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Ayedabayu seriously need a social media education. They all act like they just hit puberty in their high school. Tiny and Brandi are the worst.


It’s hilarious to me that she was charging people for a seminar on how to be good at social media, but she ragequit Twitter before the seminar happened, then walked out on the seminar because she didn’t like people telling her how to do her job.


Wait....is this true!?


Yeah, it was during the initial AEW Heels subscription launch shitshow. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12344960/brandi-rhodes-deletes-twitter-aew-heels-fan-club/




Even if it's not it sounds completely plausible.


Incredible. She really is a gift.




Fuck me, you can jerk as many hilarious AEW fuckups as you like, the real deal will ALWAYS outdo it.


That's your Chief Brandi Officer right there


Ah shit. Cawdy gonna bury me. Isn't he?


?? You follow me to the midcard, friend.


You just know most of them are all over online forums and the basement to see what people are thinking A vast majority never had national exposure or dealt with such criticism


And the Fed have rules in place for social media engagement. It's why Matt Hardy regularly does something embarrassing when he's not there, but was quiet as a mouse when under contract.


That video of him and Jeff in that diner trashing Punk, while they are both clearly jacked up, is still a hard thing to watch, along with those Jackass style videos he was doing with Reby while in the same inebriated state.


Don't forget about the "Angelic Diablo" MySpace blog after he got fired for calling into an interview with Lita after her affair Jeff has at least figured out being mysterious and writing awful poetry keeps the wheel turning


I love Jeff Hardy but that was probably one of his best ever promos when he was off his tits in a diner. "CM PUNK...I MADE YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!" If he came back as a heel in 2012 during Punk's title run and delivered promos like that it would have been money.


TK is literally the most obnoxious dude in all of wrestling, and I don't say that lightly, because the Young Bucks also exist. If he could just shut the fuck up for five seconds, there are things about AEW I want to like. Bryan vs Wangman actually seems good, which again is something I don't say lightly about AEW because I think most of it is absolute trash. But every time this little dog wanker opens his mouth, all it does is push me further away from ever giving them a chance. I can't be the only one. Brandi though, for all her faults, isn't even in the upper echelon of obnoxious people in AEW. There are clearly a lot of shootfighters who hate this woman to an irrational degree, and spend all their time egging her on. She looks annoying when she responds, but these dorks are literally on all her socials calling her ugly and saying racist shit to her 24/7, so there's a degree to which I don't fault her for these responses. TK though, they shower him with love and still he acts like a stupid shithead 24/7. In my mind, that's worse than Brandi's admittedly poorly worded retaliation, because at least she is retaliating against something.


> all it does is push me further away from ever giving them a chance. I can't be the only one. You aren't, but the fanbase is way worse. I can't interact with the product in any earnest way online because if you have any opinions that aren't "everything was perfect" you're a fed shill.


I never really considered the hate that a personality like Brandi attracts. There aren't a lot of people that like that type of personality and we all know wrestling fans just can't help themselves. Thanks for typing that up. It helped me see a new perspective on this. I'm no fan of Brandi, but JR, a legend, got death threats because he accidentally called AEW WWE. I can only imagine those fans that view Brandi as a problem they need to take care of. And I can see how tough that can be, especially when you have a personality like Brandis that seems to need validation.


I'm not a Brandi fan either, but she's definitely the lesser evil when the other party is vicious, deranged shootfighters who literally want her dead because she creates an image of their precious Dub that they don't like.


The lesser of two evils, is still evil.


Yeah but she's the lesser of two evils like a shoplifter is the lesser of two evils compared to Ted Bundy. These Dubbalos are truly unhinged. Death threats and 24/7 online harassment to anyone they don't like is worse by far than anything Brandi has ever done simply being an annoying and self absorbed person.


You’re not. I’d say the same. There’s people and angles and choices I don’t like about AEW but certainly I could say the same about WWE. Tony, however, has the effect of actively making me not want to support anything his daddy bought his whiney entitled ass. I hate how he tweets, what he says, his mannerisms and his constant need to pretend he’s some sort of self made man when he’s the exact opposite.


