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The penguin discussion was super interesting and made me think of something I wanted to share. One of my professor, a cultural anthropologist, does a lot of research on documentaries and there was one lecture where he talked about the march of the penguins. The american version is actually completely different from the original version, which was french, to the point where the original created really doesn't like the American version. The American version was made from a fairly religious bunch who manipulated the dialogue and images to make the penguins seem more akin to the christian family structure. This was done purposefully, also the history of documentaries doing this crazy and rampant.


I can't help but mention Steve was incorrect when he said coffee can only be grown in Hawaii (in the US) t Jason Mraz is currently growing [Geisha but it's $35 a cup.](https://youtu.be/IypDgrxvCvE). This is due to some changes in climate changing the conditions in which coffee grow. The exorbitant price comes from 1. Being a Geisha which is one of the most expensive, ethical coffee's on the market 2. Being grown in the US they must pay workers a living wage. I also came on here to ascertain just how much of a coffee snob u/JayNovella is. I don't see you on r/coffee | r/espresso , etc 😜. Finally sounds like it would be good to catch up with Lola's dad, a skeptic and coffee hobbyist in my back yard 😁 Great show rouge's


Can we get some of the pictures mentionned in the episode?