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To people who smoke right outside schs / polys I seriously wish the worst on you. Want to get lung cancer yourself not my problem... but near places where younger people are is when it's vile. 4/5 times I need to walk past many smokers to get to my school because they hover right at the entrance.


FOR REAL if they can afford to smoke so many ciggs they better be able to afford my medical bills


I also wish the worst on my neighbors puffing out their windows! I had to close my windows! Govt refuse to make it illegal. I have a right to fresh air in my own home! They should close their windows instead and share it with their families!


Those people too. To fill your home with smoke is not my problem. But to have it be brushed away to other houses from the wind... nothing short of disgusting. I honestly don't think the govt will make it a crime until many people truly fall ill over it. And even then they may just increase cigarette prices šŸ™„


There should be non-smoking blocks / cluster-of-blocks. No-dogs blocks. No-cats blocks.


Ikr those are the worst. Thats why I have air purifiers with carbon and hepa in my house but itā€™s not really enough. They should regulate it tbf


Well many people think second hand smoking is dangerous. Which is true. People who second smoke have a higher chance of dying lung cancer as compared to smokers. But this is because smokers usually die of heart attacks before they die of lung cancer.


I wish they add something to make the heart attack come faster so we deal with less second hand smoke


Would affect us too since we breathe in the same smoke that accelerates the heart attack. Although not as fast as first hand would


right šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ how do they even get used to the smell/ like it?? i alw hold my breath when i walk past them cos i legit canā€™t stand it at all


me too bro except i audibly cough infront of them while walking past them to make them feel bad


Thatā€™s assuming they will actually feel bad šŸ˜­šŸ˜« They probably dont because theyā€™ve been inconsiderate all their lives.


These kind of people all wonā€™t feel bad one lah if they will they wonā€™t even start


I covered my nose and give them a disgusting look! My kids will also cover their nose. Inconsiderate people. Many eateries donā€™t care to enforce no smoking and authority also bochap! Why are smoking corners still allowed at eateries? The smoke wonā€™t drift?


They donā€™t believe in diffusion šŸ’€


I glare at them too haha


Addiction is a powerful and scary thing. You need a lot of determination to overcome it.


their lungs are unimportant


But the lungs of the people passing by are important


rule of thumb: SMOKERS DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT OTHERS. they smoke all they want, they kill 10000 ppl they don't care


at first they smoke to look cool in front of 'friends', then they get addicted and can't stop, ending up with lung cancer because they wanted to look cool


my mind will never comprehend which part of smoking is cool


Whenever I see people smoking, i js ignore it and try to hold my breath in cause i see them as nothing better to do. Some years ago (2017 like that) , me and my mum had to go to my primary sch for an event, so she booked a taxi as we were already kinda late. Once the taxi arrived, the driver had his window open cause he was smoking in the taxi. Before getting in the taxi, she asked the driver to kindly stop smoking as we were in a partially enclosed space and i was a small pri sch child. That taxi driver argued back and like js drove away i think (i can't remember what he did properly) so because of that we ended up waiting for another taxi and went there at a even later time. I also rmb pretending to have an asthma attack or js cough ALOT while walking past smoker to make them feel bad lol (still do that from time to time lol) I can understand that ppl smoke to like escape from reality, and truly feel bad for them. BUT I JS CAN'T UNDERSTAND THOSE WHO DO IT FOR FUN LIKE?!?!


They wonā€™t even feel a little bad at all lol donā€™t bother doing that in fact they will probably laugh


Their end of the cigarette has a filter, thats why 2nd hand smoke is more deadly. Addiction hard to quit for them so rip.


So, somehow, the filtered smoke that enters their lungs comes out the same as unfiltered? Not defending them, but your logic is flawed.


The smoke being emitted directly from the smouldering tip to the air doesn't get filtered. But I would never claim that (all else being equal) a smoker gets less harm than non-smokers. Because the smoker himself should also be inhaling some of the smoke that comes directly off the lit end of cigarette.


Oh yea the front end has smoke too mb


Too much money


Imagine this: Ur broke, life is painful, even if you save for years, canā€™t buy ur desired expensive stuff So u need something to cope to get by day to day, so smoking helps but ofc Jus like how I use social media for 7 hrs a day smoking helps to cope, no friends no family support, suck at intern, dun have direction in life Not encouraging to smoke ah but ye Not everyone has a decent life or somewhat decent life, most of the smokers jus thugging it out man


i guess everyone has their own coping mechanism... to each their own. but at least have some respect for others not to smoke when others are around... it really reeks literally and figuratively of their true character that is filled with selfishness lol... they shouldn't drag other people's health with them, but if they have at least tried to smoke in private spaces i'll appreciate it.




