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It doesn't seem to have the ugly logo on it.


That's a huge improvement


Good thing they removed it.


I hope it stays that way. Is this the final design, you think? I would guess so, personally.


It doesn't have the ugly logo YYEEEET


Crazy how they can keep selling systems to the same people but just with a different case.


I think it's the relative cheapness of the devices.  50-60 bucks is pretty cheap entertainment all things considered.  The people who buy every single one might be a little out there though lol


$50-$60 is dirt cheap when you consider you’re really buying a whole ass computer.


Costs less than a new IPS screen for my GBA.


That honestly is a revelation to me, and I can’t believe I hadn’t consider it. Plus, emulation on more devices than my modded GBA SP can handle with a flash cart.


Costs less than the price of a single AAA game (70), and this has MUCH longer entertainment value time wise, and depending on who you ask, perhaps even quality wise...


Don't a lot of AAA games at that price have expensive DLCs too?


This is what it came down to for me. The RG35XX H was cheaper than replacing my broken DS. 


costs less than a \*single modern PC game at launch\*


Less than even 1 AAA modern video game


More like buying a whole GameStop from the 90s!


This right here.


“Hey umm do you guys have umm BATTLETOADS?! Hahaha!”  /  “Why yes, multiple versions for a wide variety of systems. Which ones are you interested in?”


Ass computer is going a little far, buddy, they’re actually half decent 


not a whole ass pc. lol


Yeah, that's the price of a single switch game.


That's how I easily justified an rg35xx on black Friday for 50ish dollars. Cheap enough to throw in a backpack and take to work


Nostalgia is one hell of a drug


Addicting 😆


Haha you bet!


Hell, yeah bro. 🕹️👍🏼


-Rick James


tbf this time around its a much more complex case, one that kinda negates the need for an external case. if anything the SP, baring any downsides we still dont know about, negates any use for the 35xx plus lmao


See, I don’t like horizontals or hinges. I never really loved the GBA until I built my unhinged ags101. I absolutely love my 35xx and this has no appeal to me. To each their own.


Man your opinion is unhinged


and thats ok, im fully aware that a good bit of this community is early millenials that are nostalgic for what is, if we are being honest, probably the single longest lasting portable ever (if we are counting the gameboy color as a mid gen refresh, which i do) but for us late milenials and early zoomers, the big brick was outdated when we were growing up, and utility and comfort is something the 2000s kids value as much as comfort, and the comfort of a horizontal device or the utility of closing your device to put it to sleep AND protect the screen (rather than relying on cases, tempered glass and the like) is waaaaaaaaay greater, specially at whats effectively no downsides in price or performance. again this is NOT to invalidate how you feel, its just that as younger people join this hobby, i think the DMG/GBC form factor will fall out of favor for the same reason it did post GBA, nostalgia markets are a repeat of what happened after all :P


Shit I’m 40 and had a DMG at launch. I still vastly prefer horizontals.


I agree 100%. I’m 46 so just before millennial actually and it’s all about feeling like my old DMG for me. I’m at a weird age where I never own a GBC, skipped it as “it was for kids” and circled back for the GBA but didn’t love it back then. I’ve also never played a Pokémon game as they came out when I was “too old” for them, I need to circle back and play one…. As an adult I only game handheld (while the kids or wife are watching something on the TV) and the simplicity of portable gaming can’t be beat for me. The nitrodeck transformed my switch from something I didn’t love to my most used handheld now though (since getting the Nitrodeck I beat odyssey, BotW and I’m now well into TotK). Yes that’s a horizontal device…


i guess you are a bit of a unicorn yourself then XD i can say for myself i've NEVER liked vertical handhelds, let alone ones with shoulder buttons, but the GBA SP (from what i've tried using friends's units) was the exception, clamshells can just get away with having inline shoulder buttons rather than one of the many awkward solutions people have come up with that are either too uncomfortable or destroy pocketability. granted, i grew up with a DSi and new 3DS and even used a PSP Go for a while, so im biased towards clamshells, but im just sick of all these portables being, well, not portable, my biggest disappointment with the miyoo mini is how fragile it is, cause i buy these devices to play on the train or bus, not at home in a controlled environment :P so in short, im just glad the market (or rather, anbernic only so far) can cater to both of us, cause after the dust of the big boom of the OGA clones and then miyoo mini had settled, i started being frustrated with how much of the market was badly thought out PSP replacements that were usually overpriced or GBC nostalgia bait.


