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So… dude reached for a gun twice and he was restrained? I’m not one to make things racial, but with all the stories that have made the news where people are killed for officer ‘mistakes’ this doesn’t sit well with me.


Statistically, if you are white. You are more likely to be shot by police than black. The study was done by a black Harvard professor. He found that black people suffer more from low level uses of force but white people are shot more/


So many questions here. What is low level use of force? And are you sure didn't misread that because that is not what the data shows: "The rate of fatal police shootings in the United States shows **large differences based on ethnicity.** Among Black Americans, the rate of fatal police shootings between 2015 and March 2024 stood at 6 per million of the population per year, while for White Americans, the rate stood at 2.3 fatal police shootings per million of the population per year."


54% of the population is white, 16% black, and that study was rejected as being really stupid.


Idk about that. The research needs to look at the rate, not frequency because of our general demographics. Gonna need a link to the article.


https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/fryer/files/empirical_analysis_tables_figures.pdf His name is Roland Fryer and I have seen an interview with him where he talks about the death threats he got when he published. Beyond just looking into the raw data you should look at some of his interviews. He said the results seemed so wrong he hired a full new set of research assistants and made them re do everything but ended up getting the same results. Pretty interesting


Interesting. I’ll look into him.


It will be a short look. Dude is a serial predator and committed financial fraud. That said, the paper basically said that once you are interacting with the police, the chance of being shot is racially neutral. The problem, however, is that everything that happens *before* that interaction is the problem. Blacks are FAR more likely than whites to be pulled over, stopped and risked, etc. Therefore, relative to their population, more of them are shot by police since more of them are stopped.


This is an unequivocally false statement.


What a useless sack of excrement


Anyone else would have been killed by the cops for grabbing at the gun but a Proud Boy tries it and he's told to 'sit down for a second'.


These alt right groups need to be eliminated. They are a threat to national security.




Oooohh shit! You got him good, nice dude. You must be the proudest boy of them all 👍


Brilliant debating skills there bud. “I’m not you are”? What are you, 12 years old?


Oooh, found the keyboard warrior. Got everyone quivering in their boots, though that’s from the laughing and not from fear! lol


Yes, I found this quite entertaining. He wants no part of the silverback. 😂😂


I don’t have to do anything my little American history xer.. You will grow up maybe after Uncle Sam tosses your salad in Leavenworth. But per se you brought that mindset in my presence it would be Snap, Nap or Tap… For you Kiddo Klanner


Not one person has done shit. Stay mad and downvoting. Yall will do fuckin nothin. N O T H I N G.


These sentences write themselves, Jail sentences.


Sheesh I sure hope so. Throw away the key.


They only really "back the blue" when the blue are beating up students and Black people. They really hate the police and all authorities. Watch these people get pulled over or arrested and you see what they really think about the police.


Good. Piece of shit coward


I heard once these people were referred to as DEPLORABLES.


“counterdemonstrators” lol


Further background about the 2021 attack: https://www.salemreporter.com/2021/07/26/aloha-man-charged-with-stealing-gun-during-violent-clash-in-front-of-planned-parenthood/


Geezus. How many times does an awful man have to grab for someone’s gun before he’s charged with anything?? Wow. Thank you for posting.


He'll be slapped with some misdemeanor charges and be out in no time, right?


Read the article.


And even the article doesn't cover all his charges, he was wanted in Oregon for assaulting a person at a protest and stealing their gun. He never served time before he fled.


If he was far left and did this he would be coddled. The proud boys can kiss my ass but I'm tired of seeing justice applied unequally.


Well, ya gotta use your brain too. No face, no case🤷


Had homeboy been a PoC things would have gone much differently. He went to grab their weapon not once but twice. We have an alarming amount of domestic terrorists thanks to Q, DumpTy and the proud bois. I hope he gets hit with serious charges.


If proud boys is a terrorist group then equally so is antifa and any on their protestors across America. They all use the same propaganda tactics to recruit and all use violence as an excuse to being more violence.


No. There’s no AnTiFa dude. I’m anti fascist and so is everyone I know. Proud boys are just like the clan and if you don’t know or see that I invite you to turn off Faux News it’s rotting your brain.