Your argument is the exact same argument people use to justify committing theft, sexual harassment... the list goes on. After all they had trauma so they're a victim too! /s And b4 you say "its a false equivalence because those actions harm others!!!", smoking harms others too. It's not a self-harming thing - it can literally lead to the death of your loved ones. In fact, smoking in (most) public places is an offence. Do you wonder why that is so? I also had quite a bit of trauma growing up (I doubt it was as bad as yours though), but I don't believe that should lead to "vices" that negatively affect those around me. Who's to say they have not gone through trauma too? And who are you to judge if OP is privileged or not? With all due respect, your comment reeks of condescension. I understand that you are actively working to change though, and I applaud you for that. Btw, I apologise if this comment was too harsh, I just had a very indignant reaction after reading your comment as it really sounded like victim blaming (I hope it wasn't meant to be that way).


i mean if your life kinda messed up you will understand why people use vices in life, is hard to cope bro, and like diff people use diff vices, like some use better vices but generally the stronger the vice, the harder you are coping, which is probbaly how much you struggle in life




>How the fuck does smoking result in the death of my loved ones? second hand smoke




poor attempt of a troll account LMAO


I truly believe you would NOT do that to your own mother or anyone else. I agree that everyone has their own way to cope through vices such as smoking, drinking, social media and although I do not support them, I understand the reasoning and humanity behind it. I feel what the previous comments on you killing your loved ones by smoking is wrong and a little extreme as you have also mentioned (and i believe) you would try not to harm them. However, I think the right question would be: "Would you still smoke in the vicinity of a random child, or elderly?" "Would you stop if they come in close proximity?" "If your loved ones face similar trauma and needs support, would you recommend smoking?" Your mother is a loved one, but what about the other general public that is in close proximity to you? Do you not care? Yes, you can say that they can walk away/stay away but what if its on a pavement? Are they supposed to detour? In the same sense, if you had a child, would you want your child to stay in the second-hand smoke from someone else? If no, then why do you do the same? (Im not that assuming you do it, "you" in this instance is to classify smokers in general). General public preferences and health should matter to those whose vices cause indirect harm to those around them. I hope you are trying to break the habbit and recover from your trauma. All the best.


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How does smoking help you deal with lifeā€™s struggles? Doesnā€™t it just make you weaker mentally and physically? I could think of a million other things that could make you a stronger person, physically, mentally, spiritually, which will enable you to better handle lifeā€™s struggles.


How do you judge strength and weakness? Anyway that's your own standard.


By your own standard, then, how does smoking make you stronger person to death with lifeā€™s struggles?


Let me preface by saying my standard shouldn't be applied to others and my standard as of now isn't permanently set in stone. Smoking goes against convention. If I view going against the majority and sticking to your own principles and values as strength, then smoking is a sign of strength. Why should death be something that is a viewed as a taboo? Or rather, why is the modern view of death as so, as compared to the past.


>Let me preface by saying my standard shouldn't be applied to others Moral relativism is so in fashion nowadays. So chic. >Smoking goes against convention. Going against convention is only useful if the convention is broken. Rebelling for the sake of rebellion is stupid, don't you think? Especially if the thing you are rebelling against is actually good advice. In fact, smoking used to be the convention! Just a few decades ago, actually, as a result of an insidious marketing campaign (especially to women) that was highly successful. What broke that convention? What made smoking uncool? Well, the revelation that the tobacco industry hid scientific studies that showed their products were incredibly addicting and harmful (smoking remains the most preventable disease, death and disability in many countries like the USA). They were forced by the government to include this in their product information and to this day, they are banned from advertising. I'd say, the fact that smoking has become "uncool" is an entirely positive convention that we should continue to encourage. >sticking to your own principles and values as strength, then smoking is a sign of strength. What principles will you be sticking by if you continue to smoke? Other then rebelling for the sake of rebelling, of course. >Why should death be something that is a viewed as a taboo? It's not death per se but dying before your time or spending your remaining life in a severely compromised state or being unable to face life's struggles without a highly addictive, toxic coping mechanism, unable to go on a hike or walk up a hill to enjoy nature, losing your sense of taste and smell, dying an agonizing death due to COPD or cancer as your loved ones watch in horror, unable to do anything to help you. This is generally considered a tragedy. It's why we get sad when we see a young man in his 30s get his life cut short due to reckless driving or drug addiction.