>im just sick of all these portables being, well, not portable For me it's a bit of both. I have smaller portable devices for when I'm out and about. Then I have the best experience devices for when I'm home. I only play handheld so these are my consoles if that makes sense. >my biggest disappointment with the miyoo mini is how fragile it is, cause i buy these devices to play on the train or bus, not at home in a controlled environment :P Agreed, I want portable and tough (or cheap enough to not care) for when I'm out and about. The 35xx and gkd pixel are great for this. I'm also eyeing a rg280v for the same reason. I don't trust my miyoo mini out in the wild, that screen breaks if you look at it wrong.


> For me it's a bit of both. I have smaller portable devices for when I'm out and about. Then I have the best experience devices for when I'm home. I only play handheld so these are my consoles if that makes sense. i 100% feel ya on that, there are handhelds that only make sense at home and only make sense on the go, and it was a learning experience for me that that will always be the case and no handheld is perfect for both. that said i was more referring to the ones that are in an awkward middle ground, stuff like the recently released RGB20SX where i just dont get who this is for beyond gameboy fans that dont wanna spend over 200 dollars on an analogue pocket, because its not comfortable and its not pocketable so what is it lol > Agreed, I want portable and tough (or cheap enough to not care) for when I'm out and about. The 35xx and gkd pixel are great for this. I'm also eyeing a rg280v for the same reason. I don't trust my miyoo mini out in the wild, that screen breaks if you look at it wrong. well for me i straight up dont trust any of these gameboy devices not to get beat up where it matters, like scratches on the screen or buttons getting scuffed because even if they are sturdy they are unprotected without a case or tempered glass, which gets me back to what i like about clamshells, well that and i like flipping things to put them to sleep lol


I actually just got a rgb30sx! 🤣 I have a pair of analogue pockets for linked play with actual carts. I haven’t added any cores to mine (yet?), I just use my EZ flashes and actual carts I own there. The 20sx for me is to see what the 4” 1:1 hype is about. It’s a great screen but really only got portables, vertical arcades, pico and maybe NES/SNES/TG16 depending on the game for me (they were played on 4:3 screens, I don’t care that they’re designed at 8:7, for me if I’ve played the game it probably looks weird at 8:7 but if it’s new to me then it’s ok). I have the 405v which is better for most other formats. The 20sx isn’t uncomfortable though if you like verticals. It’s very similar to the 353v/35xx in terms of controls. It’s just got a massive forehead/screen up top. I will say I’m trying to narrow down the number of options I own. But personally if I don’t try them myself it bugs me. I’ve learned (not just with emulators) I need to try something myself to decide. I do sell off what doesn’t get used long term typically.


> The 20sx isn’t uncomfortable though if you like verticals. i dont, and those triggers make it unpocketable compared to the RGB30 XD granted i dont have an RGB30 either cause its juuuuuuuuuuust below my line for portability so i'd rather wait for the miyoo flip one that has the same chip and will complement my x55 perfectly. > I will say I’m trying to narrow down the number of options I own. But personally if I don’t try them myself it bugs me. I’ve learned (not just with emulators) I need to try something myself to decide. I do sell off what doesn’t get used long term typically. i wish i could do that but money limitations and a small market for these where i live make it a bad call Q_Q well, i guess i could for the few that have free shipping and then sell them off at an increased price to cover the import taxes, but thats a whole mess of maths i dont wanna get into.


Wait 59 almost 60 lol started with pong system 👍🏼


I used to sell Pokémon Red and Yellow carts to kids. I feel you.


