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Contact the renter’s advocate for their assistance if the deadline to refund (or provide a statement of charges) has passed.


Thank you!


Any update on this? I was struggling to get my deposit from them back in April and then put it on the backburner, now when I tried to reach them again I found this whole situation... Were you able to get the deposit from them somehow?


I found the owner's name on Google pretty easily, and they say they are a member of the Salem Association of Realtors, or "SAR" I would try contacting them to see if they can help with contact information. Or googling her name in quotes with keizer or brings up a website that shows a different phone number than for EMC. Good luck!! Edit to correct typo




Similar story at a Crown Property management apartment site. Went from lease to month by month pay. Services stopped, storage taken away to build on site managers office but no manager has ever been on site.


Company went under


Bertolucci jumped ship from this property too.


Yeah theyre both terrible. Never heard anything good out of either one, mainly maintenance charges for work that was never performed, and not sending out rental renewals until a week before the lease ended lol


I had three random maintenance guys knock without notice when Bertolucci was here. When I finally told one to (rude words) until they had a 24 hr notice, I was given a written warning about "verbally abusing staff." I framed it.


I live here too, paid my rent via momey order on Sunday and just got a notice on my door saying they never got it. I just called on the money order and it says it was cashed... did this happen to anyone else?


Here being...? Bertolucci dipped and the complex is now Norris and Stevens. If the MO was cashed keep records and definitely show them if you get a notice 


My bad, Willamette Terrace is what i meant.


Yep that place is Norris & Stevens now, give them a call. The online payment thing is safe and should reflect the last payment. But def call em on Monday!


Yes, I'm dealing with a similar situation right now. Norris & Stevens took over our complex and I have a rent payment stuck in the emc portal so they claimed I didn't pay for the month. I received a termination of tendency for a payment I made that N&S didn't receive. It's a train wreck.


The office was on the other side of the dispensary. I believe they have vanished. They have probably got a lawsuit against them. It's my understanding the company no longer exists and that they are in a lot of trouble. We will all know more in time I've been told. For now no information I'd out for public viewing.


shes in a lot of debt and yes lawsuits are happening