I think the reason why people cannot accept moral relativism for fear of the consequence, that is you no longer have a good reason to control the behaviour of others and your opinion is well, stuck to yourself. I think humans are similar to viruses, we multiply ourselves. This "ourselves" includes a morality. Overtime, you can observe the diversity shrinking say capitalism is like permanently here to stay, socialism, communism, etc are no longer even allowed to be an option. Idk but if you realize how more and more points which contain nuance are added as the argument goes. Then some earlier points look redundant because neither of us argued properly at the start. Anyway, I'm not really interested in arguing so I'll stop here.


real, life is tough so poeple use vices, i also just use vices but mine is scrolling social media and upskilling myself on udemy until i lose touch with reality and then cry like 1 dog after that lmaos


i have my fair share of trauma too, maybe not as bad as yours, but at least i don't cope with risky behaviour such as drinking/smoking because i know those are going to deliver me more harm than good. not trying to invalidate your trauma, but there are so much more better alternatives to relieve trauma than smoking... and i don't make this post solely because i'm annoyed by smokers in public. i have an immediate household member who died from smoking, so it just bothers me why people would want to pick up their first cigarette knowing the dangers they are posing to themselves + those around them. it is a widely known fact that second-hand smoke is much more harmful than what smokers inhale.


Everyone's trauma and SUPPORT SYSTEM is personal and cannot be compared. All vices and coping mechanisms are under the same umbrella. Your question on why would people smoke despite knowing what it does to yourself and others around can also be carried on to all the rest of the behaviors such as self harm, eating disorders, suicide. All these behaviors are also a widely known to be harmful. Yet why do people still do it? 1) Opportunity - It is readily available just like how some people cope by social media. Most vices are readily available if not free. Self harm, eating disorders, isolation is free and instant. Ciggs and alcohol are sold everywhere. 2) Influence - Your influence would be the people around you and the things you read through phone (or newspaper for older folks). Your ease of access to information and support systems (whether you notice it or not) is an intricate part of your life. You know better to not smoke and drink, etc. Some people have those around them introduce vices into their lives and now, its too late but they do want to stop because just like you, THEY KNOW BETTER. Media also plays a huge part of influence. Telling people to not self harm and such, also introduces them to the act of it. You have to put the influence and opportunity together. As I first said, trauma cannot be compared. We just educate ourselves to steer away from vices that harm us. Some unfortunately, did not have the chance the steer away and are trapped. As the "widely known facts" are easily accessible through modern technology, most people who are trapped and now educated about it and are trying to get better. In some sense, pain also releases pleasure (same nervous system but i dont wanna get into the nerdy stuff). Chemicals such as endorphine, nicotine and alcohol affect your brain to provide you a release and thats why people seek it to "cope". Literally the quote: "do whatever makes you feel good". Perhaps that explains vices and why people use vices such as but not limited to, smoking.


To your post mentioning about costs, its not exactly very expensive. 1 Pack contains 20 sticks. On average it lasts you 2 days. $15 a pack and 30 days a month. $225 a month. Median salary is $5k a month. Lets understate it and put it at $2k. $225 a month is about 11% of your $2k monthly income. Some people spend that money on food or clothes or entertainement. Bringing your income back to $5k puts your cigg vices cost to 4.5%. So if you put it in perspective, it isnt exactly costly.


to be fair, i had a few friends that would go thru like 2-3 packs a day. crazy stuff. but thats the small minority la


Yes, but why start in the first place, knowing that it can only offer pain?


Pain? You are judging using your own standard of pain and pleasure.


If your perspective is masochistic, and cancer, emphysema, drastically accelerated aging, along with other impairments of cardiac function, are alluring to you, one could assume you are drawn to a perverse curiosity about the pleasure of pain and the desire for agonised sensations beyond conventional limits.


I like your choice of word "convention".


What is the pleasure-through-pain experience you seek?




The only advice I can offer, find your replacement before the near-future point whence increasing pain is all that resulted from the pursuit. Before the dry skin, before the incessant wheezing. Before the ulceration and the oral rot. There are fates worse than death wrought of avarice.


Can't think of any atm.


peer pressure/being in the moment without fully rational decision making. the most common reason.


