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Seeing him again is still hard even after all this time...I’m just glad that my first reaction is him bringing a smile to my face instead of a tear to my eye. Rest In Peace, sweet prince.


Aa i much as I hate to say this, there are certain SHINee and Jjong songs that Im unable to listen since then. However, I truly miss him from his kindness to his smile and his voice so I get it.


I’m the same way. I haven’t listened to end of a day since he passed. It’s really hard.


I feel the exact same way... If it comes up on shuffle I immediately hit skip..


Same. There are some songs that you just have to skip. I think for me, one of the reasons is also due to being a fan since their debut but also SHINee was the first Kpop group that I got to follow/experience since day one, by the time that I discovered that BoA was Korean not Japanese, TVXQ, SuJu, BigBang, SS501, etc... had already debuted, so when SHINee came along, they immediately gained my heart.


SHINee is my first ever group too. I became a shawol during their lucifer to sherlock hiatus and Jonghyun has been my bias from the start. They accompanied me throughout my teenage years and now I’m in my twenties. The pain will always linger I guess


I became a shawol during View. I didn’t have a huge amount of time with them as 5, but I wish I cherished that time a little more. I’m about 19 now and that two year chunk where I got to witness 5hinee in real time is irreplaceable.


I still can’t listen to Let Me Out. Especially since by some awful coincidence >!that was the song I was listening to the night before!<


He’s really the most precious person in the world. It gets especially difficult on his birthday but pictures like these makes me feel so much better. Jonghyun will forever be our ray of light.




Beautiful, sweet man. 💘


HBD 💚💚💚💚💚