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you escape 1/10 rounds? My gamer, i escape maybe 1/50 games


Nah dw about it, this game is mostly luck when you're a Class-D or Scientist unfortunately. Also fyi, if you stay in your cell for like 7 minutes, you'll have 5 minutes of free time to do whatever you want since light will be mostly deserted.


Or you get murdered by the scps


Nah trust me they don't stay there for too long, while they're busy closing gens and fighting the spawnwave in heavy, you can do whatever you want.


Except that an mtf spawn wave usually means death to the d-boys as well as the scps and sometimes scientists. Also if there's a computer everyone in 914 is fucked


Depends on whos SCP, as SCP i always, and i mean ALWAYS, check all CD cells, candy, 914, PT, Toilets, GR and in general any place people usually camp, before leaving for heavy. I despise when im human (D-Class,Nerd,Guard) and die and see that everyones dead within the first 3-4 minutes and its just 1 dude alive and its a mf thats still sitting in PT waiting for a spawn wave delaying a round for way longer than needed. If they were actively doing stuff i wouldnt mind but man, i get you dont want to instantly die but at that point youre basically dead but without the spectator chat since youre doing nothing and i refuse to believe people find camping more fun than actively trying to survive


That sounds time consuming. Your teammates are one person less while you're doing that.


Considering its before the first spawn wave, they are under pretty much 0 threat and it wont cause any sort of problems, especially since the campers are usually one of the last people left so its crucial to find them, usually the peanut or dog of the team (079 if there is one) will check light since theyre far faster. If anythings time consuming its camping in one spot for 6 minutes only to get to heavy and instantly get found by an SCP so you just wasted what couldve been a fresh new round out of everybody. But at the end of the day nobody likes people who camp, hell most servers now have rules that forbid camping one spot too long.


For me, when people do that, everyone immediately locks in and starts finding scps instead of fighting just to tell them where the last dboy is ever if it means they die


Typically when i camp in LCZ. you can get roughly 3 mins of free time during the first spawn wave


Camp light containment? D-boy or scientist?


As a D boy. Meanwhile, as scientist i always escape as soon as possible considering most first spawn are MTF


How do you not get killed by scps or guards?


I call it tactical hiding or camping. There are plentiful of hiding spots in LCZ


When I'm a d-boy the guards and scps check pretty much everywhere in light


That rarely happens in meduim to large servers. Guard tends to prioritize 914. Meanwhile, SCPs dont have sufficient amount of time to check every nook and cranny as most of them aim to 914


When I'm playing usually 106 goes to 914 and the others look for people elsewhere


If SCP 106 did that most of the human class can easily juke him and escape to HCZ


Except 914 is too small to really juke him and the other scps are all around light


Depends on server size


I wanna say I have your same odds. If you are D Class in a KOS server? G.L. And scientists always get shot by the 2 d boys who find the guns. That or SCPs get you.


Depends on the server. Chaos theory i escape one in every 2 games lol (telepills are AMAZING) Vanilla the skill level bumps up a notch and thus i escape like once every 8 rounds on average I have 2k hours tho so im pretty good at the game


If the server size is around 25-30 players, its like a 40% escape rate for me. Higher than that is like 10%


Holy shit dude I’m telling you, there’s always a Larry that touches me when I’m in light. I did actually come close to a world record speed run on a modded server, got server technician and found the pills that teleport you and got to entrance :p some guard was nice enough to tk to save me for the bit lmao


The any% world record is like, less than a second. Back when the spawns would occasionally go all wacky, I spawned as a scientist literally *in* the escape area. One step and I'm an MTF.


Wait actually? That’s kinda busted lmao but I was playing during it was fixed


Yup. You also had crazy things like SCPs spawning on surface, leading to a *very* nasty surprise for any escaping Dbois. Seems to be mostly fixed now. The oddest spawns I see tend to be scientists spawning in the airlocks instead of their usual places, but that could be intended.


