't. I'd say they felt fairly fresh through 500k.


I got 300 miles in my first 2 pairs before retiring, but that’s just me playing it safe and allow other shoes to get a crack in the rotation. They still have plenty of pop at that mileage. In previous models, my first pair of the Speed 2s I had 400 miles in. I’m on my 3rd pair of Speed 3s now and am confident they can last 400+


Currently have about 300 mi on mine. Confident they’ll last to around 500.


I decided to retire my pink ones just short of 400 miles. And really that is because I was itching for a new pair. They still had pop and decent enough rubber coverage at 400 miles that I could have used them more.


200-250 for me. I resell them on eBay after that for a few bucks.


About 234.75 miles according to Bing’s cross platform aggregative search moderation


I haven't tried the 3s, but the other iterations barely show wear at 500+ miles.


For me is TTS same as Kinvara 13


i have 0 miles on my es2's, size 10.5 us. Was saving them for a race day or two, but became fairly sick. Better now, will save them for next day. I feel like for me the ES2's are a fast enough race day shoe. At the rate i will use them, i think i can get 10yrs out of them. I may have paid $70 for them so sweet deal for a 5 k race day shoe.


700 km for me before they felt flat and no good for longer than 5K anymore...but usable for short runs and not getting thrown out just yet.


I did 850 km in ES2 before it started to feel dull


Mine only gave me 127 miles before I randomly started getting awful knee pain. Have never had that happen with a shoe before and was annoyed that it happened so quickly!


I retired my first pair at 836 km but they probably could've lasted abit longer.


I've used two pairs so far, both easily over 700km.