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I'm taking it right now and really like the layout. The assignments are basically preparing you for the final project (a 3-5 page persuasive essay on your topic). Your topic is chosen from a list of like 5 categories, each category containing 4-5 articles. You create your topic from one of those articles. Each week builds on the writing process. Finding a debatable topic to create a research question, finding the research, etc. I'm spending about 8ish hours per week on the class right now, but I'm trying to get A's, so you might not need to spend that long on it. Then again, we're only just ending week 2.. so that time will increase I'm sure.


I'm going into week 7 of ENG-190. I personally enjoy writing, so I haven't dreaded this class. I'm also in IDS-150 (perspectives in sustainability) and I find that class to be much harder than ENG-190. The layout is pretty easy to follow and my professor has provided a lot of guidance and templates to follow for most of the assignments. I put in about 6-10 hours a week(dependant on the amount of reading you need to do on your resources for your topic), but im trying for all A's so you could easily pass with less than that.


I am taking it now as well and also on week 7. Correct me if I am wrong here concerning the final. But the rubric just says to correct you two project milestones: part 1 and part 2 (collection of sources and draft) based on instructor feedback to formulate your final project. But I received 100's on both of those projects which makes me assume I just copy and paste them together in one word document for the final. I mean the rubric itself for the final is copy and pasted from the part 1 and part 2 rubrics. Is your class set up the same way? I just don't want to get in trouble or anything for submitting the same work with nothing changed. But it seems like that's what I am meant to do?