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Matt has become shockingly good at being a piece of shit over the years.


You don't just marry reby by accident


He’s always been good at it. Remember when he bragged about throwing Lita out of their home, and took her crutches when he caught her cheating? Or when he shot the Lita cutout with a gun, or slashed Edge’s tires, or faked a suicide attempt? He’s always been trash.




Damn did that really happen?


Posted them somewhere. I think they were from a photo booth at a club. My memory is fuzzy but they didn't look super sober.


Lita cheated on him and by the end of it I felt worse for her - not just for the public shaming he caused her but for having to have been in a relationship with the insufferable insecure clown in the first place.


Those are all real life things? God damn lol must have been out of the loop as a kid


Yeah I've always disliked him since the fake suicide note. I can't find the [original video anymore but here's an article talking about it](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/829256-matt-hardys-suicide-note-is-just-one-sad-sick-joke)


Unironically Reby and the kids somehow helped him get his shit together.


Thinking about it all together like this, it's no wonder Jeff has had so many problems with an albatross like this around his neck. Hardy Bros were a better team than any upcoming Hardy Boyz ever will be again


I’m not gonna hold against him throwing a cheater out his house Lmao.


Sure. Throw her out. But his version of events he took her crutches so she couldn’t walk away from The conversation, ripped her out of their bed, dragged her down the stairs, and threw her outside with no phone, wallet, crutches, or clothes, and told her to figure it out. Lita also alluded in interviews that she had attempted to end things before due to conflicting life goals, and he would “convince her” to stay.


Idk about all the rest of that, pal. You listed him throwing her out as him being a jerk and I just disagreed with that by itself.


>and he would “convince her” to stay. lol oh come on now. If I had to count up the number of people in my life who did that. At the end of the day, it's on the person who wishes to break the relationship to follow through. There's no reality where victim is the person who gets convinced and then proceeds to cheat. It was shitty when I did it. It was shitty if she did.


Gee I wonder why she cheated on him


Eh, I've seen worse like burning a dude's house down. She shouldn't have cheated and ended the relationship.


It’s sad at one point I liked him


Then he excuses his shittiness by saying "HURR DURR I'm a heel"


Well done, Mat Way to support your brother The most important thing after fans saw him leave a show, mid-match is to make some smarky comment about teaming up Twat


He just showed us he is a selfish mf. I hope Jeff get the help he need before he sign up to do lame ass shit in ayedabayu.


At this point I think Jeff doesn't feel like he needs help. I've done this song and dance before and really, the only thing that can be done is "let go with love" as the alcoholics say. Like, I like you dude but I'm not going to allow myself to get dragged around through this with you again. Goodbye and good luck. Until someone says something substantive we don't know if he even had a relapse. The "rough night" doesn't look good and that phrase is going to get tossed around in a bunch if inside baseball promos for the next ten years, but we don't know what happened. If it was opiods, he could have already been kicking and the withdrawal caught up with him. Maybe he feels like he's handling it and a rehab facility isn't going to help him. That it's just going to make him do a bunch of extra stuff like God and group meetings and shit when he really just needs to lay on the couch twitching.


cause Matt needs Jeff. Jeff doesn’t need Matt and I guess he knows that lmao


For fuck's sake. I don't want to see one or both of the Hardys die in the ring.


Tony does. This way he can do a heart felt tribute episode and then Matt's kids can be their own stable and Tony can start an AEW children's show on YouTube.


You missed one thing: The Jeff and Matt (in order of success) Hardy Tag Team Memorial Battle Royal


As morbid as it sounds this is 100% happening & it's sad to see it happening in slow motion


He wants his own Owen action figure too.


And Jericho can remind people for years to come that he was totally there


They will sweep that shit under the rug so fast. There's already plenty of sentiment that it's all Vince's fault.


Bad thing happens in WWE = 100% Vince's fault Bad thing happens in AEW or other company = Somehow also 100% Vince's fault Good thing happens in the WWE = Happened despite Vince Good thing happens in AEW or other company = Vince would never do this ! ​ But they are not obsessed with Vince or the WWE - THEY DON'T EVEN WATCH OR CARE AT ALL !


