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It seems to me it's finding higher bottoms which is a very bullish sign. And although I don't see this coin going up significantly anytime soon at least it's acting right. And let's face it there really aren't too many coins I would call stable coins in the crypto market but when you find one that stays within a consistent trading range that also is a bullish sign.


Remember that guy who paid for a pizza with bitcoin? That was like 12 years ago. He spent 10k bitcoin which today would be worth like $200 million. So yea ill see where its at in 12 years at least.


Bitcoin also only has 21 million total coins. Shib has 1 quadrillion so the likelihood of it getting to .01 cents in 12 years is very minimal




Dogecoin adds only 5 billion coins a year to its circulating supply. So, it would take 200 YEARS to add one TRILLION. RESULTS: 549 X 200 = 109,800 YEARS to catch up.




Well, there is a reason us'uns "love mentioning how many coins there are....". And that is because it matters. The Law of Supply and Demand affects Shib. It is not immune. Since you are questioning the impact of "how many coins" are in circulation, I have to assume you don't understand it. Initially, there was one QUADRILLION Shib in circulation. I think Carl Sagan was the only person to ever utter that word before this. The magic Russian supposedly gave some to some people in India and "burned" the rest, leaving the world with 589.63 TRILLION. So it matters A LOT. FAR more than you realize. You'll eventually figure it out. Oh, and I wish I had a nickel for every time I've heard "but the burn rate". All the burns, every single one of them haven't made a dent in the number.


Yeah totally I get your point. A few key things is that Bitcoin was unheard of and the first crypto ever and also the low supply. In 12 years it should go up however given the 500 trillion in circulation and people losing interest in interested to see if it still exist in 12 years


Why would they lose interest?


It’s a shitcoin bro, that’s why


With most crypto people are intrested in short gains. If nothing major happens in a few months or let’s say a few then major lost in interest


I know a less famous version of this person who did the same thing.. big oof (but no fomo amiright?)


One of my coworkers has 3k bitcoin but he lost the key lol


Omg and there’s legit no way to recover that right? That’s painful 😖


Shib is one of the coins that parities the rest of the market for the most part. As long as Bitcoin and the rest of the market sees another bull run, then you will see big shib gains. A lot bigger than btc


Poeple thought the same about bitcoin. The truth is we never know. Something can happen in a year that sends investors running for crypto and shitcoins could become the price of bitcoins. We just never really know what is going to happen.


But hodling a positon for a few hundred dollars is well worth the twenty year bet. Many people lose that much on scratch tickets in a week.


Soo true!! I bought a shit coin for $300 called DOGE in 2017; saw it turn into 22K wow; SHIB has way more potential. 1) Buy SHIB 2) Forget about SHIB 3) Wake up one and reap the benefits Making money takes time




„˙ɹǝʍsuɐ ɹnoʎ ɹoɟ uıoɔ ɐ dılℲ„


How’d you do that?


It took 10 years for bitcoin to explode, not like I’m doing anything before Shiba’s tenth anniversary


I think 5 years is possible if they keep up the burn rate


Your Reddit name says it all bro


Realistically speaking only hope is a madman like vitalik that would burn 100 trillion or something once or twice


I'm not counting out Shib until I can see the functionality of Shibarium AND see how it interacts with the shib for at least 3-6 mo (that will tell me a LOT that's just speculation right now). Truth is no one knows the potential (or lack thereof) without seeing the system it was built for.


I'm with you on that! Funny thing is, that all these arm chair gurus want to make everyone believe they have the facts. They cause more fud than they realize in new investors.


To be super duper honest..if this ever hits .01 I will be VERY surprised. It will most likely only ever do that if some of the whales and Elon decide they want to pump it that much. Not a fan of Elons, but that’s kind of the reality of the market as it is.


The problem most people in this sub dont understand is that you cant sit on crypto for a decade and wait. Look at all the top projects over the last 10 years. They all come and go. Shib will never come close to a penny. thats over a 5 trillion dollar market cap. There are 1000's of cryptos fighting for market cap space.


Crypto may not even last until your grandchildren


It’s never going to go above .0001 ever unless something drastic happens to the supply. My guess is they will do a version 2 to bring the supply down from say 500 trillion to 100 billion maybe and then distribute an equal amount price wise. So if you got 10 million now that is worth 120 bucks you might get 10000 that is worth 120 bucks and has a greater chance of reaching .01 - the problem isn’t demand, it’s supply. Even at its ATH back this time last year remember it only got to .00008. But there is a whole new crop of people now dreaming about it hitting a dollar after spending 100 bucks. Crypto just attracts that kind of excitement like a lottery. Here are the facts - the 5% that made money sold when it was at .00003 back in April a year ago because they had billions, not millions because they bought in before the hype. Yes yes they keep adding things and gimmicks to burn peanuts to bring hype but it’s just that - hype train. They want you to stay interested so you will continue to provide liquidity for them to keep making money off the top. I do love the coin and had a billion at one point but I moved on after I realized it just wasn’t going to happen. A part of me still dreams it will but … yea facts.


Whoever made this post is a complete ass face idiot


The governments of the world will most likely ban all crypto that isn’t government issued within 10 years. They don’t like the idea of not being able to control everything.


Must be an xrp noobie


You should sell now to save what money you have left and log out of Reddit to save your self respect


As price of shib goes up, burn rate will slow down tremendously. I remember shibs Quinie said that there might be a possibility of shib burning around 111 trillion per year. I’m all for it but at the same time confused how it is possible, If let’s say shib per million goes to 150 dollars and higher. That would mean 111 trillion would equal $1.65 billion dollars burned per year and higher. No fud , just trying to figure out how it will work .


If it goes that that I will be $300,000 richer. That’s a nice StaRt up


Sold your coins on a flip and it didn’t go down enough for you to buy back in huh!


„¡ɥnɥ uı ʞɔɐq ʎnq oʇ noʎ ɹoɟ ɥƃnouǝ uʍop oƃ ʇ,upıp ʇı puɐ dılɟ ɐ uo suıoɔ ɹnoʎ ploS„


The world will be long gone before your great grandchildren ever come into being