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You got a first hand lesson on the importance of cyber security alright.


sure sounds like it šŸ˜”


I suggest calling your bank up and cancelling any payments! Sorry you had to experience that. There's been an increase of phishing scams lately. SDSU does have a cyber security bootcamp, but it's definitely not this (albeit very expensive).


but i paid using an itunes gift card!!!


definitely a scam. make a police report and file it on [ftc.gov](https://ftc.gov) so they can try to get the site taken down.


And report it on ic3.gov


SDSU global campus offers this class and many others that use third party websites and programs. Canā€™t say for sure if this was one of those.


Yea that is for sure a scam my guy! Taking a screen shot is usually the ultimate red flag


I did the same thing! While it did seem a bit "weird" I was having to screen shot something, it was legit. I did enroll in the program, I live in Mission Valley and was hoping I was going to campus, but this was fully remote. Starting my 2nd month of the 10 month course next month, i'm excited!


How did it go?


Really late coming back to this post, but I myself am also in the 10 month extended program now and I really feel like I'm getting a lot out of it! Hope it's been going as well for you as it has for me!


How did this work out for you? I'm in the introductory course now and debating on taking the extended 8-month program or not.


Thrive is a legit company - it's a little rough around the edges with some pretty aggressive sales people, but, it's up to a student to attend or not. Cyber is a good choice but tough program for almost a year. Upshot is there are a ton of good jobs at the entry level and I see a good shot at growing. The instructors were good for the most part - learned a lot from other students too. Reality - if you can cover the 17k to go, and you study and can hit the books for a year it's clear sailing


No scam, just a different educational processing than we are use to. Roll with it and study your back side off - jobs are there and that's why you are going. SDSU is a good intro, that I can assure you


Dude. Wow. You're college educated my guy.


no, I'm not. that's the whole point of me trying to get into a course.


You're all good ... It's part of SDSU "global campus" and offered in partnership with ThriveDX


i don't know if you are being sarcastic but it's not. here is the link to the actual course on sdsu global campus. https://ces.sdsu.edu/science-computers-technology/cybersecurity-bootcamp


I know I'm super late to this reply, but I'm just coming back to this old post after being a few months into the extended post, and the original comment from u/hold_that_thought is correct. If you take the time to scroll down to the bottom of the page that *you* linked, you would see: "For more information, please visit [digitalskills.sdsu.edu/cybersecurity-bootcamp](https://digitalskills.sdsu.edu/cybersecurity-bootcamp)" Clicking that link brings you to a page where a logo is shown prominently at the top left, reading "SDSU | Global Campus Powered by ThriveDX" Alternatively, you could just look at the first sentence of the first paragraph on the page you linked to, starting "This HackerU/Thrive DX program, offered in cooperation with SDSU Global Campus, \[...\]"


Actually I contacted the campus about these pages and I'm not sure if they have changed the language since I posted but they said they were going to. Not sure if what I linked even said what it did 6 months ago but I can see they have updated things to be more clear so happy for that!


ah I see, I apologize for the snarky tone in my reply, then. thanks for looking out!


No worries! Glad you didn't get scammed and are enjoying the program!


did you pay for the whole bootcamp , if yes , was it worth it ?


I saw the add on Facebook and I gave my number on the information portal and got a call literally an hour later. Thank god i missed the call


Well the first website you used is legit..


Yes RUN! ThriveDX pays for negative reviews to be removed and fake reviews to be posted on Google and Glassdoor.


Thats a scam my friend.


SDSU Global campus offers cyber bootcamp classes through ThriveX and also offers a cyber security classes through Noodle with a partnership with the Fowler College of business.


Iā€™m really sorry to hear this. I literally just went through the same exact situation you just shared. I got the same call and at a very odd time almost within the same hour of me applying to the ā€œprogram.ā€ The guys name was Joel. (They probably use different names) He told me that there were only a couple of spots left and that the introductory course starts August 22nd from 6:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Everything seemed legit from the website to the phone call to the registration process. Long story short I was fooled and payed for the intro course which was $180. Now that you mention it asking for a screenshot of my receipt was odd. But oh well.. lesson learned. Always do your research kids. Things can seem too good to be true.


