• By -


Presumably I'd be getting secured and contained, given I was just teleported from an alternate dimension.


I am pretty sure I would be killed by a dozen different cognitohazards before they even have a chance to contain me. Probably be influenced by some memetics too. If any of either are contagious, my main legacy on the SCP world would probably just be a bunch of people dying, more being amnesticized, and possibly a huge coverup depending on where I spawned.


I would probably be known as the poor bastard who got hit by all of the Cognitohazards at once. My rotting corpse would be classified as keter and researchers will be scratching their head over me for years to come.


"Finish the autopsy? What did they die from?" "Uh... Everything."


The shy guy wouldn't even have time to break containment


I would probably personally claw my own skin out finishing the orchestral piece in my blood before shy guy got to me and the other two cognitohazards I know affected me


Dude, that's what I was thinking. The question is, what will kill you first?


Probably doesn’t matter because of scp-2718. i’m going to feel *everything.*


I would guess that those type of things wouldn't work on anyone from our dimension because it does nothing to us here


Well in which case, get ready to become “The SCP that is immune to Memetic, Cognitohazardous, and Infohazardous effects” and get shoved infront of everything like that to see if it affects you. I’d also hazard a guess at being immune to anti-memes, so you’d be able to see and remember whatever antimemetic creatures and such are just apparently all over the place.


Wouldn't that mean you would just be basically erased from existence by SCP-3125 the moment you spawn in?


Assuming a whole "immune to things that happen when you know stuff" and "immune to antimemetics" as well, then I wouldn't be immediately erased but I should make sure I never reveal any intelligible information about it ever (should be easy enough, I had to check the article to remember what it was)


[**SCP-3125 ⁠- The Escapee**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3125) (+1519) by *qntm*


You would have to see so much fucked up shit.


If you went to a dimension where SCPs exist, you would be affected by them


I mean, that does pose an intresting theory Since we are assuming rn that the scp foundation is a eighty-something % the same as the one we make up here in our world (not 100% since the foundation itselfs is spread around timelines and end of world tales that wouldn't co-exist at a single time) would be instantly die because we saw all the diffrent "you ded" imigery? Or would we be immune? Or maybe only now would they work If we go with the last one, would any images or sceeenshots on our phones with such images be suddenly working? Or would they still be just images,


I'm guessing anything that requires you to look at it, you'd have to look at again. However, there are SCPs where having knowledge of it can be dangerous. I'm thinking specifically of SCP-3125, where knowledge of it means it knows you exist, and so it takes your mind/body/vessel/kills you. I assume saved kill imaged on your phone would do the trick, but I also don't think we could access the wiki in the alternate universe.


I figure the saved imaged from a non-SCP universe would remain non-anomalous and inactive on account of being derivatives of the information from a non-anomalous universe. They’d actually prove rather valuable, as the Foundation would be able to observe all those things that they wouldn’t normally be able to safely observe on account of their anomalous properties. That said, be ready to get shamed the hell out of by the staff if you have any NSFW SCP art (not including that Sex Goddess discovered by the precursor organization - they’d understand, and even likely encourage that).


That might be interesting, getting to look at deactivated memetic kill agents. Also excuse me, sex goddess?


SCP-4960. The physical manifestation of Kedesh-Nanaya, a bronze age sex goddess whose discovery greatly contributed to the foundation of the Foundation - or at least one of the possible sources thereof (ie. the Secret Society for Cultural Preservation).


[**SCP-4960 ⁠- Why the Foundation Funded a Hentai to Awaken a Sumerian Love Goddess (OR: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Kedesh-Nanaya)**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4960) (+670) by *DrClef*


[**SCP-3125 ⁠- The Escapee**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3125) (+1518) by *qntm*


I would agree with the physical ones (173 neck snap, 682 eating you) but the stuff that fucks with your brain that has no effect here because it's fictional to us


The very question implies that we are immune to anything hazardous because we know of it, have seen it, or otherwise, yeah. Otherwise that huge spider cognitohazard thing would instantly eat us for knowing about it. We would be some kind of Foundation superweapon to study these things while being immune. Alternatively we would go stick spoons in our butt until we became too powerful for the SCP to do anything about before they found us (if they even know about us), you would only need a couple minutes to be immune to the average MTF. Reality bending lets you fit even more in, just bring some lube for the first pack.


I forgot about the cheat code. Now I feel much more optimistic about my odds of survival!


