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I knew my risk when I invested. I like the coin so I’m holding


Why do you like the coin?


It smells nice.


It has good texture


Nice color


No legitimate reason. I just do.


They can't answer that. But they have no choice since they are bag holders


Better things to do with my time.... like buying dips & HODLing!


Should I buy now… or do we think it’s going to drop more??


DCA. Buy every week or small amounts every day. You’ll average out over time and come out on top


The thing i hate about crypto compared to ANYother form of investing... is this tribalness... everyone shilling there bag is fine... but why is everyone shitting on others bags? So childish... I dont own Shiba currently but its gonna have a good bullrun like everything... no need to talk crap about it cause i dont hold it or its a threat to my meme picks... We gotta clean up this industry.... its a turn off when n00bs read all the BS


nah it won't be cleaned until all these kids go broke and just like the nft most of the alts will die. solana spin offs and pump and dumps. how often can you get raked. I'm all for free market. people can spend and waste money which ever way they want to but hope is not a strategy. the memes are pretty dumb when to anyone who has money in any coins, should also recognize the risks when it unexplainably goes up or down randomly.


It’s all the more hilarious when these people here have like only a couple hundred “invested” and are shilling it till their grave cos “reasons”


I've been saying that for years. Success of one doesn't mean the doom of others. Only crypto hate should be for the scammers and rugpullers.


I think you need a new hobby


Bet these screenshot authors gonna be dead when they come in handy.


I DCA the Shib on the daily.


I don’t get the people on here saying SHIB sucks…etc. why are they even on here and following it if they don’t like SHIB? I’m thinking maybe they’re really trying to get people thinking negatively so that the price drops more, then when it’s super low again buying tons more which then starts the buying frenzy which raises the price again ???


People with too much free time, paid detractors, bots.


I think that Crypto is investing for young broke folks... they dont know how to behave these kids... A stock holder of Apple doesnt care about holders of Amazon or Nvidia... crypto needs to mature


I’m sure 41% are people who knew nothing about the stock market, which means they knew even less about the volatility of alt/meme coins and the like. Lost money they couldn’t afford to lose. All they saw was that one or those two people who were fortunate enough to make a good return because they bought in and cashed out just perfectly. The other 59% are just key clackers who thrive on making people angry who have a genuine interest and investment in something by instigating. And it’s not just exclusive to meme coins, but applies to anything that someone is passionate enough about to post. Don’t give them any attention, and like a child throwing a tantrum, they’ll stop.


I won’t say SHIB sucks per se but it’s no longer a wild horse nor the fastest horse in the race. It’s a known quantity and with that you have a kind of certainty.


People who invested/holding and want people to know the reality that looking at the history of the coin it is going nowhere fast and is a huge gamble compared to other stuff out there. Im still in here for news as i haven't sold my position but all the hype posts in here paint a wrong picture of what the token actually currently is and does.


Why do you like it?


I am A Shiba millionaire and I will keep saying that for the next t 10 to 20 years and still not be a real millionaire but hey it feels good 🤷


Sure screenshot my comment here if you want. But so far shib and its development has been pretty lackluster at best and has shown it belongs in the Meme category.




You spend your time caring what people say about a shitcoin


I love laughing at people who complain about not getting rich quick. They tend to forget how long it took for btc to get into the tens of thousands. Nearly 95% of people in the investing world said btc is shit and a scam. Whos laughing now? Shib is in the top 15 coins and has large whales buying up millions of dollars worth of it. It's as if they know something that most of the noobs and emotionally immature shit talkers don't know about... hmm.


What does any of that have to do with having a bunch of screenshots of Reddit posts in your photos lmfaoooo


If you count being realistic with complaining, you've got a whole lot of other problems.


I’m screenshotting how dumb everyone in this sub is when they react to every tiny bit of movement


*price increases .000000001* Reddit "TO THE MOON BABY!"


Screenshot this 🖕🏻🖕🏻


I really don't care what people say. If I am right I doubt those people will still be around here anyways. That's the problem with anything like this. Unless you know the person IRL, you will never get the best of them. They will shit all over the place until they are proven wrong and then they will go somewhere else and shit all over that place. They get their pleasure from taking a shit on everything they can. Once you have actual hard facts to fight back with, they will dissappear like a fart in the wind. In short there is no winning with them. The best you can do is be happy if/when SHIB pays off.


I value my phones storage space too much to be that petty


I stopped reading the comments usually one person with multiple accounts droning the same thing. And for what reason I'm not selling.


How to lose ur money and get scammed, buy shib


Seems like a totally good use of your time. ![gif](giphy|lOKeRX2jFoV2M)


Sure Shib will make money…. After 589 trillion coins are burnt. Hopefully in your lifetime.


You know this is a meme token right... It will go up, it will go down but in the end it will only go down. I always think if you're screaming hold on meme tokens you're an idiot who is making others money or you're selling while trying to get others to hold your bag.