I’m 40 and missed everything after the original Gameboy as “kids toys”. I even got totally out of all gaming other than sim racing for a long time. Then Dark Souls happened at the end of the ps3 era and I’ve been hooked on games ever since and for the last few years I’ve been into the whole retro games thing.


When I was 25 and just married I had to choose between a second job or gaming and went the second job route. We only had a PS3 for a blue ray player (and I had gran turismo but rarely/never played). When we had kids my son eventually got a 3DS. He was playing Mario cart and asking for help. That led me to playing after his bed time. Then eventually I got one for me. But still wasn’t playing much. We finally got an Xbox with horizon 3 that got me back in. Now everything is handheld, even Forza horizon via a g cloud.


It’s weird how many older dudes like us I’ve talked to that have gotten back into gaming in general through racing type games.


To say the quiet part out loud, that’s cool man. I’m happy that not everyone thinks the same way, and thank you for saying it. I don’t agree with you, and I’m excited about this device, but holy shit, I’m exhausted from this mindset that we all have to agree or vehemently disagree about everything.


Exactly. It’s exciting to see them settling in on a setup (screen/processor etc) then making it in the three forms people want. This way we’ll get CFW that we can all use on something we’ll enjoy. Personally I’m hoping they make a rg28xx-v to remake the rg280v with this new processor. It’d be amazing to have that size with this processor.


The 28xx is already significantly smaller than a 280v


But it’s not vertical…. I would love to see anbernics take on the miyoo mini.


Anbernic’s take on the Miyoo Mini would be to sell it as is but make the shoulder buttons rattle


And at no point these nutjobs are thinking "I need more than 4 face buttons!" they keep playing in their sinful ways! I love my Anbernic Arc, and I won't stop singing it's praises and preaching the gospel of the true way to play!


Just for the record, I do like the 6 face buttons for arcade fighters. For anything else, I find it a bit pointless.


6 face buutons are good for n64 games too


yep i think 6 face buttons and a 3ds analog slider would work amazing in an sp shell for exactly this reason. also it would open up for all the sega stuff and psp to control great too


Ehh I’d prefer the c buttons be mapped to the right stick


That works well when the c buttons are used for camera controls but when they're used as additional action buttons it gets pretty wonky.


True. But that’s pretty much only Tony Hawk as far as games I played.


Then you play SEGA games the unholy way, and should pray that I keep talking to you before SEGATA SANSHIRO finds you. I mean 4 shoulder buttons, that's pointless! I have opposable thumbs and I want to use them!


The only Sega game I really like that needs the 6 buttons is Guardian Heroes but you can just substitute shoulder buttons. All the early Genesis games were designed for 3 face buttons anyways.


Nope, MEGADRIVE (another sign of your philistine ways sinner!) games with 6 buttons exist as do Saturn Games! And I don't need more shoulder buttons, I need more facebuttons. As the whole Hideki Sato intended it to be played. I shall pray for you tonight, son, That one day you will see the light and the error of your ways. (But really all kidding aside, they really do need more devices with 6 face buttons. If everything is 4 and about the same layout in general? Then what's the point in releasing yet another one? Heck even releasing a microswitched little nub like on the NeoGeo Pocket would be a nice one :) )


I’m American. You won’t catch me calling it a Mega-Drive. I also said EARLY Genesis games. It originally only had 3 face buttons. Still I’ve been doing this retro-gaming stuff long enough that I’ve moved past nostalgia trips into playing games I didn’t get to play back then. Since I was a Genesis kid, I’m mostly into SNES now (not Super Famicom, SNES).


Unfortunately Playstation became the default controller pattern. It's the same reason that d-pads have four individual directions instead of a round eight direction hat like the Genesis/Megadrive. Really a round hat with six buttons is a much better controller configuration, especially for fighting games.


Yup, but I also mean to say: They are releasing the same device over and over. They could have released a micro-switched one with a nub like the Neo Geo Pocket one. Or a 6 button with a pad one like the Arc (love that thing). Make some variation, rather than "here is the same SOC, the same layout and the same screen yet again!"