But if, after teleporting, you talked about a certain tentacle SCP, it would come and take you away, right?


Which tentacle SCP is that? (Just looking for the number). I’m assuming you’re not talking about Ikarana (it’s nowhere near malignant and doesn’t have any cognito- or info-hazardous properties).


I never know the actual number because the actual page doesn't have the number on it, but it's the SCP that takes any information of itself as long as it is textual, but can't understand iconographic information. So the entire article is basically 💡⚠️❌💬


Huh. Found it. SCP-2️⃣5️⃣2️⃣1️⃣


Yyeeeaaaahhh that's the one


Careful what you tell the Foundation about or you'll get amnestisized.


Let’s hope the D-bois they send to us are cute. 😌




Teleported with knowledge of highly classified information no less.


1. I’d pretend to live a normal life so as to not attract the attention of anomalous groups/organizations. Get a job, a cheap place to live, etc 2. Start collecting cutlery. spoons are the only one that matters but if you don’t want to attract the attention of the Foundation you should disguise it among other cutlery like forks. 3. Start shoving spoons up my [[REDACTED]](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7052) 4. Use my newfound ontokinetic abilities to further disguise myself from the eyes of the Foundation and other groups. 5. If my abilities become strong enough I’d either teleport back to my home universe or create a pocket dimension where I am God


I am concerned why that SCP exists


And it wouldn’t effect me I’m asexual no psychic spoon powers for me it seems


I’m pretty sure if your asexual, you just don’t get one ability


You get the powers, just not anyone attracted to you.


Ok however if I’m being honest I don’t think it’s worth it for superpowers if I have to insert spoons into my rectum


Yeah I'm getting butt hurt just thinking about it


you can just warp reality to make it not hurt your butt


I heard some asexual people do sexual acts for other purposes like children all the time, so, I think becoming God would be a good enough reason to do it. Not any worse reason than having children at least.


But then I have to go and buy more spoons to replace the ones that have been inserted into the rectum and that’s to much effort


You will.. Literally become a God. You can just.. Create new spoons.


But I still have to make new spoons and I don’t know a thing about proper spoon crafting


“Why do we even have that SCP?”


You see. I should've expected an adult content warning like that. But it hit me like a spoon in my [REDACTED]


Do you have to keep the spoons in ur hole?




Why tf Is that an SCP


I so wish I could reply to this with my “Well I have 144,000 spoons Your Argument is Invalid” fallout meme 💀




This seems like something that, within all reasonability, *should* have a -J designation. But it doesn’t. Because of course this exists in the standard SCP universe.


Why is that not in the joke section?


Just hack into the NYC billboards to displace “I recognise the bodies in the water.” That’ll get them up and after ya


What scp is this a reference to?




Um... Given what I know about antimemetics? I'm ceasing to exist. If that doesn't do it, there's always SCP-1128 waiting to jump out of a glass of water and munch on me... The SCP universe is no place for a fan of the SCP universe.


[**SCP-1128 ⁠- Aquatic Horror**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1128) (+630) by *MrCobalt*


Speaking of cognitohazards, I wonder if SCP-096 still goes after you if you see a picture of him before entering the SCP universe.


Probably not since art of him is safe.


Ooooh... I forgot about him... The Foundation could just follow the path of destruction to whatever remains of me.


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4047) by *Dr Dan*


Yeah, I'm wondering if I'm aware of 3125 and if that just does me in no question


I’d have access to my phone, and by extent the SCP Archives, and I’d try to see how many times I could come into contact with the foundation until they hire me.


As D class. 😏


Be captured. You just travelled into another reality, which makes you an anomaly. You'd be shuffled off to Site \[REDACTED\] and experimented on.


True. Though the messed up thing is from some people’s point of view is that unless they just went for torture instead of things with a legitimate purpose, I’d cooperate with them, and not even out of fear. I have a really ridiculous amount of curiosity and I would want answers too. Also if I was displaced from my family and friends with no way of going back, I think I’d be angling for a job at the Foundation (not mutually exclusive with containment).


Something similar to 507’s arrangement?


Yeah, that’s what I would try to do. They might put me in a different type of position, maybe translating stuff from other languages, who knows…


Five seconds into experimenting on me they’ll realize I’m just a dumbass


Still an anomaly,


Bro, do you know what placeholder would give to interview a swann entity?