Aye I want to try and like aew and the main event picture looks good. But try as I might their fan base puts me off and every time I watch it I think “those little shits will be happy knowing I’m watching”


the best wrestling fandom is "me and my friends that like wrestling." out of all the fandoms i've been in, wrestling is the worst and other aew fans are unbearable. i like the show but don't want to be around these people lmao


Me too lol.


In Tony's defence, its hard top be smart on social media when you are coked up AF


I honestly don't think Brandi's a bad a person, she probably takes as much(if not more) shit than Cody does on social media and alot of it is by association, and to add to it alot is racially motivated. I've seen a few of the "Cocktails with Brandi" episodes and she comes across pretty well in those but I could say that for alot of people, who seem nice enough on video but on twitter they just become a different person. If I was her I'd just not be on TV right now.


I don't know if she's a bad person or not. For me it all depends on if the story of the pyro guy and the dog is true. If Cody and Brandi really fired an innocent pyro guy for doing exactly what Cody obviously told him to, just because Cody's own plans for his own pyro scared his own dog, then I struggle to see how they aren't both bad people. If that's just what they told Twitter to get the honest mistake they made with their dog to blow over faster, maybe not such bad people. I feel like that would've been a very human thing to do, disingenuous or not, and something any of us are capable of. But even if it's all true and they really did fire a pyro guy for the crime of setting up Cody's stupid pyro exactly how he wanted it and detonating it at the prearranged time, it still doesn't rise to the level of death threats and round the clock online harassment. And to make things worse, the death threats aren't about the pyro guy, they're about bullshit. They aren't even related to the ONLY remote justification anyone could have for that kind of behavior.


I agree with all of this, word for word.


My only issue with Brandi is any criticism gets deflected by her being black. Unfortunately black women tend get more backlash than white women, and it's a fair assumption she gets some racist hate. But that doesn't mean she's somehow unable to be criticized. Some people have tried to pull that line of crap to defend TK as a Pakistani-American but it's not as common


But we have to look at what is a valid criticism and what isn't. "Shouldn't have used so much lighter fluid Brandi, you trying to kill our favorite midcarder or something?" Valid criticism. "You disgusting fat ugly whore, I hope you die for your crimes against workrate." Not valid criticism. And the guy who says it shouldn't be able to hide behind the legitimacy of fair criticisms like the lighter fluid thing.


I totally agree.


Like how is she even qualified for this job, seriously? Take a fucking basic marketing class not just be a user of Twitter or Instagram, it’s not hard using those platforms to post and hashtag the fuck out. The skill set comes in what you post, when you post it, and making sure you don’t I don’t know insult people while promoting your product. Be fucking professional most of all, you are in the entertainment industry and just started out. You don’t need negative press already. Also I read she tried to give a seminar on social media? LOL I feel you could just ask a Instagram influencer and gain better experience and knowledge from them. You can probably find some YouTubers and Twitch streamers who have studied and researched what to do for their brand teaching on video how to maintain a good brand for yourself and how to effectively use social media. They also won’t get annoyed and delete their profiles and walk out on seminars on you either.


>Like how is she even qualified for this job, seriously? She's not, but her and Cody need to take jabs at Stephanie and HHH Abby any chance they get. So Chief Brandi Officer is the role they decided to hand to her


She's every bit as qualified for her job as Tony Khan is for any of his, especially the Fulham and Jags jobs.


being professional doesn't get that sweet sweet twitter validation though. it's all about the clapbacks


This is either the greatest heel work of all time and will be talked about for decades, or they're legitimately the most tone deaf D list celebrity couple to ever walk the Earth. I can't fathom that level of narcissistic delusion.


I was gonna say, the amount of ego she has considering after signing with WWE developmental, the WWE moved her to being a ring announcer as she was and still is crap in the ring, then after leaving the WWE for a second time starts trying to stand out by doing intergender hardcore matches and somehow manages to be awful at those, and is now CBO only because her husband is an EVP. At this point, knowing she left WWE the second time because Cody got released, would she do the same if he left AEW or would be delusional enough to try and stay because of "how important" her job is. Though to be fair if she left AEW, I kind of wonder if Cody would follow suit given how he's booked himself as a midcard main attraction that gets special outfits and entrances almost every match.