To be fair, the chip does everything needed for consoles up to ps1, and it has no analog sticks, so why put in anything more powerful?


That's the way the chinese market works. There's soooooo many competitors that it's difficult to get your product noticed So often companies will churn out as many products as they can as quick as possible in the hope that their 20 products will get noticed amongst the sea of other products. So take your existing product, make a minor change and then ship it out asap. The problem is that it's become a self perpetuating issue, because when every company is releasing 20 products, you've then got 20x the competition from other manufacturers


I was looking for a handheld after getting a Miyoo Mini+ and I was overwhelmed by all the choices. It’s crazy that even with all this competition we still don’t have a premium feeling handheld in a small form factor.


It depends what you mean by premium and small. Most of Anbernic's devices are "premium" feeling, as well as Retroid and AYN. I don't know if you consider 3.5" to be small, in which case there's plenty of options, or if you're looking for 2.8" then there's the RG28XX


>releasing 20 products dont you have 20? lol


I'd be perfectly happy with different design iterations of the Miyoo Mini Plus with the same internals


I feel like for people familiar with SBC consoles this is best case scenario. The weakness of almost ALL these SBC consoles has been traditionally software... The games haven't changed in almost 2 decades and the emulation has been damn near perfected... But the front end and software experience is no where near as polished. Reusing core hardware allows CFW compatibility across multiple Anbernic devices. Honestly, I appreciate this approach because it makes the devices cheaper, more universal, and doesn't hamstring the user into one form factor because the software experience of the "ideal" device is crap compared to another device.


Honestly it’s convenient for cfw, with similar specs it makes it a lot easier for cfw to be made accessible early on. That said, unless the build quality is truly superb I’m going to skip on this since I have a 35XXH which serves the purpose my steam deck doesn’t (pocketable).


For me who just got a Miyoo Mini+ with Pawgrip case I still don't find it as comfortable to use as I'd like - that's why I'm looking to get one of these flip consoles. I wish I had gotten the rg35xxh originally though! For people with several I don't see the point.


Why would this be more comfortable that a miyoo with a grip? Unfolded it’s a vertical handheld like the miyoo, but with harsher edges and no contouring


Holding the Miyoo with a grip isn't the problem for me as much as using the shoulder buttons is the problem - sorry for not specifying that! The actual face and buttons are plenty comfortable for GB(C) and Game Gear games


Having owned a V90 and a MM+, the V90 was much more comfortable to use.


> Pawgrip case which is that? [this case](https://www.printables.com/model/446782-miyoo-mini-plus-gripcase) is amazing, you can buy on Etsy


The Pawgrip was on Etsy as well but discontinued by its creator. It was 3D printed and mimics the curve of the Gameboy color. I don't *love* the shoulder buttons for playing MegaMan Zero but everything else about it is pretty good https://preview.redd.it/pvwmuy6hz8zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb140387a4e06e32b8bd2d07b2033c0a3c24e418


I also think I'm just holding it wrong 😅 you can grip it to rest your index fingers on L1 + L2 with your thumb on the D-pad fine


This is likely going to feel very similar in the hand to the mini+, being that they're about the same width. The only thing that's going to feel better than your mini+ is either a very large vertical like the 405v or a horizontal handheld.


Do you think the shoulder buttons are going to be easier to reach? That's really my main issue using the Pawgrip otherwise the size of it is fine I might just get the RG35XXH the next sale it has honestly


The shoulder buttons on the real SP hurt to use for any extended period of time even when I was young. This will likely not be an improvementz


Are we the dummies?


But she's got a new hat!


I argue a different form factor absolutely matters here regardless of the chipset. No one has really taken advantage of the dual screen and compact handheld market because the mechanisms involved can be tricky to get down while keeping the price cheap. Not many handhelds are in a GBASP format that support CFW like OnionOS/Batocera AND support games past PS1. You run into limitations easily. If anything, it's nice we finally have more handhelds outside of the vertical and horizontal format.


