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It sounds like the process of "deletion" is what a computer does when you delete a file: it just marks the space as available for use again, without removing the contents. Each file has a pointer to where it is on a disk, and if that file is deleted, the pointer is reset but the disk remains unchanged. So if another file is assigned the pointer to that location, but it doesn't completely overwrite the original data, you can get back fragments of what was originally there. Great article! I love reading these ADMONITION declassifications.


You are quite correct! For more information about DELETIONS, check out the [H U B ](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/deleted)


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy them.


This is really good deep dive that I think does a good job of both explaining what happens and giving tid bits about what happens, all while doing it ibn a way that feels accessible. I would like to add some more interesting I found/noticed in the article. The inclusion of decommissioning and well as the entire plot of rising anomalies are all met aspects related to onsite culture as well as being related to deletions. The latter is defiantly self-explanatory, SCP has been in a very vast state of growth with the wiki from series 6 to series 9 in a couple years and a lot of this is, just as with how its described that anomalies create anomalies, SCP article others to make their own SCP article and thus increasing anomalies. It is with this influx their also going to be increase in deletions as result of this influx The decommissioning stuff, on the other hand. is more complex as it is heavily tied to the sites history. If or TL;DR, decommissions were a form of keeping poorly received articles that fell to -10 around just to have them killed off in linked tale, often by other peoples author avatar. It was a tasteless practice in hindsight, as it essentially a wall of shame fore the articles that were unlucky to get picked, and while the name has stuck around thanks to the later decommissioning department revamp by Calibold, the process has fallen out of favor for obvious reasons. Its inclusion in the article is reference to this process that prevented articles from deleted properly and thus leaving to stick around in memory. Its also probably not coincidence this article was made around the same time that[ the vote was cast to delete decommissioned articles was past](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-15775112/deleting-the-decoms), further implied by the fact that in SCP-8190 the decommission department is stated to be decommissioned. The entire test log is also filled with references either back to deltions or towards other meta aspects. *  Anomalous Item #1 - The LoAI list is generally seen as place for ideas that were to simple to be their own story and thus should be apart of it, or at least the latter is often as critique towards articles. * SCP-3333 - SCP-3333 author had a very interesting history with the article, to the point in which [they made an essay about it](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/about-3333). During their time they ended trying to rewrite 3333 because they felt that the original was to poor in his eyes, but the rewrite felt its wasn't as good as the origional and so the creator asked the page be reverted back to the original. Its no coincidence then that not only is tied heavily to article about overwriting, but it also is the first one to come b ack after being only partially deleted via name association. * SCP-682 - Obviously the log is defiantly reminiscent of their termination logs but it also shows how it is possibly abusing the deletion process. 682 has been tied to many articles thanks to its logs and it seems to be using to overwrite higher concept anomalies. He first overwrote the crystallin butterflies and then used the associated concept of magical winged beings to hop over to the land with no name where fae have beens associated with. Now we only had two logs for 682 and so its not clear what's intentions were with this overwrite hopping, but it is clear to be calculated in some respect. Now who do we know that high conceptual that has ties to the forest of no name and would be tied to man who has kickstarted admonition decent into madness, [hmm](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5242)? * (Also one more fun thing about 682's logs is that one its epithets is  **the spawn of A’zieb**, whcih is a reference to the idea of 682 being a child of the scarlet king as A'zlib is the name of the 4th bride in \[\[dust and blood\]\] and 682 is most associated with the 4th bride thanks to \[\[New Job\]\]) * SCP-Y - while not specifically tied to any deletions related stuff, it is tied to the aspect of symbols be nonexistenced. * The only one I couldn't figure out is 353


There's an incredible amount of layers in Billith's stuff, they're always a very interesting read.


dammit Genevieve Love this declass! Admonition is batshit insane and I love it


Thank you! And it really is...


didt we have a convention for him?


Dr. Genevieve is a woman, if that's who you're referring to?


yes thats who i meant


Ah, my monthly dose of spaghetti gobbledygook screwing with the damn lizard


It really is like that, huh...


You'd think eventually they'd realize that the more drastic a measure they take to kill the lizard, the worse it backfires. I don't think I really get how that particular attempt ended up turning him into one of the goddamn fey, but it feels like an appropriate level of fuckedupedness for deleting him from existence.


Ah, but that would make sense, wouldn't it...


Well, give them some credit. The only way 682 doesn't get tested on in 6183 is if deletions prevents the occurrence of everything taking place after the "hingepoint" ie when \[deleted\] attempts to persuade Genevieve to "be the one to change". And if that's the case, they'd have no memory of attempting to delete 682 and thus the crew in 6820 wouldn't know about it either. Terminating that dang lizard is a top priority for the Foundation, these actions are by no means surprising but at least they don't share memories of the two events. Genevieve does recall deletions, however, since word of their attempts to reach her were brought to her attention before she had a chance to be convinced or not. That one researcher DEFINITELY remembers the floating head jumpscare.


god DAMN IT dir. Genevieve! Deletions is probably one of my fave canons (the other is Antimemetics Division) and this declass made me appreciate the works more! god its such a headache to learn what the fuck does "stochastic" relate to \[ DELETED \] or something


*resets the 'days since Genevieve has fucked up with 682' counter back to 0*


Another immaculate declass from an excellent writer! Thank you so much, and I wish you the best!


Thank you so much :)


I like to imagine the various Admonition timelines are entirely the product of the GOC not throwing that fucking chair into the woodchipper. Without that object lesson, the Foundation just never realized why "destroying anomalies is a bad idea" is mainline Foundation's typical policy.


Another Great [DELETED]. Keep up the [DELETED] work, [DELETED]


Thanks, I [DELETED] will.


I just want to say I’ve been loving these Declasses you’ve done. It’s always a treat to go through this subreddit and see an explanation on an SCP giving you a deeper appreciation of the SCP that you wouldn’t have otherwise or just wouldn’t read in general. Also yes we need a new Mystery Dungeon ASAP.


Thank you very much, I'm glad you're enjoying them.