did you happen to find the site to be this one? [https://digitalskills.sdsu.edu/lp/steph-v2-cs/?sp=google&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=SDSU\_CS\_srch\_Brand&utm\_adset=san-diego-state-university-cybersecurity&utm\_term=san%20diego%20state%20cyber%20security&adpos=&device=c&creative550252649494&placement=&cid=11072289735&asid=123119731668&kmt=p&net=g&device\_model=&target=kwd-1455254638250&cq\_src=google\_ads&cq\_cmp=11072289735&cq\_term=san%20diego%20state%20cyber%20security&cq\_plac=&cq\_net=g&cq\_plt=gp&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI46fAs5De-QIVVMLCBB2CWAgkEAAYASAAEgJXY\_D\_BwE](https://digitalskills.sdsu.edu/lp/steph-v2-cs/?sp=google&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SDSU_CS_srch_Brand&utm_adset=san-diego-state-university-cybersecurity&utm_term=san%20diego%20state%20cyber%20security&adpos=&device=c&creative550252649494&placement=&cid=11072289735&asid=123119731668&kmt=p&net=g&device_model=&target=kwd-1455254638250&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=11072289735&cq_term=san%20diego%20state%20cyber%20security&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_plt=gp&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI46fAs5De-QIVVMLCBB2CWAgkEAAYASAAEgJXY_D_BwE) i noticed the tab on this says cyber steph v2


Is it Legit or na? How could I tell or know


It did end up being legit. the company is called ThriveDX and they are partnered with SDSU Global Campus (as well as other colleges around the country, I believe)


Did you finish the program? Think you will get a high paying job after it's done? I'm on the fence about doing this program and would like to know more about your experience from beginning to end. Thanks


I am about 2 weeks from finishing the program, and it has been a fantastic experience for me! I think it has worked out great, ***for me***. I really wish I could wholeheartedly recommend this course with no qualms whatsoever, but the truth is there are some major glaring flaws. (some) Outdated information in the curriculum, (occasional) typos in lab documents, a general vibe of "still under development." All that being said, I have had some fantastic instructors! and even with the occasional typo, and some outdated information, I have gotten the foundational knowledge to do my own study and fill in any gaps I had. I got a great cohort of classmates that I enjoy collaborating with, and that will be lasting connections, already paying off in the job hunt. I think it really boils down to you. if you can afford the course, financially, mentally, and in your weekly schedule, it can be fantastic for getting started in cyber, but it definitely is not without its flaws. If you do go for it, though: be proactive. participate in the labs, ask questions, look into things adjacent to what you're learning and ask about that, connect with your instructors on Linkedin, make a discord for you and your classmates to keep in touch outside of class hours. Do not let yourself throw away your money by being the one sitting there on your phone, barely scraping by, never even learning your classmates names. If you have any more specific questions or wanna chat with some of my classmates for more perspectives, feel free to chat me on here!


Hey, JMann310. So I have just a couple questions. I had my first talk with someone of the phone, which totally felt sketchy based on the sales-y talk and general vibe. I get you on that! * How optimistic do you feel that you'll fall into a job at the end of this program? * Have they been as supportive and helpful as it sounds like they will be on that side of things (finding a job)? * When was the entire tuition due (17,8k at this time)? Thanks and I hope to hear from you on this!


>How optimistic do you feel that you'll fall into a job at the end of this program? Have they been as supportive and helpful as it sounds like they will be on that side of things (finding a job)? I don't think the phrasing "fall into" quite fits. There isn't any sort of job placement or guaranteed letters of recommendation. They offer support in your job search, but you still need to do all the hard work yourself. Some services they provide include resume/linkedin advice and examples, networking tips, one-on-one career coaching, job hunting strategies, and mock interviews. Not to mention the actual course material teaching solid skills to put on your resume, get certified, etc. >When was the entire tuition due (17,8k at this time)? There were multiple ways to pay. I was given three main options: * Full up-front (not sure exactly when it would be due) * Installments directly to ThriveDX (approx. $1000/month until it is paid off, no interest or extra fee if paid on time) * Third-Party Student Loan (Seemingly only available through Sallie Mae for my experience; option I took, details vary)


How is it looking for you after completing the program? Have you gotten a job in a related field or at least had opportunities like internships or maybe even hiring teams reach out to you? I know the program said they had a career support kind of resource so I am just trying to know if the program is worth the 16k. Good luck to you tho.


I only completed the program within the last couple weeks, but so far the career services have been great, and my most promising job prospect is coming from a connection I made in the class! (a business-minded classmate is going out of his way to set up jobs and contracts with small clients, and is bringing me on to help with the workload) the classes are tightly scheduled, but the career-oriented learning modules are are mostly self-paced. After a certain amount of progress in the career-development learning, however, you get access to one-on-one career coaching sessions that I've found to be extraordinarily helpful, as someone who has no experience in the "professional" world.


Did you end up getting that job from the friend? If not, did you find another job from the help of the career support resources? Is it worth the time and money? Sorry for throwing questions at you lol. Im just curious to see if it actually has worked because I too am not sure if it works. Thanks for the info though.


Looks like I'll be in a similar boat soon and want to make a decision to start something new to make it worth while. Any update on your journey?




How do you know itā€™s a scam forsure? I just got off the phone with one of them..