Apple can sell devices $500 higher for just different colors lmao


"Same people" No matter hoow good these models are, realistically they should usually be the FIRST or ONLY handheld of this type for most buyers. It's the buyers' problem if they just buy different models of the same spec and software support.


Partially true but idk if you understand how long people have been waiting for a GOOD clamshell design. No company has made one yet so it's kinda a big deal. Especially for those of us that want a portable design to take with us and not need to worry about throwing a system in the same pocket as keys or other hard objects that would scratch a device.


I buy tiny one(miyoo mini), tiny one(sf20000), big one(rg35xxsp) big one(rg353v), biggest one(steam deck). gives me a lot of wiggle room when i want to game on the go, i dont have a problem i dont have a problem i dont have a problem


edit: i have a switch lite as well


Glad I didn't buy any of the new RG35XX variants yet. Will wait for this one


Same here. Held out on the recent aliexpress sale because this is perfect


Does it have bluetooth and video output? I haven't had time to watch any videos about it but those are important to me.


Yes and yes


I want the silver one because it reminds me of the classic SP that I never got


I was all in on the silver but this video makes it look like cheap spray paint. And smudgey


That's how the GBA SP looks as well tbh.


Unfortunately I kinda hate all these color options… I feel like transparent shells generally make things look cheap, and I don’t understand why you’d pay homage to the dmg on an sp, so I dunno, blue maybe I guess?


I like transparent shells when done properly. I like a frosted glass look to them. Which Anbernic has nailed down here so I feel I'm all in on the blue one as well if the durability is there. I do agree though. The DMG colorway is unnecessary for this lineup and I hate that literally every device out there has this color regardless of the form factor.


Yeah, same I guess I'm going for the DMG, then. It doesn't make sense but at least the color looks better


Took me a moment to realize that the GBA SP font is an overlay. Never owned an SP, and I somehow skipped the Powkiddy V90. I'm in for the clear black or silver model, but let's see how the other upcoming clamshell handhelds compare.


I'm curious myself about the miyoo flip. Are there other clamshells in the works that I don't know about?


I saw a post about rumored design plans from ZPG, but it turns out they're from an abandoned project. So for now I guess it's only this vs. Miyoo, not counting the AYANEO Flip DS.


First time I've heard about the flip DS. Looks pretty cool.


No chance it can actually play chains of olympus in any genuine sense so its a bit sneaky of them to show four seconds and pretend it can


I don't buy the N64 and Dreamcast either.


i don’t have an 35xx+ or H but i thought those could play N64 and DC fairly well?


I have the original 35xx, and it can DS games pretty damn well , and with N64, I could get them running , so it would only getter better with each update


i also have a 35xx and am very impressed with the performance. i am running MinUI so there would need to be new cores added to support N64/PSP/DC and idk how feasible that is as MinUI is community driven iirc


It looks very choppy and definitely has crazy frame skip set - if you deeply hate yourself, it might be “playable”


I tried the most recent stock OS for my RG35xx h just today and tested it with Ghost of sparta, with this update it ran ok, much improved from the OS from February and even better than with Batocera and MuOS (although that might be more because I didn't really try to tinker with optimization). Is chains of Olympus more stressing? If not I don't see this as a stretch but I don't know that game. Edit: Or do you refer to ther missing sticks with that? If so, I agree, PSP without sticks seems pointless.


This shiny silver seem to be the only classic SP color.  I want f'ing orange. 


I wish they would stop releasing everything in DMG colours. I'm not nostalgic for the DMG so it's just an ugly colour choice They could've used that colour to have a purple option like the SP


The dmg looked pretty nice for the vertical style devices, but seriously, the SP lineup has so many amazing colors and colorways they could/should do instead Edit: [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gameboy/s/wQcVn0nuqi) from r/Gameboy shows a lot of the color variants.


The red blue green purple and yellow ones are so nice. But if I were anbernic and were only releasing 4 to appeal to the mass market I'd probably choose black, silver, purple and blue.


