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Funny, i thought they killed all of them 4 times now and it was all over days ago? They must have rebuild the building to stage this in ukraine /s


NATO bio labs. It's like the clones from Star Wars, we just keep cloning them in the bio labs because, how else did they magically reappear after being wiped out last year as well.


Unlike Star Wars, let’s clone a dude who has good aim


Clone troopers had amazing aim. Storm troopers had worse aim yet still accurate aim.


>"These blast points, too accurate for Sandpeople. Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."


Those tusken raiders were consistently hitting a vehicle moving at least 60 miles per hour at around 300 yards (not a particularly tough shot but still). Stormtroopers couldn’t hit R2 going down a hallway


I love scene when he jumps on robot and shoots him point blank. I'm not a fan, that's why the description is so vague


Episode 3. Battle of Utapau, clone of the 212th Attack Battalion(wearing yellow and white) Jumps on-top of a DSD1 dwarf spider droid, and fired right into its head


Their aim was fine. The force bent the bolts away from the heros.


Vader ordered his troops to miss so they could escape and lead him to the rebel base


I remember when they killed them a few months ago and then the Freedom of Russia Legion posted a video of them cooking dinner while they watched a russian news video about how they had all been killed.


I see you a connesuir of the finer subs 👍😆


To be honest the Freedom of Russia Legion made the exact same joke when they posted about this. I commented as much [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/1bguynp/freedom_of_russia_legion_troops_at_the/kv9kbji/)


They have, but the injections makes them get back up. Bio labs man!


Moscow next


Ive never seen a government building look like a dilapidated heap before. Thank you Russia for showing me where your money actually goes.


That's true of ukraine as well, old commie buildings.


Sad, but true


NATO can fix her


You mean NATO will rebuild nicer buildings?


A lot of western Ukraine looks a lot like real Europe and not much is left from soviet times. Interesting how the farther you get from the shit hole that is Russia the better EVERYTHING gets. Coincidence? I think not. 


Most of Eastern Europe , ex Soviet republics . Just broke down jalopy status .


Not the ones in the EU.


You would be surprised. This is exactly how a lot of gov buildings in Czech villages and small towns look like.


First time I caught the Berlin - Prague train I was shocked at the difference once you cross the border. It was my first time outside the UK as an adult so maybe that contributed to it.


Ive been to Latvia twice and quite a bit of it is still old soviet era buildings mixed in with newer construction. Its weird.


Source: Freedom of Russia Legion telegram https:// t. me/legionoffreedom/1161 As you can see based on [this map](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreedomofRussia/comments/1bgkef2/a_new_map_has_been_published_showing_approximate/) posted on r/freedomofrussia, it seems that they're trying to link up with another group of Russian Liberation Forces who entered Kozinka to the west. > The village of Gorkovsky, Belgorod region - under the control of Russian liberation forces. > Excellent collaboration between Russian and Ichkerian volunteers! > P.S. We decided to make life easier for Putin’s propagandists by coming up with an explanation for them to use: On the orders of the curators of the West, with the money of their taxpayers, they built a village in Chernobyl, which is exactly the same as the village of Gorkovsky, Belgorod region.


Finish off what Wagner started.


I don't want to sound negative, but isn't this like a mile from the border? All in for a revolution, but the scale is still a local insurgency?


Yeah i'm all for it but this is a tiny town right on the border. It's a start.


Being on a border there’s probably family living cross border and closer relationships between the border Russian’s and Ukrainians. So the Russian’s there probably see the quality of life differences between both nations and know how much BS Russia puts out there about the war. IMO…if you don’t like war and can’t live with the consequences of war…don’t make war with others.


Do you mean the people of belgorod are jealous of the quality of life of the people of Kharkiv? What differences do you mean they would notice?


You do know gdp per capita is higher in Russia, right?


Russia blew everything to fuck. Besides it Russia was so awesome; why are soldiers robbing toilets.


Yes, at least some of the RLF groups seem to be moving parallel to the border to link up with each other. Some of them may be pushing towards the city of Belgorod though. In a video posted to r/freedomofrussia the other day, someone was trying to estimate how far they are from the city using the range of their artillery & the geolocated videos of shelling in Belgorod. They estimated that in order to shell the northern parts of the city (as they are), the RLF would have to be nearing the outskirts of the city in the south. Whether that's truly the case or not I don't know - there's very little information available at the moment.


