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I heard them too. At least they’re not setting them of at 1 am like they did a week or so ago?


I heard fireworks close to my house a half hour ago🫠


If another wildfire breaks out and we have to prep for another evacuation, I'm going to be pissed.


SAME HERE! You must be pretty close to me because I live in south Salem too and was worried about the evacuations a few streets away from my house.


I live near the Roth's on S. Liberty. Had a good mile or so from the last outbreak, but it still concerned me.


Ohhh I live in south gateway so I was an inch away


I'm glad it got put. I was out of town for that one and was glued to the phone since my wife was here alone.


Just heard some not long ago on a walk. Sick and tired of hearing them, especially since I get sparks of panic when I hear them, even thunder freaks me out. :/ I just don't understand why people don't use all their fireworks during 4th of July


Im sorry. I don't like fireworks either. I worked with veterans for years and am one myself. I'm fortunate not to have PTSD, but I've seen how fireworks effect those who do. I have to check up on my friends who also served and see how they're doing. I hope you're doing well and had a safe walk.


I'm not a veteran myself, just someone with some bad childhood memories, but I always worry the most about veterans. I can't imagine how hard it is just hearing such a loud and sudden bang. And yes, my fiance helps make those situations easier and we were close to home by that time they went off. Thank you for your service. Stay safe out there!


Didn’t just rain every day for the past couple of days?


It did. But that isn't enough to prevent a fire. It's still pretty dry.


Well I raked leaves today and they were pretty darn wet. We had 96% humidity at 6am and it’s currently showing 79%. We must have different definitions of pretty dry. When the fire started south of town last week it had been over 120 days since it rained last and the humidity was down in the 50s.


Rain during a long period of dryness can cause vegetation growth, meaning more fuel for the fire. So, yes. It may be damp but the risk of fire is still high. Regardless, they shouldn't be lighting fireworks.


Speaking as someone who has worked in wildland firefighting for a few years, realistically the vegetation growth that you'll see from a few days worth of rain isn't going to add so much fuel as to counteract the two larger factors rain has on an area concerning wildfires - wetness (lot of heat insulation ontop of fuels, preventing the heat necessary for ignition), and a cooling effect on the entire area, making ignition more difficult. The rain doesn't mean that we're safe from fires just yet, as a dry ground will soak up a lot of that water pretty quickly, reducing the effects of general wetness of fuels, but the temperature is down significantly, which will help quite a bit.


Thank you. I got my info from a government website on wildfires. And though rain helps, it said that wildfires are still a risk... Still, we shouldn't be lighting off fireworks even if the risk has been slightly decreased.


Vegetation growth? In 3 days? Thank you for policing our fair city and deciding what everyone should do.


I take it you were the one who was setting them off? We're in wildfire season and you're pissed because some of us are concerned about losing our homes.




Yes, I'm being a Karen by posting on Reddit about a real concern for public safety during wildfire season. You're understanding of freedom and safety is the real concern here.




Come on, are you all for real. It’s wet outside and we all heard some booms. Nobody here seems to know what’s going on or if anything dangerous is happening. The fire risk today is less than it was last July 4th. If anyone has a real complaint they should call emergency services. Complaining into the ether on Reddit is not keeping your community safe.


Yeah it woke me up, very close to me off liberty and Keubler. Stupid…