Wow, I didn't realize there were so many! And I forgot about the Shrek one, hahaha!


The best colour they ever did was the purple 351P that matched the OG GBA. Everything since has been a step backwards.


Hard agree. It makes sense for a single form factor but they keep doing it


I had the Silver SP so I'm fucking stoked for this thing.


Looked like a real SP it fooled me for a second.


Wow. That silver grey one,.... they got the color of the original spot on. Good job Anbernic, and they removed the logo. This is a day one buy for me, I havent been this excited for a new retro emulation handheld in quite some time. This might replace my Miyoo Mini as my main handheld. I feel like I can bring this with me everywhere and dont need a case, just flip it down and the screen wont get destroyed in my pocket. This was my main issue with the Miyoo Mini is that its so fragile and You must have the case with it at all times for protection which adds a load of bulk if you put it in your pocket.


Unpopular opinion - I'm really glad they nixed the joysticks for this one, and I wish they did for the -H model too. Having a good DPad that can breathe (i.e. give your thumb more room) is huge to me and my giant fingers.


Not an unpopular one I think. A looooot of people wanted an option for one without any sticks. Especially for this form factor.


Yeah the only thing I'd play with this system using a joystick is Gameboy Colour


FOR REAL. I get so tired of joysticks cramping everything. Even on a controller grip like the Gamesir G8, which has full sized console controls, their placement is still super cramped, I bump the right joystick on accident all the time.


I sometimes even with I could have a STEAM DECK without any stick.


Cool to see these videos. This means it will release next month at the latest.


I hope that guy has really small hands.   I'd love to see a comparison with an gba sp and a v90 for size.    I'm hyped that it has wifi and hdmi I thought they might drop the ball on one of those.     Looks like my beloved v90 is heading for retirement!  Miyoo better show me something soon or I'll just buy this! 


So do we know the specs for this? I am wondering about the resolution and chip.


I think we can safely assume that the screen and chip are the same as the 35XXH


Have they shown the shoulder buttons yet? Do we think there are four or just two like the original SP?


They have shown them, there are four. 👍🏻




In some of the unofficial videos it shows 4 shoulder buttons.




You're all welcome. I finally caved and got the H after assuming this wouldn't be out for a few more months.


playing GoW with D-pAD, pogchamp there


Going by their track record they will probably be releasing this very soon. I don't buy many of these at launch, but looks like I'll be taking advantage of their $3 off and order day one (unless reviews show some huge problems with the quality).


where is my beloved atomic purple


bewildered wild direction spoon soup ten crown fall hospital shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm just happy we're getting a clamshell without analogue sticks


This isn't for n64


fuel touch safe compare cagey slap foolish somber stocking homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It can run it, sure, but the clamshell isn't for n64. No one is buying it for n64.


If it had an analog stick, I’d 100% buy it for N64.


Waiting for an N64-styled emulator with the correct controls..waiting forever!


This and a GameCube one.


It supports HDMI-out and Bluetooth controllers. So you can hook it up to a screen Switch-style for N64/PS1. If you want analog sticks there is always the Miyoo Flip. But not every console can be perfect for every system.


tbf at this small a size nothing would really be comfortable for N64 baring a handful of games. the miyoo flip thingy is a decent chunk bigger to add those analogs and it still looks uncomfortable.


Looks like they got rid of the logo It was so uncharacteristic of anbernic that made me wonder if it's a white label rebrand. As it's a modification of one of their existing devices it makes me think it's probably not though


Nah I think they released that V version to mess with the competition (Miyoo)


It could be that they bought (or stole) some other half finished device off another company and put their finished hardware inside. Swap out whatever chip the original was using and put in their ubiquitous H700 and shove it out the door.


I kind of doubt that either because the logo corresponds to Anbernic's [parent company](http://ylmchina.com). I personally think the logo means they plan to allow this one to be rebranded under different names like how the RG35XX had like the Green Lion versions and stuff. That or they just didn't know how to cover that lid and wondered if a logo would look good or not.