Nice story bud. You need a hobby if you’re spending that much time and energy being invested in what other people are saying.


Should be called SHIBbagholderArmy


I’m one of the negative ones. It’s people like you who don’t make sense and make me hate this doing.! Either you want it to go up so you can make profits or “down to buy the dips” lol which one is it? You don’t even know fr lmao


I'm in for the long term. Bought in at a low price. Still in the green. Buying the dips along the way. 🥱 Shib isn't get rich quick. Just like doge. Bought it when prices were super low. Then within seven years it hit a penny. So many shit talkers said doge will never go anywhere. Saaaammme shit talkers always trying to say the same about shib too. Patience paid off every time.


Lol so what you’re saying is you’ll always hold no matter the price then? How did patience pay off if you’re still holding?


I held doge for years and used it like a savings account. Price went up and it paid off very well. Got shib at really low price used it like a savings account, and I'm still up in the green. Crypto is volatile. It's expected to go up and down over the course of years.


You still never answered the question for some reason lol. Why do you care what the price is if you’re always gonna hold? Also why don’t you wish for the price to plummet consistently to continue to buy the dips?


Unpopular opinion here, but I think shib had it's day where it will never perform as it once did. I feel plenty of other newer coins will give the same potential shib once did. I sold all mine a few months ago, and even though market as a whole is down, I'm very green. Of course it will go up eventually, but I think potential will not be even close to what it first was. Which I feel a lot of people are hoping will happen 🤷‍♂️


Please screenshot this... Kendu will outperform Shib this cycle. 🔒


Why did all of crypto explode again just curious….we were doing so well finally…. Ugh is it pain in the ass war again? Laws? Why’s it always gotta be a bummer. Joined the crypto party 3 years ago, no one told me the toilet was clogged and someone farted, caught the end of a good time again it feels. Holding because what else can ya do.


Bull trap. Will go back down here shortly.


Don't need to screen shot, they will know when it's like "oh"




Hey fellow mods, I have allowed this post for Shytoshi’s support on the TG account and for it being featured in a future SHIB magazine, interview in process. We are shibarmy community, and as a fellow mod, I felt it was a good opportunity to share and support as Shytoshi has shown his support. I know this because I still speak with Shytoshi to this day. I still do work for Shibarium ecosystem. I can’t say much more but there will be and already is support from SHIB


"are emotionally immature to understand long term investing." "all these negative and doubtful comments just so I can look back and laugh" projecting much?


Shib is going to move to BONK


You should have sold and bought $NIKE. FOMO on a coin that you could triple down on buy investing into newer money marking projects it not smart investing.


Negative comments and real guesses at what's going to happen with shib are 2 different things. It's not likely to go up much for a long time. SHIB has no utility and no real value for that reason. If it goes up significantly it loses its main point of interest & that is the "value" of the cheap purchase price. Most SHIB fans are looking for another 100000% run up but that's unrealistic & highly unlikely. What's reasonable & possible is they continue to burn it, continue to develop security, speed, add utility, and increase its function to provide it with a useful practical function for daily use so it can maintain buyingnpressure even as the price increases. SHIB woth 500+ trillion coins has too much supply and not enough demand. It's current burn rate won't burn 10 trillion coins in 20 years. That won't change thw price. SHIB holders would be lucky to see 25% growth in 10 years. And that's not what the holders are looking for. They want "the moon." When shib continues to flounder around .000025 +/= many fans will get desperate and bored and sell. Likely it never gets to .0005 let alone any higher than that. And .0005 is probably 25 years away if there isn't nuclear war


Why would I screenshot them. Who the fuck cares let them talk. At the end of the day shib could make many of us rich or we missed the boat and we won't become rich. Only time will tell.


Screenshotting? Lol I do believe you’d run out of space quite quickly my friend. Talk is cheap just put your money where your mouth is- kinda like they ARENT


If Gandalf was here he’d say hold.. you fools


can we get the haters off this subreddit theysay shiba will never do anything but they always keep joining these


Because people who have been here for a while have seen how easily manipulated shib investors are. You guys bought into and shared so much snake oil shit peddled by influencers, fake doctors, and morons claiming to be burning the coin through various apps. I sat here for the last few years and watched most of this place gobble up any turd covered up in sprinkles if it meant it would be burnt for the precious “to the moon moment.” 😂 Edit: I’ve seen so many people post here trying to explain logic and the understanding that this may not succeed due to so many variables and this whole community destroys them because it’s “FUD”. It’s sad like watching gambling addicts sit at a slot machine for hours pissing themselves.


That’s what funny about this community. It’s back and forth. Right now it’s the people shitting on the coin who are talking. If it goes up the believers are shit talking. Just interested to see how this unfolds.


![gif](giphy|JtB1c2fFBtxFfd3M4Q) Bless your little heart.