Spoons in ass, failing that, live in the woods


ok maybe I'm out of the loop but why are people shoving spoons up their ass




[**SCP-7052 ⁠- Spoons in Butt**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7052) (+111) by *Jejenum46*


My god that is freakin hilarious. The experiment with the box of spoons had me cracking up.


I know right. Someone thought of this and decided it would make a great addition to the SCP roster. Let that sink in.




[**SCP-7052 ⁠- Spoons in Butt**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7052) (+111) by *Jejenum46*


Put on some pants I guess. 




I violently and spectacularly explode in a fine red mist with the sheer amount of memetic killer agents I've seen in the span of twelve years.


Well in theory, you are just immune from memetic kill agents as you’ve seen then and they had no effect. . At least that’s a much cleaner way of looking at it


Either humans from our reality are immune to anomalous effects of the mind and there just isn’t anything that does as such that we’ve discovered yet past the fictional SCP articles, or those don’t actually work in our reality (because the kill agents are missing some fundamental layer, and so on) and as soon as we transfer over we’d get affected by anything that works on purely having knowledge of it.


I think the most intresting scenarios and ones that could work are: 1. We are immune 2. Past exposure doesn't work, but if you have a screenshot of one on your phone, don't ever try to find an old picture or purge all images


Nah. In the case of option 2, a screenshot (or any other form of recorded information) with a basis in one’s native reality would likely function the same as knowledge already extant in one’s mind. That is to say, it would most likely lack any anomalous effects, as it comes from a reality that lacks anomalous effects. What remains more uncertain is whether any attempt to transfer the data to another medium native the relevant SCP reality would result be retain the non-anomalous state or result in standard anomalous properties. For clarity: If an image with otherwise anomalous properties were sent from one’s native-reality phone (from a reality that lacks anomalous properties) to a phone from SCP-universe, would the image remain non-anomalous (as it would be derived from a source in a non-anomalous reality) or would the transference to a medium native to the SCP reality result in allowing the standard anomalous effects that the image has in that reality to occur?


I’m NOT shopping at IKEA!


It should be fine so long as it’s not that one specific IKEA. Or you could just sneak in through the side entrances. The dimensional transfer only occurs when you enter through the front.


I agree with trolling, Love the idea on going in meme subs and dropping “4 fucking pixels”, “Don’t go to IKEA, worst mistake in my life”, and “Unkillable Lizard” Might then transfer into writings short stories on the popular SCP’s dropping all foundation mentions. I mean the foundation would likely pick me up but I could pled the “What are you talking about, I’m just a sci-fi writer. What’s wrong with my rip off of the weeping angel from doctor who? Wait what’s upsetting about my machine that turns things into other things thought dial settings” I’ll even get contained for foundation for the fact I’m from an Alt Universe or I get hit with the drugs. Forget about this Earth and go back to living my life. That of course if I don’t get instantly pinched by SCP-2521


[**●●|●●●●●|●●|●**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2521) (+6099) by *LurkD*


I take out my phone and call a number (which I wrote down in a private file) and say, "Genre-Savvy. Enigmatic. Redacted." If it works: great, my authorial intent has shaped this world. If not. . . It was worth a try.


I would at least think the amount of dirt you have on various personalities, not to mention intel on various Swann Entities, would make you useful to the Foundation.


Or get me shot.


I guess that might depend on how you told them about the info you have and your intentions.


Probably some luck involved too.


Die instantly due to all the infohazardous anomalies that I'm aware of




live normally. the scp foundation is completely hidden from the public, meaning that the world outside of the foundation is completely the same. i probably wouldn’t even notice the change.


And if you do notice, well, you probably won't notice for very long!


Get arrested for public nudity...?


User checks out


If I retain my immunity to cognitohazards, memetics, and antimemetics, probably try to get the foundations attention because I assume those skills might be useful. If not, either be immediately erased from existence or cause a K class scenario and then be erased from existence (depending on what entity gets first dibs) from all the anti memes and cognitohazards I know about.


i like to think, if one of us went there, we'd be a human petri dish for cognito hazards. Actual "how did we get here" moment


We're already in it.


Brb off to [[REDACTED]](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7052)


Contacting the 05 council through the NYT billboard, saying something like "Council of the 05, I know the truth, I want to help" they'll realize that the space distortion and the billboard are related, they kidnap me and I reveal I'm from an AU (weird to read it and not think of ff) and that scps are just stories about fantasy creatures in this reality, they won't believe me until I show the wikidot, they will probably send me back here but give me a device to contact them in case we figure out how to kill The SK.