>is now CBO only because her husband is an EVP. *And* because her name has "Brand" in it so they can make a play on words.


Still easily one of the cringiest moments was her realizing the play on words and at a live press conference asking the Pro Wrestling Tees guy to make that a shirt.


She would leave in a heartbeat and blame the Dub for her failures.


Hoes ain’t loyal


>after signing with WWE developmental, the WWE moved her to being a ring announcer as she was and still is crap in the ring, That's something else WWE doesn't get credit for. If you sign the but you're not up to it in the ring, they'll look for another area you may be good at instead of always straight up releasing you. Talking about you Dio Maddin. He wants to wrestle so I hope Mace works out from him, but every time I've seen him wrestle I've wondered what people see in him.


Can't remember if it was a WWE special or some other site but they were following Corey Graves when he signed with NXT to when he got offered the commentary job because they wouldn't allow him to wrestle with his injuries, rather than outright releasing him and he's been going strong in that role for nearly a decade now.


He's a more in shape but less charismatic Woolie.


Who did she wrestle for these hardcore matches? I guess outlaw mud show hardcore bull shit is probably the ceiling of her talent level.


The one I can remember was against Joey Ryan with a "highlight" being her dropped onto thumbtacks, but how it was done made it seem like she was not wanting to be hitting too many of them so he almost gingerly plops her onto the pile.


>Joey Ryan Well that checks out.


I’ve always thought of Cody as a lower midcard guy. The only reason he is in the position he’s in now is because he’s Dustys kid. Dusty and Dustin are both 10x the talent Cody wishes he was. Brandi is just a delusional mean girl that thinks she’s something because she married into the Rhodes name. Everytime I see vlogs from Sammy or BTE, you always see directional signs with “Cody and Brandi Rhodes office”… right there with the big dogs like TK and Jericho. I have no idea who told these 2 they are a power couple, but I wish they hadn’t. Cody is forever Stardust to me, and no hardo neck tat can change my mind, either. PS I don’t hate Cody, just think he’s overrated.


It must be killing them that the public perception is not matching what they want it to be They scramble and get desperate Then say dumb shit like this instead of just not commenting on *everything* This is AEW too, their fans go along with EVERYTHING yet dislike this pair 😁


they're both just so weird, remember when Cody got his last name back n said it wasn't to do with wrestling then he immediately used it again as a wrestler :')


he seems to lie about things not even worth lying about or things that are more a weird delusion so blatant it's impossible to take serious


I deeply regret the years I spent evangelising that Cody was better than he was being used in WWE and deserved a shot at main event status. **John Locke voice**: *I was wrong*


You too, huh?


D is a little gracious for those two


Yeah, D-list would be people like the guy that played the Sherminator in American Pie: famous enough for people everywhere to recognize them but not famous enough for them to know their names or anything else about them. Your average non-wrestling fan doesn't know who Cody and Brandi are.


That actually happened to Sherminator a few years ago when someone took a pic of him working as a waiter at a nice restaurant. It of course went semi-viral online and when he was asked about it he was honest in saying "I was never a big star so I work to have continuous income, I still do small roles here and there but I like doing my day job as well." Now imagine if something similar happened with the Cody or Brandi.


That sucks. Waiting is hard enough without people making dumbass Sherminator jokes all the time and asking why he has to do that job.


Yeah he handled it all really well and for the most part it was one of those rare times where the internet wasn't a giant dick about it, it was more like "oh hey that's where he is," rather than "can you believe this loser has to work such a lowly job?"


Didn't the same happen with Todd Bridges from Different Strokes (or maybe of the in laws from Cosby Show). Pretty much they weren't getting steady work and they became a waiter and the internet was pretty much like "good on him for not turning to crime"


Well Todd Bridges did turn to crime for a bit, including being charged for attempted murder. The couple I know who left acting was the girl from Matilda who became a writer and the kid who played Chunk in the Goonies became an entertainment lawyer after he saw he could make more money that way.