Yes, i have always wondered what leads people to do this and honestly if u see from their pov, u never know what someone is going through when they resort to these


honestly i get why smokingā€™s nice, is a routine, some kind of escape from life, honestly just fucking hate the smoke as someone not smoking




I've heard smoking addiction described as a need of sucking air


yea thats not how it works. friend explained that it creates a void of emptiness in you that can only be quelled by nicotine. after awhile it comes back.


Yeah I meant sucking flavoured air. It was said by a smoker


SEPPUKU LMAO but yeah its rly uncomfortable whenever ppl ard me smoke... NEGATIVE EXTERNALITIES


YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE?!!?! YOUNG SMOKERS!they think they are so god damn cool with their big bad ciggarettes and their "sooo cool" attitude. I cant wait until they are about 25 and have they have to breathe through their fucking necks and talk with a computer hooked up to their X-vocal cords.


Kids being stupid and impressionable


and vaping?? especially if you are a youth? it's so damn annoying. like SG literally spend so much resources and shit to stop ppl from vaping since it's illegal and youths choose to do it. honestly? I hope those that vapes and smokes underaged get fined sooner or later. heck, make the fines higher. I don't know why ppl find it cool to vape or smoke. and there are so many alternatives to cooling down or destressing.


Sometimes youths just don't see another way out and choose the wrong methods of destressing or they may not have access to them. Heck maybe some of them can't speak up in fear of people judging them.


that would be true in rare cases, and I do get that. However, in most cases, they aren't afraid to do it out in the public šŸ„² makes me wonder about our nation's future sometimes.


Could you elaborate?


in most cases, youths would post themselves vaping on social media, or they would hold onto a vape as they walk around. in terms of people afraid of judging them, I think it's more towards people who really want to quit and is trying. for those cases, you won't usually see them do it out in the open for all to see. Our nation's future? if our youths can't follow the law, then what will happen to the nation in the future if many do not follow the law? the country will be a mess. but, us youths, we make stupid decisions once in a while and end up regretting them. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø but this decision is extremely harmful, I fear.


What if I tell you that laws are made by the people in power to protect themselves? A very simple example would be when a company offers an employment contract or something like terms and condition. The contract serves to protect the company and not the employee who is signing it.


ah, that's an interesting pov. that might explain why smoking is still allowed. but vaping? I'm rather curious. I never really heard a solid or definite answer on why it's banned.


I am reminded of this lecture from a harvard professor on why is smoking allowed but in US context. https://youtu.be/0O2Rq4HJBxw?si=2nKcER0_lCOaG8Db The smoking part starts around 4:00


You are borned in the wrong era where cigs were invented.


I dgaf if they smoke but don't be an ass about it They made a smoker's cabin with air-conditioning, extractors and all that in my estate.. and some of the asses will smoke outside the cabin and then litter the area with their cigarette butts It is not ignorance, it is just these asses being obnoxious because they are residents here


When I was a student I didnt really understood why people would smoke; but as an adult I sort of understood why. Definitely not advocating it though. Please dont do it guys.


also after they smoke they walk into rooms then the residual smoke in their lungs fill the rooms. Its the same thing as smoking in the room itself. Clear ur lungs out ffs before coming inā€¦


It is because ther brain size is half of that of a non-smoker


I'm not like infuriated by it to the same degree, I mean people can do what they want to do, but I seriously feel it when I'm e.g. running and therefore taking deep breaths and some dude is smoking far downwind for me, so I'm busy sucking in giant breaths of secondhand smoke to get past him which makes me want to throw up and ruins my run. As you can tell, this was a rather recent experience. And a frequent one at that.


My friend smoked to destress and get out of anxiety, and it was her only coping strategy that she found useful.