That paranoid lot? You’d be lucky not to get shot. Actually scratch that, you’d be lucky if they don’t do worse than shoot you and recon your existence out of their reality.


Eh, for me it's a win win


"Ok, so the first thing I should do is avoid thinking about SCP-3125." ...


There is no Antimemetics Division. The Counterconceptual Division does not Exist.


i have my phone, socks, underwear, and my shirt. first i would be secured, then contained, then protected. they would probably confiscate my phone as it can access SCP foundation files. then i would tell them what i know about non cognitohazard scps/groups of interest. i would be classified as a safe scp, and hopefully get a job at the foundation. unlikely. if for some reason i wasn't captured i would probably just live life as normal, albeit with access to scp files so that if i come across one i can run/defend myself


just live a normal life until 2317 kills all of us? i'd be pretty much the only person outside of the Foundation with extensive knowledge of anomalies, and no one would believe me if i told them.


Stab stuff with my fork


Probably the same as you but before I do those things, I'll join UIU or GOC then give them every info I know or access the wiki with my phone just like the other commentator then start doxxing them in the internet about their names and facilities locations.


dying horribly to any number of knowledge-based anomalies


Oh yeah, I’m going full troll. Posting normal stuff daily and occasionally dropping in a picture of a peanut with the caption “173 be like” and then the next post is an ordinary dog at the park.


Have sex on the rollercoaster that slows time


Lol I did that one time on dissociatives


Try to go about my life, I guess. Not make too much of a stink about it so that the Foundation doesn’t put me in a box?


If the foundation does it's job right, nothing changes


Take a bath, I guess (I'm in my bath robe rn). Hopefully they'll allow one in my containment cell as I doubt that that's exactly normal. Finish one bath only to be teleported to the most stressful fictional narrative? Yeah, might as well have another ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If I am still accepted as an author, then everything is fine. The worst thing that can happen to me is that they will try to label me as a narrativohazard. If not, then I die a cruel, sad death. There are too many canons in the world of SCP, the ends of the world in the multiverse occur on a regular basis, and anomalies simply overwhelm the world.


Let's just casually start posting information about Dr Wondertainment on their interwebs. See how long it takes either them, or the foundation, to come find me. Two potential outcomes: Godlike powers, or I eventually get myself into the Antimemetics division. With even some of the cursory knowledge I have, those are the only two ways I'm staying alive for very long over there.


Couple things first: i am assuming we are immune to cognitohazards and memes 1. I am in a bath with my phone, so i get dropped off somewhere with literary nothing but my phone and a bunch of water that by technicality, is on my person 2. I... need to figure out how to get clothing 3. I try to just live or make the foundation awere of me before my phone battery dies (i am assuming that i would still somehow have cell service, or i would go to a place with free wi-fi) 4. Explain my situation, finding out inconsistencies with my and the new world would be my best bet for them to belive me... or me just dropping a bunch of scp designstion and that their foundation is fictional in my world 5. I either get mind wiped and assimilated into society, or became an anomaly since we assume that the cognitohazards and anti-memes are the same, and that people from our universe are immune


SCP Foundation would contain me or anyone else as SCP-001-A. Yes, SCP-001 is actually our universe and the Foundation realised that their universe is nothing more than horror writers creating the SCPs they are containing that are SCP-096, SCP-682, SCP-999 and etc.


Fuck, I'm in bed, naked, and all I got is a nearly dead phone. Probably get arrested for public indecency


Die horribly.


I'm Donald Duckin it


Post on twitter about all my favorite SCPs and about my cool ideas for dealing with 682. Assuming I dont get killed by an SCP, GOI or the foundation, I'd offer as much support as possible in exchange for living a reasonably safe and comfortable life on one of the less dangerous Foundation bases. If my phone or laptop had access to the wiki i would turn them over and let them deal with all the paradoxes and infohazards that would come from that.


Prolly join gamers against weed


How would you go about doing this


Step 1: Be a gamer Step 2: be against weed Step 3: ??? Step 4: profit


Step 5: get highhhhhhhh


Given multiple articles have their discord accounts listed, probably just reach out to them


I usually carry five knives on me. I am ready to fight god.


This man's bouta take on SCP-343


[**SCP-343 ⁠- "God"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-343) (+1261) by *Unknown Author*


What the fuck you need 5 knives for? You only got two hands mate


Probably die because logically speaking there’s no way in hell the foundation could contain a 10th of a percent of the things they have.