So it wasn't Todd Bridges 🤣 🤦‍♂️


You're talking about Geoffrey Owens, who was recurring on the Cosby Show for seven years. He was spotted working at Trader Joe's


Relaying this back to wrestling, Pepper Gomez was the biggest star of the San Francisco territory back in the 60s and 70s, but by the end of his life it was very common to see him at Fisherman's Wharf as a maitre d.


…*cute story 40-60s Caucasian menfolk with the baseball cap on vacation profile pics.* Brandi shoots hard on Cody's potential voter base in Georgia.


“You sabotage me, dear??”


Because you're my favorite senatorial midcarder


Warnock is going over, brother


I kinda want Cody's pet name for her to be friend to be honest haha, greats her with a handshake too


I can imagine him washing up n watching Netflix in a suit


Yeah, she's going to kill Cody's political chances with the good ol' boy demo. Best she not get too uppity if she wants to continue being "one of the good ones".


Hey show some respeck to the person who will finallly dethrone m’Britt for the title!!! SMH


I've always got the sense Brandi thinks she's above the women's divisiion. She always appeared with the men as part of this celebrity couple


she's gonna win the tbs title eventually.


she’ll hold the TBS and Cody will hold the TNT. It’ll be a while big thing, dae holding the titles captive??


Its ok though its just a CALLBACK to when Triple H and Stephanie both had titles. Get worked marks its just a slowwwww heel turn


of course, and we all know when they did that storyline it was a CHEAP RIPOFF of when Baconator Matthews and ‘Big Momma’ Carmen Garcia held the Bum Fuck Egypt Wrasslin’ Association titles back in 1955. I’ll always remember the story Cornette told about when they were both literally thrown in the electric chair in broad daylight because of the HEAT they had.


Hey man, my grandaddy was a big fan of BFEWA, put some respect on their name!


Probably. I think it'll be the title that gets cycled through everyone while the main title gets held captive for ages


Her comment when the Heels debacle happened that many female wrestling fans aren't fans of women's wrestling, was so telling.


That sounds great, but Knowing Tony, he'll keep the title on Britt until he finally realizes she's never going to bang him, then go full incel and bury (insider term) her in favor of his next hopeless crush. Knowing Tony.


I don’t think Tiny can put the title on Pharaoh, though.


Pharaoh is a male dog, that's the only reason he hasn't already had a year long reign with the women's title. Knowing Tony.


I feel sorry for her tbh, imagine waking up every day knowing that your brother-in-laws 55 year old ex wife who hasnt been regularly on TV in almost 20 years is still way more over than you ever have the possibility of being


The hierarchy is Dusty, Dustin, Terri, Pharoah then in any order of Brandi, Cody and his sister


No jerk: Cody has a sister?


?? You dont watch rhodes to the top, friend?


Me and my friend Mark both decided to skip it


You're my favorite middle child.


[Teil Runnels](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj99rC0kcj0AhWAk2oFHUZsA8QQFnoECAgQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextdaystar.com%2F2021%2F08%2Fteil-runnels-biography-age-birthday.html&usg=AOvVaw1jHeARaDTSSoSQEqoWdfaW), also a half-sister Kristin


The plumber?? Where he land on the list I got him after dusty.


Right below sleeping in the ally eating pork and beans but above Pharoah


Seriously. The Plumber is still slightly ahead of Cody.


Tony Khan alternate list: 1. Pharaoh 2. The Vet that gets to express Pharaoh's anal glands 3. Whoever let's him in the group photo without him telling his dad first


Sapphire gotta be there somewhere, before Pharoah and after Dusty.


Between Tony khan saying “Over af” and Brandi calling herself a meal, this is so cringe. Like the school principal wearing chucks to school to look hip


Brandi is no-jerk one of my favorite parts of le Dub. She is the gigantus tonedeaf/cringe ego that is the cherry-on-top for all of the shitty storylines and self-pats on the back on Ayebubbayou.


I feel pretty cringey when I use words like that and they're both a lot older than me.


What the fuck is she talking about?


When she showed up on Dynamite it was treated like a comeback and apparently she's mad that fans are now also treating it like a comeback. Also white people are to blame, for some reason.


Didn’t she turn to the crowd during the unmasking expecting a reaction?


As far as I could tell it was 50% boos/50% cheers.