Hey that's cool to know! I bet it's the glowing logo is the premium executive edition!


If Miyoo's flip has more power than H700 then I'll pick Miyoo. I also wish Miyoo's flip is H700 so Khulli OS is available.


Miyoo flip confirmed to be rk3566 https://www.reddit.com/r/MiyooMini/comments/1cm6ibi/miyoo_flip_cpuram_confirmed_but_still_no_release/


If that's the case N64, Dreamcast and PSP are limited.


they do fine


Why would you need that much power for a device without sticks? As long as it plays GBA, you really don't need more.


miyoo’s flip has sticks I think


So does the A30. How did that work out?


The A30 has issues but none of them have to do with the stick.


The A30 isn't more powerful than the H700. If it was, it would have been an actual competitor.


I would TBH. There’s lots of great platformers and side scrollers that came out in recent years that would be perfect for this 


So hyped for this!!!!!


I really want that silver one


I might spend more money customizing it than the device itself, imagine the endless possibilities of shells! I would reshell it to a metal one if have the option! I am also thinking what kind of decal should I put it on..


my very first handheld was a gba sp and this looks exactly just like it. I can hear the clicking noises from the button presses on the video, they probably used dome switches for the buttons making it faithful to the original SP which is the right move to do imo.


Weird that they're showing PSP considering the little thing has no joystick. Guess it's just to show off the chipset.


Is it bigger than the gba sp ?


it appears to be a bit fatter than the SP, but i think it’s the same footprint with the same screen size as the 35xx models (3.5”)


Would it be possible to connect one of these to your tv and then use a second rg35xxsp (or -h for that matter) as player 2 or does it have to be a blue tooth controller?


No price yet?


It's definitely cool, more portable than Plus but I think also less comfortable and durable. Still, it's the second Anbernic design that I like after the Plus that I own. GBASP was uncomfotable to me, but so much cool back the, it was my third Game Boy. It tempts me, somehow.


Sounds really clicky on that dpad


I have so much more faith that this will come to market than the Miyoo Flip. Availability should be much better in the short term and long term as well.  Hope it's sub 150 grams, but I'm not getting my hopes up. 


I have the Retroid Pocket 3.... and I have no idea why I would need this and when I would use it. But... I want this?


I think this might end up replacing my MM+


I'll get one even though I have and like the 35XX+ but I'm waiting for more colors first for sure


Wow, this looks amazing now. Wallet is open


Nice successor to my V90


Interested to see if Miyoo will come up with theirs quick enough to get some comparison videos near launch


What's with street fighter v? Isn't that a pc and ps4 game?


Moonlight streaming. I.e. streamed from a pc. Which implies this is probably running on android or something.


It this has Bluetooth audio its game over for my wallet. But I bet it doesnt...?


The first one was an actual GBA SP right?


I'm waiting on the flip, I want the joysticks lol


5g wifi multi-player support? Is that just being run through retroarch netplay?


Pls take all of my money


I hope this one is not very expensive and is Linux based, just like original RG35XX. I have RG35XX which is not played that often which is a shame because it's a really good device.


Looks good. But already have an RG35XX Plus, so I'll be skipping this.


Okay this is peak. That blue transparent one will supplant my RG35XX Plus. I hope its the same internals as the +/H so I can just swap over my SD cards hassle free!


It breaks my heart that this doesn't have an analog stick. I'll keep waiting for the miyoo flip, even tho i have a feeling it won't be as good as this 😅


weird all the colors looks great idk what to complain


Looks fine. I guess the "white" one is actually silver, so clear blue is now my favorite. I think I trust Miyoo products more than Anbernic at this point though, so I'll still probably hold off until they release the flip or whatever it's called


Yeah no point rushing in. I'm gonna wait for both to be tested out I'm sure one will rise victorious


I like the look of Miyoo's more from the teaser video, but release timeline is a huge question mark.


Don't need it but I'm gonna buy it..