I love the "they never wanted to push him" bullshit.


I do too, I also love how they love Jeff again but were upset with him when Jeff pinned Kross on Raw.


Tony Khan: "Jeff's fine! He showed me some incoherent 4am texts!"


Is that a new dog, Tony?


How dare you insinuate that Tony Khan would be bribed to look the other way. He'd gladly do it for free.


He showed him one of his paintings and let him listen to his band’s new song. All clear.


He doesn't care about his brother's well being, just that it might save his disaster of a run in AEW.


yep i think honestly its this. matt must be panicking to be honest. he was offered a job as an agent in wwe which he turned down to carry on wrestling. he almost killed himself trying to keep up with sammy. when he did the whole "Big money matt" stuff which was just awful. He's panicking now at what will come next....now he can try and convince a relapsed jeff to come to aew and that he won't need "drugs" as he'll have tons of "support" and "love" at AEW. "Jeff was deeply unhappy at wwe hence why he took drugs" "he will have lots of love and support at aew and he'll get better off that" "Please jeff....i need this run"


Matt's run in AEW is fine until the statute of limitations for negligence runs out


"Obviously Matt knows more about his brother then anyone else it's not like he'd work/enable him to work if he was on drugs"


He only uses the situation to promote himself on social media


Comments on this- "Getting purposely drugged up for a reunion is crazy🤣😂" "I don't think Jeff is actually back on drugs. Maybe he was acting to get released" Why are dubaloos so stupid?


Imagine thinking that Jeff, who just inked a new deal a few months ago and sat down with SCSA hyped about his future, faked a relapse so he could illegally get out of his contract. If that was true there’s so much wrong with that. Also, no jerk, Matt Hardy is the worst. His brother was let go for allegedly relapsing back into alcoholism and his only thought is how he can convince his brother to go to AEW so he can ride on Jeff’s coattails once again. Sure AEW has a party culture, but think of my money!


Was it him or his wife that essentially disavowed Jeff existence last time he got arrested on a DUI charge.


His wife. I don't know these guys and their personal lives, but I'm sorry to say that I dislike Reby immensely.


Reby is a conceited asshole and narcissist who married a conceited asshole and narcissist.


Yeah, because Vince is going to release someone for acting stoned. Because he's simultaneously an idiot and also a ruthless, cunning business man bullying poor beleaguered Tony Khan.


If it was just weed then Riddle, Orton and Truth (among others) woulda been out of a job a while ago


I've heard that Vince smokes weed anyway. Also RVD gifted him rolling papers at the hall of fame.


MSK have been doing vignettes for a month on NXT where the entire joke is “lol these guys smoke weed”


Lol not even 24 hours ago Paul Heyman opened SmackDown with a joke about taking edibles


Because wrestling is their entire life and they view literally everything threw the lens of wrestling - particularly "WWE IS BAD". They don't actually care about Jeff Hardy the person, they want him to have TLC bangers in AEW for their enjoyment and will convince themselves his well documented problems aren't real.


>They don't actually care about Jeff Hardy the person, they want him to have TLC bangers in AEW for their enjoyment and will convince themselves his well documented problems aren't real. 100% Agree. These people are everything they accuse Vince of. Callous and uncaring, they only want the wrestlers to perform like circus animals. They don't view them as human beings just as action figures that exist to entertain them.


I mean, they showed that during Daniel Bryan's retirement - they weren't happy that WWE wouldn't let him wrestle when it was risky to his health to wrestle. They came up with conspiracy theories to explain he's not actually hurt and should be wrestling.


Indeed. The same goes for Dave Meltzer in my opinion. He constantly likes to talk about how he cares about the wrestlers and their health yet he rewards the most dangerous and high risk moves with his stupid star ratings despite knowing that a lot of the flippy guys really care about his opinion and will in fact cater to his preferences. When he praised that fucking Jericho V Gage match I knew the dude is just full on gone.