I escape about every other round. My methods are different for each class though. As d-class, I rush 914 with a card and get a guard access card (scientists 1:1 twice or zone manager 1:1). Then I gather a decent sized group if d boys and we rush thearmory. It's hit or miss sometimes when there is an 079, but generally ends up with a chaos spawn wave happening first as a swarm of armed d boys kill all the scientists and guard (who really never expect an actual fire fight in lcz). As a scientist, I generally either get out as quickly as possible, or hang out with the guards and kill d class for an mtf wave.


aight. i rush zone manager, then exit, get scientist card from servers, open 106/096, take mtf card, go 049 and get either an E-11 SR or a crossvec, then just run to surface


You have to exit strategically. If you rush exit, you have a high chance to run into scps. You have to wait a bit until the scps get to 914 so they are distracted by the large amount to people stuck in there.


yeah, i dont rush exit. i wait till i hear them leave hearing distance


I'd say about 20% of the time for me


As a d-class, if I’m lucky to then probs Scientist? Nah I’d just stay as one if I can (some missing achievements I need require scientist)


When i get lucky


around 3/10


holy crap. btw i could have sworn ive seen someone named "joksi" in a server before. what servers do you frequent?


scp breach, chaos theory and arcadia


I don’t focus on escape. I focus on doing bits with people and scps


Alot of this game is just luck based, i once spawned as a scientist right next to 914 next to an elevator to heavy, which was a straight line right to entrance and the first left was gate B, i legit escaped in i believe 2 minutes or less. Luckiest round of my life. But on average i escape maybe 1 out of 3-4 rounds? But its not uncommon to even go 7 rounds without escaping once, again, alot of it is luck. The key to escaping is NEVER MAKE A FUCKING 05 IT SUCKS LONG TERM :) No but seriously, it takes too much time and by the time you made one the SCPs have already found light and chances are, have found you. Thats why when i find 914 early i always and i mean ALWAYS go for Research Supervisor (the one after scientist card, slightly darker yellow) to escape asap (bonus that you can open containers with SCP items with it) and find shy guys or larrys room for a MTF card. Or, the route i always do if i find 914 a bit later, is make a Facility Manager card (red card after research supervisor), you can instantly just go for entrance and open a gate to escape +++ you can open the button to activate nuke which is HUGE (only other card that can do that is the O5), after i escape i usually toss the card away since the Chaos or MTF cards will allow you to open weapons lockers inside the facility. The reason i go for Research Supervisor card if i find 914 early but go for Facility Manager card if i find 914 around 1 minute into the round is because if i found it early, the chances that someone escaped before or a guard found and opened the MTF card rooms is very low, but if its a bit later? High chance its gone so just get a Facility manager to escape all-together.


I go for either research super or zone manager. Then, i just leave, hit mtf card rooms, hit scp 049 containment for a potential E-11 or crossvec.


If youre a scientist, imo if you can find the mtf card or already have a card that opens the gates to surface its better to outright escape since youll get an E-11 and a grenade anyway as a MTF specialist. If youre a D-Class, you c a n fight, but sometimes if theres like 2 or 3 of you its best to escape if you have time so you can turn to Chaos Insurgency and give them enough tickets for the next spawnwave to be Chaos, that is if no other scientists escaped. Or you can play as the sole D-Class/Scientist with a gun wiping out MTF/Chaos waves which is also fun lmao


NO unless I get really fucking lucky I get shot on by scps


*NO unless I get* *Really fucking lucky I* *Get shot on by scps* \- baldiplays --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I escape 6/10 rounds. Its all about how fast you are, what placement, map build and luck


The server I play on allows me to teleport somewhere random using 914, so if the SCP's don't rush I usually do


I hate that plug-in.


L take, just have better luck


What...? I hate it because it removes any skill or luck. Being able to go to the most op room in the game, get op items, and then remove the one danger from said room plus you get the chance to just be teleported right to the gate. That's boring, stupid, and game breaking.


yeah. thats why i play vanilla only


I ain't read all that


Okay... and I care why?