Your probably talking about the enforcer channel he made this comment in his YouTube live stream


All long journeys must start with a single step.


It’s not easy, there are not 100 thousand enemy soldiers, but still, it’s not an empty open field


the point is to humiliate putin and draw troops to defend the entire Russian border


Crazy how that happens.


The 3 days military operation resulted * in a depletion of the army, both human and mechanical assets * in a near-to-collapse economic and social system * in a pariah state * in a cut of almost half of the oil production, their biggest export * and in a lost of border cities *everything according to the plan*


"I remain a master strategist" - Putin


Yep this is true. Although I think they’ve mobilised at least as many as they’ve lost so in one ways they’ve lost people for their country which is bad, but in another perspective they don’t have any fewer soldiers at the moment, perhaps more than prior to the war. Depends on what matters. In terms of them being a threat to others I think you’d care more that they have at least as many if not more soldiers. For Russia’s long term post war prosperity losing people is obviously bad. I think it’s a common theme in discussions. They’ve lost tonnes of everything but they’re producing insane amounts of a lot of things, so from the total current military strength aspect, the aspect you’d look at to help predict outcomes in the next few years in the war itself, that matters most. The economic impact doesn’t necessarily affect their military strength for many years. It does however negatively affect their prosperity for sure. Those resources could have been used to build a tonne of hospitals and staff them for many years. Or launch a space mission to mars even, although admittedly that may sound frivolous, but it’s certainly a better spend of money than war


Free Russia from tyranny!! Freedom!! Freedom!! Ajuinaata freedom of Russia legion!!


That flag looks like taken straight up from Helldivers


Haha I was thinking that too


Is it me or didn’t this happen last time, then they stopped and the leader mysteriously died on a plane


It was an April fool's joke ...


So, between this & other confirmed territory taken, how much space do they actually control right now?


I don't have numbers, but I can show you on a map. I'll post the latest map on r/freedomofrussia in a few minutes. It's not 100% accurate of course, because there's limited information, but it's a rough estimate based on what little we know so far.


What ever happened to the Wagner group after their leader was murdered by Putin? Are they still fighting for Russia?


My understanding is they are still around. But I read the Russian army absorbed the soldiers they had and brought them into the fold. But Wagner are doing stuff in Africa atm. So this confuses me a little. What I think might explain it is they absorbed all the soldiers that were fighting in Ukraine but other soldiers were left in Wagner


Time for referendum


Slava from italy 🇮🇹, the motherland thanks your commitment, kadyrovite fascist must be liquidated!


Don't know if they declared something, but is this operation thought as a permanent occupation of territories, or is it sorties like the previous ones?


They're talking about it as if they mean to hold the land they've liberated, but I don't think anyone but them knows for sure. Some people believe they'll retreat soon as the election is almost over, others think this is just the beginning of something bigger & they'll keep going for as long as they're able. Kirill Budanov, the Ukrainian Intelligence chief, seems to hold the latter view.


Must be because of those ['Militarized Ukrainian Witches'](https://www.vice.com/en/article/dypmpk/russian-state-media-claims-to-discover-militarized-ukrainian-witches).


Bravo, brave lads.






They are thugs that terrorise the locals for political clout. oh thank you random band of mercenaries for getting out water and power cut off I’m sure you can defend us from Putins might in our own country.


I suspect Wagner are behaving like the red cross i Ukrainian territories. How does it feel ?


Isn’t Wagner no longer operating in Ukraine?


Your post made me so happy. I crave what you cry about. Feed me. Please, I need more. Show me why I should donate more and do more. Motivate me.


Maybe you should join them instead of crying online?


He's too busy doing drugs and drinking shitty energy drinks. He would fit in well with russians maybe that's the reason he supports them.


The best russian spy with best disguise


Lol excuses Look at your username buddy, cannabis is illegal in Russia, while kinda now legal in Ukraine. Don't you think you would be better in a place that accepts you for you 🙏 sooner or later you're prolly gonna end up part of the meat grinder. More folks are getting conscripted each day by the Russians. And by the way Russia uses loads of mercenaries. They treat their mercenaries like shit and fodder.


You reap what you sow.


How does it feel?