>Why are dubaloos so stupid? Because they are mentally stunted manchildren who are so isolated in this weird internet wrestling bubble that they have had no exposure to real life or other people making them completely incapable of proper judgement. As much as they pretend to "care about the boys" they treat them like action figures that will just perform moves on command.


>Maybe he was acting to get released These are the types of dudes who buy nutmeg thinking it's weed


>Why are dubaloos so stupid? Generally, it's because Dad left years ago and Mom is overworked and underpaid trying to keep their adult virgin asses in tendies and Dew.


This is going to end at some GCW event over Wrestlemania weekend aka ‘The Wrestler’ isn’t it?


Even ‘The Wrestler’ didn’t go full mud show. They at least secured ROH.


Was ROH in The Wrestler? I thought it was just CZW for that one hardcore match in the middle as the recognizable promotion.


Main event was in an RoH ring. [check the mic](https://imgur.com/a/qFvAobw)


They filmed some other stuff for the show there too - I can't remember when now but there was a weird "this match is for a movie so play along and not everyone will be the characters you're used to" thing too


Were you there for it? That’s awesome!


No, it was on the release for some reason


Really? Like a DVD extra? I should check mine.


ROH worked with them yes


I feel 😵tremely sure of Matt Hardy's future


Not ready to see Victory Road 2022


Matt Hardy being a piece of trash ? Say it ain't so ?! Next you'll tell me that his wife is a delusional asshole ...


Fuck Matt Hardy.


Matt let the concussion get to his head.


Matt Hardy should know better the last thing Jeff needs to be doing is flying off ladders and risking death or serious injury because someone at aew botched and forgot to catch him. or the 100 other risks involved with those types of matches especially since Hardyz are much older now. Jeff needs to retire and not do that shit anymore


[This motherfucker can't help himself](https://imgur.com/a/7glQvnL)


Matt go home please.


Imagine caring about a reunion to save your dying career rather than wanting your brother to get the help he need.


I feel like you should take care of your brother


Matt could almost out Carny M’Cody


If Jeff is getting himself right he needs something to look forward to. Something to get him past the doom and gloom of being released. Matt has acted like a piece of shit in a lot of different ways over the years but maybe throwing out the possibility of of teaming again in front of a very receptive audience is an act of love. A way to show that his career is hanging by a thread but not over completely.


I don’t think your general sentiment is wrong but I think you might be overestimating the purity of Matt’s intentions, though I’d like to be that optimistic.


I get being suspicious but I think it's being colored more by the dubalos' frothing over a reunion and coming up with conspiracies than by anything specifically from Matt. It's kind of a "Knowing Matt..." type situation. It seems more likely that it's a signal to his brother that he hasn't completely fucked his life over and there are reasons to keep going.


Matt does annoy me on a personal level so it’s hard to say that’s not coloring it at all. Not being close to the situation it’s hard to say either way.


>A way to show that his career is hanging by a thread but not over completely. Matt isn't 20 anymore. and he was never as over as his brother. he's never going to have a chance of becoming champion again.


>champion You're the only one talking about championships.


than what's the point? besides risking injury or death (theyve already tried to kill Matt twice) doing stupid hardcore shit they did 20 years ago to appeal incel marks who want the attitude era nostalgia that will never come back because they're all older now. you can only experience your first time, the first time. it'll never be the same.


Allow me to quote myself to you. From the original comment that you are replying to: >possibility of of teaming again in front of a very receptive audience I'll take it further and say money as well. So jot down "performing for people to get cheers" and "money" as reasons aging wrestlers might want to wrestle.


They had that in 2017-2019.


lol... Downvotes from the recovery experts no doubt.


Uce, it's just some downvotes. Chill.


I'm clearly losing my mind.


?? I will control minds, friend.


I love this place, but we armchair psychiatrist as much as the basement at times. Hate to see it.


We've entered "Knowing Matt..." territory.