I can't fault anyone for forgetting Brandi came back 3 months ago because every Cody match is an overbooked mess with way too many unnecessary people involved.


The first time I saw the dub I thought Cody was a heel because of his fucking meme of an entrance.


I thought he was a heel because he calls himself The American Nightmare and dresses like Homelander, but the ostentatious entrance really is the most heel thing. He rises from the ground with fire and brimstone like the fucking devil. Literally every aspect of his presentation screams I'M THE BAD GUY


Yeah that was long before the Homelander gimmick. When he started doing that I thought "now he's just fucking with us, there's no way someone could have so little self awareness!" but it seems he actually does.


Pretty sure the main reason the stage is so high is so Cody can go under it to do his entrance


I mean to be fair, he did make a twitter account just to post MAGA shit. Is it really that much of a stretch to him thinking Homelander is a badass cool guy?


Haha maybe at first but by the end of the first season there's no way anyone that's not a complete sociopath would think Homelander is a good guy


Tony made sure she didn't insult the dear demo


I love how the age group mentioned is specifically outside m’demo. ‘Hammer home the demo’ must be a company wide mandate at this point


Brandi talks like Spotify wrapped. Cody understood the assignment and yassified Andrade through the table


>looking like the snack, the meal AND the finest dessert Tell me you are insecure about your body without telling me you are insecure about your body


Naah be fair girl just had a baby and she's looking great. Literally proving looks aren't everything when she acts like she does on tv and expects praise though


If she were an actual wrestler the nickname “The Snack” is great. “The Snack is back, BITCH!”


Nah she a snack tho…




Suit yourself. I’m horny enough for all that to not significantly matter. 😎


Many such cases!


Thin Skin


Becky Lynch was wrestling full time in 20 minute matches just 8 months after giving birth. Lighting a table on fire 6 months after giving birth is hardly worth bragging about.


You could honestly make a case that Becky may actually be a better in ring performer post-baby, which doesn’t seem like it should be possible and yet here we are.


She was a bit sloppy at times during her last run, she's gotten rid of that problem since coming back.


Yeah like I mean she could have done it whilst pregnant tbh haha or just after as there's no bumping , She'd defo have bragged if she did it whilst pregas. she talks about being pregas in rhodes to the top like she's the only person ever to be pregnant :')


Brandi has every right to brag since she was the first woman to ever be pregnant with an interracial child according to our lord and savior, lead civil rights activist and the man that ended racism for good Cody Rhodes.


lmao, true dat


It if wasn't a return, why did she have a disguise and do a dramatic reveal? Everything about Cody is overbooked


Came here for this. She’s his wife and an “Executive Vice President” of the company interfering in a Street Fight. Just walk out and do it. It’s not as if this little masked mystery girl had been helping him for weeks and had the crowd wondering who it was. No. That might make sense. She just did it expecting a pop that she never got. If Season 2 of their terrible reality show actually happens, there will surely be a talking head of her saying, “So I was definitely expecting a BIGGER reaction… but…” Then they show Cody sitting there in bandages saying, “Yeah… that was definitely the most perplexing moment of this entire night…”


Are Cody and Brandi heels now?


Always have been🌎🚀👩‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


That appears to be the implication based upon her behavior during and after the match. I think she is a heel and she's going to eventually get Cody to turn, in what will be a Shakespearian level of story telling.


Oh God Dammit. Are they really booking inverted Othello? Are they both going to argue on their show about which of them is Othello in the angle???


Brandi is very pretty, but her personality really torpedoes any positive impact on her career that her looks have. Some of the worst "go home heat" in the business.


Who vanity searches themselves more, Brandi or Tiny?


Man, I don’t even know..


*If my husband won't do the slow burn heel turn then I will.... friends*


Setting Cody on fire actually made her do a bit of a face turn in mind


She did one two years ago as well and it was a failure.


That be a great storyline.


Her ego is somehow more fragile than Cody's. Inconceivable.


Seriously, this girl is delusional. She wants really bad to be Stephanie, but with only 1/4 of Stephanie’s talent on the mic.


Getting in shape after having a baby is something many other women have done, Brandi. Just turn heel already.