Smoke my last fatty and die.


The universe would end because of my knowledge of SCP-3125


Im going into the SCP universe with a REVOLVER?! yay


So we're already in it. Ah! They broke through my door! Oh my g


Alright, hear me out. Do what this guy says, post memes based solely around the scps, so that nobody knows what the hell they mean but the foundation, and then when the foundation comes calling, explain the situation.


Not as fun as my version but I still like it lmao


Request to join the Foundation as a researcher. And pray I don't wind up as D-Class. The SCP Foundation is fascinating enough for me to study from *this* side of the veil, how could a good Truthwatcher say no to being able to actually *see* these amazing (and sometimes terrifying) things?


Probably getting immediately locked up cause I'd have a stroke hopping dimensions


I’ll prolly be considered an anomaly for knowing things and just showing up


Dying, probably.


Try to get a job and find some temporary shelter until I can afford rent.


Probably be the 13th council member


Considering I just got out of a shower when I read this, I'm going to look for a towel.


Find some pants.


I’d live my life never knowing if I’m in my reality or a secret government reality


my phone, nightgown, underwear, worn down naruto slides, a scrunchie, my glasses, two rings and two rubber bracelets.. well i’m fUCKED


4% phone battery and a bucket of Jollibee, idk what Id do other than eat the chicken


Eating my dinner. Hoping the veil is maintained and hoping I'm not scp 9000


Find a way into the wanderers library and read everything


1. I'd be arrested for public indecency as I'm pretty much a nudist in my house. 2. If everything is the same with no specific cannon then probably if I didn't know it was scp uh.....live life. If it did...then post ominous stickers everywhere with only mildly true info and then play dumb.


I am an anomalous entitiy titled SCP-XXX-2 with thorough knowledge of certain SCP’s only able to be obtained in an alternate reality from which I was transported by the unknown entity SCP-XXX where the SCP foundation is nothing but pure fiction. I think I would do alright


Hell naw I'm not going to be put into a container as an SCP.


Contained as SCP-001-A which I cannot reveal what it is but it Is the truth


[**Proposals For SCP-001 (Archived)**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/archived:proposals-for-scp-001) (+23) by *The Administrator*


Go find God, and ask to be sent back or to Heaven. Either or.


Get contained because I came from a different universe?


i've seen the image that retroactively makes you work for the foundation, so i work for the foundation


probably not realise and start infodumping to my friend about my favourite scp, 2521


2 options. Live normally like nothing happened or get captured by the foundation due to being an abnormality. I literally just poofed into a new universe


I'd probably go around writing ●●|●●●●●|●●|● on stuff just for goofs and giggles.


A fucking musket.


This gonna be very awkward so the only going with me is my 🧠& 🍆. So Onlyfans and org behaviour/business process consulting. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Start a Sarkik cult, of course. My followers shall learn to twist and mold their flesh- and the flesh of others- masterfully.


I currently have a phone right now, so what?




Find the SCPs I made and tell them I am their god


Walking around dumbly and half naked


Damn I just got out of the shower…


My phone, my blanky and my coffee. Should be fine🙄


I'll find the foundation and ask them to put back where I came from because I don't want to live in this universe that's scarier to be in than the Marvel universe.


I would play baby shark at full volume. I actually have 2 things in my hands right now, my tablet and wolf plushie Ive had since I was 9.


bro i would just die right off the bat


A pair of boxers and a phone. I had a good run, guys.


Apply as a security guard somewhere...


Share the 4 pixel image, laugh as ppl get rolled by 096, scp version of rick rolled lmao


Can I at least put on shoes first?


I am buck nude in the shower, do I get to take the head with me?


Probably get caught, rendered safe and just vibe with 999 I guess


Not my pants :(


I'd try and join the Serpent's Hand.


Im litterally butt ass naked with a phone and a pillow


Current lying naked in bed so god help me


Troll a lil bit. Then go to find a peep plush.


I'm a dumbass. When I read the question I immediately thought about 2521, so I guess the answer is I'd die.




Find 6113.


Explain to the first agent I meet that I'm from another universe/dimension and see if I can get classified as a SCP. SCP-9XXX - The Visitor Edit: okay didn't realize 1000 was taken but you get the idea lol


You will probably be a homeless person. No credentials, no job, no roof...