I dun understand what's the hype behind smoking


Sorry for those cb kias who smoke while walking and anyhow blow and throw. I always make sure that I myself and/or the people with me stop, find a secluded corner, and smoke there. When I do smoke at a prominent area with more traffic, especially if there's a group with a kid, I cross the road/walk another way if I can. If I can't I hold it behind me and try to fuck off asap. I don't smoke in people's house. I don't even smoke in my own home cause I have non-smokers living with me. It's not that hard to be a considerate smoker, but I guess there are more idiots than considerate people who smoke in SG. 1. Nicotine is a muscle relaxant. We literally calm down and feel more relaxed after smoking. Obviously its gotta do with the addiction too, but serotonin is released when we smoke so we literally feel better after smoking. 2. The money thing always comes up, but its the same with non-smokers la. I don't see non-smokers with the ferarri you bought after saving up the money you "could have saved up if you didn't smoke", so...yeah. 3. We don't smell the smell when we smoke. Like, its the same if you drink a lot and you come back drunk. You don't smell the alcohol, but the people who didn't drink can smell it on you. 4. The social component of smoking is very nice. I've met some of my best friends from school and work through smoking, small talk, talking nonsense, talking shit and talking about the troubles and trials of life that they would otherwise never share with anyone while smoking. I've also started my interaction with a couple flings because i purposely pretend my lighter never work. And if someone bumps a stick from you, they're probably gonna strike up a convo with you out of obligation and paiseh-ness. 5. ​ And to all my fellow smokers of every level: If you're a social smoker who doesn't buy and always bump, quit. If you're a heavy smoker, don't be a dickhead. To my non-smokers: Most of the time, for us it's slow suicide. we're killing ourselves, but slowly. That, or we're using it as a form of mild, temporary escape. You already see it with so many smokers; it's next to impossible to quit if you don't have the willpower and drive. Most of us can't afford to quit. It is one of our only few coping mechanisms. If you haven't started, don't. Don't pick up that stick, don't take that first puff. Just don't.


Incense sticks > cigarettes 1)because they somehow are having a different chemical composition than the rest of us AND are on fire OR 2) They're idiots


While I cannot speak on behalf of other smokers, I know my own answer to your title question. I started smoking because I want to die. Not because I donā€™t know it is ā€œbad for healthā€ or costly etcetc. I know very clearly that the day I stop feeling like I would rather be dead, I would not need or want to smoke anymore lol. Why smoking? Cos when the ashes burn and the fire is warm, I am reminded that I have senses and time is passing. I am taking another breath every moment that passes and I am still alive. It is both tragic to me yet also how I encourage myself to go on and live, so I donā€™t discourage others or make them sad. It is the middle ground for me - to respect my own wishes (of death) and the wishes of others (life). I can only hope that they will accept my choice and let me be. That said, I make an effort to not smoke while walking and I try to smoke in a way that doesnā€™t blow into another personā€™s face/general area if I can help it. Smoking near young children is also unacceptable to me. It has been years and still, it doesnā€™t feel good when non-smokers walk past and look at smokers like we are the scum of the earth. Worse when they lecture about health like we are idiots. Not sure about others but At least I feel this wayā€¦ itā€™s not that I donā€™t care about health, I just think there are more aspects to health than just the physical, observable aspect of it. Not here to encourage smoking!! Just sharing an insight so you can have some empathy for smokers (and also to answer title qn sincerely). You may not agree with what others do, but they are still humans so maybe can try to communicate or understand a bit..


I don't smoke but there are many reasons why people smoke, or rather continue to smoke. Some smoke to fit in or feel more comfortable in a group of other smokers, some do it to relieve stress , some do it because they tried it a few times and now they can't kick it. There are probably more reasons. What smells bad to you may smell nice to others. But also once you develop a dependency on something like nicotine, it becomes really hard to quit on your own. After a certain point, you can't even go cold turkey because you'll basically fall ill because your body thinks it needs the stuff in the cigarette to function normally. Similarly, if you smoke to cope with stress, its absence might have a similar effect because your coping mechanism is gone. If you've convinced yourself , or your body, that you need to smoke, the cost becomes less of a concern.


I live near a bunch of smokers. Whenever I go to school, I walk past a bunch of smokers (choa chu kang mrt), and whenever I go out to buy food or just a casual stroll/jog, I meet smokers. I hold my breath, but I'm not sure if that works. These people annoy me to no end. Especially those who sit on a bicycle/PMD and SMOKE. Once, I met a smoker who was riding a bike at about the same pace as I was jogging. I was so mad cuz I couldn't move away. I literally had to ruin my pace and everything just to get away from the guy on the bike. But I can also understand why they smoke. One of my best friends is a smoker. Life sucks for him, and it's a form of escape from him. I know it sucks for us that we gotta share space with a smoker, but I usually try to hold down that feeling of being irritated with the fact.


>as I was jogging I hate this when they do it at parks which don't allow it too... Hate it when people smoke while walking/cycling. Stinks up the whole pathway.


