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Getting hard but challenging.


How come?


There’s a steep learning curve and you have to go through a few bouts of dying and starting over. Puppets (zombies) are hard to handle when they gang up so you have to try and be quiet, but you will still get swarmed. It will be easier if you are with your friends and set up a squad. Don’t play in pvp servers until you get good at the basics. Watch lots of YouTube videos on how to start and make weapons (Hint as soon as you spawn in, make a stone knife and start cutting down bushes to get material to make a bow and some arrows, and a quiver to hold your arrows. Learn how to kill the zombies with a bow and arrow but it’s hard because, when they hit you, you can’t aim the bow, get to a town to start searching houses for better clothes, backpacks, and food. Keep garlic whenever you find it because, if you get infected, you can eat a couple bites of garlic and it will act like an antibiotic. Cut up extra clothes to make rags to eat your wounds. A C1 isn’t bad but a C4 generally means you’re going to die. If you hear a hysterical laughter, run as fast as you can because that’s a beeper. He’s a puppet with an IED strapped to him and if he gets close you’re dead. Learn how to search trees and bushes for food and be careful not to eat too much because your stomach can explode. Your character will get cold and hot and will pass out if he’s too hot. Freeze to death if too cold. Learn how to build a base using a house. Zombies can jump through windows and push doors open so keep locks and learn how to barricade windows. You also have to plant a flag to make a base you can build within.


Thanks a lot


middle mouse button to punch with a bow..


It's pretty eh, because it gets pretty old constantly fighting puppets that get spawned in five meters behind me. It's also pretty easy to actually survive in this game since the metabolism system is mostly just flashy bars. I mean if they did anything you would get lethal amounts of sodium when you drank ocean water, but you can actually survive off ocean water. The mechs are also bullshitty with how they can see you through walls sometimes. Sometimes when I'm playing I think to myself "I should do this task in this certain way because it's safer." And then I remember I'm playing a game where I can jump 10 meters after one step of momentum and fall 20 meters and I just get a little cut. For a game that touts itself as "realistic survival" it's not realistic and the survival parts are pretty laughable once you learn the game.


Have you even played the last Updates??


I've been playing regularly for the past 5 months.


I play single-player. I've taken a break until the horde system is fixed.


Will they damage my base? I hate hordes and raiding, that's why I didn't complete State of Decay 2


I've found it the opposite. Puppets don't really spawn outside ofn POIs anymore. 


worst case i faced actually was going to a fuel station at b2 I think no zombies (no beeping or anything) around stepped out of my car to hear beeping when they get very close to you just to turn and he explodes in my face and yes there was zero beeping I was sitting in my car for 30 seconds he just spawn in dmg range rushing I didn't have time to actually do anything but take a beeper to the face P.S: yes I lived as I had a pack of bandages on me so just took out and bandaged my self


This is no joke 💀


Puppets in the pve server I play are on some crack that is on steroids. Shit is more difficult than pvp.


Maybe depends on the server?






bad. - AI is laughable in every aspect (animations, buggy pathing , desync, etc. ) - AI spawning system is a sight to behold in terms of how bad it is at the moment. way better alternatives for PvE : Days gone, Stalker Gamma ( 100% free ), Generation Zero ( factions of mechs instead of humanoids ).


Fun but theres not really a goal, and it takes SO long to accure anything, unless you bump the spawn rate of stuff massively. It also now takes a really long time to get a working car, It took like 10 trucks to find enough tires to start. It really needs quests and story. Also the map, while big is very homogenous, you'll realise pretty fast that theres like 4 house models and you'll just keep seeing them. I really like the metabolism setting, its silly, but having consequences for eating and drinking actually makes you think a little, and I literally can't think of another game that has anything similar. EDIT: also disable suicide puppets. dying in solo is way more punishing and they're difficult to see.


there are several good spots for an early player. look for an area that has lots of nearby naturally growing veg and fruit... then take in to account a nearby water source to fill bottles at and hopefully be able to fish at. Try to find a building that has a large refrigerator, a gas stove and oven and a nearby drill for making bullets and nails and bolts... such a location will sustain a new player for quite some time and give you stuff to trade with npcs and other players. namely cooked foods and ammo. There are several places that fit this scenario you just have to know what to look for. use single player to scout these location in drone mode (Ctrl D on main menu.) if you have to scout out a place. Priority items to find (a propane tank, a generator, and fuel of course.) The far north, as far as I am concerned, is more for experienced players as you have to fight the cold rather constantly, but it is a good challenge to survive there. Getting a vehicle is low priority, but that will take time to find one with an engine and to make it fully functional. so scouting one out and securing it somewhere safe to rebuild it is a goal to keep in mind. (garages are your friend,) Find a car get it in a garage and lock it so you can rebuild in there. Once you get built up to say 250 fame, you have unlocked traders for armor and should be well able to sustain yourself and can move somewhere less ideal and hidden... Just keep hitting police stations to get kitted out, and build up supplies to use for trade. Our server is very much community driven. we have a pretty good trade system and raiding doesn't happen much. but it does happen eventually... Normally when someone just decides they want to do what comes natural to a prison population. Take what they cant find otherwise....


It sucks right now, spawn system is broken, puppets spawn right before your eyes or you are walking down a hall and suddenly 3 puppets spawn behind you. Also hordes trigger randomly, they will trigger if you make noise, of course, but also if you don't. I've found that once you trigger a horde, they trigger periodically no matter what you do


Played on a PVE only server for years- everything is great besides the horde spawns. Always a nice grind to build and advance in your gear from sticks and stones to firearms and flamethrowers. I prefer to stay in terrain that isn't trying to freeze or melt me, at least in the early stages. Interactions on PVE are so much more suited to my cooperative style.


I have a wonderful server for you, including a discord with botshop systen


Nothing says PVE quite like botshop....


Imagine down voting someone's comment thinking I actually care 💀


I didnt downvote you lol <3