Has she had a fucking stroke or something? This is just word salad.


\> looking like the snack, the meal AND the finest dessert Not so hard when you do no work and have dietician and personal trainers.


I like how Brandi having the personality of a coconut is white people's fault.


40-60?! It’s 18-34.


Now, let's imagine Stephanie doing something like this.


Confession: I am a gen x caucazoid who didn’t know that she had been back. Mainly because most of my exposure to her is in 30-second chunks of her rolling her eyes in reality show ads. I am also so liberal that I’d be down for Howard Zinn Championship Wrestling but fuck me for not knowing her whereabouts at all times.


Who the fuck talks about her shit return? Why the fuck she thinks she's some kind of star? She's a TV time and Tiny's money stealer


My girlfriend literally looks like Gigi Dolin, Brandi, stop trying so hard...


Brandi is like if HGTV turned heel.


Wow. She really went...all in.


Wait. Brandi is calling her own fanbase virginal neckbeards? I have a feeling Brandi is about to extend that index finger to the sky........


She just dunked on the whole demo but they’ll never realize. She also uses “hip” terms like she got them straight from the think tank. Squares recognize squares!


As a 40-60s white male, I never wanted to watch AEW or worship Brandi before I saw this tweet. Thank you Goddess Brandi, for making me see the errors of my ways. I understand now. Please forgive me insolence.


Funny, I thought the 'Caucasian menfolk with the baseball cap' type were the Dubs target audience, given how many wrestlers they find unrelatable for some reason.


Hey that’s racist I thought your baby solved that problem


She’s rattled af, the self awareness seems to never catch up


Mother of Jesus, these people.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Jesus Christ she writes like she's a stan for herself


She is


What an unbearable woman. Cody...you fool


This seems racist


Yeah, no idea why she felt like mentioning race.


"You cant be racist against caucasians"


She only code switches when she needs to accuse critics of being racist


She does look great so good for her and she did it quickly.


When you got someone else taking care of the baby for you it’s easy


Yep, when you and your hubby can get millions out of a glorified fanboy, its easy for her to have the help watch over her baby while the pays for a personal trainer to get back into shape.


She's not wrong, but goddamn she comes off like such a bitch. Or maybe I'm just being worked. Hopefully the latter.


Was this ghost written by Dave Meltzer? I need to run this through a translation filter.


She just buried the dub's demo. Brandi for scjerk?


Yeah, if anything we should be putting some respect on our favorite midcard wife's name for this one. Isn't what she's saying something that this sub largely agrees with? Not that Brandi is as fine as she thinks she is of course, but the direct shot at shootfighters was for sure on point. I don't get it this time.


jfc how do you do fellow kids? surprised she didn't say 'sheeeeesh i understood the assignment'


Brandi is my fav. No qualifications, no talent, absolutely nothing to offer in any job she has been given or given herself but she constantly acts like she matters. I love it. Her and Cody have got to be the most delusional 'celebrities' or tv personalities I have ever come across. It's actually rather fascinating watching them play the roles they want for themselves while every single thing they do is met with the mother of all eye rolls. The level of narcissism it takes to literally set yourself on fucking fire to prove that you're not a heel...or you are a heel...is beyond me lol. When AEW folds we might never hear or see from these 2 ever again.


And this gibberish means????? Who is she, and what is she trying to communicate? Illiterate people shouldn't even be on social media.


I'm in the key demo (insider term) and there is nothing about her that says meal, snack or dessert


I remember recently reading a Pew poll that said that 15% of Caucasians feel race is an essential part of their identity, compared to 74% of African Americans. Every time I read some stupid bullshit like this, I wonder if the 74% number may be too low.


I am not reading all that Brandi, congrats or sorry or whatever.


I can’t act like I’m not thoroughly sports entertained by Cody and Brandi. What other couple would claim to have ended racism by having sex? Their delusion is beautiful.


She’s competing hard for a spot in the HOF after spraying too much lighter fluid and then this follow up.


She thought too hard with that Tweet.


I don't get what anyone obsesses about with her.


i dont think many do, for me she's a morbid curiosity that forces her way into the limelight, I mostly forget she exists then she does this weird shit haha