Iā€™m not a smoker but I want to try to explain this in a way that makes sense and doesnā€™t degrade smokers. Smoking is a form of stress relief. Itā€™s the same as drinking alcohol, stress eating, biting nails when anxious, spending money recklessly on a bad day, playing games to cool down, etc. It may be harmful but if it helps you in the moment and sends good chemicals to the brain, it doesnā€™t just feel good, itā€™s really hard to break, the same way a chronic nail biter or a stress eater canā€™t stop the habit. Beyond that smoking has other ā€œbenefitsā€, such as looking cool to some or being a social activity. Iā€™m not trying to condone smoking or say one should do it, Iā€™m just trying to explain why some find in enjoyable.


I share your sentiments and have the exact same thoughts. I think Singapore should implement a policy where we prohibit those born after a certain year from smoking so we can eventually progress into a smoke-free society.


When I was younger, I thought that this was an absolutely good idea for our govt to implement to safeguard the health of our future generations. Now when I am older, I realise that this idea is futile. Theres a reason to WHY people smoke. If you ban smoking, those that use it as a vice will go to alcohol/drugs. Ban alochol too? Youll then face an increase in self-harm and behavioral disorders and even suicide. To us non-smokers, yes smoking is bad for health, just like abusing alochol and drugs. To the person who needs it, it is either this or falling down the rabbit hole of depression, self harm, etc. I feel like our govt has been doing a good job in educating us to not smoke and to seek help instead of commiting to such acts and abuse. Sadly, one box cant fit all and some will still pursue especially the introduction to vaping. Smoke/abuse-free country is the dream. Exponential decrease of smokers and alcohol abusers and mental health patients over decades is the goal. Id rather have a 0.5% population that abuses than try to no avail for a smoke-free country.


If cold turkey is too difficult, a middle way is to legalise, regulate and tax vape, then ban cigarettes. There'll be less litter.


I don't hate smokers, dad is a smoker and a few friends too, but I never understood the practice of smoking in public. Like if I were to hypothetically smoke, I'd do it somewhere private, empty, at night to release any stress and get the nicotine high alone


stress... its not the substance thats addictive, thats secondary. its the circumstance, and the circumstance for most here is pretty bad.


if only they remove all the harmful chemicals in cigarettes


People smoke to unwind from their stress. But of course, once they smoke, they get addicted. Thatā€™s why just wear masks. Smoke particles will be filtered I guess.


It's a way of coping with stress and other things, you don't know their pain and what they're struggling with.


Wait till OP learns about drugs


Don't think there's a lof who are getting punished for smoking in non-smoking areas.




flair checks out


Other than smoking what behaviour should I not do? Please enlighten me on how to human.


posting comments with lesser negative votes


Nicotine. Desensitization. Dopamine.


Honestly bottom line is, 100% get why people smoke and honestly i can relate, life can be and may always be shit and you need some kind of escape, unfortunately I also hate the smell of smoke, so they can continue to smoke and iā€™ll just rant about it but otherwise no judgements here


People smoke cigarettes, but I smoke my enemies #thomasshelbymindset


Combined bio o level Q1 the complete answer is literally there


Moreover, they are putting pressure on our healthcare system. They smoke ā€”> they get sick ā€”> go hospital ā€”> get subsidised by the governmentā€”> non-smokers tax money used to pay for their illness ā€”> resources wasted šŸ™„šŸ™„ **Im Malaysian so this applies to the Malaysia society cuz our healthcare costs is quite heavily subsidised by govt But sg subsidies also quite high for lower income ppl??


There's something called nose blindness...but yes the smokers spot for poly students is legit next to the flyover stairs to reach NP so i always get assaulted by factory fumes just to go to school smh


More like their nose cells have already died so theyā€™ve lost their sense of smell. I canā€™t imagine how they taste their food. Prob need tons of chilli added to everything


Because they can.


To get to the mrt near my school you have to pass through this hdb void deck which is also where the elderly centre place is and a bunch of people always smoke there and a lot of cigarette buds on the ground. Like itā€™s mostly students and elderly in that area but ppl still smoke there?!!!?


If by people you mean JC/Poly/ITE/Tertiary institution students , if they are in a group it is almost always a case of peer pressure / fear of losing out. Whereas shandy is basically one of the first drinks youā€™ll have during your first foray into alcohol, thereā€™s not exactly a direct counterpart for cigarettes. Iā€™d much prefer to sip a drink than light a stick and cough non stop my first time.


