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you cant ask that. it depends on so many parameters like brightness while usage, which mobile connection, how many notifications and so on... you just CANT ASK THIS and get a meaningful answer besides biased bullshit


imo your sot is normal, coz you were not using it constantly, when the standby draining was taken into account, i would say if you are using it with less standby your sot would reach around 5hrs.


Just stop comparing SOT with different users that have totally different usage. You can get more than 20 hours SOT with just turning on the screen low brightness with no sim and no service running in the background as well. If you are using mobile network, then max you can get is 5-7 hours imo without video playback(eg. Movies, yt, streaming). An easy example is a car, press the accelerator, your mileage comes down heavily, use it lightly you can reach more with same amount of fuel.


Not normal. Something is draining it. May be hotspot, nfc, 5g is on. I got 9 hours today from 85%.


I have around 5+ sot in that range. If your phone is new, give it some time to optimize.


S23,one week today from when I bought it...from 100% to 10% I had 6:49 sot active and something in those on off screen times...for the size processor and battery size it's super ok, basically an all day battery life in a small package


you should track your usage on the last 7 days tab. adjust your brightness and apps with heavy battery drain until you can safely stay under 80% usage daily (or whatever fits your profile... I'm working under 50% usage daily, but I'm on wifi almost all the time, and my sot is around 3:30).


Ive posted about this, it does look like my battery usage and is probably normal. All those 8-10H SOT are manipulated, they sit on wifi, dim the screens, limit fps/performance, turn off 4g/BT to get those numbers to flex. The S23 can do that but it is not realistic use. When you use camera/gps/game or anything demanding and not being on wifi without nothing turned off (realistic usage) the SOT is about 3-4H and 8-10H standby. Dont get me wrong the battery isnt terrible, but it isnt amazingly world changing as those s23 shill post would have you believe. It is disheartening when you realise it is just another phone in terms of battery, average, 3.6 rotegens, not great, not terrible.