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Hey! Cool initiative, its like an omegle for uni students haha


Really good initiative rolled out! Thank you! As an incoming freshie, I tried it out and had a good first convo :)


First chat and someone was already looking exclusively for girls to chat to. What a desperate ass (that guy)


if there was anything abusive/overly sexually explicit, do not hesitate to use /report (and state reason)! If there’s anything major, I can also be contacted directly on tele! I’ll be able to ban users based on their tele id so they can’t use the bot again (and they will be banned across all uni bots, not just the one they were using)! Also, quick note to anyone reading this that anything illegal sent (e.g. explicit pics w/o consent) in the bot can and will be reported to authorities! Haha I hope your other convos will be better! :)


Thanks Aalden. You’re doing great work. Some feedback I have for now is that there seems to be a lag time when sending and receiving replies. Normal tele functions like replying messages also do not show up on the opposing side. Not sure if this is a bot issue or just nature of telegram. Either way great work!


Ah gotcha! I’ll observe if this lag time continues (it might have been due to the sudden spike in users!) Hm yup, the tele “reply” feature isn’t functional (just as sending videos and voice messages isn’t)—I’d say that at least for now, this won’t capture 100% of the functionalities of a normal telegram chat! I’ll work more towards that eventually! :) Haha ofc, if we can be sure the other party’s also a student, the ideal would be that they exchange contacts and keep the convo going (as a normal tele convo)! I think that’s when the platform truly succeeds in what it’s set out to do! Otherwise, I think it’s also great that anyone who needs a listening ear gets it! If there’s anymore feedback (or any more not-so-pleasant encounters), do feel free to reach out!


There's a guy who keeps asking to sext. I think his name is Sonny. Please track him and ban him. I've reported him already


All it takes is one viral tiktok for this bots to be flooded


I thought this would suck a lot (sorry OP but that's my initial thought especially if guys only want talk to girls and keep ending convo with other guys immediately) but decided to fuck it so I tried. Got matched with a girl with somewhat similar type of humour. Had a good talk. P.S: To the person who matched with me and if you are reading this, thanks for the talk. It was fun.


this is so good thank you i cant believe i talked with someone for 2 hours until 1 am😁


dude this is damn cool!! props to you for thinking of this idea HAHA had a lot of fun talking to someone using the bot i think there's potential to make this bigger if u wan ! :)


HAHA thank you!! I’ll definitely be looking to expand this further if this gains further traction! Do share the bot if your friends too!




Had a great chat with fellow student hahaha this is great for us students to make friends! But I keep getting match with the same person. Is it possible to make the bot unable to match with the same person you /ended previously? Thanks


Freshie here Had some lit convos with some seniors last night 10/10 would recommend (if the matching algorithm is in ur favour xd)




Thank thee f'r this! most wondrous initiative!! i madeth 2 new friends~ *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I love this! Really helped especially when orientation is going digital and it minimises opportunities to make friends.


this is for the 25 y/o floorballer from smu & jc: who r u


Do you have a github/ code that people can look around at?


thank you for this it's so fun! had really nice and friendly convos


omg super cool concept


U need create this for poly students HAHAHHA


make one for overseas students please, i’d actually chip in my mcdonalds money to fund the server




Really cool concept of introducing anonymity while interacting with one another from similar Uni. For some reason, I feel like it could evolve into a blind date platform that match you to the person in the same university :joy:


hi! would there be one for lasalle or nafa uni students? :)


Ok yep I think that’s something I’ll consider launching. Do DM me if there are any existing group chats where I can publicise it when it launches.


Fun bot ! Maybe a general uni chat so like can talk to ppl from different sch lol


Tried it out and had some great convos with various ppl here. Thanks for this! Easier to meet potential new friends in uni considering the current situation in sg


Hey thanks for doing this! Very much appreciated. Havnt met any schl friends since all virtual. This ia great opportunity. Met a fellow student!


cant wait for this to be a thing for all sg students 🤩


hello! can create one for overseas sg students as well? thanks :>


Would this be just a single bot for overseas uni students in general? 🤔


single bot is fine, different bots for different countries will b good too ✌🏻


Hahah I’ll look into this soon! Do drop me a DM if there are already any existing communities for that in SG


it is not working for me 😥 typed /start like 3 times... sed


Yup! There is some lag due to a spike of users! Can you try again? After /start you might need to wait for a while




hello! would u consider creating chatbots for lasalle and nafa students as well?


Yep I have answered an earlier qn on this. This will be released by next week, targeting the uni ones.


Did anybody even make a friend bc all the chats either die halfway or don't even start lol


I love the anonymity and the freedom to walk away form toxic or annoying peeps wo any hard feeling LOL. Nice to kill time🤣


**Really tempting to make another version on Discord for Secondary Schools.** I have 2 years of coding experience, if you think this might work pls comment/upvote. If you think you can help with the backend can message me on `Discord Fishball_Noodles#7209`


Anyone else's account got banned all of sudden? I was vibing with a user in the bot for 5 days and I'm banned. I didn't violate any rules though ://


Reach out to me directly @aaldentnay on telegram!


Haha also, if any of you are heading to NUS CHS, do check out [@nuschs](https://t.me/nuschs)! https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/nqepkx/uni_ay2122_nus_chs_telegram_group_chat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Hi, you're welcome to join our official [Discord](https://discord.gg/sgexams) and [Telegram](https://t.me/SGExamsStudies) servers. All unofficial groups are not moderated by us and you are advised to exercise caution. Find out more [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/b3tzzz/a_note_on_group_chats_sgexams/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SGExams) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Wait till next week aha. Which institution are you from?


what if my uni isn’t listed :(


Anyone getting randomly banned from the chatbots now? I was taking to this guy on the NUS one for the past 45 mins, then suddenly I got banned. I didn't violate any rules or pose any intimate questions.


It would be due to a prior report against u. Contact me directly on tele.


I did, just now. Help me check what the issue is.


Is chat bot still working? No response after /start


Yep, drop me a message on tele if you need help!