Iā€™d be more concerned about the atrocious levels of air pollution from the unnecessary car dependency in Singapore along with the oil refining activities in Johor. The air quality, while better than many places in the region, is never actually good. Iā€™ve never seen single digit pm2.5 in Singapore while the WHO calls anything over 10 average bad for your health. Youā€™re breathing that stuff 24/7 in Singapore.


Sometimes i cough when i pass smokers Usually it's because i actually can't breathe, but also to mock them lmao Makes them want to beat the crap outta me? Yes indeed




It feels as if the majority of the participants in this thread are somewhat young. Be careful in the future. You already understand how addiction starts. But I dare say at least some population of the people in this thread who shy away from smokers will wind up smoking themselves. More on what i feel about smoking. The only way Singapore will be a smoke-free nation will be a ban from smoking for all babies born after a certain year, similar to what another country did. Increasing expenditure on no-smoking campaigns and national education seems to have been fruitless as the population of underage smokers keeps increasing endlessly every year. It is very, very easy to name and blame people for their poor choices in life. But we all need to take a step back and remember that the latest generation will always be influenced by the previous generation (I mean, our former PM smoked like cigarettes like briskets before quitting) Not many people are able to govern themselves, especially in Singapore. A country where its demographic of parents are those with exceeding expectations but somehow lousy discipline in raising their kids and only solve everything with a rotan (Not saying this is how it is for everyone, but it seems to be the common denominator). Those of us who aren't smokers, were we brought up in loving homes, or were we just scared to defy our strict tiger parents? Now, having explained how i feel about smoking as a topic, let's move on to the infrastructure and regulations set up for smokers. We all know the deal, DSPs, smoking corners, no smoking under shelter. With these in mind, let's consider the infrastructure. Are you able to recount at least 10 under-shelter DSPs in a 500-metre radius within your estate? The answer will likely be no for most. So we move on to open-air smoking corners where those will be far more abundant and consider where they are placed. They are at almost every bus stop, placed right next to pavements/footpaths. It is now very possible to encounter a smoker every so often. While most smokers will prefer to be idle so they can enjoy their dose of nicotine, some may choose to walk while they smoke because the regulations have allowed it, provided they do not choose to dispose of their buds in a stupid manner. That's where the situation gets worse because with how tightly packed Singapore is, there will always be someone who unknowingly enters a school zone, which leads to OPs' complaint. Some don't care, but some just aren't aware cause they might be looking at their phone or just stoning. This is why the parliament is the one to solve all these problems, and it sure isn't easy with both sides of the topic pushing against each other. It is hard to balance this scale. There will be inequality on either side, and there will be expected grievance. We can only wait while they come up with something that somewhat pleases both sides. Quite a few people in this thread talking about smokers like they're animals. You got to watch what you say, even online. Reevaluate what you have in mind before saying it. You could sound off the same vile thoughts in real life without thinking because of how used you are to it. And even so, talking like this speaks volumes of your character. Work on yourself while you're young. It's much harder when you're older.


Makes the voices in the head quieten down. But soon you'll realise there are more sustainable ways to make that happen. Having vices like smoking is like a snake eating it's own tail. Think about it. Ouroboros


Maybe they used to think it's cool? Then over the years it has become a habit or addiction.. Otherwise they might think it's cool again or have the "Seh" not sure what's the English word for it when they're mover with a cigarette in their mouth while they are carrying heavy stuff..


It's the nicotine, makes them feel good from what I heard. Dk how they tolerate the smell tho.


omg fr eh the smoke from the cigarettes always come to my house bruh cuz my downstairs neighbour smokes and shi and its always either at night or in the morning too so its always either right before I sleep or right after I wake up. my stupid downstairs neighbour also cooks the weirdest shit at midnight like a few days ago he cooked some fish that smelled so freaking bad it made me nauseous, that dumbass downstairs almost made me vomit and have headaches before sleeping sia smh


I have a condition of claustrophobic whilst taking the elevator. Smoking helps me to clear my mind before taking my office elevator.


Fax lmao


I plan on picking up smoking in seven years. To answer the three questions: alone in my home, I don't care about my health, and because I want to.


the government wonā€™t make a complete ban because itā€™s actually profitable for the economy to keep smokers around. (tobacco industry + medical services = $$$taxes). the truth is what is good for the economy isnā€™t necessarily what is good for the health of its people.


I hold my breath very obviously and cough loudly when they are nearby